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(горный институт)

The St. Petersburg Mining Institute (originally- St. Petersburg Mining School) was founded on November 1 (October 21 according to the Old Russian calendar), 1773. It is one of the world’s oldest institutions of higher technical learning and the first one in Russia. Only the Freiberg Mining Academy (Germany, 1765) and Mining School on Bansca Stiavnicca (Czech, 1770) are known to have such noble old traditions. The St. Petersburg Mining Institute has plaid an important role in the development of geology, mining and metallurgy.

The Institute has produced a galaxy of brilliant scientists and engineers who have won world recognition. More than a hundred graduates of the Institute have been elected academicians and corresponding members of Academy of Science. Among them are A.P. Karpinsky, N.I. Koksharov, E.S. Fyodorov, N.S. Kurnakov, A.P. German and D.N. Nalivkin.

The Institute has been instrumental in setting up a number of specialized research institutions and design organizations.( Институт сыграл важную роль в создании ряда специализированных исследовательских институтов и проектных организаций.) The institute graduates have actively participated in searching, prospecting and exploitation of mineral wealth in the Urals, the Donbas, Siberia, Central Asia, the Polar region and other large natural stores of the country. (Выпускники института принимали активное участие в поисках, разведке и разработке минеральных богатств на Урале, в Донбассе, в Сибири, Средней Азии, Заполярья и других крупных природных запасов страны.)They have facilitated the creation and development of such giants as the Norilsk and Monchegorsk Mining and Metallurgical Amalgamations, Apatite and Severovostokzoloto Production Associations.( Они способствовали созданию и развитию таких гигантов, как Норильск и Мончегорск горно-металлургического объединения, Апатит и ассоциаций Северовостокзолото производства.)

The training of specialists in the field of geology, metallurgy and mining has been the main task of the Institute since the every moment of its foundation. The St. Petersburg mining Institute has become the main higher educational institution training engineers. Its graduates play an important role in the development of the country’s mining industry. Among the institute’s outstanding(выдающиеся) scientists we may mention the names of B.I. Boky, I.A. Teem, V.I. Bauman, and A.N. Skochinsky all of whom have contributed greatly to creating of the training system as a whole. (внесли огромны вклад в создание систкмы обучения в целом)

The St. Petersburg Mining Institute provides training(осуществляет подготовку специалистов по) in geological prospecting(геолого разведке), mining and metallurgical for full-time(очники) and corresponding students(вечерники/заочники). The training consists not only of lectures and laboratory work. The students also go through industrial training at mining and research laboratory work. It has become a tradition for the institute to keep in close touch with industry. Intensive training in general science, engineering and special subjects with a view to future scientific and productive activity is the main organizational principals of the educational process. (Интенсивные тренировки в общей науки, техники и специальных дисциплин с целью дальнейшей научной и производственной деятельности является основным организационным принципам учебного процесса.)

Science(since) 1946, the institute has been training specialists not only for our country, but for a number of other countries as well. Science(since) then the Institute has trained a lot of students from more than 53 countries. Many foreign graduates have returned to their own countries as good specialists in mining practice. Since 1980, the Institute has hosted UN post graduates courses. Yearly some of the teachers is recruited to work at colleges of different countries.

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