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W.A.P. Smith

level 3D data, understanding these issues is important. Finally, as sensors and applications continue to develop, the need for new representations and methods for compression and visualization mean this remains an active research area.

4.10 Further Reading

An introductory level text covering mathematics related to geometry processing is by Vince [72]. 3D representations in general are covered in some detail in the computer graphics textbooks of Watt [73] and Foley et al. [15]. A number of textbooks focus in more detail on specific representations. For example, meshes, geometry processing algorithms including error removal, mesh creation, smoothing, conversion and morphing are covered in detail in the textbook of Botsch et al. [10]. NURBS are described in detail in the textbook of Piegl and Tiller [53], subdivision surfaces are covered by Peters and Reif [50], implicit curves and surfaces are examined by Gomes et al. [19] and the textbook of Suetens [66] deals with volumetric representations in the context of medical imaging. A popular textbook describing techniques for visualization is by Post et al. [54].

4.11 Questions

1.Compare and contrast K -d point cloud structuring and octree structuring. When might one method be preferable over the other?

2.For each of the following methods and devices for 3D acquisition, explain what is the most suitable raw data representation. Justify your answer. You may need to research how each method operates.

Time-of-flight camera.

Multi-view stereo.

Shape from shading.

Structured light.

MRI scanner (consider structural, functional and diffusion tensor modalities).

3.For a 3D imaging application of your choice, list the operations that would need to be applied to the data and use this to guide selection of an appropriate 3D representation. Explain any difficulties that may arise in converting to this representation from the raw data acquired in your chosen application.

4.What considerations are relevant when selecting a data structure for 3D meshes?

5.Describe an application in which lossy compression of 3D data is acceptable and an application in which only lossless compression is acceptable.

6.Explain three situations in which 3D data needs to be visualized. Each situation should employ a different visualization of the data.

4 Representing, Storing and Visualizing 3D Data


4.12 Exercises

1.Derive an algorithm for extracting a list of edges from a triangular mesh stored in a vertex-face list. The complexity should be linear in the number of triangles.

2.Using a data structure of your choice, show how to compute a vertex normal for a triangular mesh. You should choose one of the methods described in Sect. 4.5.1 to compute the normals.

3.In Sect., code is given for traversing the edges incident on a vertex in a halfedge structure. Provide similar code for traversing the faces incident on a vertex.

4.Describe how to implement the edge collapse operation in a halfedge structure. The collapsed edge and one of the vertices must be removed from the structure, edges incident on the deleted vertex must be altered so that they are incident on the retained vertex and finally any degenerate faces must be removed.

5.A sphere can be represented as a subdivision surface using the following rule. The base mesh is a polyhedron, in this case use an icosahedron. The subdivision rule divides each triangle into four smaller triangles by adding vertices halfway along each edge. The new vertices are translated such that their distance from the sphere center is equal to the radius of the sphere. Derive a rule for computing the number of edges, faces and vertices in the representation as a function of the number of iterative subdivisions. Now, using a triangle mesh data structure of your choice, derive a similar rule for computing the number of pointers required to store the representation at each level of iteration.

6.Using a mesh representation of your choice, show how to evaluate the quadric error metric at a vertex.

7.A mesh can be considered as a weighted graph, where edge weights correspond to Euclidean distance between the end nodes. Describe how to implement Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm in order to achieve fast range searching over a mesh graph stored in a halfedge structure. Given a distance threshold over which to range search, what is the stopping criteria for this algorithm?


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