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ПОКР грамматика 10

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Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use

between two and five words, including the word given.

a) Please don't open the window.


I'd rather you didn't open the window.

b) Fiona wanted to know the time.


Fiona wanted to know was.

c) We won't go out if the weather is bad.


We the weather is good.

d) I would like you to be here!


I here.

e) Catherine refused to let me go.


Catherine go.

f) If I were you, I'd try to get some sleep.


I to try to get some sleep.

g) What a pity we didn't see the match.


I the match.

h) The old man introduced himself.


The old man name.

i) David told me the time of the next train.


David told train left.

j) The police inspector said I had killed Mrs Burns.


The police inspector killing Mrs Burns.


2 Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

The stolen bike

One morning last week I realised that my bike (1) B. stolen from my

garden. I phoned the police and two officers called at my house the next day.

They (2) me if I had seen or heard anything. I told

(3) I had been out that evening, and hadn't noticed anything

suspicious when I came home. 'If I had seen anything, I (4) you,' I

replied. 'It was raining hard too. If the weather (5) so bad, I would

have ridden my bike.' The officers told me that lots of people (6)

their bikes stolen lately. 'The thieves (7) to have put the bikes in a

van,' said one of the officers. 'I (8) I had known about that,' I said.

'I saw a black van that evening. In fact, it (9) opposite my house.'

The officers asked me what the van's number (10) , but I couldn't

remember. '(11) you saw the van again, (12) you

recognise it?' one of them asked. 'It (13) painting. I remember

that,' I replied. However, there was a happy ending to this story. After the

officers had left, I (14) by a friend of mine. 'By the way', she said,

'(15) you want your bike, I'll bring it back this afternoon. I

borrowed it a couple of days ago.'

1) A had B had been C had had itself D had not

2) A reminded B questioned C told D asked

3) A them B that C if D later

4) A called B would C had called D would have called

5) A wasn't B wouldn't be C hadn't been D wouldn't have been

6) A had B had had C had to have D hadn't

7) A think B are thought C have thought D are thinking

8) A would B realise C wish D thought

9) A was parked B had parking C is parked D has parked

10) A is B was C had D wrote

11) A If B When C Remember D Suppose

12) A d o B can C would D if

13) A needed B had been C looked like D seemed

14) A called up B was phoned C had a phone call D heard some news

15) A unless B if only C if D as long as

58 G R A M M A R 10 C O N S O L I D A T I O N 2

3 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use

between two and five words, including the word given.

a) Excuse me, is somebody serving you, sir?


Excuse me, are you being served.............................., sir?

b) I think we should go home.


It's home.

c) The painters painted our house last month.


We last month.

d) It's a pity that Charles always complains so much.


I so much.

e) Someone will meet you at the airport.


You at the airport.

f) People think that train-robber Dave Briggs has escaped.


Train-robber Dave Briggs escaped.

g) 'Don't forget to buy some bread, Mum,' said Pauline.


Pauline buy some bread.

h) Have you received your salary yet?


Have yet?

i) I think I'll manage to finish the letters by 4.00.


I think I'll by 4.00.

j) My parents made me study every night.


I every night by my parents.



4 Put each verb in brackets into a suitable verb form.

A friend in the rain

Last week I (1) ...was walking.. (walk) home after playing tennis when it

(2) (start) raining very heavily. 'Oh no, I (3)

(get) soaked before I (4) (reach) home,' I thought. 'I wish I

(5) (remember) to bring my raincoat.' But unfortunately I

(6) (leave) it at home. How stupid of me! I (7)

(always forget) to bring it with me. Luckily just then a friend of mine passed in

her car and offered me a lift. '(8) (you go) home?' she asked,

'or (9) (you want) to go for a drink?' 'I think I'd rather you

(10) (take) me home,' I said. 'If I (11) (not

change) my clothes, I know I (12) (fall) ill, and then I

(13) (not be able) to play in the tennis tournament next week.

And I (14) (practise) hard for the last month.' 'I

(15) (wait) for you to change if you (16)

(like),' she told me. 'I think it's time you (17) (relax) for a

change. You (18) (worry) too much about things lately. And

people who (19) (worry) too much (20) (fall)

ill more easily. It's got nothing to do with the rain!'

5 Put each verb in brackets into a suitable verb form.

The facts about sugar

Packet sugar from the supermarket (1) ...is extracted.... (extract) from either

sugar cane or sugar beet. These products (2) (mix) with hot

water, which (3) (dissolve) their natural sugar. Sugar

(4) (also find) in fruit some of which, such as dates and grapes,

(5) (contain) very high amounts of sugar. To be a little more

specific, sugar should (6) (call) sucrose. Sucrose

(7) (make up) of two substances: glucose, which

(8) (use) for instant energy, and fructose, which

(9) (last) longer as a source of energy. The sugar in fruit is

mainly fructose. So when we (10) (eat) fruit, we

(11) (also eat) quite large amounts of natural sugar. Some

scientists (12) (believe) that too much sugar

(13) (eat) in sweets, cake and biscuits. It (14)

(say) to be generally bad for the health, although nothing (15)

(definitely prove) so far. However, it (16) (known) that sugar

(17) (cause) tooth decay. As one expert put it: 'If other foods

(18) (damage) our body as much as sugar (19)

(damage) our teeth, they (20) (ban) immediately' G R A M M A R 10 C O N S O L I D A T I O N 2

6 Look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word

which should not be there. Tick each correct line. If a line has a word which

should not be there, write the word in the space.

A holiday in Scotland

Some friends of mine decided to go on holiday

to Scotland. They asked me if I was wanted to go

too, but I had already arranged to go to Italy.

I told them so that I had been to Scotland before,

so they asked me to give them some ideas.

I advised them to take up warm clothes and

raincoats. 'If I were like you, I'd always carry

umbrellas!' I told them. 'I doubt that whether

you'll have any sunny days.' I didn't see

them again until was after their holiday. They

were all very sun-tanned, and they told to me

that they had had very hot weather.

'If we had been taken your advice, we would

have made a terrible mistake,' they said me.

'Luckily we were told us before we

left that it was very hot in Scotland.

It is said to they have been the hottest summer ever!