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Crime методичка.doc
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Ex.1 What is the situation in the picture?

What is the crime being committed?

What would you do if you saw someone doing this?

What punishment would he receive if he were caught?

What words do you associate with the word “crime”?

Are crime levels on the increase in your country?

If so, what do you think are the reasons for this?

What are the most commonly committed crimes where you live?

Do people in your country generally live in fear of crime?

Is crime a major political issue? To what extent does the fear of crime affect you?

Ex. 2 Answer the following questions as honestly as possible. What would you do in the following situations?

    1. You're lying in bed one night when you hear a noise that seems to come from somewhere in your house or apartment.

    2. A dangerous criminal has been arrested. Unknown to the police, you were a witness to the crime but if this becomes known you will have to give evidence against the man in court.

    3. You've left home and are on your way to work. Some 15 minutes from your house, you start to wonder if you closed your front door properly. You think you did but you're not positive. There have been a number of burglaries in your neighbourhood.

    4. You've recently won an extremely large amount of money on the lottery. The story has appeared in a local newspaper and now everybody knows where you - and all your money - can be found.

    5. You're due to go on holiday abroad for two weeks tomorrow, when you hear that two of your neighbours were burgled last night.

    6. In a crowded cafe you see a woman steal someone's bag.

    7. As you leave a car park you see a driver crash into a parked car and then drive off.

    8. An untidy-looking man is lying in the gutter and groans as you pass by. There are spots of blood on his clothes.

    9. A tough-looking man lights a cigarette in the non-smoking part of the train.

Ex. 3 Read the text and find the English names for the following crimes:

Подделка документов; кража; изнасилование; кража со взломом; тяжкое уголовное преступление; уголовно-наказуемый проступок; преднамеренное убийство; нападение; похищение с целью получения выкупа; мелкая кража на рабочем месте; растрата (хищения); азартная игра; проституция; колдовство; грабеж; вандализм; преступление против собственности; мошенничество; угон транспортного средства; нарушение общественного порядка; компьютерное преступление; бродяжничество; биржевые махинации; взятие заложников; захват самолета; поджог; преступление против общественного порядка или общественной морали; незаконная продажа наркотиков; убийство по политическим мотивам; экономическое преступление; пребывание в общественном месте в состоянии опьянения; террористический акт; преступление против людей; политическое преступление; сексуальное нападение; воровство; организованная преступность; гангстерское ростовщичество; беловоротничковое преступление (преступная махинация, совершенная служащим или лицом, занимающим высокое общественное положение); мошенничество при уплате налогов; преступление по страсти.


Crime is a term that refers to many types of misconduct forbidden by law. The list of acts considered crimes is constantly changing. For example, people in the United States no longer are charged with witchcraft, though many were accused of that crime in colonial Massachusetts. Today, it is becoming a serious crime to pollute the air and water. In England during the 1700's, it was not a crime for people to steal money entrusted to their care by an employer. Today, this type of theft, called embezzlement, is a crime.

From a legal standpoint, a crime is a violation of the criminal law. Such law deals with actions considered harmful to society. On the other hand, most harmful acts causing injury to another person are violations of the civil law. Some overlapping occurs in this classification. For example, murder and rape are committed against individuals, but the law considers them crimes because they threaten society. For this reason, a crime is regarded as an offense against the state.

An act is viewed as a crime if enough evidence exists to make a police officer, a prosecutor, or a judge believe that a violation of criminal law has taken place. However, the law does not consider accused people to be criminals unless a judge or jury finds them guilty.

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