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6. Classification of phraseological units

There are several classifications of phraseological units. Semantic classification of phraseological units was suggested by academician V.V. Vinogradov.

There are three groups in this classification:

a) phraseological combinations (сочетания) are very close to free word groups as they have one of the words used in its direct meaning, e.g. to break a promise – нарушить обещание (“to break” is used in the transferred meaning, and “promise” is used in the direct meaning); to break news – смягчать дурные вести (“to break” is used in the transferred meaning, and the word “news” is used in the direct meaning).

These word combinations are motivated; the components are limited in the ability to combine with each other. We can say in English: to break a promise (нарушить обещание) but we cannot say: to destroy a promise (разрушить обещание);

b) phraseological unities are expressions the meaning of which can be deduced from the meanings of their components; the meaning of the whole is based on the transferred meanings of the components, e.g. to skate of thin ice – рисковать; to sit on the fence – выжидать; to show one’s teeth – to be unfriendly; to stand to one’s guns – to refuse to change one’s opinion; wash one’s dirty linen in public – to discuss or make public one’s quarrels.

In such phrasiological unity the meaning of the whole is not the sum of the direct meanings of the components, but it is the meaning, that understood from the transformed (change) meaning of the components;

c) phraseological fusions (сращения) are units whose meaning cannot be deduced from the meanings of their component parts, the meaning of phraseological fusions is unmotivated at the present stage of language development, e.g. heavy fatherserious or solemn part in a theatrical play; red tape – bureaucratic methods (волокита); a mare’s nest – иллюзия, заблуждение; My aunt! – вот те на!, вот так штука!, подумать только!, ну и ну! (восклицание, выражающее удивление, досаду, восклицание); a fish story – выдумка; Oh, my eye! – Oh, my God!; Good-bye – God be with you.

There was a time when phraseological fusions were motivated, e.g. to cut off with a shilling – лишить наследства.

Such phraseological units have transferred meaning. The meaning of the components is completely absorbed by the meaning of the whole.

7. Sources of phraseological units

Linguists collect set expressions and arrange them into groups according to their origin, e.g. idioms from sea life, from sports, from agriculture, from military life and so on.

There are several sources of phraseological units. One of them is the development of cultural and economical spheres of life.

Phraseological units may come from:

1) engineering and technology, e.g. to let off steam – дать волю чувствам;

2) agriculture, e.g. to put the plough before the oxen – начать не с того конца;

3) sea-travelling business, e.g. to be in low waters – быть на мели;

4) trade and commerce, e.g. into bargain – в придачу;

5) national customs and traditions, e.g. by hook or (by) crook – (by any means) любыми средствами;

6) everyday life, e.g. to be born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth – родиться в рубашке, to sail under false colour – прятать истинное лицо;

7) world literature, e.g. to fight against Windmills – сражаться с ветряными мельницами, an ugly duckling – гадкий утенок;

8) history, e.g. to cross the Rubicon – перейти Рубикон, принять бесповоротное решение;

9) the Bible, e.g. the apple of discord – яблоко раздора, black sheep, lost sheep заблудшая овца, to cast pearls before swine – метать бисер перед свиньями, can the leopard change its spots? – горбатого могила исправит.

Such phrasiological units can be easily translated from one language to another, e.g. a wolf in sheep closing - волк в овечьей шкуре. Such units are call international phrasiological units. As for national ones they are not easily translated into another language. They are translated as a rule by a free word combination, e.g. the Russian phraseological unit филькина грамота can be translated into English as “a useless sheet of paper”; глухая тетеря (Russian) – “a deaf person” (English).



free word group phraseological unit

components constituent words

substitution stability

Phraseology ready-made unit

transferred meaning idiom

phraseological fusion phraseological combination

national phrasiological unit international phrasiological unit


  1. What is a word combination? Types of word combinations. Classifications of word-groups.

  2. A free word combination. What are the restrictions imposed on it?

  3. Phraseology as a subsystem of language. Phraseological units as part of the vocabulary of a language.

  4. What is a phraseological unit?

  5. Difference between a free word combination and a phraseological word combination.

  6. The main types of phraseological units in Modern English.

  1. Explain the meaning of the following word combinations: (1) as free word combinations and (2) as phraseological units:

skate on thin ice, best man, black ball, first night, run out, touch bottom,

give a ring, break the ice, burn one’s fingers, on the rocks, to have green

fingers, to start the ball rolling, get to the point, a piece of cake, black sheep.

  1. From the lexemes in brackets choose the correct one to go with each of the synonyms given below:

    1. acute, keen, sharp (knife, mind, sight);

    2. abysmal, deep, profound (ignorance, river, sleep);

    3. unconditional, unqualified (success, surrender);

    4. diminutive, miniature, petite, petty, small, tiny (camera, house, speck, spite, suffix, woman);

    5. brisk, nimble, quick, swift (mind, revenge, train, walk).

  2. One word in each group does not make a strong word partnership with the underlined word. Which word is odd one out?

1) Bright idea green smell child day room

2) Clear attitude need instruction alternative day conscience road

3) Light traffic work day entertainment suitcase rain green lunch

4) New experience job food potatoes baby situation year

5) High season price opinion spirits house time priority

6) Main point reason effect entrance speed road meal course

7) Strong possibility doubt smell influence views coffee language

8) Serious advantage situation relationship illness crime matter

4. Using a dictionary, find idioms that include the “food” words listed below. Use them in sentences of your own.

1. ham 2. tea 3. icing 4. onion 5. cream 6. nut

5. Complete the similes:

For example, as cool as a cucumber

as good as as red as

as mad as as American as

as happy as as easy as

as simple as as merry as

as poor as as ugly as

6. Complete the proverb from the right column.

1. There is not place a) built in a day

  1. When at Rome, do b) than roast meat abroad

  2. East or west c) like home

  3. Practice makes d) is his castle

  4. Dry bread at home is better e) home is best

  5. Rome was not f) as the Romans do

  6. An Englishman’s home g) perfect

  1. Read the dialogues with phraseological units and make up your own.

  • So, how’s business?

Great! We’ve been in the black for several months now.

Wow, congratulations!


  • Nice suit, it must have cost an arm and a leg.

No, I got it on sale.

Wow. Are there any left?

Not in your size, I’m sure.

  • Boy, I am hungry!

So am I, but I only have an hour before my next class.

Well, let’s grab a bite to eat at that Chinese take out.


1. Phraseological fusion has:

a) deduced meanings of its components

b) its denotational meaning

c) transferred meaning

d) one of the words used in its direct meaning

2. Phraseological units are constructed in:

a) speech

b) the process of communication

c) dictionaries

d) the process of writing

3. A phraseological unit “heavy father” means:

a) a fat father

b) a serious or solemn part in a theatrical play

c) a strict father

d) a stepfather

4. Phrasiological units are structurally and semantically:

a) formal

b) unstable

c) semi-free

d) stable

5. A phraseological unit “to see eye to eye” means:

a) видеться с глазу на глаз

b) смотреть пристально

c) быть полностью согласным

d) следить за кем-либо

6. A phraseological unit “to stand to one’s guns” means:

a) to hold a gun on somebody

b) to refuse to change one’s opinion

c) to hunt with a gun

d) to shoot someone with a gun

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