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2. The practical study of development of pronunciation skills as the part of warming up.

2.1 The development of the English lesson

The modern school faces important tasks in organizing the content and structure of education in accordance with the requirements of the state, where a significant place is given to the development of the auditory and pronunciation skills of schoolchildren.

This chapter describes the audio complex, diagnoses the level of development of the phonetic skills of secondary school students and analyzes the results of experimental work. At the beginning of the quarter, a pedagogical observation was conducted to determine the level of formation of phonetic skills of this class, according to the results of which we can say that in this class the average level of development of phonetic skills. Therefore, it was decided to develop a set of phonetic exercises (as a warm-up at English lessons and evaluate the degree of effectiveness of the warm-up.

During the study of this work, the most effective exercises were discovered that are aimed at developing phonetic skills. They were divided into two large groups:

1) Listening exercises.

2) Reproduction exercises.

These two groups are closely related to each other, and both of them are necessary for the development of both auditory and pronunciation skills. Phonetic charging, presented in the form of an audio complex, is also important.

In the lesson, it is almost impossible to form only one speech or language skill. At the same time, when working with audio texts, lexical, grammar, and phonetic skills are developed. Audio texts provide information for discussion, which in turn involves the further development of speaking or writing skills. In this case, listening is a learning tool.

When working with audio material, the teacher sets a number of pedagogical conditions for the effective use of audio in teaching English:

- the formation of a positive motivation to study in learning a foreign language;

- development of a friendly and interested attitude to the country of the language being studied, its culture and people;

- shaping the ability of students to implement both oral and written forms of communication;

- taking into account the physical characteristics and interests of students; - the development of their creative abilities in the process of active cognitive activity.

Working with audio recordings goes in several stages, namely: When working with audio recordings, you can distinguish between nine stages:

1. Students 2 times listen to the audio file, do not look at the source text located on the interactive whiteboard, which is closed from the students. 2. Students should try to understand what is at stake. In strong classes, they must tell in English what they heard from the dialogue. In weak classes they can provide information about what they heard in Russian.

3. Then the students choose the right words hidden in the text with gaps.

4. There are as many tasks as there are hidden words in the text. Each task should have 4 answer options, where one is correct. Variants should be matched to the choice of lexical meaning and spelling.

5. Now the teacher opens the source text, and the students verify the correctness of their choice of answer. They carefully look at what words were hard to hear and whether they were spelled correctly.

6. Pupils listen to the audio recording again, but already rely on the proposed text.

7. Students read aloud a dialogue without sound recording. Perform this exercise no more than 2-3 times. Then they try to reproduce the pronunciation, rhythm and tone of the English language.

With this operation, audio recording can be turned on in slow motion, if the technique allows it. Using such a record will allow you to link the words together more naturally. You can also record students' speech and then compare their voice with a native speaker on an audio file.

The final stage is the recording of new words in a notebook with a translation.

Basic approaches and principles of conducting lessons using audio recordings:

1. The requirement for audio: - the sound must be clear and high-quality; - the presence of compliance with the material of the lesson topic is required - a clear diction.

2. Requirements for the speaker’s speech: - at the initial stage of working with audio, speech should be heard quite clearly, without extraneous and background noise; - speech should be fairly clear and slightly slowed down; - It is desirable that the accent or dialect of the speaker be understood by the students.

3. Language requirement: - the language must comply with modern requirements and the standards of the literary language, from those areas that students will most often encounter (however, in many cases this choice is determined by the objectives of the lesson); - the presence of natural pauses between statements is necessary; - slang expressions and exclamations should be short enough and not too difficult to understand; - The text should not be overloaded with new words, expressions and unfamiliar gestures.

4. Requirements for the duration of audio recordings: - audio should take no more than 5 minutes, repeated several times during the lesson; - all segments must have completeness.

Stages of working with audio exercises and their tasks. Types of tasks for each of the stages. When working with any text in the methodology of teaching foreign languages, several main stages are distinguished:


while viewing


1. The pre-text stage.

The goals of the stage: - motivation for the lesson of the student, set them up for the assignment, make active participants in the educational process; - remove the possible difficulties of perception of the text and prepare for the successful completion of the task.

Types of tasks:

1) Various options for anticipating the content of the text, based on: - systematization of knowledge that was obtained earlier on this topic; - the specifics of the header; - A cursory review of part of the topic of the lesson in the textbook; - a list of new words with translation or definitions presented before the text.

2) A summary of the main topics of the lesson by the teacher. The teacher can briefly convey the important idea of ​​the audio fragment, give an idea of ​​what will be discussed. If the plot is of interest to students, then this introduction should interest students, which means that the first goal of the stage can be considered achieved.

In his speech, the teacher can convey the main idea of ​​the text in simple and understandable words, or can save a number of expressions difficult to understand. Important in this case is the anticipation of possible difficulties of a linguistic, verbal and sociocultural nature and their removal using various techniques: this is an explanation, interpretation, translation, correlation with previously studied material, etc.

Obviously, to use this type of task, the teacher needs to have a high level of professional-methodological and professional-communicative competence. When working with this type of task, you should remember that the introduction text itself is not an installation for listening, so you need to clearly and clearly give the wording of the task while listening to the text, choose one of the tasks of the second stage, which will be described in more detail below.

3) A preliminary study of the topic By listening to audio texts, you can finish a series of lessons on a topic or problem. Students receive a task in advance to study a specific material, which logically prepares them for listening to the text. A preliminary reading of texts and discussion of problems on the same topic (in native and in foreign languages) also increases motivation during listening to the text, provided that the audio text opens up new perspectives for seeing this topic, contains new elements and unpredictability.

2. Text stage

The purpose of the stage is to ensure the further development of the linguistic, speech or sociocultural competencies of students, taking into account their real opportunities for foreign language communication. Types of tasks:

1) Tasks for the search for language information. These exercises and tasks should be directed to the search, isolation, fixing, transformation of certain language material: vocabulary, grammar, phonetics.

At this stage of the work, not so much the statement of the task as the content of the exercise gives one degree or another of efficiency and justification for the task. Sample assignment formulations: Listen to an audio fragment and you need to choose Russian words and expressions for English words; pick up the Russian word for the following English equivalents and expressions; fill in the blanks in sentences with the necessary words and expressions; record all adjectives that were heard while listening to the audio text with a noun; write down the verbs from the list below in the grammatical form in which they were used in the text; with what intonation was the word "specific word" pronounced in the audio text; From the list of synonymic expressions below, mark those used in the text of the audio.

2) Tasks that develop receptive skills. Traditional exercises aimed at:

- search for the correct answers to questions;

- determination of true / false statements;

- correlation of scattered sentences with semantic parts of the text.

3) Tasks aimed at developing phonetic skills: Techniques that are aimed at the formation of a monologue speech with audio:

- the alleged appearance of the characters and their clothes;

- items nearby;

- places of events;

- the nature of the relationship between the characters, etc.

All these tasks carry a specific type of monologue - descriptions while preserving the distinct features of the description of people, objects, etc.

4) Tasks aimed at reproducing what was heard in the form of a story, message, etc. The effectiveness of some tasks used to form dialogic speech skills, for example: turning off the sound and then reproducing the intended text. This exercise can hardly be used to reproduce monologue texts, since the content of the monologue in this case is almost impossible to anticipate, if only the person is poorly versed in foreign texts. As for the dialogue, in the presence of such elements of the speech situation as the place and time of events, communication partners, their non-verbal behavior, certain assumptions can be made about the content of the dialogue, especially if the situation is fairly standard

3. Post-text phase

The purpose of the stage is to use the source text as a basis and support for the development of productive skills in oral or written language. The initial stage is mandatory both in terms of using audio text as a means of forming complex communication skills, and as a means of controlling receptive skills (listening). This stage may be absent if the audio text is used only for the formation and control of receptive or phonetic skills. Those exercises that are aimed at developing productive skills in oral speech have already been partially mentioned in the previous section. At this stage, in addition to the above exercises, you can use: - project work related to the preparation of similar audio texts independently; - role-playing games, based on the plot or situation of the audio fragment. However, they can be partially modified.

Some exercises recommended by domestic and foreign methodologists for working on audio material can be distinguished as communicative: What did they say? Students listen to the sound design with part of the sounds (it can be a scene in a restaurant, in a store, meeting friends, coming to visit, or any other material depending on the level of students) and guess what this audio fragment says. Then they compose a dialogue and pronounce it like scoring audio. Then the full audio text and the teacher gives the necessary comments. Who said it? Students are given leaflets with lines from the exercise. After listening, students should say which words should most likely appear in one or another fragment of the text. What if? The students listen to the audio story, after which a discussion is held on what this text could be if the action took place in our country. What happens next? When listening with sound, the teacher stops the audio recording in some places, and the students must predict what the character will answer, or what will happen next.

Students are encouraged to listen to the audio exercise and record the main criteria in 6 columns under the headings Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? What do you want to know about? Before listening to thematic audio exercises, students make a list of possible questions on the topic of the text. Then they listen to the exercise and find answers to questions that are possible. Work with questions. When listening to audio texts that have no experience with audio, it is recommended that you first offer students a list of questions to find information. These questions may have a certain focus on the topic.

The subject of training exercises can be sounds and sound combinations that are placed in ever larger units: from a syllable - through a word - to a phrase and to a text. At the same time, work on pronunciation goes from listening to the text delivered by the teacher to the text created by the student. Also, at the initial stage, it is advisable to use methods such as: performing phonetic charging; working out the phonetic side of the new lexical and grammatical material; work on pronunciation by reading aloud. Phonetic exercise is also the main way to develop phonetic skills and is a special training exercise in pronunciation, preventing the forgetting of phonetic material and preventing deautomatization of skills. The material of phonetic charging can be individual sounds, sound combinations, words, sentences and small texts that contain phonetic phenomena that need constant “inventory”. Usually, phonetic exercises are structured: from smaller units (your own training subject) to larger ones, where these units appear in various combinations. For example, in English: [w] - what, water, wind, why, and then rhyming: Why do you cry Willy? It is important to find out the place of phonetic charging in the lesson. It is often given at the beginning of the lesson, introduces students to the atmosphere of the lesson, neutralizing the influence of the sound environment in the native language. Phonetic charging may precede reading, then it takes place on the material of the reading text, isolating the phonetic difficulties, grouped accordingly and then offered to students for conscious imitation. The process of formation of phonetic skills will proceed more successfully if the methods for the formation of phonetic skills are correctly selected; age characteristics of children are taken into account; the algorithm for the formation of phonetic skills is observed. Thus, the use of the audio complex of phonetic exercises in English lessons will increase the level of development of phonetic skills in high school.

To improve the effectiveness of teaching a foreign language, it is necessary to widely use the emotions of students in this process.

A comprehensive solution to the practical, educational, upbringing and developing tasks of learning is possible only if it affects not only the consciousness of students, but also penetration into their emotional sphere.

One of the most effective means of influencing the emotions and feelings of schoolchildren is phonetic exercise, which is "the strongest psychic stimulator penetrating into the underlying depths of consciousness."

Phonetic exercises can be invaluable in learning a foreign language in primary school. The advantage is that it helps, without much work, to assimilate and expand the vocabulary, as well as grammar skills and other types of speech activity more firmly.

In the lessons of a foreign language, you can use phonetic exercises whenever possible at all stages of the educational process:

- at the initial stage of the lesson;

- in the formation of grammar skills;

- in the formation of lexical skills

In order to maintain motivation for learning a foreign language, the child needs to bring the prospect of “speaking” closer and support his initial desire to immediately enter the communication process. It is phonetic charging that facilitates the process of memorizing phrases necessary for communication and vocabulary difficult to remember.

Phonetic charging corresponds to the age and psychological characteristics of children. Phonetic charging plays an important role in the formation of diction, clear and clear pronunciation of not only sound, words, but also phrases in general.

Phonetic charging helps to improve speech breathing, as it creates conditions for the clarity of pauses, due to this, expressiveness of speech appears.

Thus, we came to the conclusion that phonetic charging plays a huge role as a means of developing children's speech and its components, strengthens not only the arbitrary expressiveness of speech, but also contributes to the development of the correct pronunciation of individual sounds, words, as well as the phrase as a whole, which contributes to improve pronunciation quality.