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(английский язык)

Методические указания для студентов всех специальностей Часть II. Практика

Составители: преподаватели секции английского языка

Утверждены на заседании кафедры Протокол № 8 от 24.06.02

Рекомендованы к печати учебнометодической комиссией специальности 230500 Протокол № 8 от 28.06.02

Электронная копия находится в библиотеке главного корпуса ГУ КузГТУ

Кемерово 2002


Уважаемые преподаватели!

Данные методические указания представляют собой практическую часть, дополняющую МУ “Грамматический справочник. Часть I. Теория”.

Для упражнений на усвоение и закрепление грамматических явлений был привлечен аутентичный материал на основе коммуникативной методики, что позволяет выполнять задания в парах или группах, устно или письменно.

Некоторые упражнения содержат конкретные методические рекомендации по его выполнению. Другие позволяют преподавателю при необходимости варьировать приемы для выполнении одного и того же задания. в зависимости от подготовки группы.

Важно отметить, что материал практически любого раздела позволяет учитывать индивидуальный уровень знаний студентов.

Упражнения в разделе Revision exercises, а также некоторые другие можно использовать для промежуточного или итогового контроля.

Составители выражают благодарность за компьютерный набор Р. Б. Поповой и Я. В. Мелешенко.


Уважаемые студенты!

Нам представляется, что интересный по содержанию материал привлечет Ваше внимание, позволит изучать английскую грамматику с удовольствием и сразу применять ее в общении.

Поэтому степени сравнения прилагательных даны в виде расска-

за о двух компьютерных компаниях или технических характеристик трех компьютеров, которые Вам нужно проанализировать, а пассивный залог в виде детективной истории. Условные предложения станут более понятными, если вы расскажите в группе, каким было бы обучение, если бы министром образования были бы Вы.

В методические указания включены упражнения на составление предложений из определенного набора слов или двух частей, диалоги с готовыми ответами, к которым нужно составить вопросы и некоторые другие.

Отдельные упражнения представляют собой комплекс предложений, требующих распознавание тех или иных грамматических явлений или их трансформацию (например, преобразование существительных из единственного числа во множественное), перевод предложений с русского на английский и с английского на русский и некоторые другие.

В методических указаниях учитывается разный уровень знаний, поэтому наиболее трудные задания помечены звездочкой.

Желаем Вам успешного освоения английского языка!



I.Change the number of the noun in italic type where possible and make all other necessary changes.

A.1. Put the box on the shelf. 2. I was presented with a dozen handkerchiefs. 3. The boy must have two teeth pulled out. 4. The hunter got a prize for killing the wolf that had caused much damage to the village flock. 5. The child was bitterly crying over the broken toy. 6. He showed me a photo of his country house. 7. The scout brought some valuable information. 8. I brought a pair of nylon gloves. 9. I saw a mouse in the kitchen. 10. The ox drove a cart on hay. 11. A very strange phenomenon was observed by astronomers yesterday. 12. Her hair was soft and curly.

B.1. Boy drove the sheep to the village. 2. I have hurt my foot. 3.This is a lady-bird. 4. Where is the knife? 5. This factory has a good laboratory. 6. The last leaf fell from the tree. 7. This story is very long. 8. The speech was very interesting. 9. He left the key on the table. 10. Where is the brush? 11. I like his new play. 12. The roof of the house was covered with snow. 13. The wife of the sailor stood on the shore. 14. My aunt has a goose.

C.1. The mice live behind the stove. 2. The keys to the boxes were lost. 3.The wolves have been shot. 4. The fish were caught. 5. We have good postmen in our area. 6. The cargoes will be discharged tomorrow.

II. Supply the missing words.

1. The stairs _____ worn by thousands of visitors. 2. Where _____ the scissors? - ____ are in the first drawer on the left. 3. The scales______

broken. 4. How much did you pay for ______ trousers? - _______ were very expensive! 5. If your clothes ______ dirty please put them in the laundry basket. 6. His old grandfather’s watch_____ made of gold. 7. All their belongings ______ been destroyed in a fire. 8. My earnings (not)

_____ high, but at least they ______ regular. 9. These shorts _____ fit me at all!

III. Make sentences with the following words, using them as subjects. Supply a predicate in the singular or in the plural as appropriate.

Pyjamas, trousers, spectacles, lodgings, outskirts, premises, works, stairs, authorities, goods, sweets, costs, damages, wages, economics, linguistics, statistics, politics, chemicals, contents, looks, likes and dislikes, belongings.

IV.* State whether the nouns in italic type are collective nouns or nouns of multitude.

1. It is a new company. 2. The company are rehearsing a new production. 3. Then one by one the worn out crew were helped on board. 4. The crew of the ship consists of twenty seamen including the captain and his mate. 5. No one had seen him since and the police were searching for him. 6. The band were changed, and in the gallery already. 7. And Stilleveld, in company with the many other places like it, had also been the birthplace of a new people. The people who were neither white or black.

V. Choose between a singular or a plural verb to use it in the following sentences.

1. The play is witty and the cast (be) wonderful. 2. The cast (be) all amateurs. 3. All the family (to be) gathered to see the dog. 4. Monty’s family (to be) of about the same social status as my own. 5. Do you know what the family (to get) into their heads about this business? 6. Everybody says the Swiss police (to be) great at finding people. 7. The public (not to think) so. 8. The public (to request) not to leave litter in these woods. 9. When he came the baseball team (to practice) on the school field. 10. The team (to have) baths at the moment and then (to come) back here for tea. 11. The team (to play) tomorrow morning. 12. The clergy (to be) generally dressed in black. 13. The Government (to discuss) the matter for a long time but they have shown no signs of reaching agreement. 14. The Government (to decide) to pass the bill. 15. In the meantime the young couple (to be) to live in the old house. 16. That day the committee (to be) to meet at her friend’s house. 17. I had to find out whether the committee (to be) competent enough to consider the project. 18. The board (to be) extraordinarily kind to you. 19. The board (to be) going to consider your application at the next sitting. 20. You’ve bought yourself a nice car. Your money (to be) well spent. 21. His advice always (to be) useful for me.


VI.* Which of the underlined collective nouns are countable and which can be both countable and uncountable. Translate the sentences into Russian.

a. Arrange in two columns the underlined English nouns and their Russian equivalents. b. Make new sentences using the English nouns from the columns in all possible forms.

1.The trail went up into the hills and the cattle in the summer were as shy as deer.

2.I hoped the rain was still heavy enough to keep the police in their quarters.

3.I was like a naturalist who comes into a country where the fauna are of an unimaginary variety.

4.My family were still highly amused at the idea of my attempting it, which did not increase my confidence.

5.“What did I tell you in Washington?” – “That you were a simple country boy from an enormously wealthy family”- “did you believe it ?” – “No”

6.I’m glad, after all I’ve tried to do here, that the Committee don’t wish me to go.

7.This Committee is not a prosecuting body.

8.I don’t know anything about such things but father’s friend said that the Government were very worried about the position.

9.“I thought you were doing great.” – “I put on a good act.” Hale said lifelessly. “I have to. I am a dandy old liar. It’s a Government of liars and you get plenty of practice.”

VII. Translate into English.

А. 1. Эта лестница ведёт к морю. 2. Он дал мне хороший совет. 3. Все сведения были очень важные. 4. Мы получили такие же сведения. 5. Эти деньги не мои. 6. У меня было мало денег. Я не мог позволить себе покупать такие дорогие вещи. 7. Его познания в математике поразили нас. 8. Ваших знаний недостаточно, чтобы сдать экзамен. 9. Какая интересная работа! 10. Какие вы нам принесли новости? 11.Эти новости уже всем известны.

B. 1. Я купил эти часы в Лондоне. Они очень хорошие. 2. Ваши часы спешат. 3. Я не мог войти в сад, так как ворота были закрыты. 4. Сани стоят у ворот. 5. Экспорт этого товара значительно увеличился.


С. 1. Какие из этих овец будут посланы на выставку? 2. Этот товар прибыл на прошлой неделе. 3. Его одежда совсем новая. 4. Там было совсем мало людей. 5. Картофель очень хороший в этом году. 6. Морковь очень дешёвая осенью. 7. Фрукты в нашем саду уже созрели. 8. Его заработная плата очень высокая. 9. Содержание его письма было совсем неожиданным. 10. Франция славится своими винами.

D. 1. В аквариуме пять рыбок. Одна рыбка золотая. 2. Эти новости очень интересные. 3. Кому принадлежат деньги? – Я не знаю, кому они принадлежат. 4. Фермеры довольны. Они вырастили много свиней и овец. 5. Ваши деньги на столе. Возьмите их. 6. Наши зимние каникулы кончаются 6-го февраля. 7. Вы получили эти сведения несколько дней тому назад. 8. Ваши советы мне очень помогли. 9. Витрина привлекла внимание всех прохожих.

VIII. Translate the sentences from Russian to English.

1. Полиция – не дураки. Этот человек не поверил ни одному моему слову. 2. Команда прекратила погрузку (loading), и все собрались на палубе. 3. Ты знаешь, каковы новости? 4. В письме важная информация. 5. Вся компания сидит в кафе. Они собираются здесь обедать. 6. У комитета сложилось мнение, что этот вопрос нужно решать немедленно. 7. Когда директор пришёл, весь штат уже собрался. 8. Штат очень небольшой, я не знаю, как он справляется.


I.Translate the following word combinations. Study the examples.

a tram stop

а) трамвайная остановка;


б) остановка трамвая

a watch pocket

карман для часов

a garden window

а) окно, которое выходит в сад;


б) окно, выходящее в сад

1. Oil export; export oil; 2. company finances; finance company; 3. pocket money; pocket size book; 4. table salt; 5. cotton shirt; 6. leather shoes; 7. beer bottle; 8. police station; fire station; 9. entrance examination; entrance examination date; 10. a 500 metre television tower; 11. a long distance train; a long distance train platform; 12. a report about the first many


days cosmic group flight; 13. a boat race; an Oxford boat race team; a boat race Saturday; 14. car speed; car speed calculation device; 15. sales department; sales department meeting; 16. Peace Committee; World Peace Committee; 17. air pollution; air pollution problem; air pollution problem discussion; 18. US arms race; US arms race supporters; 19. our country’s number one trade partner; 20. railway station waiting-room murder inquiry; 21. a five-hundred-dollar-a-week contract; 22 a before-breakfast pipe; 23. state forest fire losses.

II. Translate the sentences from English into Russian.

1.The Parliament of Russia consists of the Federation Council and the State Duma.

2.The British Parliament delegation made a two-week visit to Russia.

3.Mass production methods are widely used by builders.

4.In future passenger rockets will be different from present day spaceships.

5.In the radio telephone sound waves (волны) are converted into radio waves.

6.The main street was only about five minutes walk away.

7.He was a high school mathematics master.

8.The nearest savings bank is round the corner.

9.The company complaint (жалоба) department was closed.

10.In 1863 Englishmen made their first underground railway travel in the world.

III. Change the word combinations as in the example.

Example: supply of water (подача воды) = water supply

1. a supporter of peace; 2. peace throughout the world; 3. a student of the first year; 4. a hall for lectures; 5. a stadium in the open air; 6. the Metro in Moscow; 7. a shelf for books; 8. import of cars; 9. a storm on sea; 10. tickets for a train; 11. a book for notes; 12. a cottage in the country; 13. a dinner on Tuesday; 14. tea at 5 o’clock.

IV. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Железнодорожный вокзал; кафе на вокзале; 2. кафедра философии; 3. компьютерный центр; 4. туристический лагерь; план туристического лагеря; 5. подарок в день рождения; 6. Кемеровский государственный университет; библиотека Кемеровского государственного университе-


та; 7. студент, изучающий право (law); 8. футбольный болельщик (фанат); проблемы, связанные с футбольными фанатами; 9. рождественская елка; 10. угольный регион; 11. хоккей на льду; матч по хоккею на льду; 12. зимние каникулы; продолжительность (duration) зимних каникул.


I. Compare two companies: Peach Computers and Calculo Machines. Complete the passage with the correct comparative form of the adjectives in brackets.

A. PEACH COMPUTERS and CALCULO MACHINES, two giants of the computer in-

dustry, have decided to merge. Peach is a much __________1(young) company than Calculo but it has had ___________2(fast) growth in recent years. It is now slightly ___________3(big) than Calculo. Peach's sales organization is ___________4(competitive) than Calculo's. It is ________

5 (large) and plays a __________6(important) role in the organization. The Peach management team feel that they are __________7(hard-working) and ___________8(innovative) than the Calculo team. Calculo, on the other hand, is a ________ 9(traditional) company. The managers are generally 10(old) than the managers in Peach and they have

worked for the company ___________11(long). The Calculo managers feel they are ___________I2(experienced) and that the company has a

__________13(good) reputation for product quality. They feel they may be __________14(slow) than Peach, but they are right more often.

B. Make sentences comparing the two companies above. Use as ... as and these words: old, traditional, aggressive, competitive, innovative, large.

Example: Peach Computers isn't as old as Calculo Machines.

C.Read the mottos of each company, then answer the questions. A The one who stays in front is the winner.

B It is better to be second and right, than first and wrong. Which motto belongs to which company?

Which motto do you agree with the most? Why?


II. Translate the sentences paying attention to the comparative degrees of the adjectives.

1.It’s too noisy here. Can we go somewhere quieter?

2.This coffee is very weak. I like it a bit stronger.

3.The hotel was surprisingly big. I expected it to be smaller.

4.What’s the quickest way of getting from here to the station?

5.Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

6.We had a great holiday. It’s one of the most enjoyable holidays we’ve ever had.

7.What is the most popular sport in your country?

III. Make comparisons of different types of public transport.

Example: My car/big/your/car.

My car is bigger than your car.

1.The plane/fast/the train

2.The plane/expensive/the train

3.The train/comfortable/the bus

4.The train/slow/the bus

5.The bus/cheap/the plane

6.The bus /convenient/the train

7.The bus/uncomfortable/the train

8.The train/safe/the bus

IV. Use adjectives to complete the sentences.

1.Jericho is one of………...(old) cities in the world.

2.Jupiter is ………….(big) planet in the solar system.

3.Paris is one of……….(expensive) cities in Europe.

4.Kilimanjaro is…………….(high) mountain in Africa.

5.Queen Elizabeth is………….(rich) woman in the world.

6.Dolphins are one of…………….(intelligent) animals.

7.The Missisippi-Missouri is ……….(long) river in the USA.

8.The South Pole is………….(cold) place in the world.

9.The cobra is one of………….(dangerous) animals.

10.Africa in Chile is………… (dry) place in the world.

V. Delete the incorrect words in each sentence.

1.London is not as big than/as Tokyo.

2.New York is on the same latitude as /than Lisbon.


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