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ИнЯз для профессионалов

Е. Н. Безручко


для архитекторов

Из д а н и е т р е т ь е,

до п о л н е н н о е и п е р е р а б о т а н н о е

Пособие по английскому языку для студентов архитектурных и строительных

специальностей вузов

Издательский центр «МарТ»






Безручко Е. Н.

Б39 Английский для архитекторов : учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов архитектурных и строительных специальностей вузов / Е. Н. Безручко.

— Ростов н/Д : Издательский центр «МарТ» ; Феникс, 2010. — 306 с. — (ИнЯз для профессионалов).



Учебное пособие по английскому языку «Архитектура как наука и искусство» предназначено для тех, кто изучает английский язык с учетом потребностей в профессиональной сфере — архитектуре. Пособие рассчитано на пользователей, которые овладели основами общения с использованием соответствующих начальному этапу лексико-грамматических категорий и речевых моделей. Пособие способствует развитию и совершенствованию речевой деятельности в английском языке в области архитектуры.

УДК ББК 81.2



© Е. Н. Безручко, 2010 © Издательский центр «МарТ», 2010 © ООО «Феникс», 2010

Предисловие к 3-ему изданию

Настоящее учебное пособие представляет собой третье, исправленное и дополненное издание книги «Английский для архитекторов» (издательство «МарТ», 2004, Е. Н. Безручко).

Цель пособия — формирование и развитие у обучаемых умений и навыков эффективного профессионального общения на английском языке.

Впроцессе работы над пособием была расширена его структура: добавлены новые уроки, задания, переработаны тексты. Кроме того, в пособие включены краткий грамматический справочник и англо-русский мини-словарь.

Вновом издании более полно представлен текстовой материал, содержащий информацию об истории развития мировой архитектуры, художественных стилях и направлениях,

атакже о творчестве выдающихся архитекторов. Профессиональная направленность пособия призвана повысить мотивацию студентов к изучению иностранного языка.

Пособие состоит из 30 уроков, (в 1–20 уроках даются тексты по архитектуре, в уроках 21–30 — тексты инженерностроительной тематики). Уроки имеют унифицированную структуру: предтекстовые упражнения, текст, словарь активной лексики, послетекстовые тесты и лексико-грамматиче- ские задания, упражнения коммуникативного характера.

Представленная система упражнений и тестов направлена на обеспечение контроля понимания прочитанного, овладение общеупотребительной и терминологической лексикой,



Английский для архитекторов

развитие навыков чтения без словаря, активизацию навыков употребления правильных грамматических конструкций.

Автор желает преподавателям и студентам успешной работы по данному учебному пособию и будет рад принять все замечания и пожелания по улучшению его содержания.

Unit 1

Architecture and the architect

Pre-text exercises

1. Guess the meanings of the following international words.

Architecture, practical, expressive, civilization, culture, primi­ tive, element, natural, human, institution, characteristic, construction, communication, idea, form, constant, social, function, monumental, hall.

2. Form nouns, using the following suffixes:

-ment: to arrange, to develop, to establish, to require, to settle; -tion: to civilize, to communicate, to constitute, to institute, to

organize, to recognize.

-ty: activate, continue, realize, secure, stabilize, unite.

3. Match the pairs of synonyms (A) and opposites (B).

(A) importance; building; man; the simplest; to possess; structure; primitive; to have; a human being; a work of architecture; concern.

(B) civilized; general; with; more; primitive; particular; less; without.



Английский для архитекторов

Read the text.

Tell about the main functions of architecture.

The art of architecture

Architecture is the art and the technique of building, employed to fulfil the practical and expressive requirements of civilized people. Almost every settled society that possesses the techniques for building produces architecture. It is necessary in all but the simplest cultures; without it, man is confined to a primitive struggle with the elements; with it, he has not only a defence against the natural environment but also the benefits ol a human environment, a prerequisite for the development of civilized institutions.

The characteristics that distinguish a work of architecture from other man-made structures are (1) the suitability of the work to use by human beings in general and the adaptability of it to particular human activities; the stability and permanence of the work's construction; and (3) the communication of experience and ideas through its form.

All these conditions must be met in architecture. The second is a constant, while the first and the third vary in relative importance according to the social function of buildings. If the function is chiefly utilitarian, as in a factory, communication is of less importance. If the function is chiefly expressive, as in a monumental tomb, utility is a minor concern. In some buildings such as churches and city halls, utility and communication may be of equal importance.

Active vocabulary

environment — окружающая среда structure — структура, строй, строение

construction — построение, строительство, стройка; постройка, сооружение

building — здание factory — фабрика tomb — гробница church — церковь city hall — ратуша


Unit 1. Architecture and the architect


I.Complete the sentences.

1.  Almost every settled society that possesses the techniques for

building produces… .


a) nature

b) architecture

c) struggle

2.  It is necessary in all but the simplest … .


a) theories

b) works

c) cultures

3.  With architecture, man has a prerequisite for the develop­

ment of civilized … .


a) importance

b) institutions

c) symbols

4.  The stability and permanence of the work's construction is

a/an … .



a) idea

b) form

c) constant

5.  If the function is chiefly utilitarian, communication is of less

… .



a) importance

b) condition

c) benefit

6.  In a monumental tomb, utility is a minor … .

a) feature

b) concern

c) experience

7.  Utility and communication are equally important in churches

and … .



a) markets

b) plants

c) city halls

II.Choose the correct adjective.

1.  Architecture should fulfil the practical and expressive re-

quirements of … people.


a) primitive

b) civilized

c) common

2.  With architecture, man has benefits of a/an … environment. a) essential b) natural c) human

3.  Expressive and utilitarian functions in architecture may

vary in … importance.


a) principal

b) relative

c) expressive


Английский для архитекторов


In a … tomb, the function is chiefly expressive.


a) monumental

b) brick

c) social


Utility and communication may be of … importance in


churches and city halls.



a) simple

b) practical

c) equal

III. Choose the correct preposition.

1.… architecture, man is confined to a primitive struggle with the elements.

a) By b) At c) Without d) In

2.  There are some characteristics that distinguish a work of

architecture … other man-made structures.


a) from

b) behind

c) with

d) for

3.  With architecture, he has a defence … the natural environ­





a) in

b) behind

c) against

d) under


The combination of experience and ideas … the work's


form is one of the functions of architecture.



a) with

b) between

c) after

d) through


All these conditions must be met… architecture.


a) at

b) in

c) from

d) on


I.Using the information from the text find out if the following statements are true or false.

1.  Architecture should fulfil requirements of primitive people.

2.Without architecture, man is confined to a primitive struggle with the elements.

3.  Structures should be built according to aesthetic and func­ tional criteria.

Unit 1. Architecture and the architect

4.  There are no differences between a work of architecture and other man-made structures.

5.  The stability and permanence of the work's construction is a constant for all types of buildings.

6.  In a factory, utility and communication are of equal impor­ tance.

II.Translate into Russian.

III. Use the following in the sentences of your own.

to be of less importanceto be of great importanceto be of equal importance

IV. Match the words and their definitions.

1.Culture. 2. The elements. 3. Institution. 4. Technique. 5. Work.

a)a method of doing something using a special skill that you have developed; b)a society that has its own set of ideas, beliefs, and ways of behaving; c) the weather, especially wind and rain; d)something produced by a painter, writer, etc; e) an important tradition on which society is based.

V.Translate into English.

требования цивилизованных людей;борьба со стихией;природная среда;

предпосылка и символ;произведение архитектуры;стихия;

в соответствии с общественной функцией зданий;ратуша; здание муниципалитета.



Английский для архитекторов

VI. These are the types of architecture.

A.  Give the examples of each type. Use the words and word combinations from the box.

Domestic Architecture

Religious Architecture

Governmental Architecture

Recreational Architecture

Architecture of Welfare and Education

Commercial and Industrial Architecture

theatres, hospitals, guardhouses, capitols, schools, stores, prisons, parliament buildings, museums, shrines, court houses, villas, circuses, athletic facilities, factories, huts, banks, exhibition halls, mines, churches, hostelries, libraries, apartment houses, markets, publishing houses, mansions, post offices, laboratories.

B.  Make up the sentences of your own with the words from the box.

VII. Answer the following questions.

1. Why did you make up your mind to become an architect? 2. Did anybody advice you to choose a career?

3. What do you think the word ‘architecture’ mean? 4. What famous architects do you know?

VIII. Speak on the topic: «I've chosen architecture as a career because…».

Highlight at least 5 points which make profession so attractive.


Unit 2

Architectural planning

Pre-text exercises

1.  Guess the meanings of the following international words.

Type, attack, comfortable, control, effect, form, to discuss, fundamental,­ element, aesthetics, architecture, orientation, air, circulation, characteristics, to intensify, to produce, design, natural, colour, function, absorption, material, pigment, balance, economic, thermal, conflict, interior, special, temperature, me­ thod, program, type, culture, individual, primitive, recreation, hall, limit, phase.

2.  These are the false friends of the interpreter. Translate them and memorize their meanings.

Termite, extremes, technique, activity, patron, apartment, procedure.

3.  Use these prefixes and suffixes to form a) verbs, b) nouns, c) adjectives.

with-: draw, hold, stand;

dis-: advantage, appearance, approval, comfort, order; -age: cover, grill, lever, sewer, store;

-able: adapt, comfort, habit, change, move.


Английский для архитекторов

4.  Match the pairs of opposites.

Absorb, dark, receive, advantage, intensify, dryness, useful, unsuccessful, high, dependent, moisture, useless, reflect, collective, disadvantage, reduce, individual, low, independent, give, light, successful.

Read the text.

Give your reasons that the architect must possess the knowledge in different sciences

The architect usually begins to work when the site type and cost of a building have been determined.

Planning the environment. The natural environment is at once a hindrance and a help, and the architect seeks both to invite its aid and to repel its attacks. To make buildings habitable and com­­ fortable, he must control the effects of heat, cold, light, air, moisture, and dryness and foresee destructive potentialities such as fire, earthquake, flood, and disease.

The placement and form of buildings in relation to their sites, the distribution of spaces within buildings, and other planning devices discussed below are fundamental elements in the aesthetics of architecture.

Orientation.Thearrangementoftheaxesofbuildingsandtheirparts is a device for controlling the effects of sun, wind, and rainfall.

Within buildings, the axis and placement of each space determine the amount of sun it receives. Orientation may control air for circulation and reduce the disadvantages of wind, rain, and snow.

The characteristics of the immediate environment also influ­ ence orientation: trees, land formation, and other buildings create shade and reduce or intensify wind, while bodies of water produce moisture and reflect the sun.

Architectural forms. Planning may control the environment by the design of architectural forms that may modify the effects of natural forces.

Unit 2. Architectural planning

Colour. Colour has a practical planning function as well as an expressive quality because of the range of its reflection and its absorption of solar rays. Since light colours reflect heat and dark colours absorb it, the choice of materials and pigments is an effective tool of environmental control.

Materials and techniques. The choice of materials is conditioned by their own ability to withstand the environment as well as by properties that make them useful to human beings. One of the architect's jobs is to find a successful solution to both conditions; to balance the physical and economic advantages of wood against the possibility of fire, termites, and mold, the weather resistance of glass and light metals against their high thermal conductivity, and many similar conflicts.

Interior control. The control of the environment through the design of the plan and the outer shell of a building cannot be complete,­ since extremes of heat and cold, light, and sounds penetrate into the interior, where they can be further modified by the planning of spaces and by special conditioning devices.

Temperature, light and sound are all subject to control by the size and shape of interior spaces, the way in which the spaces are connected, and the materials employed for floors, walls, ceilings, and furnishings.

Today, heating, insulation, air conditioning, lighting, and acoustical methods have become basic parts of the architectural program.

Planning for use. While environmental planning produces com­ fort for the senses (sight, feeling, hearing) and reflexes (respiration), planning for use or function is concerned with convenience of movement and rest.

Differentiation. The number of functions requiring distinct kinds of space within a building depends not only upon the type of building but also upon the requirements of the culture and the habits and activities of i he individual patrons. A primitive house has a single room with a hearth area, and a modern one has a se­ parate­ areas for cooking, eating, sleeping, washing, storage, and recreation. A meeting-house with a single hall is sufficient for Quaker



Английский для архитекторов

religious services, while a Roman Catholic cathedral may require a nave, aisles, choir, apse, chapels, crypt, sacristy, and aimbulatory.

Economic planning. Major expenses in buildings are for land, materials, and labour. In each case they are high when the com­ modity is scarce and low when it is abundant, and they influence planning more directly when they become restrictive.

When land coverage is limited, it is usually necessary to design in height the space that otherwise would be planned in breadth and depth, as in the ancient Roman insula (apartment houses) or the modern skyscraper. When the choice of materials is influenced by cost, all phases of architectural design are affected, since the planning procedure, the technique, and the form of buildings are dependent on materials. High labour cost influence the choice of techniques and, consequently, of materials.

Active vocabulary

axis — ось

mold — (зд.) плесень

extremes — экстремально высокие и низкие температуры meeting house — молитвенный дом

cathedral — собор nave — неф

aisle — боковой неф choir — хоры apse — апсида chapel — часовня crypt — склеп sacristy — ризница

ambulatory — крытая внутренняя галерея


Unit 2. Architectural planning


I. Choose the correct word.

1.The placement and form of buildings in relation to their … is one of the fundamental elements in the aesthetics of architecture.

a) square b) comfort c) sites

2.  The arrangement of the … of buildings and their parts controls the effects of sun, wind, and rainfall.

a) rooms b) axes c) spaces

3.  The characteristics of the immediate … also influence ori-




a) environment

b) territory

c) building

4.  Bodies of water produce … and reflect the sun.

a) shade

b) moisture

c) wind

5.  Colour has a practical planning … and expressive quality, a) choice b) feature c) function


Planning for use is concerned with convenience of… and






a) movement

b) parts

c) requirements


Major expenses in building are for …, materials, and labour,


a) habits

b) land

c) phase

II.Complete the sentences.

1.  The architect usually begins to work when … .

a)a project of a building has been made

b)the site type and cost of a building have been determined

c)the choice of materials'has been made

2.  The effects of sun, wind and rainfall are controlled by … .

a)the height of a building

b)aesthetical usage of spaces

c)the arrangements of the axes of buildings and their parts


Английский для архитекторов

3.  The choice of materials and pigments is … .

a)an effective tool of environmental control

b)a device for distribution of spaces

c)not connected with the function of a building

4.  Extremes of heat and cold, light and sounds …

a)are regulated by fundamental elements of the aesthetics of architecture

b)penetrate into the interior

c)are of less importance for interior control

5.  The number of functions depends not only upon the type of building but also upon…

a)the site type

b)the amount of sun it receives

c)the requirements of the culture and the habits and acti­ vities of the individual patrons

III. Choose the correct adjective.

1.  To make buildings … and comfortable, the architect must control the effects of natural environment.

a) habitual b) habitable c) hospitable

2.  Colour has a … planning function as well as an expressive




a) practical

b) great

c) structural

3.  Light colours reflect heat and … colours absorb it.

a) pale

b) blue

c) dark

4.  The architect should balance the weather resistance of glass and …

metals against their high thermal conductivity.

a) bright b) light c) solar

5.  A… house has separate areas for cooking, eating, sleeping,

storage, and recreation.


a) ancient

b) primitive

c) modern


Unit 2. Architectural planning


I.  Classify the words from the box to the subject.

*Parts of architectural program *Parts of house* Kinds of inner space*

Heating, wall, kitchen, bathroom, ceiling, air conditioning, study,

acoustics, a hearth area, floor, lighting, dining room, hall.

II.  Match the beginnings of the sentences to their ends using the information from the text.

1. To make buildings habitable


the environment by the de­

and comfortable the archi­


sign of architectural forms



is an effective tool of envi­

2.  Trees, land formations, and


ronmental­­ control

other buildings create …


room with a heat area

3.  Planning may control …


must control the effects of

4.  Extremes of heat and cold…


the natural environment

5.  The choice of materials and


light and sound penetrate

pigments …


into the interior

6.  A primitive house has a sin-


a nave, aisles, choir, apse,

gle …


chapels,­ crypt, sacristy, and

7.  A Roman Catholic cathe­



dral may require …


shade and reduce or inten­



sify wind




II.Replace the words and word combinations in italics (A) by their contextual synonyms (B).

A) 1. The natural environment is at once a hindrance and

a help, and the architect seeks both to invite its aid and repel its attacks.

2. The architect must foresee destructive potentialities such as fire, earthquake, flood, and disease.

3. The placement and form of buildings in relation to their sites, the distribution of spaces within buildings, and other


Английский для архитекторов

planning devices are fundamental elements in the aesthetics of architecture.

4. Orientation may control air for circulation and reduce the disadvantages of wind, rain, and snow.

5. Planning may control the environment by the design of architectural forms that may modify the effects of natural forces.

6. The choice of materials is conditioned by their own ability to: withstand the environment as well as by properties that make them useful to human beings.

7. One of the architect's functions is to find a successful solution to both conditions.

B)to look for, to resist, to diminish, people, subversive, to vary, basic, a task.

III. Translate into English.

отразить атаку; пригодный для жилья; расположение, положение;­ результаты воздействия солнца, ветра и дождя; создавать влажность и отражать солнечные лучи; важное (эффективное) средство контроля; выбор материалов для строительства; способность противостоять воздействиям окружающей среды; отопление, изоляция, кондиционирование воздуха, освещение, акустические методы; функциональное планирование; боковой неф; склеп, ризница, часовня, расходы; влиять на выбор материалов; зависеть от требовании заказчика.

IV. With your partner, speak on the different aspects of architectural planning.

Suggested topics:

Environmental DesignMaterials and Techniques

Aesthetic and Functional Criteria in ArchitectureEconomics and Architectural Planning


Unit 2. Architectural planning

V.Answer the questions.

1.  When does the architect begin to work on the project? 2.  What are the main aspects of architectural planning?

3.What are the fundamental elements in the aesthetics of ar­ chitecture?­

4.  What must the architect control to make buildings habitable and comfortable?

5.  What is the planning for use concerned with? 6.  What are the major expenses in building?


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