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Методичні вказівки для СРС та навчальний матеріал

з англійської мови для студентів ІІІ курсу заочної форми навчання

Напрям підготовки – менеджмент Спеціальність – менеджмент організацій


на засіданні робочої групи методичної ради “Заочна та післядипломна освіта”

ОДЕСА 2005

Методичні вказівки для СРС та навчальний матеріал з англійської мови для студентів

ІІІ курсу заочної форми навчання.

Напрям підготовки – менеджмент Спеціальність – менеджмент організацій

Укладач: Кемарська Т.Г. - Одеса - ОДЕКУ, 2005 р., 29 с.



Практичне володіння англійською мовою при заочній формі навчання означає вміння самостійно за допомогою словника читати літературу за фахом англійською мовою, знаходити корисну для роботи інформацію, а також перекладати тексти за фахом рідною мовою.

Метою запропонованих методичних вказівок для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС) та навчального матеріалу з англійської мови для студентів ІІІ курсу заочної форми навчання, напрям підготовки – “менеджмент” є:

виробити у студентів навички читання та перекладу науково-технічної літератури англійською мовою за фахом “менеджмент організацій”;

розвинути вміння розуміти зміст прочитаного;

виробити навики постановки запитань до тексту англійською мовою;

підготовити студентів до складання іспиту з англійської мови.

Після вивчення методичних вказівок, виконання практичних завдань та контрольних робіт, студенти повинні вміти читати та перекладати науково-технічну літературу англійською мовою за фахом “менеджмент організацій”, розуміти зміст прочитаного, вміти ставити та відповідати на запитання до іншомовного тексту, брати участь в бесіді за фахом.

Навчальна програма для студентів ІІІ курсу заочної форми навчання розрахована на 94 годин СРС та на 14 години аудиторної роботи.

Програма з дисципліни англійська мова для студентів

ІІІк. заочної форми навчання ( напрямок - менеджмент)









Назва теми заняття










Деякі особливості перекладу науково–





технічної літератури.





Розмовна тема “Ukraine”.





Самостійний переклад текстів за фахом – 5










Особливості перекладу видо-часових форм





дієслів (Active Voice, Passive Voice). Розмовна





тема “The political system of Ukraine”.





Самостійний переклад текстів за фахом – 5










Особливості перекладу модальних дієслів.





Розмовна тема “Great Britain”.





Самостійний переклад текстів за фахом – 5












Особливості перекладу інфінитива.





Розмовна тема “Odessa”.





Самостійний переклад суспільно-політичного







тексту – 5 тис.др.зн.
















Назва теми заняття











Особливості перекладу дієприкметників.





Розмовна тема “My home town”.





Самостійний переклад текстів за фахом – 5












Особливості перекладу герундія.






тема “Management of Enviromental











Самостійний переклад суспільно-політичного





тексту – 5 тис.др.зн.





Особливості перекладу іменників в функції











перекладу суспільно-політичного













Самостійний переклад текстів за фахом – 5










Методичні вказівки складаються з двох частин. В першій частині надаються 9 неадаптованих текстів, взятих з оригінальної літератури по спеціальності “менеджмент організацій”.

Ці тексти за вказівкою викладача використовуються як матеріал для практичної роботи на заняттях під час сесії, чи як позаудиторне читання, метою якого є знайомство з іномовною оригінальною літературою, накопичення слів та висловів, характерних для данної галузі, та надбання навичок перекладу перед виконанням контрольних робіт №5, 6 які додаються в другій частині посібника і є контролем СРС.

При перекладі текстів студентам рекомендується користуватися загальними та спеціалізованими перекладними словниками.

Критерії оцінки виконання контрольної роботи:

“зараховано” студент переклав не менш ніж 80% тексту без суттєвих граматичних помилок, склав запитання до змісту тексту та показав знання основних термінів щодо фаху “менеджмент організацій”, які зустрічалися у контрольних роботах;

“незараховано” студент переклав менш ніж 80% тексту контрольної робіти, припустив більш 10 граматичних помилок при перекладі текстів та складанні запитань, та не показав знання основних термінів за фахом “менеджмент організацій”, що зустрічалися у контрольних роботах.




Management is a process of managing people. Any manager has got some functions. For example, he makes a lot of important decisions. He sets objectives, coordinates work, delegates authority, makes hiring, firing and just general leading. It is evident that making careful decisions is the basis of good management. In fact there is no difference between the words an executive, a manager and an administrator. These words are interchangeable. In many companies the top officers are called administrators. The next group the heads of major departments, the vice presidents. Any organization has a number of positions and some people have more authority than others. Where and how a manager can hire a qualified employee ?

A manager has several options to consider when he wants to hire a new employee. First of all he may look within his own company. But if he can’t find anybody suitable for the position he has to look outside the company. If there is a personnel office in the company, he can ask them to find a qualified applicant. The employer can also use other valuable sources, for example, employment agencies, consulting firms, placement offices and professional societies. He can also advertise in a newspaper or in a magazine and request candidates to send in resumes. The employer has two sets of qualifications to consider if he wants to choose from among the applicants. He must consider both professional qualifications and personal characteristics. A candidate’s education, experience and skills are included in his professional qualifications. These can be listed on a resume. Personal characteristics or personality traits can be evaluated through interviews.

Comprehension questions

0.What functions has an executive got ?

0.What qualities do you need to be an executive of a company ?

0.What does it mean to be a competent manager ?

0.Which options should an employer first consider when he wants to hire a new employee ?

0.What service does a personnel office provide ?

0.What way can a new employee be found in outside a company ?

0.What qualifications does an employer consider choosing an employee ?

0.What is meant by “professional qualifications” for a job ?

0.What personal characteristics does an administrator consider choosing an employee ?




Management consists of small activities undertaken to secure the accomplishment of work through the efforts of other people. Both large and small firms require good management in order to achieve success. In the typical small business that entails group effort, the manager provides direction by activities that are called management functions.

The general management functions of planning, organizing, and controlling are performed by all managers of both small and big businesses. Effective performance of these functions calls for the ability to lead, inspire other people. It is the manager who must integrate departmental and personal goals with those of the enterprise a s a whole. As small firms grow, they move from simple, informal management relationships to more complex, formalized management system. Small business managers who are too busy to perform their managerial tasks efficiently should learn to delegate some duties to subordinates and to organize their work by careful planning. Outside management assistance is provided by many types of consultants. The use of management consultants may be thought of as an investment in cost reduction. They may be employed for single projects, or retained on a continuing basis for use as necessary. Owner-managers of small businesses can locate and screen consultants by talking with business friends, accountants, clients of particular consultants, and other business leaders.



Each department in a division of a company relies on budgeting to make the company’s affairs profitable. A profit target is set and the unit price of the goods (which depends on how much they cost to make and for how much they can be sold) is determined by this; the managers report how well this target has been met; the price of the goods leaving the ex-factory is adjusted. Only after this has been done can the various departments in the company executive the orders.

Many businesses fail because they fall into the trap of ignoring their cash flow, often because they allow too generous credit terms. The accounts department should make sure that a stop is put on the credit granted to bad payers. The smooth running of the company depends on a good relationship between the boss and the people who work on the shop floor. Senior managers, of course, must pass some of their task over to other people they simply


cannot do it all. This delegation of some jobs is essential, and the ability to do it well is one of the measures of good management.


budgeting розрахунок прибутків та витрат profit target планова норма прибутку unit price середня ціна товарної одениці to adjust встановлювати

cash flow рух готівки profit margin прибуток to withdraw скасувати



Managers or executives have a lot of problem to solve. They decide on hiring and firing. They decide on vacations, hours and salary. They have to interview a job applicant, to make staff assessment, to discuss this or that action taken. Managing people is not always an easy thing. For example, Nick is an administrator responsible for the whole business. He has to make people work in the proper way. If he intends to make changes in the staff, all his managerial skills are called for his ability to make decisions, his ability to get people agree with his decisions.

In many firms consulting staff is a very important thing. Consultation isn’t just collecting facts. Nick can only gather opinions. These opinions must be thought through and tested. The purpose of consultation is not only to get consensus. The purpose of consultation is to get assistance in making the decision. During consultation people may disagree, they may criticize each other’s idea. In the dispute they may find the right solution of the problem.


staff assessment атестація співробітників assistance допомога



Marketing includes all the business activities connected with the movement of goods and services from producer to consumer. Sometimes it is


called distribution. On the one hand marketing is made up of such activities as transporting, storing and selling goods and on the other hand a series of decisions you make during the process of moving goods from producer to user. Marketing operations include product planning, buying, storage, pricing, promotion, selling, credit, traffic and marketing research.

The ability to recognize early trends is very important. Producers must know why, where, for what purpose the consumers buy. Marketing research helps the producer to predict what the people will want. And through advertising the producer attempts to influence the customer to buy. Marketing operations are very expensive. They take up more than half of the consumer’s dollar. The trend in the USA for example has been to high mass consumption. The construction of good shopping centres has made goods available to consumers. It provided a wide range of merchandise and plenty of parking facilities.

Comprehension questions

0.What does marketing mean ?

0.What activities does marketing consist of ?

0.What do marketing operations include ?

0.Why is it so important for the producer to predict the trends ?

0.How was mass consumption possible in the USA ?



Today small businesses are the heart of the market economy. There are a great number and variety of small businesses. People become owners and operators of small business firms in one of three ways: start a new firm, buy a franchise, buy or inherit an existing firm.

Small firms have been established to do just about any kind of business imaginable. They have been established to manufacture and distribute goods, to sell them at retail, and, of course, to provide all kinds of needed services. Some serve only the local community, while others function in national and international markets.

The vast majority of small firms concentrate on selling material products, although an increasing number of firms provide a service. Although an increasing number operate in local markets, services, too, are exported. In recent years there has been a great increase in the export of services, such as management consulting, medical, and technological services.

The existence of a strong, healthy small business community has always been recognized as the best way to preserve competition, prevent monopolistic


control of any industries, and thus assure the population of the benefits of competition through better prices and quality products. Incentives have been provided to assist small firms. The government of the US created the Small Business Administration (SBA) in 1954 to provide financial, management, and procurement assistance for small firms.

There are some facts that illustrate the importance of small business. According to the Small Business Administration:

99% of all businesses in the US can be classified as small;

43% of the gross national product is contributed by small business;

while large business has been cutting back employment, small business has been creating new jobs;

many of new products and services in the US are created by small businesses.

Numerous definitions of the term “small business” exist. A small business is one which is independently owned and operated and not dominant in its field of operation. A small business is one which possesses at least two of the following four characteristics: 1) management of the firm is independent. Usually the managers are also the owners; 2) capital is supplied and the ownership is held by an individual or a small group; 3) the area of operation is mainly local, with the workers and owners living in one home community. However, the markets need not be local; 4) the relative size of the firm within its industry must be small when compared with the biggest units in its field. Of the characteristics cited, most scholars believe that the forth relative size, is the most important.

The SBA traditionally uses the following criteria for defining small business: retailing (sales volume), service (sales volume), wholesaling (sales volume), manufacturing (number of employees).

The following is a list of terms that can be used to describe a business. Each term tells something about the size of a business.

Total assets all that a business owns.

Net worth business assets less what is owed.

Gross profits money left from sales after all expenses ( except taxes) have been paid.

Net profits what is left from gross profit after business income taxes are


Employees total number of workers and managers listed on the payroll. Income net receipts, the total sales less returns, allowances, and


It is necessary to keep records of a business for tax purposes and as a measure of growth. Some businesses fail because they are improperly expanded. Other businesses are unsuccessful because they expand too quickly and cannot


handle problems that come with rapid growth. Many businesses remain small and provide excellent income throughout their lifetime.

Business operations are subject to review by local, state, and federal authorities. These reviews insure that rules and regulations are being obeyed and standards maintained. Some of the operations subject to review are listed here.

Income. Business income must be reported for income tax purposes. Other reasons for reporting business income include providing information for bank loans, attracting investors, making equitable distribution of profits in partnership, and as a measure of business growth. The records are usually subject to an audit.

Working conditions. Clean and safe working conditions must be provided for employees and if required, medical and safety equipment must be provided.

Wages and hours. Work regulations and announcements must be posted where employees can read them. Employers must pay at least the minimum wage that applies to their employees.

Advertising, labeling, and packaging. Businesses must not be guilty of false advertising, mislabeling, or providing less than the labeled weight in a package.

Unfair practices. Laws prevent business persons from engaging in various unfair practices, such as price fixing and other means of restraining trade.

Discrimination. Federal and state regulations prevent an employee from being discriminated against because of colour, race, sex, religion, or national origin.

Liability and compensation. Employers are required to carry insurance and provide adequate compensation for workers injured on the job and customers injured on the business premises.

Comments incentive стимул

procurement assistance матеріально-технічна допомога the gross national product валовий національный продукт supply постачати

ownership власність retailing роздрібна торгівля wholesaling оптова торгівля manufacturing виробництво

total assets загальна вартість майна net worth власний капітал підприємства gross profits валовий прибуток

net profits чистий прибуток payroll платіжна відомость net receipts чистий прибуток total sales товарообіг

returns відшкодування


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