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The Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications was founded in 1975. It has more than 5000 students and 400 instructors, among the professors, doctors and candidates of sciences, assistant professors and experiences teachers. The University has all necessary facilities for teaching including well-equipped laboratories, computing classes, language laboratories, TV etc. A large library with 8 reading halls is at the disposal of the students. There are 6 faculties at the university, among them the faculties of: radio engineering and telecommunications, radio engineering, heat power engineering, information technologies. The course of study lasts 4 years. The academic year is divided into 2 terms. The first term lasts from September to February, the second-from February to July. Examinations are held in January and June. The first year students study general engineering subjects. In the third year they get profound knowledge in specialized subjects: electronic, computing, cybernetics etc. After a student studies 4 years at the university he gets a Bachelor’s degree and later he may produced to the degrees of Master and Doctor. The graduates of the University work at telecommunication companies, computing centers, design offices, industrial and power engineering enterprises, research laboratories and institutes.

Traditions and holidays in Kz

Traditions and customs are observed by the countries which respect their history. A country without traditions seems to be a big tree without any roots. Kzs try to follow their traditions. People in Kz are very hospitable. The traditions of the Kazakh national hospitality is closely connected with warm attitude to the man. The following public holidays are observed in Kz: Jan 1-2 New Year, Jan 7 Russian Orthodox Christmas, Match 8 International Woman’s, March 22 Nauryz, May 1 Kz People’s Unity, May 9 Victory, August 30 Constitution, October 25 Republic December 16 Independence. Nuryz which means “new days” is Kz’s biggest public holiday. People celebrate the coming of spring. It is the most ancient festivity of Oriental nations. In fact, it is a New Year’s Eve according to the ancient Oriental calendar. Kurban Bayram is a religious holiday among Muslims, Traditionally they choose the best ship and cook different tasty meals During this holiday people visit each other, tables are fool of food, everyone is welcome this day. International Women’s Day Kzs set a special day to show how much they appreciate women and the work they do. The day of the Republic commemorates Kz’s decision to declare its independence in October 1991 and Independence day mark the day on which Kz officially became independent. Kzs celebrate the New Year on the 31 of December with a decorated tree and presents followed by late-night parties.

Welcome to Almaty

Almaty is one of the biggest cities in Kz with population about 1,5 mln people. It was founded in 1854 on the left bank of the small river Malaya Almatinka. Almaty became a capital in 1929. In 1998 the capital was removed to Astana, the city in Central Kz. Every day a great number of tourists visit our city. They are admire the modern architecture, the green parks, its theaters and museums. Almaty is a cultural centre. There are many theaters: Abai Opera and Ballet, the Auezov Drama. Today Almaty is one of the biggest industrial centre and the greenest city. Medeu is a pride of the city. The citizens and guest of our city like to spend their time here. New economic trends have greatly affected business activities in Almaty. A lot of beautiful apartment complexes are being constructed everywhere.

Ecological problem

Nowadays ecological problems have become one of the most important and the most urgent ones for the mankind. The pollution of the environment is one of the factors which determines the health of pollution. Today industrial enterprises pollute the atmosphere with million tons of dust and other harmful emission. Many cities suffer from smog. Traffic in cities in getting worse and worse and it results in an increase of air pollution. In this respect Almaty is one of the most polluted cities in Kz. Water pollution has become a very serious problem as well. Contamination of soil and agricultural products with pesticides is also a very serious problem. Ecologically poor regions include the Aral Sea, Semipalatinsk and others. So it is necessary to develop an international program to study ecological data. Joint efforts of scientists and special public organizations can deal with the problem. Scientific knowledge and technological advance, good will end large investments can make it possible to eliminate the pollution. It is a big job and much remains to be done.

The republic of Kz.

The republic of Kz is situated in Central Asia. Its total area is more than 2.7 mln square km. It is the ninth largest country in the world. It is bordered by Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and the Caspian Sea. The population of Kz is about 16 mln people and includes 131 ethnic groups. The present capital of Kz is Astana, a city in Central Kz. The state official language is Kazakh. Under the constitution of Kz the Russian language is officially used on equal basis with the Kazakh. The greater part of its territory is plain land. The biggest mountain ranges are located in the south and south-east of the country. They are the Tien Shan mountain system and the Jungar Alatau. The are about 48000 lakes in Kz and the largest of them are the Caspian Sea and the Balkhash. The longest rivers are the Irtysh, the Tobol, the Ishim, the Ili and the others. The climate in Kz is mainly extreme continental. Kz’s major industries are ferrjus metals, oil, gas and agriculture. It is rich in natural mineral resources. In addition to oil and gas reserves. Agriculture is one of the leading economic sectors of the country. Kz is a large producer of grain, meat and wool. Kz is a Presidential Republic according to the Constitution. The President is elected for the term of five years and is the head of the state. The republic has its own Flag, National Hymn and State Emblem. The national currency of Kz tenge. Kz is a member of 11 international organizations including the United Nations, UNESCO, UNICEF, IMF, World Bank and other institutions.

My future profession

It is not an easy thing to choose a profession out of more than 2000 exiting in the world. After finishing school it was very difficult to choose the future profession. My teachers, parents and friends advised me to work first, and then to enter the institute. Many institutes and universities are in our city, but I wanted to become engineer. As for me my choice of this occupation didn’t come as a sudden flash. During all school years physics, chemistry and mathematics were my favorite subjects. I have read a lot of books and magazines on these subjects. Then my grandfather is an electrical engineer and he told me about his specialty. A now I want to speak on my future profession. An engineer is a very specific and difficult job. The electrical engineer must know the electric power system of that enterprise where he works. I am not sure, I will be a good specialist, but I shall try. Nowadays there are a lot of difficulties in choosing the job that is why I must do my best in order to become a good specialist.

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