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Vocabulary commentary I

a) Study the definitions of the words with similar meanings and think about their proper Russian equivalents.

1. Economical / economic

economical [adj]

using money, time, goods etc carefully without wasting any

My new car is quite economical.

economic [adj] (only before noun)

connected with trade, industry, and the management of money

Unfortunately economic growth is slowing down.

2. Comfortable / convenient


feeling physically relaxed and satisfied (without feeling any pain or being too cold, hot etc); feeling pleasant to sit or lie on

She made herself comfortable in a new armchair. The sofa was big and comfortable.

convenient [adj]

helpful for you because it saves you time and effort or does not spoil your plans or cause any problems; near and easy to reach

Travelling by underground is fast, convenient and cheap. If it’s convenient, call me tomorrow before noon.

convenience – [n, C]

a situation, appliance or device that is useful, helpful or suitable

The house has all the modern conveniences (central heating, hot water supply, electricity, telephone etc.). Mod cons = modern conveniences

3. Ordinary / average / normal / standard /conventional


ordinary things are not special or unusual; ordinary people are not famous or powerful, and are not especially rich or clever

Did the president meet any ordinary Mexicans?

average[adj] (only before noun)

an average person or thing is a typical example of a person or of a particular type of thing

Tommy was a child of average intelligence.

normal [adj]

smth. that is normal is just how you would expect it to be, because it is not special, different or surprising

He didn’t like anything to interrupt his normal daily routine.

standard – [adj] (usually before noun)

normal, used to say especially about products or methods that are the most usual type, without any special features; standard model / size / shape / pattern; standard procedure / practice; standard English / pronunciation / spelling

It’s a standard reply that the company sends out to applicants.

conventional[adj] (only before noun)

a conventional method, piece of equipment, weapon, etc. is of the normal type that has been used for a long time. The word is mainly used for comparing things.

You can cook the meat either in a microwave or in a conventional oven.

4. Out of the ordinary / eccentric / extraordinary

out of the ordinary - [adj]

unusual, different, unexpected or exceptional

I didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary. The boy’s knowledge was out of the ordinary.

eccentric – [adj]

(of people and their behaviour) behaving or appearing in a way that is unusual and different from most people, slightly odd; strange or unusual actions, decisions that people make

He is well - known for his eccentric habits. Our neighbour was an eccentric old lady.

extraordinary – [adj]

very much better, more beautiful, or more impressive than usual; very unusual or surprising because it would normally be very unlikely to happen or exist

His courage and determination were extraordinary. It’s extraordinary weather for this time of year.

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