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projects. Knowing extra information in the field of engineering I can apply my knowledge to everyday life.

Alice. This is-one of the most important and wide-spread professions. Be­ing able to develop their own ideas and turn those new ideas into reality a qualified engineer can help our society to stay in a dynamic living environ­ment. Inventiveness requires of engineers that they dare to break the accepted rules and conventions, and critically examine the actual state of things.

A formal telephone call

Louise Telephonist Secretary Louise Secretary Louise Secretary Louise Secretary




Secretary Louise Secretary Louise Secretary

Telephonist Good morning, Horizons Unlimited.

Hello, I'd like to speak to Marion O'Neill, please. Marion O'Neill... just a moment, I'll put you trough. Hello, how can I help?

Err... could I speak to Marion O'Neill, please? I'll just see if she's available, can I ask who's calling? Louisa Barry.

One moment, please, (pause) Hello? Yes, hello?

Yes, I'm afraid Marion's in a meeting at the moment... can I take a message or shall I ask her to call you back? Well, I'm phoning because she interviewed me for a job about two weeks ago and I haven't heard anything yet. Okay, well, I'll pass on the message and ask her to call you back. Have you got a number she can contact you on? Well, I'll be here till about 4 o'clock... the number's 01604472472.

Right, and is there a mobile number? No, but she can leave a message on the answering machine. Okay, then, thanks for calling. Thank you, bye. Bye.

Doing Something Different

Clare. I'd been working as a geography teacher in a big secondary school for about three years and I was really fed up. The children were really badly behaved and rude, and it was really hard to control them. Every day was really stressful and awful. I was working every evening marking homework and pre­paring lessons and I just went to bed exhausted and really depressed every night It just wasn't the right job for me.

Then one day I read in the newspaper that there aren't enough plumbers in the country. Too many people are going to university and not enough people are training to be plumbers! And I said jokingly to my boyfriend, 'I'll be a plumber. I'll earn more money and I won't have to deal with those kids every­day! And I'll never have to worry about finding a job!'

And at first it was just a joke, but then I started thinking about it seriously and here I am, and so far I'm really enjoying it. You have practical problems to solve every day, which I like. You start work early, which I don't like I must say, but when you go home at 4 or 5 o'clock that's it, you can forget about it until the next day. No more nights lying awake worrying about it!

I'm the only woman on the course. My colleagues are all male, but they're fine. They make a few jokes, mostly because I used to be a teacher, but it's all very friendly. Sometimes you meet older people who think you can't do the job because you're a woman, and that's a real pain, but compared to my classes at school where I used to work it's really no problem at all!

Kevin. I lost my job when the company where I worked closed down, and it was terrible. All these men unemployed and there are no jobs for them any­where. And so my wife, Sally decided to go back to work. She's a legal secre­tary and there's always lots of that kind of work, but she has to work long hours.

So basically we changed places. I look after the baby and take the other two to school, and do the shopping and the cooking and the housework. And I must say it's the hardest work I've ever done! Before I used to think that my wife had an easy time while I was working. Now I see mums and housewives in a different way!

At first I hated it. I was desperate to get back to work, but now I've started to enjoy it. I never used to see much of the kids and now I'm watching them grow up, and part of everything they do. I still feel a bit lonely sometimes. Em, I miss the people I worked with, but at least the other mothers at school talk to me now, and I even met some other 'house-husbands' at the school gate. But I don't want to do it forever. I'mstill looking for another job.

Lorna. Ian and I were both doing well in our careers in the city, but we were working really long hours, often 12 hours a day and traveling 2 hours a day as well - and still living in a tiny flat, because flats are so expensive in London. And when we decided to get married and start a family, we just real­ized we didn't want to bring our children up with that kind of life, that kind of stress.

We came down here for a holiday and just fell in love with this place. It just seemed like the ideal place for children to grow up, and when we found the hotel, it was perfect - like a dream come true.

projects. Knowing extra information in the field of engineering I can apply my knowledge to everyday life.

Alice. This is-one of the most important and wide-spread professions. Be­ing able to develop their own ideas and turn those new ideas into reality a qualified engineer can help our society to stay in a dynamic living environ­ment. Inventiveness requires of engineers that they dare to break the accepted rales and conventions, and critically examine the actual state of things.

A formal telephone call


I must say it's been a lot harder than I thought. Running a hotel is a 24 hour job, and we've had lots of problems that we didn't really expect. The people in the village weren't that friendly at first, though it's getting better now, and we had quite a lot of money problems and things like that After the baby's born it's going to be difficult too. Ian will have to work even harder, because I'll have the baby to look after.

But even with all those problems I still really love it. I really enjoy meeting new people all the time. It's still the place where I want to bring up my chil­dren, and I don't miss my life in London at all! At the end of a long day, I just look out at the view and listen to the sea. I still think we're really lucky to be here.

Manic Monday

Six o'clock already I was just in the middle of a dream I was kissin' Valentino By a crystal blue Italian stream But I can't be late

/Cause then I guess I just won't get paid These are the days

When you wish your bed was already made

It's just another manic Monday I wish it was Sunday 'Cause that's my fun day My I don't have to run day It's just another manic Monday

Have to catch an early train

Got to be at work by nine And if I had an airplane I still couldn't make it on time Course it takes me so long Just to figure out what I'm gonna wear Blame it on the train But the boss is already there.



Unit 1 Career in Engineering 3

Unit 2 Effective job search 11

Unit 3 Improving your professional skills 26

Unit 4 Have you got what it takes? 35

Test 43

Texts for listening 45

Учебное издание

АЗБЕЛЬ Мария Николаевна KAMI ПН 'КАЯ Татьяна Евгеньевна


Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку

Редактор Т. М. Ризевская Технический редактор В. Н. Кучерова

Подписано в печать 25.11.2010 г. Формат60x84 1/16. Бумага офсетная. 1 арнитура Тайме. Печать на ризографе. Усл. неч. л. 2,79. Уч.-изд. л. 3,24. Тираж 1200 экз. Зак. № 3404. Изд. № 122.

Издатель и полиграфическое исполнение Белорусский государственный университет транспорта: ЛИ № 02330/0552508 от 09.07.2009 г. ЛП № 02330/0494150 от 03.04.2009 г. 246653, г. Гомель, ул. Кирова, 34.

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