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Laif of Kazakhstan students abroad

If a couple of decades ago to study abroad has been for the majority of Kazakh students impossible task, but today things have changed before that every student can find not only a specialty of the soul, but also to choose the country for training.

Since Kazakhstan universities put forward is not a small amount for training, for example, University. Nursultan Nazarbayev, that is in Astana, offers training to students cost $ 19 thousand dollars a year, while according to statistics the average salary in the country is equal to just $ 555. The usual Kazakhstani higher education institutions offer training for $ 3,000 a year and still not everyone can pay for their studies, and if they pay, the quality of the education received is poor. For these and other reasons, many students tend to study abroad.

Today, there are three groups of foreign education: it is a good and affordable; training aimed to further work with foreign countries; education perspective, which subsequently will allow to work in many countries around the world, providing legal, economic or accounting services.

For example, good and affordable education is available in Russian universities. In the Czech Republic, where in some public institutions for the training of foreign students for free, as well as in the central European countries of Germany and Austria.

For career opportunities, and subsequently co-operation with that country, learning is better to choose Japan or China. Moreover, to get an education, it refers to the study of foreign languages, social sciences, culture and economy in these countries is possible in a short period during the year.

In order for a trade was in demand in many countries of the world, it is better to go studying in English-speaking region. Inexpensive, about $ 10 thousand dollars a year, and prestige for Kazakhstan can become universities in Cyprus, Malta, Australia, Canada and New Zealand.

study abroadNow many students when choosing study abroad turned their attention to the universities of South-East Asia, and for good reason, the quality of education in Asia is recognized worldwide. Training in Asia ousting European universities, because it gives the opportunity to receive a quality education of international standard not worse than American or Evropeiskogo, but for much less money.

Study in Malaysia is an unforgettable experience, with all the happy and difficult moments of student life in exotic hot country. With time you get used to the climate and rejoice in the rain and the sea.

Studying abroad is a big big step, and requirements for students in universities of Malaysia, is very hard, but we have a high quality knowledge, discipline and great demand.

And the strongest advantages of studying in Malaysia can be described simply:

High quality of life in the country;

Available prices for training and relatively low living costs;

Politically balanced Muslim country and a safe place to live;


Studying in Malaysia at Western programs, you you can save times and get the same quality education and the same degree, if study abroad was in any Western school.

study abroadIn Malaysia huge selection of universities and colleges, and diversity of educational opportunities. Some of the world famous Western universities have their own campus in Malaysia. For example: the University of Nottingham England, Monash University Australia, etc.

There are from beginning to end are held in the Universities of Malaysia, without having to travel to the country of location of the head of the educational institution. This program is designated as 3+0, which means three years of study in Malaysia, after which the student receives a Bachelor’s Degree (Bachelors’ Degree), selected Western University. The award is issued by the Western University at the head office.

In addition, there is a Translation Program (Transfer Program) from the following countries – UK, Switzerland, Canada, USA, Australia and New Zealand. These programs are labeled as 2+1 or 1+2, which means 2 years in Malaysia and 1 year in the selected country, or 1 year in Malaysia and 2 years in the selected country.

Kazakhstan Malaysia Education Group (KMEG) is the best operator for the organization of education in Malaysia. The company operates since 2009 and collaborates with leading Universities.

The plan of study in Malaysia is chosen individually for each student, depending on the requests, hobby, prospects and financial requirements.

The managers KMEG assist in choosing a foreign University, specialty and outline of the items, will cooperate in obtaining foreign visas and invitations, prepare a full set of required documents.

The company opened a branch KMEG in Malaysia gives the ability to provide for our students a wide range of services including: accommodation in a residence or in a separate apartment, a meeting of students in the country, familiarity with the institution, and to settle all outstanding circumstances.

Agency staff KMEG in Kazakhstan and Malaysia will clarify entirely all unclear issues regarding education in Malaysia. Our advice is free and You can use to communicate as suitable as possible for You: by email, drop into any of our offices or make a call to the phone. The offices are located in major towns: Kuala Lumpur, Astana, Almaty and Aktau.

Training in Malaysia opens the way to any resident of Kazakhstan to receive training abroad in English, at affordable prices.

More than 1000 Kazakhstan students will travel to study abroad under Bolashak program in 2012, Tengrinews.kz reports, referring to the official website of the President of Kazakhstan. A meeting of the National Commission on Personnel Training Abroad chaired by State Secretary Mukhtar Kul-Mukhammed was held on April 11 in Astana. “We have revised collateral property requirements and now talented young people from distant villages now have more opportunities to get the presidential scholarship. Personnel training schedules have been developed with due considerations of the country’s social, economical, cultural and humanitarian situation. From now on demands of regional industries are taken into account when the program's graduates are getting employed,” the President of Kazakhstan website reads. Teachers, engineers and medical personnel will be given opportunity to take part in the program together with research fellows. “Protocol decisions were made as a result of the meeting. We are planning to allocate funds for 1186 scholarships in 2012,” Akorda press-office said. “8000 students got the scholarships under Bolashak program, initiated by the President of Kazakhstan in the toughest period of nation’s infanthood. About 4000 young men and women have already finished their education abroad. 64% done their Bachelor and Master courses in the leading colleges and universities of the U.S. and Great Britain. This is a clear evidence of the Presidents care for the young talented generation,” Kazakhstan State secretary said in his speech.