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Английский язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации


Слова и выражения для запоминания:

1 paragraph

sophisticated сложный

respected уважаемый

to surround окружать

controversy противоречие

confusion путаница, недоразумение

with regard to по отношению к

rather + прилагательное весьма, довольно

efforts усилия

to promote продвигать, способствовать

good will репутация

2 paragraph

to define определять

definition определение

to note отметить, заметить

to determine определить

to devise создавать

to secure обеспечивать

3 paragraph

to predict предсказывать

to counsel консультировать

to implement применять

4 paragraph

to handle управлять (чем-л.) , справляться (с чем-л.)

to agree соглашаться

space место, пространство

5 paragraph

to confuse путать

to involve бытьсвязянным

paid оплаченный

to sell продавать

goods товары

services услуги

on the other hand сдругойстороны

free, свободный, бесплатный

to overlap частично совпадать

6 paragraph

in fact в сущности, фактически

thus следовательно, таким образом

unfortunately к сожалению

to mean значить, означать


Упражнение 1.Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. When did you first learn about PR?

  2. What associations do you have when you hear the word combination Public Relations (PR)?

Прочитайте и переведите текст:

1.Public relations like advertising, is a message business that in the recent years has become highly sophisticated and respected. However, it is still surrounded by some of the controversies. It comes from the fact that a great deal of confusion still exists with regard to what public relation is.

The Random House College Dictionarydefines public relations rather simply:

a. the efforts of a corporation to promote good will between itself and the public.

b. the methods used to promote such good will.

2.ThePublic Relations Handbookhas expanded on this definition noting that PR enables institutions and people to learn what others think of them, determine what they must do to earn the good will of others, devise ways to win that good will and carry on programs designed to secure goods will.

3.Here is another attempt to define PR:“Public relations practice is the art and social science of analyzing trends, predicting their consequences, counseling organization leaders and implementing planned programs of action which will serve both the organization’s and public’s interests”.

4.There are many other definitions. This only indicates that PR is a complex field with a variety of functions and activities. All the definitions agree that public relations is an organized effort to handle relationships with the public.

5.Some people confuse PR and advertising. Advertising involves the paid use of time and space in the mass media, usually to sell goods and services. Public relations, on the other hand, often uses free space and time in the media to sell corporate images, individuals and good will. These two practices sometimes overlap when paid advertising is used to sell a corporate image or create good will.

6.In fact, advertising often becomes an important part of PR practitioners’ total campaign. Thus, the confusion over these two fields is understandable

Unfortunately, “public relations” still means different things to different people.


Упражнение 2.Найдите синонимы:

1. controversy

a. . benevolence (благожелательность, доброжелательность

2. goodwill

b. polemics

3. consequence

c. result

Упражнение 3..Подберите наиболее удачный эквивалент для выделенных слов:

  1. Public relations like advertising, is a message business that in the recent years has become highly sophisticatedand respected.

a. false b. complicated c. easy

  1. All the definitions agree that PR is an organized effort to handlerelationship with public.

a. control b. discuss c. suspend

  1. Public relations often use freespace and time in the media to sell corporate images, individuals and good will.

a. vacant b. unrestricted c. without paying money

Упражнение 4 Дайте ответы на следующие вопросы:

  1. What is the attitude to public relations at present?

  2. Why is PR surrounded by some of the controversies?

  3. What definition of PR does the Random House College Dictionarygive?

  4. Why are there so many definitions of PR in various sources?

  5. What is the difference between PR and advertising?

  6. What activities does PR include?

  7. Can you give a definition of PR?

  8. What examples of PR activity do you know?

Упражнение 5..Прочитайте текст, определите, какие утверждения соответствуют его содержанию:

Case study

1. Perrier is an oil tanker.

2. The company Source Perrier did everything to minimize the damage caused by the crisis.

3. This case is the example of bad crisis management

Up until 1990 ordering Perrier1 was a fashionable thing to do. However, it was reported in the news media that this chic French bottled mineral water had been contaminated (загрязнена) with the traces of benzene2. Within weeks after that, Perrier became a forgotten product. Source Perrier first tried to ignore the benzene contamination, and then tried to minimize its extent. The public lost confidence in the company and its product.



1. Perrier – торговая марка Перье, натуральная минеральная вода

2. benzene - бензол