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TOPIC 1. english as an international language.

There are over 2,700 languages in the world, but English today is the most important international language. Four hun­dred million people speak English as their first language. Six hundred million people speak it either as a second or as a for­eign language. That is 20 percent of the world's population. English is spoken practically all over the world. It is spoken as the mother tongue in Great Britain, the United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. A lot of people speak English in China, Japan, India, Africa and other countries.

England’s historyhelps to understand the present condition of English. Many English words were borrowed from the language of Angles and Saxons. Hundreds of French words came into English. These French words didn't crowd out corresponding Anglo-Saxon words. There exist "act" and "deed", "beautiful" and "pretty", "form" and "shape".

Many new words were brought by traders and travellers. These words came from all parts of the world: "umbrella" — from Italian, "skates" — from Dutch, "tea" — from Chinese, "cigar" — from Spanish.

English is the lan­guage of the United Nations,summit meetings and international conferences. 80 percent of all information in the world's computers is in English.Besides, there are a lot of brilliant world-famous English, American, Canadian and Australian writers and poets who gave the world their wonderful works. The reader can fully appreciate them only in the original. And finally, many young people learn English as a foreign language because it is the language of rock and pop music.


Chelyabinsk is a cityand theadministrative centerofChelyabinsk region ofRussia, located in the northwestern side of the rgion, to the east of theUrals , on theMiass River. It is located on the border of Europe and Asia.The Population of the city is about 1130000 people. The fortress of Chelyaba, from which the city takes its name, was constructed on the site in 1736; town status was granted to it in 1781. Around 1900, it served as a center for the construction of theTrans-Siberian Railway. During the Soviet industrialization of the 1930s, Chelyabinsk experienced rapid growth. Several industrial establishments, including theChelyabinsk Tractor Plantand the Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant, were built at this time. During World War II a large part of Soviet factory production was moved to the places out of the way of the advancing German armies in late 1941. This brought new industries and thousands of workers to Chelyabinsk. The production ofT-34tanks andKatyusharocket launchers existed in Chelyabinsk, which became known as "Tankograd" (Tank City). Chelyabinsk and the whole region has had a long association (since the 1940s) with top-secret nuclear research, as nuclear facilities such as Chelyabinsk-70 (Snezhinsk) are located outside the city. Aserious nuclear accidentoccurred in 1957 at theMayaknuclear fuel reprocessing plant. The province was closed to all foreigners till 1992. Chelyabinsk is one of the majorindustrialcenters of Russia. Heavy industry predominates, especiallymetallurgyand military machinery, notably theChelyabinsk Metallurgical Combinate(CMK, ChMK),Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant(CTZ, ChTZ), Chelyabinsk Electrode plant (CHEZ),Chelyabinsk Tube Rolling Plant(ChTPZ) andChelyabinsk Forge-and-Press Plant(ChKPZ).


Before children start going to school, many of them attend kindergartens until they are six or seven. Compulsory educa­tion in our country begins at the age of 7, when children go to primary school. This is the first stage of their schooling and lasts four years. The children learn to read, to write and to count. They also have Drawing, Music and Physical Training classes. Secondary stage begins from the 5th form where children have a lot of new subjects, such as Literature, History, Natural Science, Physics, Algebra and Geometry, a foreign language and others. State Examinations are taken at the end of the 9th and the 11th year. After passing their State Exams at the age of 16 or 17, young people receive a Certificate of Secondary Education. Some children may leave school after the 9th form and continue their education at voca­tional or technical secondary schools or colleges.

There are specialized secondary schools with an intensive study of certain subjects, such as for­eign languages, Literature, Physics or others.Russian higher education has come to the two-level system: baccalaureate and magistracy. After magistracy you can continue your education and take the doctor of science/arts degree.


In Great Britain education is compulsory for all children from 5 to 16 years of age. Before 5 some children attend Nursery Schools, while most children start their basic educa­tion in an Infant School which is the first stage of Primary Education. From 7 to 11 they attend Junior Schools, the sec­ond stage of Primary Education. In Primary School children are taught the so-called 3R's — reading, writing and arith­metic, as well as elementary science and information technol­ogy. They also have music, physical training and art classes.

At the age of eleven children transfer to Comprehensive Schools. These schools give general education and a wide range of academic courses leading to the public examinations taken at 16. Along with the state schools, there are about 500 private schools in Britain that comprise about 6% of the school popu­lation.

Any child may leave school at 16 when all children take the school-leaving examinations and get a certificate of secondary education. Those who want to continue their education at a University have to stay on at school for two more years and take another exam (at an advanced level). Advanced level examination is very important, because on the results of this examination the Universities and Polytechnics choose their students, as there are no entrance examinations.

The leading universities in England are Oxford, Cambridge and London. After three years of study, a student receives a Bachelor's degree. Some may continue their studies for two or more years to get the degrees of Master and Doctor. Besides universities, there are other types of higher educational institutions: Polytechnics and Colleges of differ­ent kinds.


Public education at all levels in the US is the responsibili­ty of individual states. Education is provided to all children from the age of 5 to 18 in the public school system. After an optional year in kindergarten, children enter grade 1 at the age of 6. Education is compulsory until the age of 16. After 6 years in elementary school children go on to junior high (or middle school) and then to high school for another 6 years. The usual plan for dividing schools is: 6 years of elementary school, 3 years of junior high and 3 years of high school, but this plan may be different in different states. Those who complete the full high school programme receive a high school diploma. The subjects children learn are much the same as in other countries.

Schoolchildren can learn one foreign language for 2 years (Spanish, German, or French). The Americans think that learning how to think independently and problem-solving skills is more important than learning facts. Today there is a strong emphasis on science, mathematics and foreign lan­guages and the knowledge of other peoples and cultures.

Besides public schools there are private schools which are very expensive, and religious schools which are also fee-pay­ing.

About half of the young people today who finish secondary school go on to community colleges which provide two years of higher education at minimal cost. State colleges and univer­sities provide four years of higher education necessary to receive a bachelor's degree, as well as additional education for a master's degree. Fees are different in different states. Besides these, there are many private colleges and universities, which are more expensive than public institutions.


The Mechanical-Machine-Building Institute was opened in Chelyabinsk in December 1943. It was formed on the basis of Chelyabinsk and Leningrad Tractor Plants. At that time there were only two faculties there: the Mechanical-Technological Faculty and the Automobile-and-Tractor Faculty. Only 425 students studied at the Institute in 1943. In 1951 the ChMMI was named the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute. In 1990 it was reorganized into the Technical University, and in 1997 - into South Urals State University.

At present it is one of the largest higher schools in the country. About 50,000 students and post-graduates study at its full-time, part-time and distance learning faculties. The teaching staff numbers about 5000 instructors. Several Corresponding Members of the Academy of Sciences, about 350 Professors and a great number of Assistant Professors work there. The University has 34departments and 140 chairs which train engineers in 50 specialities.

The University provides a good engineering education. It should be noted, however, that the University trains not only engineers, but specialists in economics, finance, law, ecology, linguistics, architecture and construction, psychology. The university has 11 branch establishments around Chelyabinsk region and it is among the ten best Russian universities according to the Russian Education Department.

South Urals State University is a large research center. Since 2011 our university has come to the two-level system of higher education: baccalaureate and magistracy.

I have chosen this University because of its prestige, high status among Russian universities and high quality of training. Our University has facilities to study and do sports. The university graduates are always in great demand among employers.

topic 7. my future career

When I was at school, I knew I would continue my educa­tion after finishing school. The question was what to choose. Now I know that I want to become a psychologist.

Psychology is a very useful and important subject because it deals with people, their behaviour, their relationships. It can help people in all spheres of their life. For example, children's psychology helps bring up children in the family, it also helps teachers at school. Psychology helps people solve their person­al problems and communicate with other people. Psycholo­gists are necessary at kindergardens, at schools, at factories and offices. Special psychological tests can help us choose our future career and are useful for administrators and managers in hiring their employees.

Psychology as a subject is studied now in many universi­ties, institutes and colleges. I want to make a special study of psychology and become a psychother­apist. I feel that I can make a good specialist. That's why I want to enter the Department of Psychology of the South Urals State University.

I am glad to have become the student of the South Urals State University, the 9th best university among Russian polytechnical higher education establishments. Today Russian higher education like European and American education is divided into two steps: bachelors and masters of science or arts. As the competition is great in the home and foreign labor markets, I’m going to take the bachelor and master of arts degrees and continue postgraduate education to take the doctor of arts degree. Maybe it is worth taking another education in scientific sphere.

TOPIC 8. Sergei Pavlovich Korolyov - the Founder of

Practical Cosmonautics.

Academician S. P. Korolyov is a famous scientist and founder of practical cosmonautics. He was the chief constructor of the first Earth sputniks and spaceships. S. P. Korolyov was born in 1906 in the small Ukrainian town of Zhitomir into a family of teachers. From the childhood he was interested in mathematics, literature and he read a great deal. In 1925 Korolyov entered the Kiev Polytechnical Institute where he studied aviation and mathematics. After two years in Kiev Korolyov came to Moscow. In the day-time he worked at an aeroplane factory and in the evening he studied at the Moscow Higher Technical School. At the Moscow Higher Technical School Korolyov learned about К. E. Tsiolkovsky's ideas on space travelling and about his rocket. In 1930 S. P. Korolyov graduated from the Moscow Higher Technical School and became an aviation engineer. At the same time he finished the Moscow Pilot School. During the Great Patriotic War S. P. Korolyov constructed a jet engine for aeroplanes and rockets. On October 4, 1957 the first man-made sputnik of the Earth was launched into space. It was the result of thirty years hard work and Chief Constructor was S. P. Korolyov. Then dogs were sent into space and only after a lot of experiments the first cosmonaut in the world — Y. A. Gagarin was launched into space in the spaceship "Vostok" on April 12, 1961. S. P. Korolyov opened a new era in the conquest of outer space.

TOPIC 9. Michael Faraday

Michael Faraday is one of the great scientists in the history of man's work in electricity. He was born in a small village near London on September 11, 1791, in a poor family. At the age of thirteen Michael went to work in a bookbinder's shop, because he didn't have much schooling. Some of the scientific works and articles which passed through his hands aroused his interest in science and he started to read.

Some time later Michael became a pupil of great scientist of that time, Sir Humphry Davy. The boy accompanied Davy in his trips to Europe. Today almost all the electricity we use is generated by great machines with magnets in them, but in those days no one knew how to do it. English scientist could move the magnet near wire. This was a great moment in the history of man's electrical experiments. But Faraday didn't stop at this.

Faraday's scientific interests were varied. He made new kind of glass and a new kind of steel. Faraday made about two thousand difficult experiments and made countless discoveries in chemistry and physics. He made a wonderful machine which was the father of all the great machines that make electricity today. They light and heat our houses and they make our radio-sets work. Michael Faraday was the creator of the electric motor, who ushered us in the electrical age which had changed the face of the earth.

topic 10. travelling

Travelling is a very useful thing. It widens our outlook, gives us the possibility to meet with people from other countries, acquaints us with different cultures, traditions and customs, country history and languages. Having returned home after travelling we bring souvenirs, photos and lots of impressions of our trip. Getting to travel don’t forget about several important things such as: a tour visa, a life insurance, a guidebook, plastic card (for the payments) and mobile phone. Last Christmas I went to Paris with my family. It was incredible travelling and I would like to share some of my impressions with you. Paris is the capital of France and one of the biggest cities of Europe. It is situated on the Seine River banks in the north part of France. The population of Paris with its suburbs is 12 600 000 people and 45 million tourists visit the city annually. Paris is the recognized capital of the world fashion and the location of Dior, Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, Lanvin fashion houses. Paris is divided into 20 administrative districts. The most famous ones are: du Louvre is the geographic and historic heart of Paris. It’s the first district of the city where the world-famous Art Museum Louvre is situated. Palais Bourbon or Eiffel Tower district is the politic center of Paris, where many departments and offices and the National Assembly of France are concentrated. The main places of interest are the Paris symbol Eiffel Tower and Champ de Mars. The Elysees is the residence of the France president. It was unforgettable travelling for me, next summer I and my family are going to Spain. I hope you’ve got something exciting to tell us about your travelling.

TOPIC 11. MY WORKING DAY (как дополнительная тема)

The success in education, in career and in family life depends on the correct time managing according to psychologists, sociologists and other scientists. My working day begins at 6 a.m. when my alarm clock rings and I get up. I don’t do morning exercises. Instead I take my dog out for a walk and it is a good exercise for me. I’m a first year student of the architectural faculty at the South Urals State University. I’m glad to have entered this University and this faculty. My future speciality is an interior designer. I like being engaged in flats and offices space planning and their decoration. I hope I’m good at these things. I usually leave my house at 20 minutes past 7 a.m., the way to the University takes me 30 minutes by the route taxi. I have 10 minutes to communicate with my group-mates. The university lectures start at 8 a.m. Each lecture lasts one hour and a half. There are short breaks between the lectures. There is a 30-minutes break after the second lecture for the students and the lecturers to go to the canteen. My lectures are usually over at 2 or 3 p.m. But I don’t hurry home at once. I do boxing in the university sport club three times a week (on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays). On Tuesdays and Thursdays I play the bass-guitar in the university rock-group. Our group participates in all official and amateur events of the University. If I need to prepare any report or be ready for any test, I have to miss the sport training or music rehearsal and go to the university library. I return home at 7 p.m., have dinner and take my dog for an evening walk. After walk I take a shower, watch TV a little before sleeping. How do you organize your working day? Are you pleased with your personal time-table? Share your ideas with us.

Тема 1 . Английский какмеждународный язык .

Есть более 2700 языков в мире , но английский сегодня является наиболее важным международным языком . Четыре хун ¬ Дред миллионов человек говорят по-английски как на родном языке . Шестьсот миллионов человек говорят на нем либо в качестве второго или какдля ¬ иностранной языке . То есть 20 процентов населения земного шара . На английском языке говорят практически во всем мире . На нем говорят как на родном языке в Великобритании, Соединенных Штатов Америки, Канады, Австралии и Новой Зеландии . Много людей говорят по-английски в Китае, Японии , Индии, Африке и других странах.

Англии historyhelps понять нынешнее состояние английского языка. Многие английские слова были заимствованы из языка англов и саксов . Сотни французских слов пришли в английский язык. Эти французские слова не вытесняют соответствующие англосаксонские слова . Там существует " акт " и " дело" , " красивый " и " довольно " , "форма" и "форму" .

Многие новые слова были принесены трейдеров и путешественников. Эти слова пришли из всех частей мира: " зонтичных " - от итальянских , « коньки » - от голландцев, " чай " - по-китайски , " сигар " - от испанского .

Английский язык является локальной сети ¬ Guage Организации Объединенных Наций , встреч на высшем уровне и международных конференций . 80 процентов всей информации в мире компьютеров находится в English.Besides , есть много блестящих всемирно известного английского, американского , канадского и австралийского писателей и поэтов , которые дали миру свои прекрасные творения . Читатель может в полной мере оценить их только в оригинале. И, наконец, многие молодые люди изучать английский язык в качестве иностранного языка , потому что это язык рок-и поп -музыки.

Тема 2 . Мой город родной .

        Челябинск является город и административный центр Челябинской области России , расположен в северо-западной стороне rgion , к востоку от Урала , на реке Миасс. Он расположен на границе Европы и Asia.The населения города составляет около 1130000 человек . Крепость Челябы , от которого город получил свое название , был построен на месте в 1736 году , статус города получил к нему в 1781 году. Около 1900 года он служил в качестве центра для строительства Транссибирской магистрали . Во время советской индустриализации 1930-х годов , Челябинск наблюдается быстрый рост . Несколько промышленных предприятий , в том числе Челябинского тракторного завода и Челябинского металлургического завода , были построены в это время . Во время Второй мировой войны большая часть советского производства завода был перенесен на местах из пути наступающих немецких войск в конце 1941 года . Это принесло новые отрасли промышленности и тысячи рабочих в Челябинск. Производство танков Т-34 и катюш существовали в Челябинске, который стал известен как " Танкограда " ( Tank City) . Челябинск и весь регион имеет долгую ассоциации (с 1940-х годов ) с сверхсекретной ядерных исследований , как ядерные объекты , такие как Челябинске-70 (Снежинск) расположены за пределами города. Серьезный ядерная авария произошла в 1957 году на заводе по переработке Маяк ядерного топлива. В провинции был закрыт для всех иностранцев до 1992 года. Челябинск является одним из крупнейших промышленных центров России. Тяжелая промышленность преобладает , особенно металлургию и военную технику , в частности, Челябинский металлургический комбинат ( ЦМК , ЧМК ) , Челябинский тракторный завод ( ЧТЗ , ЧТЗ) , Челябинский электродный завод ( CHEZ ) , Челябинский трубопрокатный завод ( ЧТПЗ ) и Челябинский кузнечно- - прессовый завод ( ЧКПЗ ) .