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1Answer the questions.

a)Was the Chocolate Room the nerve centre of the whole factory?

b)What did the kids and nine grown-ups see when Mr Wonka opened the door of the Chocolate Room?

c)What was the most astonishing sight of all?

d)What were these pipes doing?

e)What was so unusual about the river the guests saw?

f)The children and their parents were very much surprised when they heard about the chocolate river, weren't they?

g)Why was the waterfall most important?

h)Did Mr Wonka invite everybody to taste his grass?

i)Could Grandpa Joe eat the whole field of this grass?

j)Why did Veruca Salt start screaming all of a sudden?

2 Say "true" or "false". If "false", give the right answer. a) The Chocolate Room was a very important room.


b)When Mr Wonka opened the doors of the Chocolate Room, the guests saw nothing special there.

c)Below the waterfall there were many glass pipes, going down into the river from somewhere high up in the ceiling.

d)The huge pipes were sucking up the brownish muddy water.

e)There was nothing growing along the riverbanks.

f)Every drop of this river was hot melted chocolate.

g)The grass was made of a new kind of soft, minty sugar.

h)Suddenly everybody saw some huge men across the river.

3Say who said it and when.

a)I insist upon my rooms being beautiful!

b)Try a blade! Please, do! It's delectable!

c)Hasn't it got a wonderful taste, Grandpa?

d)I could go around on all fours like a cow and eat every blade of grass in the field!

e)It's a little man! Down there below the waterfall!

f)She's right, Grandpa!

4Fill in the chart with the words from Chapter 15. See who scores more.

















Follow-up. Translate these words into Russian. Use a dictionary if necessary.


5Describe how Mr Wonka made chocolate in his factory. Look at the tip first.

Tip: pipes — to suck up the chocolate; to carry it away to all rooms where it was needed. waterfall — to mix the chocolate; to churn it; to pound it; to beat.

6Discuss in class.

a)Have you ever been to a chocolate factory? Would you like to go to one? Why or why not?

b)Mr Wonka's factory was a very unusual place. Have you ever been to any unusual place? What was it like there?

c)Do you feel that something unusual is going to happen to the kids? Why or why not?

7Sum up Chapter 15 in 4—6 sentences.




1Answer the questions.

a)How were the little people, who worked in Mr Wonka's factory, called?

b) Was Loompaland a nice country?

c) Why did the little Oompa-Loompas live in tree-houses?

d)What did they live on?

e)What was the only food they longed for?


How did the Oompa-Loompas react to the word 'cacao'?


Can you make chocolate without chocolate beans? h) What did Mr Wonka do when he discovered


the Oompa-Loompas were crazy about the cacao beans?


i)How did Mr Wonka bring the little people into

his country? j)

Veruca Salt wanted to have an Oompa-Loompa,

didn't she? k)

What did her father promise her to do? 1) What was Augustus Gloop doing at that



2 Say "true" or "false". If "false", give the right answer. Look at the tip first. Tip 1: — Loompaland was a terrible country.

It's true (That's right; I can't agree more; Absolutely). Loompaland was really a terrible country.

Tip 2: — Mrs Salt was a teacher of mathematics.

It's false (That's not right; You're kidding me; It's hardly so; I can't agree with you). Mrs Salt wasn't a teacher of maths, she was a teacher of geography.

a)The jungles in Loompaland were infested by tigers.

b)The caterpillars tasted delicious.

c)The one food that the Oompa-Loompas longed for more than any other was the cacao bean.

d)The Oompa-Loompas found as many cacao beans as they wanted.

e)You cannot make chocolate without the cacao bean.

f)Mr Wonka never used cacao beans in his factory.

g)When Mr Wonka climbed up to the tree-house village, the leader of the tribe was eating cacao beans.

h)Mr Wonka promised to the leader of the tribe that he would pay the Oompa-Loompas their wages in

cacao beans.



The Oompa-Loompas didn't want to go with Mr Wonka.


Mr Wonka shipped the Oompa-Loompas in cages. 3 Say who said it and when.

a)Imported direct from Loompaland.

b)Mr Wonka, I'm a teacher of geography.

c)The cacao bean, which grows on the cacao tree, happens to be the thing from which all chocolate is made.

d)Look here, if you come back to my country and live in my factory, you can have all the cacao beans you want.

e)It's a deal!

f)Daddy, I want an Oompa-Loompa right away!

g) Now, now, my pet! We mustn't interrupt Mr Wonka, h) Augustus, sweetheart, don't do that.

4 Match the words in the left-hand column with their definitions in the right-hand-column. Use a dictionary if necessary.

to import

to want something very much and in

a way that is hard to control

to infest

to have saliva (cjuoHa) coming out on-

to your chin


to crave

to take someone or something secretly

into or out of a country

to dribble

to move somewhere quietly and secret-

ly so that no one can see you

to smuggle

to buy a product from another country and bring it in your country

to make up

if animals infest a place there are very many of them in it

to sneak

to invent a story, poem



5 "Hornswogglers", "snozzwangers" and "whangdoo-dles" are imaginary animals. Draw them and then describe them to your group-mates.

6Discuss in class.

What sort of people were the Oompa-Loompas? Do you like them or not?




1Answer the questions.

a)What did Mr Wonka cry out when he saw what Augustus was doing?

b)Did Augustus come away from the chocolate river?

c)What was Mr Gloop afraid of?

d)What happened to Augustus?

e)Why didn't Mr Gloop want to dive into the chocolate river?

f)Augustus was sucked in by one of the great pipes, wasn't he?

g)How could everybody see him in the pipe?

h)Was Mr Wonka worried about Augustus? Why or why not?

i)Why did Mrs Gloop scream that her son would be made strawberry-flavoured chocolate-coated fudge?

j)Why did Mrs Gloop call Mr Wonka "a monster"?

k)Why wouldn't Mr Gloop allow Augustus to be chocolate fudge?

1) Where did Mr Wonka ask an Oompa-Loompa to take Mrs and Mr Gloop?

m)What instruction did Mr Wonka give the Oompa-Loompa?

n)What did the five Oompa-Loompas on far side of the river suddenly begin to do when Mr and Mrs Gloop and their escort hurried away?

o)Did Charlie think that the Oompa-Loompas were joking when he heard their song?

2 Say who said it and when.


a)Come away from the river at once!

b)Gosh, I need a bucket to drink it properly!


c)You are dirtying my chocolate!

d)You'll be giving that nasty cold of yours to about a million people all over the country.

e)Call the fire brigade.

f)There is no danger! Augustus has gone on a little journey.

g) He'll be made into marshmallows in five seconds, h) You monster!

i)I want you to take Mr and Mrs Gloop up to the Fudge Room and help them to find their son.

3 Translate the phrases into Russian. Use them in your own sentences or situations.

not to take the slightest notice to lie full length

all over the country to keep calm

to go on a journey

to sell by the pound/kilo to laugh one's head off

4 Role-play the conversation between:

a)Mr Wonka, Mrs Gloop, Mr Gloop (before Augustus was sucked up by a pipe).

b)Mrs Gloop, Mr Gloop, Mr Wonka (after Augustus was sucked up by a pipe).

5Discuss in class.

a)Was Augustus a good boy? Why or why not?

b)Do you agree that Mr Wonka decided to teach him a lesson? Was it a good way to teach

somebody a lesson?




1 Answer the questions.

a)How did Mr Wonka and his guests were to make the next part of the journey?

b)The boat was beautiful, wasn't it?

c)Was the boat made from a sweet?

d)What did one hundred Oompa-Loompas do when they saw the guests?

e)What was Veruca's wish now?

f)What was Charlie astonished at?

g)What did Mr Wonka hand to Charlie and Grandpa Joe? Why?

h)Why was the chocolate so good?


i)Was the boat running right into the tunnel?

j)What did Charlie see when the lights came on?

k)Was the boat going along slowly or was she rocketing at a furious pace?

1) What rooms did the boat flash past?

m) What did Mr Wonka ask the Oompa-Loompas to do when a bright red door came into sight ahead?

2Match the two parts of the sentences.

1)A steamy mist was rising now from the great warm chocolate river

2)Everything that Charlie had seen so far — the great chocolate river, the waterfall, the huge sucking pipes, the Oompa-Loompas, the beautiful pink boat, and most of all Mr Wonka himself — had been so astonishing

3)Suddenly Mr Wonka, who was sitting on Charlie's side, reached down into the bottom of the boat, picked up a large mug, dipped it into the river, filled it with chocolate

4)Charlie put the mug to his lips, and as the rich warm creamy chocolate ran down his throat into his empty tummy

5)There was some kind of a dark tunnel ahead

6)Mr Wonka seemed to love the sensation of whizzing through a white tunnel in a pink boat

a)and handed it to Charlie.

b)and the river was running right into the tunnel.

c)his whole body from head to toe began to tingle with pleasure, and a feeling of intense happiness spread over him.

d)and out of the mist there appeared suddenly a most fantastic pink boat.


e)that he began to wonder whether there could possibly be any more astonishments left.

f)and he clapped his hands and laughed and kept glancing at his passengers to see if they were enjoying it as much as he.

3 Draw this fabulous pink boat and describe the journey which Charlie and the other visitors made.

4 Draw a sketch-portrait of Veruca Salt. Do you like the girl? Why or why not?

5Discuss in class.

a)Have you ever travelled by boat? Was your journey as astonishing as Charlie's? Describe it to your group-mates.

b)Can you guess what is going to happen in the next chapter?



1Answer the questions.

a)What was the most important room in the factory?

b)What was happening in there?

c)What was the place like? Why?

d)Why could anyone see that that was the room Mr Wonka loved best of all?

e)What was Mr Wonka inventing for children who were given little pocket money?

f)What made 'Everlasting Gobstoppers' different from gum?

g)What was so magic about Hair Toffee?

h) Why was the mixture not quite right yet? i) What did Mr Wonka promise to his guests?

2Complete the sentences.

a)Mr Wonka took a key from his pocket...

b) Mr Wonka himself suddenly became even more excited than usual...


c)Gum is for chewing, and if you try to chew one of these Gobstoppers...

d)That's Hair Toffee. You eat just one tiny bit of that and...

e)I tried this Hair Toffee on an Oompa-Loompa yesterday in the testing room and...

3 Say "true" or "false". If "false", give the right answer.

a)When Mr Wonka shouted 'Stop the boat!', the Oom-pa-Loompas rowed on.

b)The Inventing Room was the most important room in the entire factory.

c)Everybody, even Oompa-Loompas, was allowed in the Inventing Room.

d)The place was like a palace.

e)Anyone could see that the Inventing Room was the room Mr Wonka loved best of all.

f)Mr Wonka invented Everlasting Gobstoppers for children who had a lot of pocket money.

4 Use the words below to connect the pairs of sentences. Look at the tip first. Use a dictionary if necessary.

unfortunately luckily fortunately strangely enough funny enough

in fact actually that is to say

Tip: They fell into the sea. _______________ they could not swim.


They fell into the sea. Unfortunately they could not swim.

a) I discovered that I had no money with me. _______________ I had my credit card.

b)It was nice to see her again. _______________ we last met when I was still at school.

c)The party didn't go well at all. _______________

it was a complete disaster.

d)I was looking forward to the show. ____________

I wasn't able to go.

e)He can't speak a word of English. _____________

he speaks Japanese.

f)There wasn't much to eat. ________:_______ there were only sandwiches.

g)He spoke too fast and with a strange accent.

___________________ we couldn't understand him at all.

5Describe each of these Mr Wonka's inventions: Everlasting Gobstoppers, Hair Toffee.


.■ ■




1 Answer the questions.

a) Where did Mr Wonka lead the party to?

b) What happened when Mr Wonka pressed three different buttons?

c)What did Mr Wonka do when the tub was nearly full?

d)What lay in a drawer that popped out of the side of the machine?

e) Who was the first to guess what lay in the drawer?

2 Put numbers to arrange the sentences in the right order. Use them to describe the process of making gum.

___ a) When Mr Wonka pressed three different buttons on the side of the machine it began to shake most frighteningly.

___ b) And in every single tube the runny stuff was of

a different colour, so that all the colours of the rainbow (and many others as well) came splashing into the tub.

___ c) Mr Wonka led the party to a gigantic machine that stood in the centre of the Inventing Room.

___ d) It was a lovely sight.


___ e) Then suddenly the watchers noticed that runny

stuff was pouring down the insides of all the hundreds of little glass tubes and squirting out into the great tub below.

___ f) And when the tub was nearly full, Mr Wonka pressed another button, and immediately the runny stuff disappeared.

___ g) And now there came a sort of sucking noise and

very quickly all the blue frothy mixture in the huge basin was sucked back into the stomach of the machine.

___ h) There was a pause. Then suddenly Violet Beaure-

garde, the silly gum-chewing girl, let out a yell of excitement. 'By gum, it's gum!' she shrieked.

___ i) And then a giant whizzer started whizzing round

inside the enormous tub, mixing up all the different coloured liquids like an ice-cream soda.

___ j) Then suddenly, the machine let out a monstrous

mighty groan and at the same moment a tiny drawer popped out of the side of the machine.

___ k) The mixture turned from blue to white to green to brown to yellow, then back to blue again.

___ 1) In the drawer there lay something so small and thin and grey that everyone thought it must be a mistake.

3Make up 5 sentences of your own with the phrase Here we go! Look at the tip first.

Tip: 'Here we go!' cried Mr Wonka, and he pressed three different buttons on the side of the machine.

4Sum up Chapter 20 in 4—6 sentences.




1Answer the questions.

a)What was so special about Mr Wonka's gum?

b)What dishes was this piece of gum?

c)Who grabbed the stick of gum out of the little drawer and popped in into her mouth?

d)Why did Mr Wonka tell Violet to stop chewing the gum?

e) What did Mr Beauregarde tell Violet to do? Why? f) What colour did Violet turn?


g) Was Violet blowing like a balloon? h) What did Mr Wonka ask the Oompa-Loompas to do with Violet?

2Fill in the prepositions up, on, at, to.

a)'If you start chewing it,' said Mr Wonka, 'then it is exactly what you will get ______ the menu.'

b)'This gum,' Mr Wonka went ______, 'is my latest, my greatest, my most fascinating invention.'

c)'You can actually feel the food going down your throat and into your tummy! And it fills you ______r

d)At once her huge, well-trained jaws started chewing away ______ it.

e)'The second course is coming ______! It's roast


f)Grandpa Joe stood beside him, gaping ______ the


g)'Good heavens, girl,' shrieked Mrs Beauregarde suddenly staring ______ Violet, 'what's happening

______your nose!'

h)Her body was swelling ______ and changing shape

______ such a rate that within a minute it had turned into an enormous ball.

3Say who said it and when.

a)That tiny little strip of gum lying there is a whole three-course dinner!

b)What do you mean 'it's tomato soup, roast beef, and blueberry pie?'

c)Come on, Mr Wonka, hand over this magic gum of yours and we'll see if the thing works.

d)Don't do anything silly, Violet.


e)Fabulous! It's tomato soup! It's hot and creamy and delicious.

f)Keep chewing, baby! This is a great day for the Beauregardes!

g) Your nose is turning blue as a blueberry! h) I told you I hadn't got it quite right. i) Great heavens, girl! You're blowing up like a balloon!

h) Roll Miss Beauregarde into the boat and take her along to the Juicing Room at once.

4 Write out the names of colours from Chapter 21. Add as many names of colours as you can to this list. See who scores more.

5Discuss in class.

a)Do you like to chew gum? Why or why not? Is it good to chew it all the time?

b)Did Mr Wonka like Violet Beauregarde? Why or why not? Do you know any girls like Violet?



1Answer the questions.

a)Was Charlie Bucket anxious about Violet Beaure-garde?

b)What did Mr Wonka want to do with Violet?

c)How many kids remained now? Who were they?

d)What rooms were the guests passing while they were walking along the corridor?

e)What happened to one old Oompa-Loompa, to whom Mr Wonka had given some lifting drink?

f)At which door did Mr Wonka stop?

2 Put the names of the rooms Mr Wonka and his guests passed in the right order. Say what was made in them.


3 Use these exclamations in your mini-dialogues. Look at the tip first.



Come on!

Press on!

Off we go!

Don't interrupt!

Hurry up!

On we go!

Follow me!



Tip 1:A — Wait! I wanted to ask you something. B — Okay, ask.


Tip 2: A — Hurry up! We have no time! B — But where are we going? A — Follow me! You'll know it later. Come on! Don't be afraid.

4 Match the words in the left-hand column with their definitions in the right-hand column. naughty (adj) a ball of air or gas in a liquid

a child who behaves badly and does de-juice (u)

not ^0 what you ask him to do

to make a noise when air from your


mumble (v)


, ,,,


tummy passes out through your


, ,, , j.v




eatable (adj)




to get juice out of something



bubble (n)

to speak in

a way that your words


are difficult to understand



burp (v)

good enough to eat or safe to eat


5Circle the odd word out.

a)naughty, disgusting, pink, mumble

b)along, across, through, whistle

c)keyhole, delicious, pillow, wallpaper

d)suddenly, anxiously, silly, extremely



1Answer the questions.

. ■

a) What did Charlie see, looking through the door which said, SQUARE SWEETS THAT LOOK ROUND?

b) What were the Oompa-Loompas painting there?


c)Did the kids agree that the sweets looked round?

d)What did Mr Wonka mean when he said that the square sweets looked round?

e)Which door attracted Mr Salt's attention?

f)What did the Oompa-Loompas adore?

g)What did Mr Wonka do when he came to a long flight of stairs?

h)How many women were there left in the party?

2Match the two parts of the sentences.

1)Grandpa Joe lifted Charlie up

2)The sweets looked very much like square sugar lumps

3)Mr Wonka took a key from his pocket, unlocked the door and opened it

4)Mrs Salt was a great fat creature

a)with short legs, and she was blowing like rhinoceros.

b)except that each of them had a funny little pink face painted on one side.

c)so that he could get a better view.

d)and suddenly, at the sound of the door opening, all the rows of little square sweets looked quickly

round to see who was coming in.

3Choose the right words from the box and use them in the sentences.








flight square



a)Charlie saw a long table, and on the table there were — and_______of small white________sweets.

b)'They look round,' ___________ Mr Wonka.

c)'There you are! They are looking round. There's no___________ about it!'

d)'___________ stuff!' said Mr Wonka. 'The Oompa-

Loompas all a___________ it.'

e)They came to a long___________ of stairs.

f)Mr Wonka slid down the___________.

g)Mrs Salt was a great fat creature with short legs and she was blowing like a___________.

4 Fill in the prepositions at, on, out.

a)______ the end of the table, a number of Oompa-

Loompas were busily painting more faces ______

more sweets.

b)Mr Wonka took a key from his pocket, and unlocked the door, and opened it... and suddenly...

______ the sound of the door opening, all the

rows of little square sweets looked quickly round to see who was coming in.

c)The tiny faces actually turned towards the door and stared______ Mr Wonka.

d) BUTTERSCOTCH AND BUTTERGIN, it said ______ the next door they passed.

e)Mrs Salt and Mrs Teavee, the only women now left in the party, were getting very______ of breath.

f)'This way!' cried Mr Wonka, turning left ______

the bottom of the stairs.

5 Role-play the conversation between Mr Wonka and his guests. For this you'll need the characters of Mr Wonka himself, Mike Teavee, Veruca Salt, Mrs Salt, Grandpa Joe, Mr Salt.




1 Answer the questions.

a) What was there behind the glass panel of the NUT ROOM?

b)Why did Mr Wonka use squirrels but not Oompa-Loompas to get nuts out of walnut shells?

c)What did Veruca Salt ask her mother to get?

d)What pets did Veruca already have at home?

e)What happened when Veruca Salt reached out her hand to grab one of the squirrels?

f)Why did Mr Wonka say that Veruca Salt was a bad nut?

g)Where did she go?

h)Why was Mrs Salt so worried and Mr Salt extremely cross?

i)Who pushed Mrs Salt into the hole in the floor of the Nut Room?

j)Did the squirrels push Mr Salt into this hole too?

2 Put the sentences in the right order. And then say what happened to Veruca Salt.

a)Veruca Salt decided she wanted a squirrel.

b)On the table, there were mounds of walnuts, and the squirrels were all working away like mad, shelling the walnuts at a great speed.

c)It was an amazing sight!

d)If the nut was bad, they didn't open it and just threw it down the rubbish chute.

e)THE NUT ROOM, it said on the next door they came to.

f)And the one remaining squirrel (obviously the leader of all) climbed up on to her shoulder and


started tap-tap-tapping the girl's head with its




knuckles. g) Veruca Salt entered the NUT ROOM,

her gaze

fell upon a pretty little squirrel sitting nearest to





her at the end of the table, h) That particular chute ran directly into the great

big main rubbish pipe, which carried away all the




rubbish from every part of the factory, i)





the squirrels pulled Veruca to

the ground and started carrying her across the




floor to the rubbish chute, j) Veruca Salt




hands to grab the

squirrel... and every single squirrel around




table took a flying leap towards her and landed





on her body.






3Circle the odd word out.

a)disturb, wallet, train, kneel

b)squirrel, rabbit, parakeet, chute

c)pretty, amazing, specially, particular

d)nuts, cacao beans, fish, furnaces

4 Make a list of pets Veruca Salt had at home. Which of them would you like to have?

5Discuss in class.

a)Do you have any pets at home? Do you take a good care of them?

b)Did Mr Wonka like Veruca Salt? Why or why not?




Answer the questions.


How many children and grown-ups were there left now? Who were they?

b)Why did Mr Wonka decide to take a lift?

c)It was the craziest lift Charlie had seen, wasn't it? Why?

d)Why was Mr Wonka so proud of his lift?

e)What did Mr Wonka ask the remaining kids to do?

f)Which button did Mike Teavee choose?

g)How did the lift go?

h)Why did Mr Wonka give his magnificent black

top hat to Mrs Teavee? i) What did Mr Wonka ask his guests to do when the lift finally stopped?

2Say who said it and when.

a)If you're tired, we'd better take the lift.

b)Take your pick!

c)The rope has broken! We're going to crash!

d)I love it! It's like being on a roller coaster!

e)I'm going to be sick!

f)Make this awful thing stop!

g)I only hope no one's using the other lift at this moment.

h) Not now! We're nearly there! Don't spoil my hat! i) Some ride!

3Say "true" or "false". If "false", give the right answer.

a) Mr Wonka looked at the big group that stood beside him in the corridor.


b)Mike Teavee was tired and he wanted to watch television.

c)That was the craziest lift Charlie had seen.

d)Mr Wonka said it was just an ordinary up-and-down lift.

e)The lift could visit any room in the factory, no matter where it was.

f)The whole lift was made of plastic.

g)There were no labels alongside the buttons.


i)Charlie couldn't grab a strap, because he was too short.

j)The lift rushed on at the speed of a rocket.

k)Mrs Teavee was enjoying the ride.

1) Mr Wonka didn't say anything to the guests when the lift finally stopped. 4 Decide when you may say this. Look at the tip first.

Take your pick! Hang on tight! Some ride! Never again!

Tip: I may say 'Take your pick!' when I want somebody to choose something.

5Discuss in class.

a)Which of the rooms would you pick? Why?

b)Would you like to take a ride in such a lift? Why or why not?

c)Are you usually sick when you go by lift? When do people may get sick?