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Text 1B

1.Before you start.

What main characteristics of water can you define?

What physical states of water do you know?

2.Read the words and learn them by heart. Make up your own sentences with them.

1.Abundant – обильный, изобилующий

2.To exist – существовать

3.Equilibrium – равновесие

4.To dissolve – растворять(ся), разжижать

5.Property – свойство, качество, собственность

6.To vary – изменяться, варьировать

7.Substance – вещество, состояние

8.Amalgamated – объединенный, амальгамированный

9.To accumulate – аккумулировать, накапливать

10.To suspend – вешать, подвешивать

11.To merge – объединить, поглощать

12.To scald – ошпаривать, обжигать

13.Scalding – обжигающий, горячий

14.Supercritical fluid – надкритическая жидкость, сверхкритическая среда

3.Read the text 1B, translate it and compare your ideas in ex.1 with the facts.

Properties of Water

Water (H2O) is the most abundant compound on Earth's surface, covering 70 percent of the planet. In nature, water exists in liquid, solid, and gaseous states. It is in dynamic equilibrium between the liquid and gas states at standard temperature and pressure. At room temperature, it is a tasteless and odorless liquid, nearly colorless with a hint of blue. Many substances dissolve in water and


it is commonly referred to as the universal solvent. Because of this, water in nature and in use is rarely pure and some properties may vary from those of the pure substance. However, there are also many compounds that are essentially, if not completely, insoluble in water. Water is the only common substance found naturally in all three common states of matter and it is essential for all life on Earth. Water makes up 55% to 78% of the human body.

Forms of water. Like many substances, water can take numerous forms that are broadly categorized by phase of matter. The liquid phase is the most common among water's phases (within the Earth's atmosphere and surface) and is the form that is generally denoted by the word "water." The solid phase of water is known as ice and commonly takes the structure of hard, amalgamated crystals, such as ice cubes, or loosely accumulated granular crystals, like snow. The gaseous phase of water is known as water vapor (or steam), and is characterized by water assuming the configuration of a transparent cloud. (Note that visible steam and clouds are, in fact, water in the liquid form as minute droplets suspended in the air.) The fourth state of water, that of a supercritical fluid, is much less common than the other three and only rarely occurs in nature, in extremely uninhabitable conditions. When water achieves a specific critical

temperature and a specific critical pressure (647K and 22.064MPa), liquid and gas phase merge

to one homogeneous fluid phase, with properties of both gas and liquid. One example of naturally occurring supercritical water is found in the hottest parts of deep water hydrothermal vents, in which water is heated to the critical temperature by scalding volcanic plumes and achieves the critical pressure because of the crushing weight of the ocean at the extreme depths at which the vents are located. Additionally, anywhere there is volcanic activity below a depth of 2.25 km (1.40 mi) can be expected to have water in the supercritical phase.

(Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Properties_of_water)

4.Say if the sentences concerning Text 1B are true or false.

1.Water covers 60 percent of the planet.

2.Water exists in liquid, solid, and gaseous states.

3.At room temperature water has taste and odor.

4.Substances do not dissolve in water.

5.Water makes up 55% to 78% of the human body.

6.Water can exist only in the liquid phase.

7.Supercritical water is found in the hottest parts of deep water hydrothermal vents.


5.Answer the following questions.

1.In what states does water exist in nature?

2.What are the water properties at room temperature?

3.Why can water be called the universal solvent?

4.What is the most common water phase?

5.What structure does the solid phase of water take?

6.Characterize the gaseous state of water.

7.Where does a supercritical fluid occur in nature?

6. Give English equivalents of the following words and word combinations from

Text 1B.

Наиболее хорошо распространенное соединение, жидкость без вкуса и запаха, с

голубым оттенком, нерастворимые в воде, необходимый для жизни на Земле, состояние вещества, укрупненный кристалл, прозрачное облако, мельчайшие капли,

сверхкритическая среда, гидротермальные источники, вулканический шлейф,

сокрушающая сила, экстремальные глубины.

7.Read the sentences and choose the correct words.

1.The wall was durable / brittle, so it cracked easily.

2.The architect installed a(n) opaque / transparent panel to let in more light.

3.The flexible / rigid sealant can be squeezed into small spaces.

4.The door is heavy / lightweight, so one person can easily carry it.

5.The function / impression of a water tap is to provide water.

6.The contractors installed wooden partition / siding on the exterior.

7.If a shape has only three sides, it is a diamond / triangle.

8.Read and find Russian equivalents to the following English proverbs and sayings. Express your thoughts on these topics and explain the meaning of them.

Beware of a silent dog and still water.

To go through fire and water.

A great ship asks deep waters.


9. Match the following words with their synonyms.

1. transparent

a. happiness

2. to transport

b. donation

3. to transmit

c. competent

4. satisfaction

d. obvious

5. vital

e. precious

6. contribution

f. to yell

7. professional

g. to carry

8. valuable

h. to gleam

9. to shout

i. dynamic

10. to shine

j. to transfer

Text 1C

1.Before you start.

In pairs, think of five things we use water for.

What regions suffer water scarcity?

How do people try to solve this problem?

2.Read the text 1C, translate it and compare your ideas in ex.1 with the facts.


We may take it for granted, but water is the most important resource on Earth. It covers

80% of the Earth‟s surface and it‟s the only substance that can be found naturally in three forms: solid, liquid and gas. Water also makes up 66% of the human body and without it we can‟t live for more than a week.

Although water is the most common substance on Earth, we should use it carefully because only 1% is drinkable and 1/3 of all the people in the world can‟t get enough clean water. Today, we use 3 times more water than in 1950, and people in rich countries use 10 times


more than those in poor ones. So where does it all go? Well, a single dripping tap can waste up to 7,600 litres of water in a year and a leaking toilet can waste about 260 litres in a day.

At home, we can help by fixing broken taps and toilets. Having showers instead of baths could save about 300 litres of water a week. We should also avoid using chemicals that pollute the water supply, because we can‟t increase the amount of fresh water in the world. We can only change the way we use it.

(Source: www.expresspublishing.co.uk/elt/upstream)

3.Say if the sentences concerning Text 1C are true or false.

1.66% of the Earth‟s water is drinkable.

2.Humans can live for seven days without water.

3.People use 1/3 of the water on Earth.

4.Having baths instead of showers wastes water.

5.We can‟t increase the water supply.

4.Make the following words negative by adding the prefixes inor un-.

1. adequate


6. efficient


2. appropriate


7. reliable


3. consistent


8. sufficient


4. economical


9. suitable


5. effective





5. Read the following water saving tips and discuss them with your


Water Saving Tips

The following are some recommendations of the Environment Agency for reducing your consumption of water.

1. Vegetables and fruit should be washed in a bowl rather than under a running tap. The leftover water can be used for watering house plants.

2.Use the minimum amount of water required when you boil water in saucepans and kettles. That way, you'll

Source: energo-zhkh.ru

save energy as well as water.

3.Try keeping a bottle or jug of water in the fridge instead of running taps until the water runs cold.

4.Half-load programmes on dishwashers and washing machines use more than half the water and energy of a full load. Wait until you have a full load before switching the machine on.

5.Try not to leave the tap running while you brush your teeth, shave or wash your hands. This can waste up to 5 litres of water per minute.

6.A 5-minute shower uses about a third of the water of a bath. But remember that power showers can use more water than a bath in less than 5 minutes.

7.Old toilet cisterns can use as much as 9 litres of clean water every flush. Reduce this by placing a 'save-a-flush' or 'hippo' in the cistern.

8.Cotton wool and tissues should be put in a waste bin rather than flushed down the toilet.

9.Dripping taps can waste up to 4 litres of water a day. Replace worn tap washers for a quick and cheap way of saving water.

10.Burst water pipes can cause serious damage as well as wasting water. Ensure your water pipes and external taps are lagged in time for the cold winter months.

(Source: www.theguardian.com)


5.1.Suggest your own three extra tips to save water.

5.2.Convince your partner of the necessity of saving water.

5.3.Make up a dialogue.

6.1.Explain words in bold in ex. 2 and 5, and make your own sentences with them.

6.2.Make up 6 questions to the text.

Final Tasks

1. Fill in the gaps using the words below:

Vital, contributed, vapour, solvent, transpiration, exists, transparent, evaporates, solid, dissolve.

1. The insect‟s wings are almost ______. 2. Water is ______ for animals and human beings. 3. If a liquid ______, it changes into a gas. 4. They ______ $2000 to water resources fund. 5. The ship bumped against a ______ solid object, perhaps an iceberg. 6. Water ______, when heated, is very hot and can be dangerous. 7. The process of water passing out from the surface of a plant or leaf is called ______. 8. Lead is more ______ in acidic water. 9. Water ______ in three main forms: liquid, solid and gaseous. 10. Salt and sugar ______ in water.

2. Translate the following sentences using the vocabulary of Unit 1.

1.Эта ткань легкая и прозрачная. 2. Витамины жизненно важны для здоровья.

3.Благодаря солнцу происходит испарение влаги с поверхности земли. 4. Этот ученый внес большой вклад в развитие современных систем очистки воды. 5. Она отказалась от любой твердой пищи. 6. Будь осторожен, не обожгись водным паром! 7. Многие болезни возникают из-за плохой (poor) очистки воды. 8. Этот растворитель хорошо удаляет пятна с одежды. 9. Ацетон (acetone) – хороший растворитель. 10. В нашем регионе температура воздуха зимой колеблется от 0° до - 30° градусов.


3. Speaking. Make a presentation on the following topic.

Project. How much do you know about water? Work in groups. Collect information about water, then prepare a quiz for your classmates.

4.Choose the sentence that uses the underlined part correctly.

1.A To make concrete, the builders use different types of metal.

B The second floor is supported by I-beams.

2.A Rebar is often used for decoration.

B Aggregate is a mixture of sand, gravel, and broken stones.

3.A They made the floor with a stone called granite.

B Steel is a very unstable material.

4.A Sand is mostly made up of iron.

B Fire does not destroy walls made of bricks.

5.Retell the following English joke.

A physicist, biologist and a chemist were going to the ocean for the first time. The physicist saw the ocean and was fascinated by the waves. He said he wanted to do some research on the fluid dynamics of the waves and walked into the ocean. Obviously he was drowned and never returned.

The biologist said he wanted to do research on the flora and fauna inside the ocean and walked inside the ocean. He too, never returned.

The chemist waited for a long time and afterwards, wrote the observation, "The physicist and the biologist are soluble in ocean water".

(Source: http://www.waterqualityplus.com/waterjokes.htm)



Text 2A

1.Before you start.

How can you define water treatment.

Why is a good water treatment system essential for people?

2.Read the words and learn them by heart. Make up your own sentences with them.

1.To secure – обеспечивать безопасность, надежно защищать

2.To maintain – сохранять, защищать

3.Water supply – водоснабжение

4.Development – 1) развитие, рост; 2) застройка, жилищный комплекс, новое строительство

5.Available – доступный, имеющийся в наличии

6.To exert – повлиять, оказывать давление

7.Contamination – загрязнение (воды)

8.Waste – отходы, отбросы

9.Deterioration – ухудшение, порча, снижение качества

10.Rigorous – суровый, жесткий

11.To detect – открывать, находить, обнаруживать

12.To overlook – не обращать внимания, не замечать

13.Potable – питьевой

14.Water treatment – очистка воды

15.To process – обрабатывать, подвергать обработке

16.To encompass – заключать (в себе), касаться


Source: http://drinkingwaterz.com

3. Read the text 2A, translate it and compare your ideas in ex.1 with the facts.

Water Treatment

Securing and maintaining an adequate supply of water has been one of the essential factors in the development of human settlements. The earliest developments were primarily concerned with the quantity of water available. Increasing population, however, has exerted more pressure on limited high-quality surface sources, and the contamination of water with municipal, agricultural, and industrial wastes has led to a deterioration of water quality in many other sources. At the same time, water quality regulations have become more rigorous, analytical capabilities for detecting contaminants have become more sensitive, and the general public has become both more knowledgeable and more discriminating about water quality. Thus, the quality of a water source cannot be overlooked in water supply development. In fact, virtually all sources of water require some form of treatment before potable use.

Water treatment can be defined as the processing of water to achieve a water quality that meets specified goals or standards set by the end user or a community through its regulatory agencies. Goals and standards can include the requirements of regulatory agencies, additional requirements set by a local community, and requirements associated with specific industrial processes. The evolution of water treatment practice has a rich history of empirical and

scientific developments and challenges met and overcome.

Water treatment, however, encompasses a much wider range of problems and ultimate uses, including home treatment units, community treatment plants, and facilities for industrial water treatment with a wide variety of water quality requirements that depend on the specific industry. Water treatment processes are also applicable to remediation of contaminated groundwater and other water sources and wastewater treatment when the treated wastewater is to be recycled for new uses.

(Source: Crittenden J.C. Water Treatment: Principles and Design, pp.1-2)