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Кафедра иностранных языков


Butlerov, Alexander Mikhailovich

Секция «Английский язык»


студент 2 курса

группы 641

Курбанова Д.М

Научный руководитель:

ст. преподаватель

Исламова Л.Р.




  • Бутлеров Александр Михайлович

  • Biography of Alexander Mikhailovich Butlerov.

  • Scientific activity.

  • Theory of chemical structure.

  • Social activities.

  • Butlerov monument.

  • Conclusion.

  • Перевод

  • Терминологический словарь.

  • Список литературы.

Alexander Mikhailovich Butlerov (1828-1886) Russian chemist-organic, academician of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1874). Created (1861) and proved the theory of chemical structure, according to which properties of substances are determined by the order relations of atoms in molecules and their mutual influence. First explained (1864) the phenomenon of isomerism. Opened polymerization of isobutylene. Synthesized a number of organic compounds (methenamine, formaldehyde polymer, etc.). The works on agriculture, bee-keeping. Advocate of higher education for women.

Biography of Alexander Mikhailovich Butlerov.

Born in the family of the landlord, of a retiree — a member of the Patriotic war of 1812, in Chistopol of the Kazan province. His childhood was spent first in the village Butlerova — the estate of his father, then in Kazan.

Initial education in a private school Topornin — teachers of the French language 1st Kazan gymnasium and then at the gymnasium in the years 1844-1849 student of Kazan University "category of natural Sciences". Receiving extensive training in the field of science, he in the first years showed great interest in botany and Zoology. In 1849, writes a thesis "Diurnal butterflies of the Volga-Ural fauna". This feature of the education received, apparently, was one of the reasons that, when I became a chemist of world renown, A. M. Butlerov continued to maintain interest in wildlife and, in particular, was one of the organizers and permanent staff of the magazine "Bee leaf". After graduating from the University Butlerov continued his study as a "left at the University to prepare for professorship". In 1854 he passed the exams and defended the dissertation for the degree of doctor of chemistry. In subsequent years, A. M. Butlerov much reflects on the theoretical side of chemistry and in 1858, during the first trip abroad, expressed at a meeting of the Paris chemical society, his theoretical views, which three years later, in 1861, in a more developed form, become the subject of his well-known report "On chemical structure of the substance". Since 1849 teacher, since 1854 extraordinary,and from 1857 ordinary Professor of chemistry in the same University. In 1860-1863 he was twice rector.

In 1868 he became the laureate of the Lomonosov prize and was elected Professor of chemistry at St. Petersburg University. In its submission, D. I. Mendeleev wrote:

"A. M. Butlerov is one of the finest of Russian scientists. He's Russian and academic education, and on the originality of the works. A disciple of the famous academician of our N. N. Zinin, he became a chemist not in a foreign country, but in Kazan, where he continued to develop independent chemical school. Direction of scientific works of Alexander Mikhailovich is not the continuation or development of the ideas of his predecessors, but belongs to him. In chemistry there are Butlerov school, Butlerov direction."

In St. Petersburg A. M. Butlerov launched work on unsaturated compounds, begun in Kazan, as well as continued theoretical work. In 1885 he retired, but continued to read in University offered courses. In 1870 he was elected an associate in 1871 — extraordinary, and in 1874 — ordinary academician of the St. Petersburg Academy. In 1878-1882 successor N. N. Zinin as chair of the Department of chemistry of the Russian chemical society. Honorary member of many other scientific societies in Russia and abroad. May 14, 1885, to his last lecture, A. M. Butlerov spoke with pride about the growth of the Russian chemical science and predicted a brilliant future for her. August 17, 1886, A. M. Butlerov died in the village of Butlerova Kazan province. Created by the participation of the largest Russian school of chemistry — Kazan, St. Petersburg, Moscow (owes its prosperity V. V. Markovnikov) — continued development of organic chemistry, making a worthy contribution not only in domestic but also in world science.

Scientific activity.

While still a pupil of the Board became interested in chemistry: together with colleagues tried to make the gunpowder, then the "sparklers". Once, when one of the experiments led to a large explosion, the teacher punished him severely. Three days in a row Sasha taken out and placed in the corner on all the time while others had lunch. About his neck hung a black Board on which was written "the Great chemist". Later these words became prophetic. At Kazan University Butlerov became interested in teaching chemistry, the professors of which were K. K. Klaus and N. N. Zinin. In 1852, after the transition Claus in Dorpat University, Butlerov became head of the entire teaching of chemistry at Kazan University. In 1851 Butlerov defended his master's thesis "On the oxidation of organic compounds", and in 1854 at Moscow University — doctoral thesis "About essential oils". During a trip abroad in 1857-1858 made friends with many prominent chemists, including A. F. Kekule and E. Erlenmeyer Flasks, and spent about six months in Paris, actively participating in meetings, has just organized the Paris chemical society. In Paris, in the laboratory of S. A. Vyurts, Butlerov began the first cycle of experimental research. Opening a new method of obtaining iodide of methylene, Butlerov received and investigated numerous derivatives; for the first time synthesized hexamethylenetetramine (hexamine) and a trimer of formaldehyde (trioxymethylene). In a paper published in 1861 Butlerov showed that trioxymethylene when processing the lime water becomes sugary substance (reaction Butlerov), which he called methylenitan (later E. Fisher found that methylenitan inhomogeneous substance containing α-acrose and Formosa). In this article Butlerov noted that getting methylenitan first total synthesis sweeteners.

Theory of chemical structure.

Own experimental work, familiarity with the state of chemistry abroad, and a deep interest in the theoretical foundations of chemistry led by Alexander Mikhailovich Butlerov to ideas that he delivered in 1861, at the Congress of German naturalists and physicians in Speyer (Speyer). The report "On chemical structure of the substance" is the first statement of his famous Butlerov theory of chemical structure, which he developed and developed throughout his scientific career. Fundamentally new in his theory, which included ideas about Kekule A. the valence and A. Cooper on the ability of carbon atoms to form chains, was the position of chemical (rather than mechanical) structure of molecules (the term "chemical structure" belongs Butlerov), under which Butlerov understand the connection method between components of a molecule of atoms in accordance with its each of them a certain quantity of chemical force (affinity). A. Butlerov has established a close relationship between the structure and chemical properties of complex organic compounds, which allowed him to explain the phenomenon of isomerism, and also to explain and to predict the possible chemical transformations.

In 1860-1863, Alexander Butlerov twice, against his will, acting rector of Kazan University. Recordtwo had a difficult period in the history of the University (bednarska excitement and Curtin memorial service, captured and students, the struggle between different groups of professors, etc.) and it was hard to Butlerov, and again asked for his resignation. In 1864-1866 in Kazan, Butlerov published a textbook "Introduction to the complete study of organic chemistry" (was soon translated into German), which contributed to the spread of Butlerov theory in Russia and abroad.

Social activities.

A lot of effort was taken Butlerova struggle for recognition by the Academy of Sciences of the merits of Russian scientists. In 1882 in connection with the academic elections Butlerov appealed directly to public opinion by publishing in the Moscow newspaper "Rus" revealing article "or only Russian Imperial Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg?".

Butlerov was an advocate of higher education for women, participated in the organization of Higher courses for women in 1878, created a chemical laboratory for these courses. In Kazan and St. Petersburg Butlerov read a lot of popular lectures, mostly on chemical and technical topics.In addition to chemistry, Butlerov devoted much attention to practical agriculture, horticulture, beekeeping, and later also breeding of tea in the Caucasus. Was the founder and first chief editor of "Russian Beekeeping Leaf". Being one of the organizers of the Russian society of acclimatization of animals and plants, has contributed greatly to the development of horticulture and beekeeping. Has written a book "Bee, her life and the main rules of sensible bee" went through more than 10 editions before the revolution, was also in Soviet times.

Butlerov monument.

Butlerov monument is located in the centre of Kazan, in the Park to them.Pushkin (or Leninsky garden, as it had called for many years). The monument to Alexander Mikhailovich Butlerov (1828 – 1886) - world renowned chemist, was installed in 1978. The opening of the monument was timed to the celebration of the 150 th anniversary of the birth of the scientist.The monument was created by sculptor Yu. G. Nut and architects Peterburzhtsev V. A. and A. V. Stepanov. The monument cast in bronze and represents the figure of the scientist, nestled in a chair. Thoughtful face and eyes directed into your consciousness, Express the internal tensions of the scientist. Bronze Butlerov in a chair situated on a granite pedestal. Its image is bright, calm and wise. On the left side of the pedestal depicts the chemical formula (this formula is the benzene ring, which was one of the major discoveries of the scientist).

Conclusion .

As fate Butlerov the scientist was successful. His work had received full recognition both in Russia and abroad, and without his scientific school (among his students V. Markovnikov, A. M. Zaitsev, A. E. Favorsky, I. L. Kondakov) it is impossible to imagine the development of chemistry in Russia. Contemporaries noted the great charm of personality Butlerova, his versatile talent, breadth of vision and interests, sociable, communicative nature, kindness, gentle and condescending attitude to the students.

Butlerov in his youth enjoyed good health and great physical strength — a hook, curved in the form of the letter "b", long kept in the chemical laboratory in Kazan. But intensive scientific work and social activities have undermined the strength Butlerov he unexpectedly died in his estate. Butlerov was buried in the family chapel at rural cemetery now defunct village Butlerova, on the banks of the Kama.