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... does the International Students’ Society help foreign students settle in ... it organises sightseeing trips as well.

Not only / but

Initially I was opposed to the idea, but after I had seen the research, I ... that the project was a good one.

had to agree

... Jane Smith...English.

Does ... speak

... of the soldiers was given two complete uniforms, ... of which they were expected to keep spotlessly clean.

Each / both

... the facts that the café is close to the university and offers reasonably priced meals, it is very popular with students.

Owing to

... two months at sea, he came back healthier than ever.

Having spent

... we scrubbed the floor, ... obvious it became that a special cleaning fluid would be required to remove the marks.

The more / the more

... who enjoys jazz music will enjoy this festival, tickets for which can be bought at ... good music shop.

Anybody / every

... being an accomplished artist Leonardo da Vinci was also a sculptor, an architect and a man of science.


“Don’t play in the street!”

My mother told me not to play in the street.

… attributing human characteristics to non-human


… is a phrase consisting of two words opposing to each other in their meaning


… is a stylistic device which based on the interaction of the logical and nominal meanings of the same word


… is a stylistic device which based on the simultaneous realization of two logical meanings


… is arranging text in such a manner that tension gradually ascends


… is based when common nouns are used as proper nouns


… is very short story often amusing about a real person or event


… memorable and brief saying usually satirical


A … is a tell that has been passed down through generations antales about nature and human behavior


A close friend is someone …

With whom you have a strong friendship

A lot of marriages end when one member of the couple has an …


A man who have romantic felling?


A man who marries a women who he meet when both were very young, has married his childhood …


A particular style or type of writing discourse analysis is …


A polite way to say you are not attracted to someone is :”he /she is not my …”


A: How ... apples did you eat? B: I ate ... apples.

many / a few

According to the weather report, it ... tomorrow, and if it does, we ... the hike I’ve been looking forward to.

may rain / will have to cancel

After my father ... me his old bicycle, I ... to university, which was better for my health.

had given / cycled

Anecdote and joke what kind of speech?


Ann: “Is your sister good at English?”

Ann asked me ........

if my sister was good at English

Any kind of light, almost unnoticeable rain …


Bill: “Have you seen any interesting comedy lately, Nancy?”

Bill asked Nancy ........

if she had seen any interesting comedy lately

Black bears don’t usually attack humans. ......., they normally run away from us.

On the contrary

Canadian wolves are ....... wolves in the world and twice ....... a large dog.

the largest / as big as

Change the underlined parts “my brother is always enormous supportive whenever and have a problem”

A tower of strength

Choose the best answer. After a … divorce from his wife of 20 years


Choose the best answer. I’m on good … with all my boyfriends


Choose the best answer. My sister … pregnant immediately after the got married


Choose the best answer. My wife is pregnant with twins. They are … in February


Choose the best answer. The divorce … awarded the wife 8500,000$


Choose the best answer. There are 4 people in my … family


Choose the correct answer?

Acquaintance-best friend-friend

Choose the correct definition “irony”

Condition contrary to expectations

Choose the correct definition “Red tape”

Excessive bureaucracy

Choose the correct definition “rheme”

Part of a sentence

Choose the definition of “pollution”?

The action of making land , water dirty

Choose the example related to oxymoron

Living dead

Choose the line of conjunction

And , although , even though

Choose the line of relationship

Half sister, husband, aunt

Choose the line of these serious illness

AIDS, cholera, skin cancer

Choose the line only the words which belongs to business?

To put in, submit a tender, win a tender

Choose the meaning of underlined word “five fallen out with my parents again”

Have arguments

Choose the negative line of these expressions

Morose, sullen

Choose the positive line of these expressions

Generous, unstinting, dogged

Choose the right answer


Choose the right answer which belong to the drama

Comedy, tragedy

Choose the right answer which belong to the poetry

Songs, lyrics

Choose the right answer which belongs to drama

Farce, tragedy

Choose the right answer which belongs to fiction

Novels, myth, tales

Choose the right answer which belongs to non fiction

Dairy, essay, speech

Choose the right answer?


Comedies, farce, pantomime – they are what kind of genre?


Confusion market is …

Disorder market

Dad didn't know them well. ... did Mum.


Define the synonym of “storm”?


Do you think Jeff ....... to join us on our hike? Does he like this sort of activity?

would like

Don’t you think we ....... better turn the music a bit?


Dysphemism is …

Replacing a neutral word with a harsher word

Ended the relationship …

Break up

Ended the relationship is …

Break up

Fifty million years ago there ....... no people.


Fill the definition “mentioning of the person or object further in the discourse is …”


Fill the gaps a suitable preposition. She is very critical … her colleagues.


Fill the Gaps with suitable adjective and adverb. His … honesty is a quality I greatly admire


Fill the gaps. “love is in ideal thing, marriage a … thing”


Fill the gaps. If you work in telesales you spend most of your day on the …


Find the a meaning of “lucrative”


Find the anaphoric reference

The sun is rising. It is view of beautiful

Find the anaphoric reference. … is rising. … is view of beautiful

The sun, it

Find the anaphoric reference. Dilnoza is very clever. She can do her homework herself

Dilnoza, she

Find the anaphoric reference. This … is very comfortable. … is heavy also

Laptop ,it

Find the antonym of the word “clock in”

Clock out

Find the antonyms of these words “loyal”, ”honest”

Disloyal, dishonest

Find the branches of discourse analysis

Verbal, nonverbal

Find the cataphoric reference. The room is light. It has a big light

There is not cataphoric reference

Find the cataphoric reference. While … was turned on, the … was dim.

It, light

Find the cataphoric reference. While it was ringing, the phone was on shelf

It, the phone

Find the correct definition for anecdote?

A very short story often amusing about a real person or event

Find the definition of the word “fall out with”

Had arguments

Find the definition of the word. “fall out with”

Had argument

Find the definition of the word. “hyperbola”

Exaggeration of the statement

Find the list of environmental problem

Overfishing, waste disposal

Find the meaning of “camp site”

A place where you can pitch a tent or a park

Find the synonym of “benefits”?


Find the synonym of “college sweetheart”

High school sweetheart

Find the synonym of the word “come under the hummer”

Go under the hummer

Find the synonym of the word “mulish”


Find the synonym of the word “theme”


Find the synonyms of colleague?

Coworker, workmate

Find the words which belongs to environment?

pollution, global worming

Find the write preposition for these expressions “died, suffer, recover”

Died of, suffer from, recover from

For me, ....... aspect of the conference was the decision to concentrate on environmental issues.

the most encouraging

Genetics is …

Branch of biology

Genre is divided into … group?


Give the following sentence with a word “if you don`t like anything, you have the right which is you can return it”

On approval

Give the definition of the word “antithesis”

Emphasizing contras between two things or fictional characters

Give the definition of the word “brand loyalty”

Confident thing

Give the definition of the word “glamorous job”

Very exciting

Give the definition of the word “to talk shop”

Talk about work

Give the example of ellipsis

I speak lots of languages but you only speak two

Give the opposite of this adjective “loyal”


Hail is…

Small balls, usually consists of ice

Have a good relationship is …

Get on well

Have a good relationship is …

Get on well

Having or showing good manners or respect for other people is …


He ....... the picture if it ....... him.

will buy / impresses

He began his career 20 years ago … a doctor


He has ....... English for three years.

been learning

He has a lot of friends. He is ....... than Tony.

more friendly

He is crazy about pop music. His brother is crazy about it ...


He makes reading lamps … old wine bottles

Out of

He said, “I’m very busy today.”

He said ........

he was very busy that day

He shared his property … his daughter and his sister


He thought: “What am I going to do?”

He thought ........

what he was going to do

He wasn’t ....... studious student in the class, but he worked ....... to pass the final examinations.

the most / hard enough

How can we differ the words anecdote, joke and story?

By their size

How many types are there discourse analysis?


How many types of irony?


I ___ living in England if the weather ___ better.

wouldn’t mind / were

I ____ playing the piano on my own to performing


I ______ home when it started to rain.

was walking

I ______understand what you are saying.


I always buy lottery tickets but I never ______ anything.


I am a fluent speaker of English, ____?

aren’t I

I am a lover ... books


I am sure Mike will lend you some money. I ___ if he refused.

would be surprised

I don’t know _____ students in this class. Because I am a newcomer.


I dreamt … you last night


I felt_____ill yesterday to get out of bed, but I’m feeling ______ better today.

too / a lot

I hoped if I ___ by the 10 o’clock train, I ___ change for a bus.

went / shouldn’t

I know I ____ for a job, but there are so few jobs for a person of my abilities, which is discouraging.

ought to look

I really hate ____ waiting at the dentist.

being kept

I think he was driving ______.


I think we should hire him because he is a talented young man _____ abilities include fluency in three languages.


I thought that I had my keys with me, but I can’t find them in my coat. I ____ them in my other coat.

must have left

I told my flatmate to buy some bread, but he ___ because there isn’t any here.

must have forgotten

I wish we ____ enough money to buy a camper van. Then we ____ to go on holiday more often.

had / could afford

I would prefer to go to the concert tomorrow ___ than on Saturday


I’d rather ___ to that jazz club than a nightclub


I’d really rather ____ in Hawaii at the moment than be stuck behind this desk all day.

be surfing

If all the seas ___ one sea, what a great sea it ___.

were / would be

If Florence Nightingale ____ alive today, I’m sure she ____ impressed with the current standard of nursing care in the majority of the world.

were / would be

If he ___ generous, he ___ the poor.

were / would help

If I ___ the power, I ___ people smoking at school and public places.

had / would stop

If nature reserves ____ to protect the turtles, undoubtedly, they ____ rarer today.

hadn’t been established / would be

If only one of the two people has romantic felling, we say the felling is not …


In recent decades, the efficiency of the United Nations ________ by a growing number of countries.

has been questioned

In sentence work and phrase omission, … happens


It seems likely that by the end of the week, the costs involved in the construction of the bridge ____ by the Ministry

will have been announced

Jack said: “I was at home yesterday.”

Jack said ___.

he had been at home the day before

Jobs without any support?

Dead and jobs

Listen … the text … the laboratory.

to / at

Many man try to find a creative and romantic way to … , to their girlfriend


Margie and her sister ... wonderful voices.

have got

Match the two parts of these collections

Red tape, capital assets

Match the two parts of these collocations

Diligent lazy

My father ______ an apple now. He ______ an apple every day.

is eating / eats

My father plays golf just for fun, although sometimes he plays ____ some professionals.

as skillfully as

My friends don't mind the noise. ... do I


My parents ______ back to England when I was five.


My sister comes … home late … night.

- / at

Nobody phoned me yesterday. Nobody came ...


On the top of the world. The meaning of Idiom.

extremely happy

One of the most controversial issues ____ lately is whether it should be legally acceptable for a relative or doctor to help end the life of a terminally ill patient ____ intense pain.

discussed / suffering

Other cars are not so ______ Bugatti.

expensive as

Our father never earned much money, but he __ something nice for us whenever he ____.

would buy / could

Passive voice: Many magnificent palaces and museums ___ in our city lately.

have been built

Passive voice: The man who ______ by a snake was given a serum.

had been bitten

Passive voice: The Remembrance Day and the Veteran’s Day ___ on the 11th of November every year.

are celebrated

Passive voice: When I arrived, no arrangements ______.

had been made

Peter didn't want to be a policeman, ____?

did he

Pick up. The meaning of the Idiom.

To learn something by chance

Plastic surgery doesn’t cost ______.


She always dresses … green


She get married … her childhood sweetheart


She had ____ placed the plate of cakes on the table ____ the children gave her the empty plate and requested some more.

hardly / when

She sighed … relief


She was standing laughing … a crowd of fans


She’d ___ start revising if she wants to do well in her exam next week


Shona prefers ____ wear make-up to work

not to

Show the antonym “dysphemism”


Show the antonym of word “climax”


Show the correct example for climax

He was a good speaker and an amusing performer

Show the meaning “simile” in Uzbek


Show the opposite word “Epiphora”


Showing the definition of metonymy

Giving a thing another name

Since ____ seems eager to give me a hand with these, I have no other choice but to do ____ by myself.

no one / everything

Sitting in an office all day is …

Stuck behind a desk

Soft expression of the sentence. He has been in prison.

He has been doing time

Some people think that life was ______ a hundred years ago.


Somebody who you have not met before or do not know?


Someone who is know but who is not a close friend is …


Sometime I dream … running away to a farm


Students ____ a foreign language can always benefit from visiting the country ____ language they are trying to learn.

studying / whose

Teleworker is …

Distance worker

The button has come … my coat. -Shall I sew it … … you?

off / on / for

The chairman is opposed … giving the affair any publicity


The definition of the penalty clause?

Part of a contract specifying

The definition of the word “fighting off”

Trying to get rid of

The definition of the word “lucrative”?

Producing a lot of money

The definition of the word “to put in”?

To supply a written offer to do a job an agreed price

The definition of the word “tundra”

Area in north with no trees and per frozen grounds

The Government has ______ the price of petrol.


The heart, ____ main function is to pump blood around the body, is greatly affected by the food we eat.


The history of the Venetian republic ____ to an end in 1797 when Venice ____ over to Austria by Napoleon.

came / was handed

The interaction between the logical and the contextual logical meaning of a word which is based on a linkless between objects


The internet is useful. It is of use to everybody. In this sentence what kind of reference is there?


The lawyer for the people who ____ in the fire at the shopping centre ____ the judge for compensation.

were injured / is going to ask

The letters ____ in the drawer, in which Emily ____ all her personal keepsakes.

were hidden / kept

The parcel ____ back to the Post Office, because I was at work when they ____ to deliver it.

was taken / tried

The process of creating friendship is called …

Making friends

The short form of Family Doctor and tuberculosis?

G.P, T.B

The synonym of the word “plug”


The synonym of hurricane?


The synonym of the word “heirorchical”


The synonyms of word “my opposite number”

Working relationship, workmates and colleagues

The teacher was certain that some of the students ____ by the new grammar, but they ____ any questions.

were confused / didn’t ask

The toilet is straight … that door


The traffic into town usually gets a bit lighter ________ the schools have closed for the summer.


There are ____ Indian restaurants available in England, whereas, in Istanbul, your options are ____.

a lot of / a few

There were many mistakes in your dictation, ___ ?

weren’t there

This is _____ than I expected.


To a teacher’s pet. The meaning of the Idiom.

To be lovely student’s of teacher

To meet a deadline – the meaning of the Idiom

Have something finished by a fixed time

To stop briefly before you do something, especially you are nervous or unsure about what to do is …


Tom could have studied more for the test yesterday, ____?

couldn’t he

Tom wasn’t hungry, so he ate only ______ soup.

a little

Translate into Uzbek “throbbing, stiff neck”

Lo’qqilab og`rish, bo`yinning qotib qolishi

Translate into Uzbek lucrative?

Foyda keltiradigan

Translate into Uzbek this idiom “pamper yourself”

O`zini sevmoq

Translate into Uzbek this word “red tape”

Ortiqcha qog`ozvozlik

Translate into Uzbek this word “shop around”

Narxlarni kuzatish

Translate the word “rapport”

Aloqa, bog`lanish

Use words with the suffix - mate to resay these sentences. This is Jack. He and I share a flat.


Use words with the suffix – mate to resay these sentences. This is Jack. He and I share a flat.


Water ______ at 100 centigrade degrees.


We ____ very busy in the office recently; otherwise, I ____ to see your baby earlier.

have been / would have come

We ________ no problems whatsoever with the dam since it ________. forty years ago.

have had / was constructed

We cannot move back into our office ____ the workmen have cleared up.


We don’t need _____ eggs. Just half a dozen.


We use poetry in …

Songs, lyrics, sonates

Western Scotland is wild and mountainous, ___ eastern Scotland is lush farmland.


What are the ______ sports in Turkey?

most popular

What do we call the first attempt at writing something e.g. an essay

A first drift

What do you call a person who rider horses in races?

A jockey

What do you call a person who works in hospital


What does euphemism mean in Uzbek

Qo`pol so`z o`rniga ijobiy so`z ishlatish

What does euphemism mean?

Speak well

What does euphemism mean?

Speak well

What does personification mean in Uzbek

Jonsiz narsalarni insonga o`xshatish

What does pushing up dairies mean?


What does the word of “sibling” mean?

A brother or sister

What is “Aurora borealis”?

Northern lights

What is “ryme”?

The repetition of identical or similar sound combinations of words

What is “simile”?

Direct comparison

What is cell

Basic unit of living organism

What is cohesion?

A condition in which people or things are closely united

What is discourse analysis

Discourse study the ways of sentences and speech

What is epiphora?

Word repetition at the end of the sentence

What is genre?

A particular type or category of literature

What is litotes?


What is overcrowding

Too many people live in small place

What is paperwork?

Work with letters

What is pun?

A play of words used in different meaning

What is rhetorical question

Questioning without expecting the answer

What is the antonym of the word “look down on”

Look up to

What is the antonym of word “look down on”

Look up to

What is the full name of AIDS?

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

What is the full name of vat

Value – added Tax

What is the highest mountain in Africa?

Mount Klimanjaro

What is the lucrative?


What is the meaning of “swallowed up”?

Taken over by a larger company

What is the meaning of Abbreviation?

The shortening of words

What is the meaning of the idiom “in the lap of luxury”

In a very luxurious way

What is the producing a lot of money?


What is the synonym of the word “break up”

Split up

What is the synonym of the word “break up”

Split up

What is the telesales?

Selling or marketing goods by phone

What time are you ______ to school tomorrow?


When our car broke down on the way to Ankara, the mechanic ____ helped us knew exactly ____ the problem was.

who / what

When the list of environmental problems

Overfishing, waste disposal

When two people get married, they make a … to each other


When you develop romantic felling for another person, you are …

Falling in love

Where have you been? You ____ here at 2 o’clock, and it’s almost 3.

were supposed to be

Where is the highest waterfall in the world?


Where land meets sea?


Where land meets see?

Cost, shore, beach, cope

Which of stylistic device aims at making a melodic effect to the utterance


Which of them are politeness word

No longer with us

Who is the flatmate?

A person who shares a flat with somebody

Will you marry … me?

Word connected with mountains?

Foot, ridge, peak, summit

Words connected with revers?

Source, tributary, waterfall

Would you mind ____ your music so loudly? I am trying to study.

not playing

Would you prefer to get a pizza rather ___ go out tonight


Wreckage from the plane was scattered … a wide area?


You have read all Pushkin’s books, ___?

haven’t you

You look as if you are having trouble with your homework. ____ you like me to help you with it?


You shouldn’t open the oven while a sponge cake is baking; ________, it will sink in the middle.


Your heart is like an ocean. In the sentence what kind of genre is used


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