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CONTRACTS students.doc
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Exercise 1. Translate the words and word combinations in the bold type into English.


<name of firm> hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”, on the one part, and <name of firm> hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer”, on the other part, have concluded the present contract as follows:


The Seller has sold and the Buyer has bought the equipment shown in the

техническом описании, прилагаемом к the contract (Приложение1), and indicating the names and descriptions of each item, quantities, weights and prices. The equipment is to conform to the Technical Conditionsприлагаемым кthe contract (Приложение2).


Total amount of the contract ……………………

The prices are firm, and not подлежатalterations. The prices are understoodф.о.б.… includingупаковкуfor overseasперевозки,маркировку, dock and port dues on the goods, attendance toтаможенных формальностей, cranage and stevedoring.


The equipment against the present contract is to be delivered as follows.

By the time обусловленному вышеthe equipment is to be manufacturedв соответствии сthe conditions of the contract, tested,упакованоandдоставленоto …

All the questions connected with the доставкой of the goods are to be settledсогласно сthe инструкциямиgiven to the Seller by the Buyer or theirэкспедиторов, Messers. …

… days before the даты поставкиthe Seller is to notify the Buyer by cable about the readiness of the goods forотправкеfrom … and toинформируетthe Buyer of the weights and theколичествеof the goods. The same notification is to be sent to the Buyer’sэкспедиторам.

Within 24 hours of отправкиof the goods the Seller is to cable the Buyer theдате отправке, contract and transport numbers, the number of theконосамента, the denomination of the equipment, the quantity of theящиков, their weight, the name of the vessel and theпорте назначения.

The датой поставкиis understood to be the date of theконосаменте.

If during … days с моментаthe readiness of the goods forтранспортировкеthe equipment cannot be loadedна борт корабляowing toпричинам,находящимся вне сферы контроля Продавца (no shipping facilities available) the Seller has the right to hand over the goods to the Buyer’sэкспедиторам. In this case the date of theрасписка в получении экспедиторами товаровis to be considered theдатой поставки.

After the handing over of the goods of the Buyer’s экспедиторамall theрасходыconnected with the storage of the goods up to the moment of loading themна борт суднаare to be borne by the Buyer. But in such case the Seller is to defray cranage and stevedoringрасходы в соответствии сclause 2 of the present contract.

If the goods are not ready for отправкеby theдню прибытияof the vessel, the Seller is to compensate the Buyer for theпотериhe may sustain in connection with underloading of the ship (dead freight).

  1. Agreed and liquidated damages

If the Seller fails to deliver by the dates indicated in clause 3, he is to pay the Buyer agreed and liquidated damages at the rate of … per cent of the стоимостиof theзадержанных товаровfor each week. But theобщая суммаof the agreed and liquidated damages is not to exceed … per cent of theобщей стоимостиof theзадержанных товаров.

In the case of задержка поставки exceeding … months the Buyer has the right toрасторгнуть договор in whole or in part.

The agreed and liquidated damages are to be удерживаются изthe Seller’sсчета at the time the Buyer effects payment.


Оплатаfor the equipment delivered is to be effected in <form of > in the following way:

    1. … per cent of the стоимостиof the goods delivered is to be paid by acceptances of the Seller’sтраттpayable in <city> at … monthsсчитая от числа, которым датирован коносамент, против документов, viz.:

Original and … copies of a detailed счетов-фактур.

… original чистого бортового коносаментаissued in the name of the Buyer’s firm to <name> port.

Упаковочный листin <number of copies>.

Copy of the Buyer’s Inspectors’ Release Note for погрузкуissuedна основанииthe Test Report or any other document as to the quality of the goods.

Seller’s letter about the отправкеof the technical documentationв соответствии соclause 6 of the present contract.

Copy of the экспортной лицензии, if required.

    1. The remaining … per cent of the стоимостиof the equipment delivered is to be paid after putting the equipment into operation on condition that it reaches the capacity and quality of operation guaranteed by the Seller.Выплатаоf the … per cent is to be effected within … daysпо полученииof the Seller’sсчета-фактурыand the Report of putting the equipment into operation at the factory of the Buyer.

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