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Московский Технический Университет Связи и Информатики


Кафедра радиотехнических систем

Лабораторная работа №1

Изучение системы MATLAB в режиме прямых вычислений


студентка группы БРА1101

Тюрина А.В.


Мирошникова Н.Е.

Москва 2013


Изучить режим прямых вычислений и базовых объектов языка MATLAB.


1. Запуск системы MATLAB и знакомство с ее интерфейсом.

  • Интерфейс MATLAB состоит из окон: Current Folder, Command Window, Workspace и Command History.

2. Знакомство со справочной системой MATLAB в формате HTML.

  • Чтобы обратиться к справочной системе, необходимо выбрать в меню пункт HelpProduct Help (F1).

3. Ввод комментария в окне Command Window.

>> %Лабораторная работа №1. Изучение системы MATLAB в режиме прямых вычислений

  • Для ввода комментариев используется символ “%” перед строкой.

4. Команды языка MATLAB.

>> help general

General purpose commands.

MATLAB Version 8.1 (R2013a) 13-Feb-2013

General information.

syntax - Help on MATLAB command syntax.

demo - Run demonstrations.

ver - MATLAB, Simulink and toolbox version information.

version - MATLAB version information.

verLessThan - Compare version of toolbox to specified version string.

logo - Plot the L-shaped membrane logo with MATLAB lighting.

membrane - Generates the MATLAB logo.

bench - MATLAB Benchmark.

Managing the workspace.

who - List current variables.

whos - List current variables, long form.

clear - Clear variables and functions from memory.

onCleanup - Specify cleanup work to be done on function completion.

pack - Consolidate workspace memory.

load - Load workspace variables from disk.

save - Save workspace variables to disk.

saveas - Save Figure or model to desired output format.

memory - Help for memory limitations.

recycle - Set option to move deleted files to recycle folder.

quit - Quit MATLAB session.

exit - Exit from MATLAB.

Managing commands and functions.

what - List MATLAB-specific files in directory.

type - Display MATLAB program file.

open - Open files by extension.

which - Locate functions and files.

pcode - Create pre-parsed pseudo-code file (P-file).

mex - Compile MEX-function.

inmem - List functions in memory.

namelengthmax - Maximum length of MATLAB function or variable name.

Managing the search path.

path - Get/set search path.

addpath - Add directory to search path.

rmpath - Remove directory from search path.

rehash - Refresh function and file system caches.

import - Import packages into the current scope.

finfo - Identify file type against standard file handlers on path.

genpath - Generate recursive toolbox path.

savepath - Save the current MATLAB path in the pathdef.m file.

Managing the java search path.

javaaddpath - Add directories to the dynamic java path.

javaclasspath - Get and set java path.

javarmpath - Remove directory from dynamic java path.

Controlling the command window.

echo - Display statements during function execution.

more - Control paged output in command window.

diary - Save text of MATLAB session.

format - Set output format.

beep - Produce beep sound.

desktop - Start and query the MATLAB Desktop.

preferences - Bring up MATLAB user settable preferences dialog.

Operating system commands.

cd - Change current working directory.

copyfile - Copy file or directory.

movefile - Move file or directory.

delete - Delete file or graphics object.

pwd - Show (print) current working directory.

dir - List directory.

ls - List directory.

fileattrib - Set or get attributes of files and directories.

isdir - True if argument is a directory.

mkdir - Make new directory.

rmdir - Remove directory.

getenv - Get environment variable.

! - Execute operating system command (see PUNCT).

dos - Execute DOS command and return result.

unix - Execute UNIX command and return result.

system - Execute system command and return result.

perl - Execute Perl command and return the result.

computer - Computer type.

isunix - True for the UNIX version of MATLAB.

ispc - True for the PC (Windows) version of MATLAB.


debug - List debugging commands.

Tools to locate dependent functions of a program file.

depfun - Locate dependent functions of program file.

depdir - Locate dependent directories of program file.

Loading and calling shared libraries.

calllib - Call a function in an external library.

libpointer - Creates a pointer object for use with external libraries.

libstruct - Creates a structure pointer for use with external libraries.

libisloaded - True if the specified shared library is loaded.

loadlibrary - Load a shared library into MATLAB.

libfunctions - Return information on functions in an external library.

libfunctionsview - View the functions in an external library.

unloadlibrary - Unload a shared library loaded with LOADLIBRARY.

java - Using Java from within MATLAB.

usejava - True if the specified Java feature is supported in MATLAB.

See also lang, datatypes, iofun, graphics, ops, strfun, timefun,

matfun, demos, graphics, datafun, uitools, doc, punct, arith.

Control System Toolbox -- General Utilities.

(R2013a) 13-Feb-2013

abcdchk - Check consistency of A,B,C,D matrices.

db2mag - Convert magnitude from absolute value to dB.

mag2db - Convert magnitude from dB to absolute value.

padecoef - Pade approximation of time delays.

residue - Partial-fraction expansion (residues).

resi2 - Residue of a repeated pole.

ss2tf - Convert state-space system to transfer function.

ss2zp - Convert state-space system to zero-pole.

tf2ss - Convert transfer function to state-space.

tf2zp - Convert transfer function to zero-pole.

tfchk - Check for proper transfer function.

zp2ss - Convert zero-pole system to state-space.

zp2tf - Convert zero-pole system to transfer function.

  • Команда help используется для вывода информации о каком-либо интересующем объекте языка MATLAB. Название объекта пишется после команды help.

  • Эта команда перечисляет все функции из папки matlabroot/toolbox/matlab/general при задаче частичного пути к папке.

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