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1)Henry sweet the period of levelled endings

2) In studying the history of the language we face causes of changes, which can be divided into two kinds: (1) external and (2) internal

3) The OE vowels were distinguished within the following sets:

1. monophthongs and diphthongs

2. open and close

3. front and back

4. labialized and non-labialized .

4) OE employed 2 ways of word-building: 1) derivation and 2) word-composition . (in alphabetical order)

5)NE other metathesis

6)The predicate in OE could be неверно

7) The verb predicate agreed with the subject of the sentence in two grammatical categories: number and person . (in alphabetical order)

8) The OE nouns were divided into types of declension according to the stem-building suffix

9) The OE strong verbs built their forms with the help of ablaut, and the OE weak verbs built their forms with the help of dental suffixes –t- and –d-

10) Fill in the gap. Indicate the case of the following infinitives.

Beran – Nominative case

To berenne / to beranne -Dative case

11) Classify the following OE written records:

Franks Casket oe

Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Angloum Latin

Ruthwell Cross Anglo-Saxon

Beowulf - Mercian/northumbrian dialect

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle latin

Cura Pastoralis latin

The Battle of Maldon oe

12) The Participle was a kind of verbal adjective , the infinitive was a kind of verbal noun

13) The late ME period in literature is known as "the age of Chaucer

14)quantitative ablaut 6

15) In adjectives and nouns the stress fell to the prefix

16) Word formation fell into two types: word composition and word derivation. (in alphabetical order)

17) How many principal dialects of the Germanic tribes existed in Britain in the 5th century?4

18)insular writing isles

19) There were the following classes of verbs in OE:

1. minor groups of the verbs:

1.1. anomalous verbs;

1.2. preterite-present verbs;

1.3. suppletive verbs.

2. strong verbs ( 7 (How many?) classes);

3. weak verbs ( 3 (How many?) classes);

20)gradually shifting declension conjugation

21) Match the given characteristic features with the names of the periods of the EL history:

No literary tradition in oral dialects prehistoric

English was transformed into mainly analytical language ENE

The stage of tribal dialects prehistoric

English was restored to the position of the state language ME

Synthetic language with a well-developed system of morphological categories OE

There appeared norms and standards in English ENE

The first printed book in English appeared ME

Name the type of replacement illustrated by the example.

e.g. the modern Common case of nouns and OE cases – Nom., Gen. and Acc.


22) One of the most important developments in Late ME and Early NE syntax was the growth of predicative constructions such as:

- Complex Object or Objective predicative Construction;

- Complex Subject or Subjective predicative Construction;

- Gerundial complexes.

23) The principal means of derivation in OE were (in the order of frequency of their use)

1. suffixation

2. prefixation

3. sound interchanges

4.word stress

24) All vowel changes in ME and ENE can be divided into (in the alphabetical order):

1. changes of stressed vowels

1.1. qualitative changes

1.2. quantitative changes

2. changes of unstressed vowels

25) In addition to 4 grammatical categories of the OE finite verbs we must mention 2 debatable categories: aspect and voice. (in alphabetical order)

26) Match the following LME written records with their authors:

Vox Clamantis - john goward

Pearl - unknown

Wallace - henry the ministrel

The Vision Concerning Piers the Plowman - Langland

Polychronicon - hidgen

The Canterbury Tales - Chaucer

King’s Quhair - king james of scotland

27)word fades-loss,two distinct---splitting, unit merely---simple, two or more---merging, a new notion---innovation

28)shift of stress in ME “recessive” tendency

29) Match the meanings of the cases with their names:

It is used for attributes to other nouns; with possessive and partitive meaning. - Genitive

It is the case of the active agent; is also used instead of the Vocative case. Dative

It is used for the direct object; indicates a relationship to a verb. Nominative

It is used with prepositions; for indirect personal object; with instrumental meaning. Accusative

30)means of deviration merging

31)category in adjectives gender.case.number

32)survived in NE Genitive

33) To which etymological layer does the following word belong?

land(land) – Common Germanic

34) Match the items.

it expressed states and qualities resulting from past action - participle II

it was passive – participle II

it was active - participle I

it expressed present or simultaneous processes and qualities – participle I

35) Identify the type of declension of the following items:

ilca (NE “same”) weak

ordinal numerals weak

cardinal numerals - strong

ōþer (NE “other”) - strong

comparative adjectives - weak

superlative adjectives weak or strong

maniʒ (NE “many”) -strong

eall (NE “all”) – strong

36)but feet splitting

37) What is the correct transcription for the following diagraph:

Aw [au]

38) Match the type of subjunctive and its meaning in ENE.

I/he were young– past

I/he be young – present

I/he should be young – present

I should be young / He would be young – past

39) What happened to OE sounds [f] – [v], [θ] – [ð], [s] – [z] in ME? Were they treated as allophones or as separate phonemes?

[θ] – [ð] allophones

[f] – [v] separate phonemes

[s] – [z] ?

40) What type of form-building is used in each case:

ban (sg.) - ban (pl.) - NE bone zero-inflection

modor (sg.) - modru (pl.) - NE mother inflection

mus (sg.) - mys (pl.) - NE mouse umlaut

bryd (sg.) - brydas (pl.) - NE bride inflection

41)developed in OE reflexive, relative, possessive

42) Match the letters in bold with their pronunciation:


snow (NE snow)





sonne (NE son)



not (NE not)

43) Mark the sounds which were positional variants of the phonemes in OE.

[v] [s] [ð]

44)long vowel stressed

45) The object in OE was subdivided into the direct object, which was in the Acc. case and the indirect object, which was in the Dat. case.


47) Match the items.

The strong verbs of each class had 4 principle forms (or 4 stems):

I stem present indicative, subjunctive, participle 1

II stem 1st and 3rd person singular, preterite

III stem – plural and 2nd person singular, preterite, preterite subjunctive

IV stem – participle II

48)n-declension strong ;weak

49) In OE there were two large groups of suffixes: suffixes of adjectives and suffixes of nouns . (in alphabetical order)

Noun suffixes are divided into suffixes of abstract nouns and those of agent nouns. (in alphabetical order)

50) The most productive types of word-composition in M and EN E are

1. noun + noun

2. gerund + noun

A new pattern in ME was verb + adverb

51) There were three moods of the verb in OE: - the imperative , -the indicative and - the subjunctive . (in alphabetical order)

52) Identify the genre of the following EME written records:

Evil Times of Edward II - political

Ormulum - religious

Ancrene Riwle - religious

Brut - romantic

Pricke of Conscience - religious

Poema Morale - religious

Cursor Mundi - religious

King Horn - romantic

The London Proclamation - political

Havelok the Dane - adventures

53)them --- Scandinavian

54)Match the given characteristic features with the names of the periods of the EL history:

No literary tradition in oral dialects prehistoric

English was transformed into mainly analytical language ENE

The stage of tribal dialects prehistoric

English was restored to the position of the state language ME

Synthetic language with a well-developed system of morphological categories OE

There appeared norms and standards in English ENE

The first printed book in English appeared ME

Name the type of replacement illustrated by the example.

55)PG voiced Hardening of consonants

56)k appeared as a new letter

57) not [ ɔ ]mercy[ i ]gentil[ d3 ]thief[ θ ]feet[ e: ]good[ ɔ: ]snow[ u: ]sonne[ u ]esy[ z ]yet[ j ]

58) In adjectives and nouns the stress fell to ...

the prefix

59)Me central Mercian

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