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Утевская Н.Л. - English Grammar Book. Ключи - 2011

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Exercise VII (p. 87)

1. Many years ago there was a library in this house. 2. Look at the little house with the green roof on that bank of the river. 3. They go to Poland soon. They think that they have to be in this country about a year. 4. He was in China some years ago but at that time he didn’t know the Chinese language yet. 5. These are my exercisebooks and those are yours. 6. I don’t want to call him now. He is always having dinner at that time. 7. Take these magazines on the table, but don’t take those magazines on the shelf. 8. How are these sentences called? 9. What colour is that wallpaper? 10. It was 1810. In those days there were no railways in our country. 11. This letter is from my elder brother whom I did not see for a year and a half. 12. All these problems have been discussed many times, but not one of them has been solved yet.

Interrogative Pronouns

Exercise IV (p. 89)

1. Who has left a dictionary on the table? 2. Who of them did you ask about it? 3. Who are you waiting here? 4. What floor do you live? 5. What will we write today: a dictation or grammar exercises? 6. Which month is the coldest in Moscow? 7. Which language do you know better: English or German? 8. What do you prefer: tea or coffee? 9. What were you speaking about when I met you? 10. Whom have you given your dictionary? 11. Which of these stories is the shortest? 12. What colour is this wallpaper? 13. Whose exercisebook is this? 14. What do you think about this question? 15. What is this young man? He is a student. 16. What do you want: cheese, butter or biscuits? 17. Who invented radio? 18. What magazines did you buy? 19. Who knows the address of our teacher? 20. Whom did you ask? 21. Who from our group wrote a dictation without any mistakes?

Relative Pronouns

Exercise III (p. 90)

1.It is my friend whom you saw at the cinema with me yesterday.

2.A passenger whose suitcase lay near him said that the place was occupied. 3. I haven’t yet checked a dictation which you wrote yesterday. 4. I don’t know anybody who lives in this flat. 5. It is that


dog that we saw at the circus. 6. The girl whom he told you about is my friend’s sister. 7. The student whom I lent my dictionary will bring it tomorrow morning. 8. It is the most interesting book which I have ever read on this theme. 9. We passed by the room the door of which was open. 10. He helped me to carry my suitcase: that was very kind of him. 11. In the forest there were already a lot of trees whose leaves were quite yellow. 12. Is it that book you are looking for? 13. The man whom we met in the corridor is the headmaster of our school. 14. He was the only student who wrote this dictation with some mistakes.

Exercise IV (p. 91)

1.The book which you gave me yesterday is very interesting.

2.What is the name of the man whom you have just spoken to?

3.This is the house in which I lived in my childhood. 4. He showed me a beautiful picture which he had bought not long ago. 5. Yesterday I met my old friend whom I didn’t recognize at once. 6. The man who has just called you asked to pass you something. 7. The address to which I wrote proved to be wrong. 8. He is one of the most interesting men whom I have ever met. 9. It is a letter from my elder brother whom I didn’t see a year and a half. 10. The wood of which this furniture is made is very hard. 11. The train from Moscow that must arrive at 5.30 is late.

Reflexive/Emphatic Pronouns

Exercise III (p. 95)

1. I will answer this letter myself. 2. He doesn’t like to speak about himself. 3. They wanted to do it themselves. 4. Your father was here himself. 5. He told us a lot about himself. 6. I will leave this book for myself. 7. She will bring you the book herself. 8. He went there and saw everything himself. 9. Let the children do their homework themselves. 10. If he is busy, I can go to the theatre myself. 11. When she was ready, she looked at the mirror at herself. 12. He often spoke to himself. 13. That evening they had to have dinner themselves. 14. They preferred to drink tea themselves, and after tea they played chess. 15. Return, my boy, and close the door. Doors are not closed themselves. 16. I can give you my photo myself. 17. Coffee was ready. She poured herself a cup and sat at table. 18. He was surprised at himself. 19. Don’t shave in the darkness. You can cut yourself. 20. He boldly defended himself.


Exercise IV (p. 95)

1. I will see him myself. 2. Then she wanted to do something herself. 3. That evening she was kindness herself. 4.There were such moments when he felt extremely sorry for himself. 5. He thinks too much about himself. 6. He reproached himself very much for his behaviour that evening. 7. He was displeased with himself. 8. They have done it not for themselves but for their friends. 9. A young man said nothing about himself, and we didn’t know even the name of our rescuer. 10. After the illness she is too weak to take care of herself. 11. We saw a beautiful forest lake in front of ourselves. 12. She wants to do it herself. 13. I am very much surprised that he behaved himself in such a way. 14. Don’t worry, I bring a letter to the post office myself. 15. He told us a lot about himself. 16. You see it yourself that you are wrong.

Reciprocal Pronouns

Exercise III (p. 96)

1. Pete and Lena love each other very much. 2. After school holidays the students were glad to see one another. 3. Everybody in our family helps one another. 4. These two brothers never saw each other. 5. They often quarrelled with each other. 6. They continued working helping each other. 7. Their eyes met for a second, and they understood the thoughts of each other. 8. They have known each other for two years. 9. They often see one another. 10. When they met again they recognized each other. 11. They accuse each other but, probably, they are both guilty. 12. They often visited one another. 13. We looked at one another with excitement. 14. Her children always helped one another. 15. Two people nodded each other.

Exercise IV (p. 97)

1. Though they lived in one and the same street they seldom saw each other. 2. The members of our family live in different towns; though we do not see one another for several years we often write letters to one another. 3. When the former classmates met, they did not recognize one another. 4. We must help one another. 5. The two friends looked at each other. 6. When the friends parted, they wrote down the telephone numbers of one another. Then they exchanged the photos of one another. 7. Mother and her son sat opposite each other. 8. They first saw each other some years ago. 9. The sisters looked like each other. 10. They kissed and embraced each other.


Indefinite and Negative Pronouns

Exercise VI (p. 102)

1. I see some note on our table. Has anybody come in? 2. To my mind there are some mistakes in the article. Haven’t you noticed? – I haven’t noticed anything for the time being. 3. I can’t tell you anything. Ask somebody else. 4. I don’t see anything suitable for me on the shop window. Can you show me something else? – Unfortunately I can’t offer you anything more now. Come any day next week. 5. Has he told you anything? And he has something to tell you: I think he has seen more than any of us for this period of time.

6.Nobody tells me anything. Perhaps, you will tell me something.

7.I see somebody’s wet umbrella in the hall. Has anybody come?

8.Will somebody from you give me their notes? 9. Take anybody’s notes and look through the lectures you missed. 10. I am too tired to busy myself with something serious. 11. Let’s meet some other day. On Wednesday I won’t have any time. 12. Is there any butter on the table? Yes, there is some. 13. If you have nothing to do, go for a walk.

14.We knew nobody at the party. 15. She saw nobody as it was dark in the room. 16. Nobody from the children has got up yet.

17.Today there are no mistakes in your dictation. 18. I will be in my study if you need something. 19. Did you manage to find articles on this problem? 20. Can we do something for you? 21. Father, are you free? I wish to tell you something. 22. Have you been proposed to read some interesting articles in this magazine?

Exercise VII (p. 103)

1.I went to the post office and bought some stamps and envelopes.

2.There are no illustrations in this magazine. 3. If you have any books on this problem, bring them, please. 4. Why hasn’t he brought me some water? I asked him to bring me some as I am very thirsty.

5.Somebody has left the door open. 6. Has anybody called me? 7. If you find something interesting in this magazine, send it to me, please.

9.Any of you can do this. 10. I have no time to go there. 11. If you have some spare time, watch this film. 12. Have you spoken to anybody about it? 13. He knows nothing about it. 14. You may find him here any day between 5 and 6 o’clock. 15. Can you give me some paper? I want to write a letter. 16. Are there any English magazines in our library? 17.Are there any questions to the reporter? 18. He will certainly answer any question. 19. I haven’t warned about it some of my friends yet. 20. Part of the work will be done tomorrow. 21. Can I play everything I want?


Exercise VIII (p. 103)

1. each; 2. every; 3. each; 4. each; 5. each; 6. every; 7. every; 8. each; 9. every; 10. every; 11. each; 12. each; 13. each; 14. every, every; 15. every; 16. each.

Exercise IX (p. 104)

1. every, each; 2. either, each; 3. either; 4. everybody, each; 5. everybody; 6. every; 7. every; 8. every; 9. each; 10. either; 11. every; 12. each; 13. each.

Exercise X (p. 104)

1. every; 2. each; 3. every; 4. all; 5. all; 6. each; 7. all; 8. every; 9. every; 10. all; 11. all; 12. every; 13. every; 14. all; 15. every.

Exercise XI (p. 104)

1. everything; 2. everybody; 3. everybody; 4. all; 5. everybody; 6. all; 7. everybody; 8. all; 9. all; 10. everything; 11. everybody; 12. all; 13. all; 14. everybody; 15. everything; 16. all; 17. everything.

Exercise XII (p. 105)

1. Every schoolboy knows the rules of street traffic. 2. She met him at the skating-rink every Saturday. 3. It is known that almost every child likes apples. We gave each girl and each boy an apple. 4. Every week I spent some days in the village. 5. He continued looking at the watch every five minutes. 6. They sent me two tickets to the Mariinsky Theatre. 7. Every student must know his duties. 8. Each of us had to fulfil his work in time. 9. When he was a student he went to the south every year. 10. He shook hands with each guest. 11. He visits us every Sunday. 12. We meet with our friends in the south every summer.

13.At the conference each was given a writing pad and a pen.

14.A teacher said that each of us must read this article attentively.

15.I remember every house in our street.

Exercise XV (p. 106)

1. This sheet of paper is too small. Give me another one. 2. I knocked at the door but nobody answered. I knocked another time. 3. On Monday I will be busy. Come some other day. 4. Some people like to skate, others prefer to ski. 5. Why are you alone, where are the others? 6. We got over the other bank of the river by boat. 7. I would like to see some other film. 8. Some our students stayed at university. All the others went on an excursion. 9. I saw my friend on the other side of the street and waved her with the hand. 10. I have got two sisters. One is


a schoolgirl, the other is a student. 11. Give me any other dictionary.

12.I have got only one glove in the pocket. Where is the other?

13.Will you have another cup of tea? 14. It is already late, don’t speak so loudly: mind other people.

Exercise XVII (p. 106)

1. One should be careful when bathing in the sea. 2. One never knows what may happen. 3. One must observe the rules of street traffic. 4. If one made a mistake, it should be corrected. 5. One may send a telegram over the phone. 6. One must always keep a word. 7. Before going somewhere, one should book a ticket. 8. One may find out the timetable of trains in the inquiry bureau. 9. One should have great patience if you work with children. 10. One should work hard wishing to achieve good results in the studies. 11. One should take into consideration the other opinion. 12. One can’t judge about the book without reading it up to the end.

Exercise XXI (p. 108)

1.She decided to invite nobody to herself before her husband’s arrival.

2.We knew nobody at this party. 3. Nobody spoke. Everybody listened attentively to the lecturer. 4. None of the children hasn’t come from school yet. 5. Neither of the journalists has written about it. 6. I have no time to help you today. 7. Is there a telephone in the room? – No, there isn’t. 8. Neither of the ships has left the port yet. 9. There is nothing in the box. 10. Both smiled but neither of them spoke.

11.Neither of them could answer this question. 12. Nothing was seen in the darkness. 13. I told him nothing though he insisted. 14. There were no flowers in the vase. 15. Nothing special happened yesterday.

16.I have found no mistakes in your translation. 17. No information was received from him. 18. We read nothing about it.

Much, Many, Little, Few, a Little, a Few

Exercise I (p. 109)

1. Much was said but little done. 2. Say little and do much. 3. Very few people know about it. 4. Many heard about the book, but few read it. 5. Much is spoken about it, but few believe it. 6. The forces were unequal, they were many, we were few. 7. We shan’t get all into the car. This one is too little. 8. He has very much knowledge of the matter. 9. There isn’t much harm in it. 10. Is there little milk left in the jar? – No, there is quite much milk left there. 11. There were many people in the


streets. There were few people in the streets. 12. I haven’t heard much about this composer. 13. Hurry up! There is little time left. 14. She is a person of few words. 15. How many exercise-books do you want me to buy? 16. How much time does it take you to get to your office? 17 How many times did you visit the Russian Museum?

Exercise II (p. 109)

1. He knows little, but he knows more than you. 2. He knows more than you, but it doesn’t mean that he knows much. 3. We need no less than five days to complete the work. 4. Many were present, much more than you can imagine. 5. The instrument is very sensitive, the little noise affects its work. 6. The food did not look appetizing, to say more of it. 7. There were many objections to the plan, but the most part of it was approved of. 8. I can’t do much for you, this is the most I can do, and I think it’s more than we had planned before. 9. Take this road, it has fewer turns. 10. I have so many things to do that I don’t know which to do first. 11. Nowadays he was very busy and he couldn’t see many of his old friends. 12. She was glad to see me because I was English and she knew few English people.

Exercise III (p. 109)

1. much; 2. little; 3. little; 4. a few; 5. many; 6. much; 7. a few; 8. much; 9. little; 10. many; 11. few; 12. many; 13. few; 14. much.

Exercise IV (p. 110)

1. a few; 2. much, little; 3. many, a few; 4. much, many, few; 5. much; 6. many; 7. much; 8. a few; 9. little; 10. much; 11. a little; 12. many.

Exercise V (p. 110)

1. few; 2. a few; 3. little, a little; 4. few; 5. a few; 6. little; 7. little; 8. little; 9. few; 10. a little; 11. a few.

Exercise VI (p. 110)

1. a lot of; 2. lots of; 3. a great deal of; 4. a lot; 5. lots of; 6. plenty of; 7. a lot of; 8. lots of; 9. plenty of; 10. a lot of.

Exercise VII (p. 111)

1. The famous Russian painter I. Levitan painted a lot of beautiful pictures. 2. Russia exports lots of wood. 3. You spent too much time on this translation. 4. There are plenty of English books in the library. 5. I have got a little time. 6. I have got a few books on this question. 7. We invited a lot of friends to the birthday party. 8. Lots of people were


invited, but not many came. 9. It is said little about it. 10. What can I tell you if I know so little about it myself? 11. There were few children in the street. 12. A great many children were at the concert at school.

Exercise VIII (p. 111)

1. Much from what he said had already been discussed before. 2. Many have already heard this. 3. Little was said, but much was done. 4. Very few know about it. 5. As usual he spoke much but said little. 6. He said that he had read many detective novels during the holidays. 7. To my great pity I have little time. 8. There are many mistakes on the usage of tenses in the test paper. 9. Much from what he had said was new for us. 10. He is said to have written few books, but almost all his books were great success. 11. You have made much more mistakes than the others. 12. I have made three mistakes more than he has. 13. This time you have made three times less mistakes than it was last time.

The Verb

Simple Tenses

The Present Simple Tense

Exercise VI (p. 121)

1. My friend studies two foreign languages. 2. What books do you read? 3. During the lesson we read, write dictations, do exercises and speak English. 4. Do you speak English or Russian with your teacher? 5. Usually we speak English, sometimes Russian. 6. Who gives you English books for reading? – My teacher does. 7. What magazines do you like to read? 8. Every morning my friend comes to St Petersburg and in the evening he goes home. 9. He always comes to his work in time. 10. When do you usually come home from his work? 11. What do you do in the evening? I come home and do my homework. 12. How often do you do your homework together with your friend? – Two, three times a week.

Exercise VII (p. 121)

I1. I work at a large office. 2. My working day usually begins at 8 o’clock in the morning. 3. I get up, do morning exercises, wash and have breakfast. 4. After breakfast I go to work. 5. As I live near my


place of work, I go there on foot. 6. I am busy at work from 9 o’clock in the morning till 6 o’clock in the evening. 7. I also study. I study at the preparatory classes. 8. We have lessons on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 9. Our studies begin at half past six and are over at half past nine. 10. In the evening when I have no classes, I read a little, watch TV programme or listen to the radio. 11. Sometimes I go for a walk and visit my friends. 12. At 12 o’clock I usually go to bed.

III have a friend. His name is Nicholas. His parents do not live in Moscow. They live in Kiev. Nicholas plays sport. He studies at Moscow University. He has breakfast at the canteen of university. That’s why he leaves home at 8 o’clock. He needs 15–20 minutes to go to university. Sometimes after the classes he goes to the library where he reads books and looks through newspapers.

The Past Simple Tense

Exercise VII (p. 126)

1. He used to be a lecturer at university. 2. She used to live in that house when she was young. 3. There used to be a small house here, but now there is a new factory. 4. In her childhood Mary used to drink a glass of milk every morning. 5. Peter used to be very fat. 6. Grandmother would always grumble. 7. Helen used to be often late for work. 8. I used to have very good eyesight.

Exercise VIII (p. 126)

1. I met him yesterday. We were afraid to miss the train. Fortunately, at the corner of our street we saw a taxi and came to the railway station in time. 2. In summer I did not write to you because I had lost your address. 3. Last week I wrote her two letters but I did not get an answer. 4. When did you translate this difficult article? 5. What did you do yesterday: did you translate an article or did you write a composition? 6. When my sister was well, she always made dresses for her and me herself. 7. Last year she made me a very beautiful dress. 8. Last summer we visited many museums. 9. Yesterday I could not come home in time that’s why I had dinner in the canteen. 10. When did you get this letter? Yesterday in the morning.

Exercise IX (p. 126)

1.Did you watch a film on TV yesterday in the evening? – Yes, I did.

2.Did you like it? – Not very.

3.What did you do at the weekend? – I visited my friends.


4.Did you record a lecture on a tape recorder yesterday? – Yes, I did.

5.Did your friend enter university last year?

6.How did you spend your holidays last year?

7.When did you come?

8.Where were you yesterday evening?

9.When did you go to the Tretyakov Gallery last time?

10.Where did you go last spring?

Exercise X (p. 126)

1.He smiled when he saw his friend in the window of the carriage.

2.He says that he does not remember all the details in the novel, as he read it as early as in his childhood. 3. This book is already not on sale. It’s a pity I didn’t buy it last week. 4. Does he seem to be very interested in chemistry? – Yes, he does. He was interested in it as far back as at school. 5. Why didn’t you come for a book when I asked you? 6. I am angry with you because you were so inattentive yesterday. 7. She stayed at the hotel as she had a headache, and we went sightseeing.

8.Our library supplies the students with all the necessary books for them. 9. Some ages ago there were no trains, cars and trams, people travel in carriages. 10. In the youth I used to go hunting with my father. 11. It is a pity that he doesn’t want to use this wonderful possibility. 12. From his smile I understood that it was pleasant for him to hear this news. 13. When I was a student I usually had dinner in the student canteen. 14. I am very thankful to you that when you met him you reminded him about it. 15. Latin is a dead language now, but four centuries ago it was an international language.

The Future Simple Tense

Exercise VIII (p. 130)

1. I will wait till he finishes his story, and then I will ask him to answer my question. 2. I will speak to him when he comes, but I am not sure if he will come today. 3. I do not know when I will get an answer from her, but as soon as I get it I will call you immediately. 4. If you work hard, you will soon finish your work. 5. I will call on you before I leave Moscow. 6. I will let you know as soon as I get a letter from him. 7. I will speak to him when I meet him. 8. He will take English lessons twice a week. 9. As soon as my sister comes, I will send you a note; if you are free, you will come to see her. 10. When we go to the Crimea I will bathe a lot in the Black Sea. 11. I will be very sorry if you don’t take part in the excursion. 12. It is better to consult a doctor before you agree to take part in a trip.