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учебный год 2023 / (Encyclopedia of Law and Economics 5) Boudewijn Bouckaert-Property Law and Economics -Edward Elgar Publishing (2010)

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This theory suggests that several institutions, legal as well as customary, which regulate flow capture, can be explained as attempts to solve or to alleviate this problem of overuse. We can distinguish the following ones:

3.1Common property arrangements and regulations

The open access is restricted to some users. By this a kind of common property on the asset is introduced, the commoners being the ones entitled to capture. This can lead to more optimal use-levels. On the other hand exclusion costs may increase. Because there is an inverse relationship between exclusion costs and the number of included, the trade-off between exclusion costs and costs of rent dissipation may lead to a number of users, which is higher than the optimal amount (Lueck, 1995, 406). Examples of such a common-property arrangements are:

(1)Riparian rights: the system of riparian rights prevails in England and in the eastern American states. It is based on old common-law doctrine. Water rights are tied to ownership of land, bordering the water. Owners (or people with a derived right) of such land are entitled to correlative and reasonable use of the water. The water rights cannot be sold apart from the land (Lueck, 1995, 427; Rose, 1990). The system creates a common property regime of landowners adjacent to the water. Due to the restriction the users are able to control each other in order to prevent overuse and dissipation. The common property regime by the bordering landowners permits also a low-cost control. Downstream owners will suffer from overuse or pollution from upstream owners and will react quite swiftly. The setting up of expensive overarching control agencies can be avoided in this way. In the west of the United States the prior appropriation rule prevailed (Lueck, 1995; Libecap, 2006, 28). This rule allowed possession of a stock of water also for non-riparian owners. Lueck explains the difference with the Eastern rule by the extensive diversion of water away from riparian land, such as mining and irrigation (Lueck, 1995, 428)

(2)The commons: in most villages in Europe some land, such as wasteland and pasture-land, was held in commons. All families of the village were entitled to use this land for game keeping, for gathering dead wood and for grazing their cattle. Because the villages were involved in longterm and multiplex relationships, rules on overuse were easy to implement. In fact, most historical commons do not reflect the dramatic picture of the tragedy of the commons as depicted by Hardin (Ellickson, 1993; Lueck, 1995, 422). As far as arable land was concerned a semi-commons prevailed (Smith, 2000). Between the early spring and the time of harvesting private

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property on the strips of arable land prevailed. During late autumn and winter the fields were used for grazing the cattle of the whole village. By rotating private and commons regimes the farmers were able to maximize the use of their land for crop growing as well as for cattle raising purposes. This semi-commons system collapsed with the development of large interregional markets for agricultural products. These markets allowed land being exclusively used either for crop growing or for cattle raising (Smith, 2000; Stahl-Rolf, 1998; Stahl-Rolf, 2000).

(3)Wild game: in feudal England, the right to capture game was a privilege enjoyed by feudal lords. This restriction, based on class origin, limited access and probably prevented inefficient over-hunting (Lueck, 1995, 424). It was expected that the collapse of this feudal privilege system would lead to overuse and rapidly declining populations of wild game. This was effectively the case at the beginning of the French Revolution, when all farmers suddenly started to hunt pigeons and rabbits, mainly in order to protect their crops (Shama, 1989). As a consequence, strict regulation had to be imposed to control the hunting of game in France. Also in England, game hunting privileges were abolished during the nineteenth century and ownership rights to wild game were granted to all landowners. The effect was, however, far less dramatic in England than in France. The enclosure movement had created large consolidated holdings. This permitted large wild game stocks to live on a few holdings. Agreements to control game capture remained as a consequence easy to reach and to implement. In America, with its scattered private landholdings (see also the Homestead Act) and its wide-ranging species, control of game capture by private owners was difficult, so states were granted extensive regulatory control over the access and use of wildlife.

(4)Unitization contracts: by contracts between those with surface access to oil and gas they coordinate their actions in order to mitigate rule of capture waste. Access to oil and gas underlying numerous surface holdings is limited through space-requirements limiting density of wells and prevent adjacent surface owners from drilling along their property lines to deplete their neighbours’ reserves. States also compel the formation of reservoir units, if a supermajority of the surface owners agree (Lueck, 1995, 426).

3.2Intensive and stable group interaction

As mentioned already in quoted examples, multiplex relationships between the members of the capturing community will stimulate spontaneous (that is, not imposed and not enforced by an external authority) restriction of the use of flows and the prevention of open-access dissipation. If

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some members of the same community care more than others about the common and the future wealth of it (moral entrepreneurs) they will be able to develop restrictive rules and practices, which can be enforced by secondparty control (tit for tat, because multiplex relationships imply repeated games) and by third-party control, based on gossip and reputation (Ellickson, 1991). Historical examples of such close-knit societies, restricting spontaneously the capture of flows, are easy to find: the ‘commons’ of agricultural villages; hunting and fishing rights in tribal societies (Johnsen, 1986); customs of lobstermen in Maine (Acheson, 1989).

3.3Maintaining homogeneous group membership by equal contingent rules

Often groups whose members are entitled to flow capture apply a rule following which each member is entitled to a same amount of capture. At first sight such a rule seems to be inefficient, as the highly productive capturer will spend too little effort, while the less productive too much. It is possible, however, that equal-contingent rules are maintained in order to stimulate homogeneity of group membership. These rules force a group to preserve homogeneity by screening potential members, by indoctrination and by limiting the transfer of membership rights (see below) (Lueck, 1995, 408).

By preserving homogeneity the group prevents the more efficient capturers from eliciting a race for capturing, which leads to overuse and openaccess dissipation. As an historical example we can quote the equal access of English villagers to the common resources (pasture – grass, estover

– wood, diggings – coal and stones, turbary – turf and peat, piscary – fish) (Lueck, 1995, 422).

3.4Restriction of transfer of the right to capture

Restrictions of trade are usually inefficient as they hamper the allocation to the highest bidder, on average the most efficient user of the good. When property rights can be established on entire stocks, limits to transfer, which might have existed for religious and military reasons, tend to disappear. The gradual commodification of land in European legal history serves as an example. When rights can only be established on flows of stock, the restriction of transfer may find its economic rationale in the preservation of homogeneous membership and the avoiding of open-access dissipation (Lueck, 1995, 409). When rights of capture are transferable a rapid decline of homogeneity may be expected as rights will be always traded to more efficient users, offering a price which is higher than the expected capture returns of the present user. Consequently, trade of capture rights will lead to heterogeneity of users, possibly leading to a race for capturing.

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Examples of such restrictions of trade are: the rights of English villagers to the commons, the right of riparian owners to use water for household consumption. Also the US/UK distinction concerning the trade of wildlife products can be explained by the different property situation of wildlife stocks. In the United States this trade is submitted to severe restrictions. Concerning wildlife stocks a rule of capture exists. Harvest pressure on the flow is limited by trade restrictions. In the UK rights on wildlife stocks are well defined and privately held. As a result trade serves only to generate wealth and does not dissipate the value of the stock (Lueck, 1995, 424).

4.Definition of possession as a title for initial acquisition

Under a rule of first appropriation the person who took the first control over the concerned asset becomes the owner. This apparently simple rule is, however, often difficult to apply to practical cases as questions may arise about the concrete acts and signs necessary to establish factual control. This is illustrated by the famous case Pierson v. Post, 1805. Post was hunting a fox on an unowned beach. He almost had the beast in his sights when an interloper appeared, killed the fox and ran off with the carcass. Post sued on the theory that his pursuit established his property right to the fox. The court, however, decided otherwise, arguing that only the one who killed or at least mortally wounded the animal and thereby bringing it under a certain control had a claim to ownership. One can find similar cases in all legal systems, about which long doctrinal debates developed. Does economics have to say anything in this debate? Can we develop an economic criterion for an efficient definition of possession in order either to apply the first appropriation rule or to fix the beginning of prescription in case of adverse possession? From an economic point of view the definition of possession should meet two criteria: clarity and stimulation of heterogeneity of potential claimants.


The acts and circumstances which serve as a sign of possession should be clear and unambiguous to the members of the legal community. They must reveal in a clear way one’s intent to appropriate. By linking ownership rights to unambiguous, visible signs of possession further inefficient racing for a specific asset and endless trials about possession are avoided. The preference for clarity is illustrated by the famous case Brumagin v. Bradshaw (39 Cal. 24 1870; Rose, 1985). The case concerned a considerable amount of land in the Potrero district of San Francisco. Before this land had become a residential and commercial area, it had been settled by a certain George Treat, who pastured livestock on the land. The party which claimed through Treat alleged that the latter had repaired a fence

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across the neck of the Potrero peninsula. The other party alleged that outsiders could still land in boats and that there was a gap in the fence. The court ruled that a jury should consider whether Treat’s fences gave sufficient notice to the public that he had appropriated the property.

Also in the case Pierson v. Post, the court ruled in favour of Pierson, who killed the fox and took the carcass. The court decided in favour of the party which had put itself in the clearest position of possession and about which uninformed outsiders would most likely recognize the possession. The preference for clarity in the definition of possession implies also a trade-off between inefficient racing and litigation costs on one hand, and the impairing of incentives of efficient appropriation by saucy intruders on the other hand. In the case Pierson v. Post, Pierson free-rode on the efforts of Post. Such a ruling could stimulate free riders’ attitudes in general, by which efficient appropriative behaviour would be hampered and suboptimal appropriation levels would prevail (Rose, 1985). Dharmapala and Pitchford analyze the dissenting opinion of Justice Livingstone in this case and reach some different conclusions. Flushing out foxes by hounds and killing the foxes are not substitutes but are fully complementary. The rule, adopted by the court, might have been socially suboptimal when killing foxes in order to protect farmers was the main social objective. As most foxes were not hunted in open access land, as was the case in Pierson v. Post, and as the case was driven by very personal concerns of honour, the social loss of the ruling of the court was probably minimal. According to the model of Dharmapala and Pitchford, however, the Livingstone rule seems to be the optimal one in other circumstances and not the rule of the court (Dharmapala and Pitchford, 2002).

4.2Stimulation of heterogeneity among claimants

As mentioned already (see Section 2) the dissipation of rental streams is the highest when potential claimants are homogeneous. By defining possession in a certain way it is possible to influence the homogeneityheterogeneity level of potential claimants and to prevent rent dissipation to a certain extent. As a consequence, some possession rules may find their economic rationale in the stimulation of claimants’ heterogeneity. The following examples can be given:

(1) Finders keepers rule for finds: this rule applies often for treasure trove, abandoned property (voluntary parting) and lost property (involuntary parting). Salvage rules under maritime law, however, allow for a division of the spoils (sunken ship and their cargo) between finder and the former owner (Hallwood and Miceli, 2006). Art. 716 Code Civil (Belgium–France) also allows for a fifty–fifty division of treasure trove

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between finder and owner, when the treasure is found on somebody else’s land (see also art. 939 Code Civil Quebec) (Dukeminier and Krier, 1993; Lueck, 1995, 413). The finders keepers rule limits competition among potential claimants to time ‘first come first served’, by which appropriation becomes largely dependent on random factors. Consequently, other potential claimants than the finder are not able to eliminate heterogeneity by investments.

(2)Telepossession: in the case Columbus-American Discovery Group Inc.

v.Atlantic Mutual Ins. Co., 1992 [974, F. 2d 450–4th Cie 1992] (Lueck, 1995, 413) the court allowed the establishment of rights on a sunken treasure through the use of remote video cameras which produced live images. It did not require physical possession, but coined the term telepossession. By such a definition of possession in this case the court maximized heterogeneity among sea explorers and prevented costly duplication in exploration.

(3)The Homestead Act 1862: this already mentioned Act (see Section 2) seems to refute the thesis of efficient definition of possession. Rather, the procedures of this act concentrated on stimulating the homogeneity of potential claimants through publicly announcing and promoting the homesteading of the concerned areas. Further elements of the historical context of this act, however, offer an explanation of these procedures. On the one hand, auctioneering and land sale by the government, the most used procedure prior to the Homestead Act, proved to be too costly for the frontier (definition and division of land tracts). On the other hand, squatting on the land at the frontier increased rapidly, which created rising problems for protecting the squatters against Native American tribes and criminal gangs. By opening blocks of land tracts to the public, by organizing races among many potential claimants for these tracts, dense settlement of land was promoted, by which land enforcement costs were mitigated (Allen, 1991; Lueck, 1995, 414). This conclusion is, however, contested by Anderson and Hill, who contend that the Homestead Act was inefficient, certainly for the more arid lands in the West. The inefficiency of the Act can be explained by the lack of residual claimants (Anderson and Hill, 2002, 506)

(4)Hard rock mining: the American General Mining Law of 1872 establishes a first appropriation rule for mineral rights on public lands. The miner who discovers a valuable mineral deposit, locates the claim and does the assessment work, can apply for a patent. While prospecting, he is protected by the doctrine of pedis possessio. The law protects the possession

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of the miner in order to obtain a patent eventually later on, at the moment when heterogeneity is the highest, that is, at the moment of the discovery (Lueck, 1995, 416).

(5)Intellectual property: for this type of property, mostly a first to invent policy is followed by applying the rule of acquisition by creation (Dukeminier and Krier, 1993).

The auction alternative would only be possible here after the invention or creation, which would impair incentives for research or artistic creativity a lot. Several studies point to the fact that the law tends to grant the invention ownership very early, when claimant heterogeneity is still large. Also courts tend to grant broad patent protection when a new invention signals room for many improvements, thus preventing a race for ownership. When an idea has limited room for improvement, only a narrow protection is granted (Grady and Alexander, 1992).

(6)Whaling norms: as for wild game the rule of first appropriation may pose a problem for whale fishing. Often whales are pursued by one ship, harpooned by another and, after breaking loose, killed and captured by a third ship. Customary rules were developed among whalers which reflect the avoidance of wasteful races by fixing possession at the moment of high heterogeneity. Such rules were sometimes upheld by court decision such as the rule that the first party to shoot the whale with a ‘bomb-lance’, gained rights over it (see Gehn v. Rich [8F.159 (1881)]; Dharmapala and Pitchford, 2002, 45). These rules differed, however, according to the kind of whale being fished. When the right whale, a docile kind of whale, was mostly fished, whalers applied the ‘fast fish-loose fish’ rule, that is, the whaling boat which kept the whale to the boat with the harpoon was the owner. If the whale got loose, it was open again for catching. This rule preserved maximum heterogeneity. When whale fishery turned more to the catching of sperm whales, a very energetic kind, whalers applied the ‘iron holds the whale’ rule, that is, even when the fish got loose but the boat whose harpoon was in the whale remained in fresh pursuit, this boat preserved its possession. The other rule became unpractical because sperm whales, once harpooned, could sink the boat by diving. As a consequence, a rule which preserved heterogeneity too, but was less dangerous, was applied (Ellickson, 1991, 195).


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