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Моя академия Методические указания по английскому языку

Федеральное агентство по образованию

Сибирская государственная автомобильно-дорожная академия (СибАДИ)


Методические указания по английскому языку

Составитель М. А. Сидорова


Издательство СибАДИ


УДК 811.111

ББК 81.432.1

М 54

Рецензент канд. филол. наук, проф. ОмГУ М.П.Одинцова

Работа одобрена редакционно-издательским советом академии в качестве методических указаний по английскому языку для студентов II курса всех специальностей.

Моя академия: Методические указания по английскому языку / Сост. М. А. Сидорова – Омск: Изд-во СибАди, 2006. – 81 с.

Методические указания содержат упражнения и тексты для студентов II курса всех специальностей. Тексты и упражнения способствуют знакомству с будущей специальностью студентов и направлены на развитие навыков профессионального говорения.

Библиогр.: 11 назв.

à Составитель м. А. Сидорова, 2006



1. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What does the term “Higher education” mean?

2. What education institutions are there in Russia?

3. What academy do you study at?

4. What other educational institutions are there in your region?

5. What faculty do you study at?

6. Why is higher education so important?

2. Прочитайте и выучите.

compulsory – обязательный

vocational school – профессиональное учебное заведение

high school – среднее учебное заведение

higher education institution – высшее учебное заведение (вуз)

range – ряд, набор

comrehensive curriculum – всесторонний учебный план

general-educational subjects – общеобразовательные предметы

specialized subjects – специальные предметы

academic year – учебный год

extra-mural department – заочное отделение

opportunity – возможность

free of charge – бесплатный

benefits – достоинство, выгода

to get scholarship – получать стипендию

graduate – выпускник вуза

post-graduate courses – аспирантура

Составьте 3 предложения с новыми словами.

3. Обратите внимание на произношение следующих букв и буквосочетаний.

tion [∫n] education, mention, vocational, attention, calculations,

specialization, organization;

ea [i:] means, each, leak, team, lean, cream, steal, dream, bleak,

peak, beam.

4. Прочитайте и переведите текст.


Higher education in Russia is not compulsory. After leaving secondary school young people enter vocational schools, high schools or higher education institutions. The latter include institutes, academies and universities. As a rule, studying at the institute is connected with one sphere of education: technical, medical, humanitarian, military or service. Universities usually offer wider range of specialities. Recently, the following system has been developed: institute – academy – university. That means that each establishment of higher education can change its status which depends on the quality of teaching staff and educational process as well as on the number of faculties and specialities.

Usually the course of study lasts 5 or 6 academic years (and from 3.5 to 6 academic years at the extra-mural department). Each academic year is divided into 2 terms, at the end of each term students take exams. If you have passed your entrance exams well, you’ve got an opportunity to study free of charge. Otherwise, you’ll have to pay for education.

Russian higher schools have a comprehensive curriculum, which includes general-educational and specialized subjects. Students attend lectures and fulfil lab works. At the end of study they take final exams and defend graduation projects.

Higher education in Russia still has some benefits. If you study hard, you can get scholarship and an institute organizes free holidays for its students. There are a lot of student clubs, students have celebrations, visit theatres, cinemas, concerts and take part in scientific conferences. Everybody has the opportunity to get a second education or continue their first, through post-graduate courses that are offered at higher education institutes.

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