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The Paper Script


Yo, man, we're out of here. See you later.

See you later.

You look good tonight, you know what I'm saying?

- That music is dead. - Are those guys asleep or something?

- Elevator music will knock you out. - Yeah.

I wouldn't be caught sleeping here. Not this time of night.

Not around here.

Think we should wake them up?

Shit! Oh, shit!

What the fuck is going on?

Don't touch it!

- No, wait! Stop! - Come on, man!

"All the news, all the time."

This is WINS.

You give us 15 minutes, we'll give you the world.

It's already degrees in Central Park...

working its way up to a downtown high of .

A"t the top of the news this morning," racial tensions flare again...

this time in Williamsburg, where two white, out-of-town businessmen...

were gunned down outside a restaurant...

a racial slur spray painted on their car.

A"n apparent retaliation" for the murder of a black youth...

last week in Greenpoint.

Police are said to be searching for two suspects.

Keep your radio tuned to WINS for updates.

WINS, all news. News whenever you need it.

Because your whole world can change in hours.

WINS news time, .: .

Martha: - Nice pyjamas, Henry.

Henry: - Mad at me?

Martha: - Why should I be mad?

A guy gets home from work at 4:00 a.m. Why would that make anyone mad?

Henry: On a scale of one to ten.

Martha : 4:00 a.m. in the morning!

Henry: That's about a seven.

The Japanese auto makers insist there's no way out--

Martha: Why don't you just pour battery acid down your throat?

Henry: No caffeine.

The "Daily News" kind of kicked your butt today.

"Welcome to New York. You're Dead."

Henry: They got that? How did they get that? It happened in Brooklyn at midnight. I can't believe this. Did "Newsday--" I don't know-- Did they-- Did "Newsday--". Don't show me. They got it. I don't want to see the "Post."

Martha: What do you guys have today? Oh, "No Parking, Except For Me.". Really, Henry. McDougal's gotta go after the parking commissioner again?

Henry: Good shot, though, isn't it? That's great art. Look at that. Sandusky double-parked in front of his office. Hon, look. You're missing it. Commissioner of the whole city, double-parked, no ticket.This doesn't enrage you?

Martha: Sweetie, it's horse shit.

Henry: I know it's horse shit. I tried to get the damn Brooklyn thing. Wilder won't answer his beeper. He's up there jerking off.You okay?

Martha: You never really appreciate bladder control until it's gone.

Henry: Oh, boy.

I'm sorry, honey.

Look at that "Sentinel" headline.

See, this kind of stuff is just shameless.

"Nepal Premier Won't Resign." That is--

They're just trying to sell newspapers.

That's sensationalism, and I won't be a party to it.

I miss everybody.

Say hi to everybody for me.

Everybody except Alicia.

Who else do I hate?

You're not gonna go nuts again today, are you?

That was a one-time thing. I've got a million projects.

I never even get to finish a book when I'm reporting.

Or the baby's room. I really want to get to that dresser.

I gotta go.

If you weren't making a sacrifice too, that would be different.

- That would be a lot different. - I know. Gonna call me later?

Wear a tie for the interview.

And promise me you won't torpedo it on purpose, okay?

Why would I torpedo it?

Henry, you know those days that can change your whole life?

This is one of them for us.

For good or bad, it can happen either way today.

So don't blow it.

I'm not.

I gotta go to work.

You're not taking my car!

You parking fascist! Tell Sandusky we're not gonna take it any more!

Goddam parking cop!

- I got-- Can we-- - Good morning, Phil.

What have you got for me, Henry?

Donald Trump jumped off a building, landed right on Madonna.

And then they all went to Elaine's.

- This guy's sticking with that story? - Yeah. He's a real yo-yo.

Hey, Lou, how you doing?

How am I doing? You wanna see the bruise on my leg?

You'll be fine.

What's the plural of "ultimatum"?

I don't know what happened last night.

Don't complain. They called the air-conditioning guy.

Alicia wants to see you before the staff meeting.

- She's the managing editor, Henry. - "Ultimatums" or "ultimata"?

- Both. - She's not going away.

Smart guys say "ultimata." We're gonna go with "ultimatums."

You say ultimata I say ultimatum

What's the matter with Phil?

It looks like he sat on something sharp.

You told him he could have Richard's old desk, right?

- Right. - And now you promised it to Carmen.

- Are you completely psychotic? - I have episodes. Nothing serious.

Phil is still pissed you wouldn't approve his $ orthopaedic chair.

And now with this desk thing, he's convinced it's a conspiracy...

to prevent him from sitting down.

- Hackett. Hello. - "Henry, it's" A"licia."

I want to see you in my office before the .: .

- "We have to talk about the bullshit." - Alicia, is that you?

Because I'm having a hard time hearing you.

Are you in the tunnel or something?

- There's a lot of static. I can't-- - "Hello?"

I'm losing you. Are you in the tunnel?

I can't hear. Can you-- We can't hear you.

We'll see you when you get in, okay? All right.

All right. I love car phones.

- What, are the presses running? - Yeah. Sunday travel section.

Here, sign these. Tell me what you want to do about Phil.

- Who's that? - It's McDougal.

- What the hell's he doing? - Sleeping.

He says he can't go home. Somebody wants to kill him.

- Who's trying to kill you now? - Sandusky.

The parking guy? Over a couple of lousy columns?

My columns aren't lousy.

Give it up, would you? Get it out of your system.

So they towed your car and scratched it a bit.

Six thousand dollars. Six thousand dollars damage to a vintage automobile.

- You're ranting now, babe. - I bust my ass...

to find something fresh, and when I get it, I bang it like a cheap drum.

People love this shit. You should read my mail.

Turn that scanner down, will you?

How the hell are you supposed to sleep around here?

Jeez. What are these?

Subway wreck, West th Street this morning. Did you find the one with the--

- Is that an arm? - Yeah, you found it.

Don't put these on my desk in the morning, okay?

- Not until I've had three cokes. - Good morning.

Three Cokes, then a picture. That's the rule. What?

You know what's going on in Fort Green? Two dozen cops hassling anybody...

with a black face and a record on this Williamsburg murder thing.

If there's gonna be a riot, which I think there is...

then we should have somebody there.

Unless you want to get stomped two days in a row on the same story.

"Get stomped." That's funny. Doesn't anybody say "good morning" any more?

- I don't think so. - Williamsburg, huh?

That's Wilder's territory, isn't it? You trying to bigfoot him?

Wilder? Oh, yeah, he really aced it last night, huh?

Come on, Henry. I know this neighbourhood. I go--

Forget the desk. She can have the desk.

But give me the chair, for Christ's sakes!

Phil, I was talking to somebody.

- I can hardly stand up straight. - You know what?

Go do that. That's a good idea.

I'll handle Wilder. Don't worry about it.

- What are you gonna do to Wilder? - Nothing.

You don't know what it's like to live in pain. It does things to you.

- It changes you. - I'm sure it does.

I wanna talk to you about those changes, okay?

Rub some-- nothing.

Look, keep all the bullshit away from me today...

because I've got a really big decision I have to make...

and I just need some time to think about this.

What, about the job at "The Sentinel?"

How do you know about the job at "The Sentinel?"

Bernie told me.

Bernie knows? Oh, man!

It's a newsroom, Henry.

I know it's none of my business, but...

do you really want to count pencils uptown?

Is that you?

Sometimes you can just smell...

a horrendously shitty day on the way, can't you?

Don't chop the shit out of it like you did with the nun thing.

It's early. Let me look at it.

This jerk on the phone wants a correction on the quake story.

You have an early proof from yesterday?

I hate columnists! Why do I have all these columnists?

I got political columnists, guest columnists...

celebrity columnists--

The only thing I don't have is a dead columnist.

That's the kind I could really use.

- Right. Listen-- - We reek of opinions.

What every columnist at this paper needs to do...

is to shut the fuck up.

I'm serious.

Can I talk to you for a second? Because I know--

If you don't mind walking. I gotta walk before I die.

- Why? What's the matter? - You don't want to know.

- Sure I do. - No, you don't.

If I said, "What's the matter?" I'm listening.

All right, all right.

I got a prostate the size of a bagel.

You still coming?

Look, Bernie. I know you know about the "Sentinel" interview.

It's an assistant managing editor thing.

It's really more sideways than up.

- You can jump in here anytime. - What are you looking for?

You want me to make it easy for you to go to another paper?

You want a ride uptown?

You want me to wait outside and think positive thoughts?

That's not my job.

My job is to keep your ass downstairs.

- What am I supposed to do? - I don't know.

It's nine to five. It's more money. It's less hours.

Martha-- We're having the baby, and she gave up her job.

So it's for her. That's okay.

Not just for her. It's for me too.

Bernie, you've got kids.

How'd you keep doing the job?

Don't ask marital advice from a guy with two ex-wives...

and a daughter that won't speak to him.

The problem with being my age is...

everybody thinks you're a father figure...

but you're really just the same asshole you always were.

You do have a problem, Henry, but it's your problem.

Thanks, Bernie. You've been a big help.


How you doing? Come on in.

Make sure she put on those sneakers, you hear me?


- I don't want to-- - You're gonna wear them.

- What do you think's gonna happen? - What does it say?



Open the parachute.


Henry, why aren't you at your interview?

Well, hon, it's not for another two hours.

What's up? Janet told me you called.

- Tell him to do it over. - He'll love that.

What's up, honey? Are you okay?

Do you need anything? Not right away, I mean--

Tell me everything that's going on there. Leave nothing out.

You know, the usual delights.

Honey, can you tell me what you need?

Because I got this meeting with Alicia.

- Don't take any crap from her, okay? - Okay.

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