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II. Find English-Russian equivalents. Situations from the text and your own.

  1. to slave (26) - выполнять тяжелую работу; работать как раб, надрываться; работать до изнеможения

During these first weeks, Andrew happened to slave joyfully /ˈdʒɔɪfʊli/, having all the ordinary routine of the practice on his hands.

  1. to get the last ounce /aʊns/ out of (28) – последняя капля

Mrs Pages attitude of whether suspicion or jollity [ˈdʒɒlɪtɪ], seemed always designed to get the last ounce out of Andrew and give as little as possible in return.

  1. to be in a huff /hʌf/ (28) - быть рассерженным, раздраженным, обиженным, быть в гневе

Hardly had Andrew reminded about his month salary when for the rest of the meal Mrs Page sat in a huff, not looking at him.

  1. to be at stake (29) - быть поставленным на карту, быть в опасности

Andrew supposed Mrs Page to be incapable of seeing that the paltry sum, being at stake, might have been the whole principles of justice.

  1. to have one’s hands full (43) – иметь уйму хлопот

Andrew happened to feel sorry for Mrs Howells because of having her hand full, however he found it necessary to keep Idris (айдрэс), the younger brother of the ill boy, home from school.

  1. Выдерживать - endure [ɪnˈdjʊə]

It must have been difficult enough for Andrew to endure /ɪnˈdjʊər/ the anguish /ˈæŋ.ɡwɪʃ/ of talking to one person when he longed to talk to Christine.

  1. Cтараться изо всех сил (31) - to exert /ɪɡˈzɜːt/ the full force of smth

Being grimly [ˈɡrɪmlɪ] battling with the epidemic of the cliché /ˈkliː.ʃeɪ/, Denny must have been pleased to exert /ɪɡˈzɜːt/ the full force of his irony /ˈaɪ.rə.ni/ upon the work.

  1. Взять верх над - to sweep over smth/smb (28) ; to get the better of smb. (28)

Being reminded of his working for Dr Page and having no salary paid, Andrew was likely to feel a quick rush of anger /ˈæŋ.ɡər/ swept over him.

Anrew's feelings of worry and annoyance /əˈnɔɪ.əns/ appeared to get better of him at Mrs Page's sight there, greasily [ˈɡriːsɪlɪ] buxom /ˈbʌk.səm/, tight with good living, sitting in judgment /ˈdʒʌdʒ.mənt/ upon Denny.

  1. Это просто потрясающе! - it was nothing short of staggering! (32)

It must have been nothing short of staggering for Andrew because of Dr Bramwell being unaware of the difference between the pancreas and the thymus.

  1. овладеть собой – rally oneself

Being absolutely furious [ˈfjʊərɪəs] about/over/at Miss Barlow's behavour and feeling himself in an utterly /ˈʌt.əl.i/ false position, Andrew was determined to try to rally himself.

III. Give English explanations to the following words:

  1. to confine /kənˈfaɪn/ the outbreak (26) - to limit a time when something suddenly begins, especially a disease or something else dangerous or unpleasant-подавить вспышку

  2. to be disposed to (32)- to have a tendency towards something - быть расположенным к, склонным

  3. bullying - [ˈbʊlɪŋ] - an attempt of frightening someone who is smaller or weaker than you -запугивание

  4. hog-wash - stupid [ˈstjuːpɪd] or untrue talk /ʌnˈtruː/ - пустая болтовня;

  5. nonplussed /ˌnɒnˈplʌst/ - surprised, confused, and not certain how to react- в замешательстве

  6. to make much of - to treat a person or thing as though you think they are very important or special -быть высокого мнения о ком-то, высоко ценить

  7. to give a gasp - to give a gasp - to make a noise by suddenly breathing in because you are shocked or surprised - ахнуть, задохнуться

  8. ignorance /ˈɪɡ.nər.əns/ - lack of knowledge, understanding, or information about something-невежество, незнание

  9. to pride oneself upon - to be especially proud of something that you do well, or of a good quality that you have -гордиться чем-либо

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