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Попова М.А., Степачкова И.И.

"Новосибирск", "россия"

Методические указания к разговорным темам по английскому языку

для студентов всех специальностей


Новосибирский государственный архитектурно строительный университет г. Новосибирск, ул. Ленинградская 113


на «Методические указания к разговорным темам «Новосибирск», «Россия» для студентов I курса всех специальностей»

Сибирского государственного университета путей сообщения,

составленные Поповой М.А., Степачковой И.И.

Данная работа представляет собой методические указания для развития навыков говорения для студентов всех специальностей I курса обучения. Цель этой работы - научить студентов вести свободный разговор на соответствующие темы в результате изучения необходимой лексики и выполнения упражнений, прилагаемых к текстам.

Обучающие материалы включают 2 раздела: разговорные темы «Новосибирск» и «Россия». Для лучшего усвоения материала методические указания построены следующим образом: 1) Разговорная тема «Новосибирск» состоит из частей имеющих список слов для запоминания, тексты и упражнения, направленные на развитие умений грамотно составлять высказывания по различным аспектам изучаемой темы. 2) Разговорная тема «Россия» включает четыре части. Тексты каждой части позволяют расширить словарный запас студентов, способствуют речевой актуализации новой лексики, дают тренировку в использовании речевых моделей. Также имеются тексты, рекомендованные для дополнительного чтения и самостоятельной проработки.

Отмечен удачный подход автора к организации системы упражнений, которые обеспечивают приобретение прочных навыков во всех видах речевой деятельности и помогают овладеть изучаемой лексикой с ее последующим активным использованием.

В качестве рекомендаций можно предложить увеличить количество упражнений для развития умений диалогического общения, а также добавить раздел, где будут помещены ключи к упражнениям, которые могут вызвать затруднения у студентов при их выполнении.

В целом, данные методические указания отвечают современным требованиям, предъявляемым к учебной литературе такого уровня, и могут быть рекомендованы к публикации с учетом вышеизложенных предложений.

Рецензия рассмотрена и утверждена на заседании кафедры «Иностранные языки» НГАСУ. Протокол №______от____________2007г.

Зав. кафедры «Иностранные языки» Полищук Т.С.

Попова М.А., Степачкова И.И. Методические указания по английскому языку к разговорным темам «Новосибирск», «Россия». – Новосибирск: Издательство СГУПСа, 2007

Методические указания разработаны для развития навыков говорения у студентов всех специальностей 1 курса обучения.

Обучающие материалы включают 2 раздела: разговорные темы «Новосибирск» и «Россия». Для лучшего усвоения материала методические указания построены следующим образом: 1) Разговорная тема «Новосибирск» состоит из частей имеющих список слов для запоминания, тексты и упражнения, направленные на развитие умений грамотно составлять высказывания по различным аспектам изучаемой темы. 2) Разговорная тема «Россия» включает тексты позволяющие расширить словарный запас студентов, способствующие речевой актуализации новой лексики, дают тренировку в использовании речевых моделей. Также имеются тексты, рекомендованные для дополнительного чтения и самостоятельной проработки.

Рассмотрены и утверждены к печати на заседании кафедры «Иностранные языки».

Ответственный редактор ст.преподаватель Е.Г. Жарикова

Р е ц е н з е н т:

Зав. кафедры «Иностранные языки» НГАСУ, доцент Полищук Т.С.

©Попова М.А., Степачкова И.И, 2007

©Сибирский государственный университет

путей сообщения, 2007


«officially Russian Federation , Russian Rossiya or Rossiyskaya Federatsiya country that stretches over a vast expanse of eastern Europe and northern Asia. Once the preeminent republic of the Union of Soviet

Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.), Russia has been an independent country since the dissolution of the union in December 1991. Under the Soviet system it was called the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic (R.S.F.S.R.). With an area of 6,592,800 square miles (17,075,400 square kilometres), Russia is the world's largest country, covering almost twice the territory of either the United States or China. It ranks sixth in the world in population, following China, India, the United States, Indonesia, and Brazil. The great majority of the people are Russians, but there also are some 70 smaller national groups living within its borders. Most of the population is concentrated in a great triangle in the western, or European, part of the country, although over the past three centuries—and particularly during the early and mid-20th century—there was a steady flow of people eastward to the Asiatic section commonly referred to as Siberia.»

from Encyclopædia Britannica 2006 Ultimate Reference Suite DVD


Read and translate the text.

1.vast – обширный, огромный

2.to be densely populated – быть густонаселенным

3.the rest – оставшаяся часть

4.tostretch- протягиваться

5.toborderon– граничить с (чем-либо)

6.tovaryfromsmth.tosmth. – варьировать, изменяться от чего-либо до чего-либо

7.plain - равнина

8.resource - ресурс

9.oil - нефть

10.naturalgas– природный газ

11.coal- уголь

12.iron- железо

13.zink- цинк

14.lead- свинец

15.nickel- никель

16.aluminium- алюминий

17.gold- золото

18.non-ferrousmetal– цветной металл

19.deposit- месторождение

20.wealth – богатство

Russia is one of the largest countries in the world. The vast territory of Russia lies in the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia. Its total area is about 17 million square kilometres.

The European part of Russia is densely populated. About 145 million of people live in the country; 82% of the population are Russians, the rest are smaller national groups.

Russia stretches from the Baltic Sea in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east and from the Artic Ocean in the north to the Black Sea and the Caucasus, the Altai, and the Sayan mountains, and the Amur and the Ussuri rivers in the south.

Russian shores are washed by 12 seas of the Atlantic, Pacific and Artic Oceans.

It borders on many countries, such as Norway, Finland, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus in the north-west and west, China, Mongolia, North Кorea, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan in the south-east and south.

Due to the large territory, the climate varies from artic in the north to continental in the central


part of the country and subtropical in the south. The greater part of the territory is a vast plain with low mountain ranges and long rivers. There are about 2 million rivers and 2 million lakes in the country.

Russia is rich in mineral resources. They include oil and natural gas, coal, iron, zink, lead, nickel, aluminium, gold and other non-ferrous metals. Russia has the world’s largest oil and natural gas deposits. Three-quarters of the country’s mineral wealth is concentrated in Siberia and the Far East.

Answer the following questions.

1.Where does the vast territory of Russia lie?

2.What oceans is Russia washed by?

3.What countries does it border on?

4.What is the population of Russia?

5.What territory does it occupy?

6.What mineral resources does Russia possess?

Translate into English:

1. Россия расположена в восточной части Европы и северной части Азии.

2.Обширная территория России омывается Северно-Ледовитым, Атлантическим и

Тихим океанами.

3. Россия граничит с Монголией, Китаем, Финляндией и другими странами.

4. Россия располагает большим количеством месторождений полезных ископаемых.

5. Полезные ископаемые России включают нефть, газ, уголь, железо, золото и др.

Read and say how the transport system of Russia is described.

Can you add any facts and figures about the rail network of our country?


1.raw– сырой

2.foodstuffs– продовольствие, продукты питания

3.consuming- потребительский

4.burden– груз; бремя

5.dominance – влияние; преобладание

6.toaccountfor– отвечать за что-либо

7.freight - грузовой

8.turnover - оборот

9.nevertheless– однако; тем не менее

10.density– плотность, густота

11.tremendous – огромный, громадный

12.to determine - определять

13.to occupy - занимать

14.carrier- перевозчик

15.van– фургон; багажный или товарный вагон

16.cargo- груз

17.load– груз; нагрузка

18.capacity– вместимость; способность

19.car- вагон

20.diverse– разнообразный, разный

21.togain– получать, приобретать

22.impetus– толчок, импульс, стимул


23.principal– главный, основной

Russia’s vast size and the great distances that often separate sources of raw materials and foodstuffs from consuming areas place a heavy burden on the transport system. One result has been the continuing dominance of the railways, which account for about 90 % of the country’s freight turnover and one-half of all passenger movement. Nevertheless, the rail network is very open one, and its density varies regionally: highest in the Northwest, Central and Central Black Earth regions, lowest in Sibera and the Far East.The tremendous area and population in the country determine the necessity for a widely developed transport system. The railways in Russia occupy an outstanding position as freight and passenger carrier. Specialized vans carry cargo and

mail. Direct passenger service is available to many places. The railway system is equipped and supplied with powerful locomotives, high load capacity freight cars and special cars for transporting diverse goods.

The Trans-Siberian track is one of the most important passenger lines of Russia. Up to 25 passenger trains leaving Moscow daily go along its tracks. Top class service trains like ‘Russia’, ‘Irtysh’, ‘Siberia’,’Baikal’ and some others gained high reputation and popularity. A new generation of more comfortable passenger cars is joining the park. A visit of President Vladimir Putin to the Far East and a detailed inspection of railways operations in Siberia, the Baikal region and the Far East gave a new impetus to further development of the rich and perspective land.

Many international organizations have included the Trans-Siberian railway in their projects as a principal transportation line between Europe and Asia.

Comment on the following quotations.

1.’After the discovery of America and the construction of Suez Canal there was no other historic

development that had as deep direct and circumstantial implications as the construction of the

Siberian track did have.’ ‘La France’, 1903, Paris.

2.’God made the country, and man made the town.’ William Cowper.

3.’The Great Siberian railway breathed life into boundless Siberian lands.’Vitte.

4.’Settlers in Siberia mean everything. They are bringing life there and by cultivating virgin

lands they add millions of obscure acres to agricultural output.’Stolypin.

Read the text and tell about new facts

you’ve known about RZD Co*.

Make a plan of your answer.

RZD currently consists of 17 regional railways, frequently operating under extreme climatic conditions. Since 2001 the structural reform programme has been implemented on the Russian Railway network. The four principle goals of the reform programme are:

  • reducing the cost of rail freight;

  • meeting the increasing demand for rail services;

  • stabilizing operations so they are safe accessible to all users as well as providing good quality service;

  • creating a harmonized and integrated transport system.

The programme is to be fully carried out by 2010. The adopted Law on Federal Railways fixes the statutory framework and defines the interrelationships that allow privately owned train operating companies to use the infrastructure. The infrastructure will be managed by a new joint-stock “RZD Co”, which will own locomotives and about half of the wagons. However, all the shares in new joint-stock “RZD Co” will be held by the Federal Government, which means that the national rail network will remain under public ownership and control.


Specialized freight operating, long-distance and commuter passenger service companies are now being set up, as well as rolling stock repair and maintenance companies. They will be pushed towards commercial operation.

Despite the desire to introduce competition, the Russian government has no intention of allowing fragmentation to undermine the integrity of the national network.

In parallel with the reform programme, a new operational model has been developed . Local

operations, ensuring that trains depart on time, freight trains are correctly formed, and locomotive and crew changes go according to plan, are handled at divisional control centers.

Data processing systems served by satellite and optic fiber links are getting closer to tracking locomotives and wagons in real time.

Both the management of RZD and the government are confident that carrying out the reforms will improve both the quantity and quality of rail transport, and at the same time cut operating expenses.


Choose a topic to make a report (about 150-200 words).

Use additional information.

1.Transport system of Russia.

2.’The Great Siberian Track’.

3. Russian railways.

4. RZD Co.

Read some extracts about Russian Economy today*.

Translate the texts in a written form.

Make a list of difficult words. Translate them and learn by heart.

Write out the main ideas of these extracts. Discuss them in pairs.

A decade after the implosion of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russia is in the process of establishing a modern market economy. It was able to achieve strong economic growth (5,5% for 2001). Russia achieved a slight recovery in 1997, but the government's stubborn budget deficits and the country's poor business climate made it vulnerable when the global financial crisis swept through in 1998. The crisis culminated in the August depreciation of national currency, the ruble, a debt default by the government, and a sharp deterioration in living standards for most of the population. The economy rebounded in 1999 and 2000, buoyed by the competitive boost from the weak ruble and a surging trade surplus fueled by rising world oil prices. This recovery, along with a renewed government effort in 2000 to advance lagging structural reforms, have raised business and investor confidence over Russia's prospects in its second decade of transition. The most important industries are complete range of mining and extractive industries producing coal, oil, gas, chemicals, and metals; all forms of machine building from rolling mills to high-performance aircraft and space vehicles; shipbuilding; road and rail transportation equipment; communications equipment; agricultural machinery, tractors, and construction equipment; electric power generating and transmitting equipment; medical and scientific instruments; consumer durables, textiles, foodstuffs, handicrafts.


The Russian economy has undergone vital structural changes since reforms started ten years ago. However, they have so far failed to liquidate the main shortcoming- its heavy reliance on the

production of raw materials. They account for 75 percent of all export receipts and for 90 percent

of the country's export potential alongside with the products of military-industrial complex.


Large natural monopolies like Gazprom, the United Energy Systems of Russia, the Ministry of Railways and some other monopolies still form the backbone of the Russian economy. Their activities are characterised by a large degree of state intervention in setting tariffs for their products and services.


FREIGHT TURNOVER: The amount of cargoes loaded on railway transport increased by 1.3 percent to 448.7 million tonnes in the first half of 2001 compared to the first six months of 2000.

The loading volumes stood at 87.2 million tonnes in June this year which was up 1.0 percent on June 2000 and down 2.3 percent on May 2001. The loading of coke dropped by nine percent,

iron and manganese ore by 4.3 percent, ferrous metal scrap by 5.1 percent, cargoes meant for construction by 4.1 percent, import cargoes by 5.6 percent. The loadings of bituminous coal increased by 3.8 percent, oil and petroleum products by 1.5 percent, non-ferrous metal ore by 2.4 percent, ferrous metals by 3.0 percent, cement- by 9.9 percent, timber by 3.0 percent, grain and flour products by 20.1 percent, formula feeds by 16.5 percent chemical and mineral fetilizers by 0.1 percent. The amount of loaded cargoes (calculated for one day) reached 100.9 percent in June compared to May 2001. Freight turnover on Russian transport increased by an estimated 2.3 percent to 1,831.7 km-tonnes as compared to the first six months of 2000.


At present Russian business is at the stage when common rules of the game are being established for it, irrespective of a businessman's connections with the power bodies. Businessmen gradually are accepting the idea that laws are to be observed and all taxes are to be paid. The government has declared provision of stable conditions for effective economic development as a priority goal.



Answer these questions about Russia. If possible, ask someone else the same questions.

1.Which party is in power at the moment?

2.When was it elected?

3.Who is the leader of this party?

4.Is this person the President or Prime Minister of your country?

5.Do you agree with most of their policies?

6.Would you describe yourself as left-wing, right-wing, or in the centre?

7.Do you think your political views have changed much during your lifetime?

8.How many major (=important) political parties are there?

9.Who did you or your parents vote for in the last election?

10.Do you think this party will win the next election? Will you vote for them?

Read the text and study the diagram below.

Then use them to answer the questions that follow.

1.branch– ветвь, отделение, власть (власть как часть правительства)

2.legislative- законодательный

3.executive- исполнительный

4.judical - судебный

5.council - совет

6.court – суд


7.supreme - верховный

8.banner- знамя

9.stripe- полоса

10.tostandfor– символизировать, означать

11.tosignify– значить, означать

12.liberty- свобода

13.hymn- гимн

14.coat of arms – гербовой щит, герб

15.ancient – древний

Russia is a federation. The Head of the State in this country is the President. The government consists of three branches : legislative, executive and judicial. The President controls each of them.

The legislative power is exercised by the Federal Assembly consisting of two chambers: the Council of Federation and the State Duma.

The executive power belongs to the Government, or the Cabinet of Ministers. The government is headed by the Prime Minister.

The judicial power belongs to the system of courts consisting of the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and other courts.

Today the state Russian banner is three coloured. It has three horizontal stripes: white, blue and red. The white stripe symbolises the earth, the blue one stands for the sky, and the red one signifies the liberty. It was the first state symbol that replaced the former symbols in 1991. The hymn of Russia has been created by Alexandrov and Mikhailkov. Now the national coat of arms is a two-headed eagle. It is the most ancient symbol of Russia. It originates from the heraldic emblem of the Ruricovitch signifying the succession of the Russian state from the Byzantine Empire.