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Все авторские права на нижеприведенные диалоги (за исключением текста 11), как в их письменной, так и звуковой форме принадлежат Николаю Федоровичу Замяткину. Любое копирование и распространение этих диалогов является нарушением закона.

1.Yes, No

Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! I win!

No, no, no, no! I win!

No, I win!

You cheat! Mom, Bobby cheats!

You, rat! Rat, rat, rat, rat!

Mommy, Bobby calls me names!

Children, play nicely!

2.1Romeo And Juliet

I love you, Juliet!

No. No, no, no!

I love you, Juliet!

No, not good.

I love you? I love you!!! I! Love! You!

Hmm… Okay… Not bad, not bad…

I… love… you…

Very good! Very, very good! I love you, too, Romeo! Next!

2.2Romeo And Juliet

I hate you, Juliet!


I hate you, Juliet!


I hate you? I? Hate? You?

Not bad…

I hate you!!! You!!! I hate!!! Hate!!! Hate!!! Hate!!!

Excellent! “Hate, hate!” Simply excellent! Thank you, Romeo! Next!

3. Drew

I’m ready, Johnny. Read your poem.

Yes, people, yes, it’s true –

I love that pretty, pretty Drew. Yes, I love Drew; I love cinema, Shakespeare, pizza, and my ma.

But Drew does not love me; she loves Pete. When I see her, I spit! Spit, spit, spit, spit!

Poor boy! Your mа loves you, Johnny! Give her a kiss!

4. Limerick

A limerick by my son Johnny.

Mister Clark has a lark.

And, Mister Rice has filthy… sorry, fifty mice. Mister Rice has fifty mice!

Mister Rook is a crook. And, Lady Dunn has a gun.

They live in a bar in Africa… no, in... in Zanzibar!

They all live in a bar in Zanzibar!

Very good, Johnny!

And, and Mister Doodle has a poodle, And Mister Pork is a dork!

Oh, Johnny, I love you!

And, my mom says that I’m not a dork!

You are not a dork, Johnny!

And, Mister Dick is a geek! And, and…

That’s enough, Johnny! Go to your room! And take that finger out of your nose!

Okay, mom…

5.Hate or Love?

Oh, stop it! You know I’m ticklish!

I know, sweetie pie… What is that? It’s a new tattoo… it’s a portrait… it is… John Lennon! I see…

You see what!? I love John Lennon. “All you need is love”!

I know… Love, sweet love and nothing else…

You have food? I’m so hungry, I can eat a horse.

Look in the fridge.


In the refrigerator. Where else?

OK… in the fridge… but you’ve got… you’ve got only beer and ketchup in there!

Yes, I know. But all you need is love, right?

You! I hate you!


Oh hi, Jane! Still mad at me? It was just a joke…

Hi, Bob! You know that I hate your jokes!

Sorry. You wanna go see a movie?

It depends. Which one?

That new horror flick. I know that you like horror movies.

Yes, I do. You mean the “Cut, Gut and Lots of Blood” starring Muma Crumann?

That’s the one.

The director is simply a genius! I love all his movies! He’s more than a genius!

Of course, he is…



I don’t like your tone!

7.Just A Cold

So, what do you think?

Eeny meeny miny moe,

Catch the monster by the toe…

Muma Crumann’s just great! The girl’s the biggest star ever! The cameraman’s awesome! Awesome! I’m so impressed!

Yeah… so am I. Tell me, who was that fat guy with the big axe?

You don’t know? He’s her father, of course. You have to watch closely to understand.

I did, Jane. I swear I did.

Did you? I think I’ve heard you snore once or twice.

No, I did watch it! I’ve just got a cold, that’s all!

Just a cold, eh? OK. But, be very careful, mister! Very careful, because I’m watching you! I’m watching you like a hawk!

8.Reading Updike

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?

It’s the man you like to hate.

All right, my hateful man, come in. What’s up?

Not much. What are you doing? Reading? Are you all right?

Yes, I’m reading. It’s Updike…

Updike? John Hoyer Updike?

Son of Linda Grace (Hoyer) Updike and Wesley Russell Updike? Born in Reading, Pennsylvania, in nineteen thirty-two? Graduated from Harvard College in nineteen fifty-four?

The famous novelist, essayist, critic and overall refined intellectual? The cult author? The Updike!?

Oh, stop it! You think that if I liked “Cut, Gut and Lots of Blood”, I can’t read Updike? I can and I do! And, I enjoy doing it very much! There!


Hamlet. A poem by my son Johnny!

To be or not to be? The silly, silly bee!

To see or not to see? Or swim into the sea?

To eat or not to eat

That juicy chunk of meat?

I’m Hamlet, Prince of Danes! I’m suffering from pains!

To talk or not to talk? Or go for a walk?

Or hide under the bed? The voices in my head…

I rhyme and then I scream! Or is it but a dream?

I’m Hamlet, Prince I am!

I’m finished. Thank you, m’am…

Oh, that’s beautiful! You are a genius, Johnny! Simply a genius!

10.Johnny The Fireman

What is this, Johnny?

It’s a book of matches and a can of gas, mom.

I can see that it is a book of matches and a can of gasoline, Johnny. But why? What are you doing with them?

I wanna be a fireman. I like setting things on fire. I like fire. It’s very bright and nice and…

Now, Johnny, you’re upsetting your mother.

We both know that you will become a famous poet, an author! And don’t say “wanna”; it’s bad English!

Okay, mom. But, can I be both a famous poet and a fireman and set things on fire? Please? Please? Please?

No, you cannot, Johnny!

But, mom…

You’re upsetting your mother, John. The discussion is over!

Go to your room and study Shakespeare! And take that finger out of your nose!

Okay, mom…

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