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Unit 1 (1)

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Unit 1. Communication.


Basic Vocabulary – see V1 p. 134

Additional Vocabulary

Ex. 2b to get (easily) sidetracked, to keep to the point.

Ex. 3 (tr. 1.2) to stick to the point, to lose one's train of thought, to anticipate smth., to get off the point, to talk about an unrelated subject.

Ex.5b to shrink from resposibility, devotion, endeavour, injustice, oppression, to transform smth. into smth., to strive unceasingly, to fulfil trust and confidence, to place trust and confidence into smb., to be apt, discord, despair.

Exercise 1. Translate the sentences, using active vocabulary.

1. Я не люблю, когда люди говорят не по делу, отходят от темы и постоянно теряют ход мыслей. 2. Выступая с докладом, важно не делать больших отступлений, иначе начнешь говорить о не относящихся к делу предметах. 3. Хороший собеседник обладает харизмой, использует язык тела и не избегает смотреть в глаза тому, с кем говорит. Его не собьёшь с темы, и он может предчувствовать, какой эффект произведет его речь. 4. Люди, которые уклоняются от ответственности, никогда не оправдают доверие, которое другие им оказывают. 5. Задача политиков - превращать разногласия в гармонию, бороться с несправедливостью, угнетением и отчаянием. 6. Защищать свободу - тяжелая задача, и она требует от людей веры и преданности делу. 7. Уместная цитата может сделать выступление более выразительным. 8. Политики должны не переставая стремиться к тому, чтобы оправдать доверие своих сторонников.


Basic Vocabulary – see V2 p.134

Additional Vocabulary.

Ex.2 to remain in control of smth., to maintain good posture, assertive.

Ex. 3 to invade one's space, to look confident and capable, to smarten one's appearance, to give away one's emotions.

Exercise 2. Translate the sentences, using active vocabulary.

1. На курсах по коммуникации люди учатся казаться более уверенными и способными, сохранять контроль над своими страхами, хорошо держаться. 2. Выступая на публике, важно выглядеть уверенно, но не агрессивно. 3. Если хочешь произвести приятное впечатление на аудиторию, нужно привести себя в порядок, думать, прежде чем говорить, и не позволять эмоциям выдавать тебя. 4.Можно тебя на пару слов? - Что случилось? -До меня дошли слухи, что ты переезжаешь. - Это не слухи. Я пока живу с родителями, но мы не понимаем друг друга (не на одной волне), поэтому на следующей неделе уезжаю в другой город. 5. Моя подруга обожает болтать не по делу. Когда она начинает говорить, невозможно слово вставить. - Попроси ее сразу переходить к делу. - Это не помогает. Она постоянно теряет ход мыслей. 6. Мой друг говорит, что он становится все более заинтересован в новой работе. - Судят по делам, а не по словам. Он должен сделать все, чтобы оправдать твое доверие. 7. Когда едешь за границу, следует всегда учитывать культурные различия. Например, англичане терпеть не могут, когда нарушают их личное пространство. У них необычное чувство юмора, и они говорят в очень быстром темпе.


Basic Vocabulary – see V3 p.134.

Additional Vocabulary

Ex.2a (tr.1.3) interpersonal relations, to be on the bestseller list, to receive a huge popular response.

Ex.7 (text) to make an observation, to agree heartily, to look puzzled, rapport, to establish connections, to negotiate relationships, to place emphasis on smth., to display similarities, to match experiences, to stand out, to preserve independence, to maintain status, to exhibit knowledge and skill, to impart information.

Exercise 3. Translate the sentences, using active vocabulary.

1. Книги о межличностных взаимоотношениях всегда очень популярны у аудитории и находятся в списке бестселлеров. 2. Почему ты выглядишь озадаченным? - Эта книга уже три месяца в списке бестселлеров, а по слухам, она полная ерунда. - Ничего удивительного. Я давно сделал наблюдение, что книги о том, как устанавливать взаимоотношения, занимают лидирующее положение на рынке. 3. Сейчас мой друг - душа компании, он научился демонстрировать свои знания и умения в обществе, а до этого ничем не выделялся. 4. Все мужчины охотно соглашаются с тем, что женщины гораздо лучше них устанавливают взаимоотношения. 5. Когда женщины обсуждают отношения, они делают акцент на выявлении общего (сходства) и сравнивании своего опыта (своих впечатлений). 6. В обществе я легко делюсь информацией, а вот дома мне просто нечего сказать. 7. Для мужчин общение всегда было способом сохранить независимость и поддержать свой социальный статус. 8. Душа компании - это человек, который обладает харизмой, всегда в центре внимания, и может заставить рассмеяться любую аудиторию.

Grammar Exercises (Mixed Tenses)

1.Dear Abby,

My daughter (1) (to meet) a smooth-talking fellow nine months ago and really (2) (to fall) for him. She is 22 and he is 21. He (3) (not to work) at the moment and he even (4) (not to look) for a job. He (5) (to keep) saying that the jobs he wants (6) (not to pay) enough. In the meantime he (7) (to borrow) money from my daughter, (8) (to drive) her car, and (9) (to eat) every meal at my table, and his clothes (10) (to wash) in my machine! He never (11) (to mention) marriage, but my daughter (12) (to look) at him like he is a god, and she (13) (to call) him “love”.

What shall I do?

2. Once upon a time, according to a much-told story, a computer (1) (to set) the task of translating ‘traffic jam’ into French and back into English. The machine (2) (to buzz), (3) (to blink) its lights, (4) (to click) and eventually (5) (to come up with) ‘car-flavored marmalade’. Machine translation (6) (to come) a long way since then. Computer translation systems (7) (to be) now in use in many parts of the world. Not surprisingly, the EU very (8) (to involve). With so many official languages, translating and interpreting (9) (to take up) more than 50 per cent of the Union’s administrative budget. But although the efficiency of the machine translation (10) (to improve) rapidly, there is no question of human translators being made redundant. On the contrary, people and machines (11) (to work) in harmony. Today’s computers (12) (to be) of little value in translating literary works, where subtlety is vital, or the spoken word, which tends to be ungrammatical, or important texts, where absolute accuracy is essential. But for routine technical reports, working papers and the like, which (13) (to take up) so much of the translation workload of international organizations, computers are likely to play an increasing part. The method of operation will probably be for the machine to make a rough version, which the translator then (14) (to edit), correcting obvious errors, and where necessary referring back to the original.

3. Accident prone Allen Davies is only five, but already his parents (1) (to convince) he’s a walking disaster.

The youngster (2) (to crack) his head falling into an empty swimming pool, (3) (to chop) the end of his finger off with a penknife and (4) (to make) himself ill by drinking half a bottle of an antiseptic.

Each time another disaster (5) (to strike) Allen, he (6) (to take) to the children’s hospital in Sydenham, where he (7) (to be) such a regular visitor that he (8) (to believe) that the nursing sister (9) (to be) a member of the family.

Now Allen’s grateful father (10) (to raise) $6,500 for the hospital to buy a monitor to measure babies’ breathing and temperature.

His wife Margaret said: “It all (11) (to start) when little Allen (12) (to be) a year old. He (13) (to fall over) and (14) (to cut) himself and he had to have stitches in his forehead. Since then he (15) (not to stop). He (16) (to take) to hospital at least ten times.

‘The latest accident (17) (to happen) when he (18) (to climb) on to a shelf and (19) (to manage) to open his father’s penknife.

‘He (20) (to chop) the end of his finger off and had to have it sewn back on.’

Doctors at the hospital also had to stitch Allen’s head when he (21) (to plunge) headlong into a pool.

Mr. Davies (22) (to raise) the cash with the help of celebrities including Richard Harris, who (23) (to donate) possessions to be auctioned at a charity disco.

A sister at the hospital said: ‘Everyone in the hospital (24) (to know) him for years. Whenever we (25) (to see) Allen coming in again, we all (26) (to shout) “What … you (27) (to do) this time?”

Allen’s brothers also (28) (to have) their share of accidents and had to be taken to the Children’s Hospital.

Robert,15, (29) (to tear) some ligaments on a skiing holiday and (30) (to slip) off his crutches, breaking his ankle a few days later. Lee,13, (31) (to injure) his neck doing a motorbike stunt.

4. Figures released today show that average earnings (1) (to go up) by 60% over the last twelve months. Official sources say that this is due to the government’s successful economic policies, which (2) (to lead) to more efficient management and greater productivity. Industrial output (3) (to rise) by 43% during the last year, and exports (4) (to go up) by 52%. Inflation is down to approximately 3%.

According to police figures, about 5,000 people (5) (to take part) in yesterday’s anti-government demonstration. In spite of police efforts to maintain order there (6) (to be) violence throughout the march. Stones (7) (to throw) at government buildings, and at least 200 people (8) (to hurt) in fighting which (9) (to break out) after speeches by opposition leaders.

News just (10) (to come out) of a plane crash at East Monk Airport. First reports say that two aircraft (11) (to involve) and that several people (12) (to kill), but no further details (13) (to be) available for the moment.

Unemployment figures (14) (to release) today. Last month there (15) (to be) about 3 mln. registered unemployed. That’s 15% of the work force. This year the number (16) (to increase) by 200,000.

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