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челябинский юридический институт

министерства внутренних дел российской федерации

Listening comprehension

Практическое пособие по обучению восприятию

иноязычной речи на слух

Челябинск 2007

Listening Comprehension: Практическое пособие по обучению восприятию иноязычной речи на слух / Автор-составитель

О.И. Шубина. – Челябинск: Челябинский юридический институт МВД России, 2007. – 68 с.


Данное пособие является дополнением к учебному пособию “English: Law and Law Enforcement” и тематически совпадает с его разделами. Все записи аутентичны. Упражнения включают список незнакомых слов с транскрипцией и переводом, разнообразные задания на проверку понимания прослушанного, а также задания для самостоятельного высказывания по прослушанному материалу.

Пособие может быть использовано для работы в аудитории под руководством преподавателя и для самостоятельной работы.

© Челябинский юридический институт МВД России, 2007


Introductory Unit …………………………………………………… 4

Unit 1. About Oneself ………………………………………………. 12

Unit 2. About One’s Family ………………………………………… 15

Unit 3. Daily Routine ……………………………………………….. 17

Unit 4. Houses and Flats ……………………………………………. 22

Unit 5. Appearance …………………………………………………. 29

Unit 6. City and City Life …………………………………………... 33

Unit 7. Education …………………………………………………… 43

Unit 8. Jobs. Careers. ……………………………………………….. 45

Unit 9. Crime and Justice …………………………………………… 51

Introductory unit

Task 1. a) Listen to the letters of the alphabet1; practise saying them after the speaker.

/eI/ a, h, j, k;

/J/ b, c, d, e, g, p, t, v;

/e/ f, l, m, n, s, x, z;

/aI/ i, y;

/qV/ o;

/jH/ q, u, w;

/R/ r.

b). Listen to the alphabet song; sing it.

A, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p,

L, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t,

L, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t,

U, v, w, x, y, z,

That is the English alphabet.

1alphabet /'xlfqbet/ - алфавит

Task 2. Listen to the sentences on the cassette; for each one write the word you hear.


  1. I’m waiting for the bill/bell.

  2. Whose pin/pen is that?

  3. He had tin/ten boxes.

  4. She gave me a chick/cheque.

  5. The lid/lead has been stolen.

  6. The hidden will/well was discovered.

1. bill /bIl/ - счёт

bell /bel/ - звонок

2. pin /pIn/ - булавка

pen /pen/ - ручка

3. tin /tIn/ - оловянный

ten /ten/ - десять

4. chick /CIk/ - цыплёнок

cheque /Cek/ - банковский чек

5. lid /lId/ - крышка

lead /led/ - поводок

6. will /wIl/ - завещание

well /wel/ - колодец


  1. The beans/bins were quite cheap.

  2. I am going to leave/live with my brother.

  3. Did you feel/fill it?

  4. The peach/pitch was bad.

  5. He beat/bit the dog.

  6. The children were badly beaten/bitten.

1. beans /bJnz/ - бобы

bins /bInz/ - мусорные ведра

2. to leave /lJv/ - уезжать

to live /lIv/ - жить

3. to feel /fJl/ - чувствовать

to fill /fIl/ - наполнять

4. peach /pJC/ - персик

pitch /pIC/ - смола

5. beat /bJt/ - ударил

bit /bIt/ - укусил

6. beaten /bJtn/ - избиты

bitten /bItn/ - ужалены

Task 3. Listen to the sentences on the cassette; for each one write the word you hear.


  1. I like my fish cooked in butter/batter.

  2. He’s worried about his uncle/ankle.

  3. Put the rug/rag on the floor.

  4. Here’s a cup/cap for you.

  5. I’ve lost the truck/track.

  6. Does my hut/hat look nice?

1. butter /'bAtq/ - масло

batter /'bxtq/ - тесто, кляр

2. uncle /ANkl/ - дядя

ankle /xNkl/ - лодыжка

3. rug /rAg/ - коврик

rag /rxg/ - тряпка

4. cup /kAp/ - чашка

cap /kxp/ - кепка

5. truck /trAk/ - грузовик

track /trxk/ - след

6. hut /hAt/ - лачуга;

hat /hxt/ - шляпа;


  1. They couldn’t find the fox/forks.

  2. The pot/port was very old.

  3. We saw the spot/sport.

  4. The cod/cord isn’t very good.

  5. The cock/cork has been stolen.

1. fox /fPks/ - лиса

forks /fLks/ - вилки

2. pot /pPt/ - котелок

port /pLt/ - порт

3. spot /spPt/ - пятно

sport /spLt/ - спортивные игры

4. cod /kPd/ - треска

cord /kLd/ - шнур

5. cock /kPk/ - петух

cork /kLk/ - пробка

Task 4. Listen to the sentences on the cassette; for each one write the word you hear.


  1. He is sitting in the shade/shed.

  2. The paper/pepper is on the table.

  3. I can’t remember what the date/debt was.

  4. Please taste/test this wine.

  5. They are sailing/selling their boat next week.

1. shade /SeId/ - тень

shed /Sed/ - сарай

2. paper /'peIpq/ - бумага

pepper /'pepq/ - перец

3. date /deIt/ - дата, число

debt /det/ - долг

4. taste /teIst/ - отведай

test /test/ - исследуй

5. are sailing /'seIlIN/ - отплывают

are selling /selIN/ - продают


  1. They gave her three chairs/cheers.

  2. The bear/beer was awful.

  3. The pear/pier is rotten.

  1. He is rarely/really unhappy.

  2. The driver of that car is staring/steering at us.

1. chairs /Ceqz/ - стулья

cheers /CIqz/ - одобрительные возгласы, приветствия

2. bear /beq/ - медведь

beer /bIq/ - пиво

3. pear /peq/ - груша

pier /pIq/ - пирс

4. rarely /'reqli/ - редко

really /'rIqli/ - действительно

5. is staring /'steqrIN/ - пристально смотрит

is steering /'stIqrIN/ - управляет автомобилем; едет

Task 5. Listen to the sentences on the cassette; for each one write the word you hear.


  1. There was something wrong with the trains/drains.

  2. She tied/dyed the scarf.

  3. They saw a trunk/drunk lying on the ground.

  4. He writes/rides very well.

  5. This cart/card has just arrived.

  6. My brother hit/hid the ball.

  7. He has never made a bet/bed.

1. trains /treInz/ - поезда

drains /dreInz/ - водостоки

2. tied /taId/ - завязала

dyed /daId/ - покрасила

3. trunk /trANk/ - ствол дерева

drunk /drANk/ - пьяный

4. writes /raIts/ - пишет

rides /raIdz/ - ездит верхом

5. cart /kRt/ - повозка

card /kRd/ - открытка

6. hit /hIt/ - ударил

hid /hId/ - спрятал

7. bet /bet/ - пари

bed /bed/ - постель; кровать


  1. One of the cards/guards is missing.

  2. What a beautiful curl/girl!

  3. My cold/gold has gone!

  4. Sarah’s class/glass is quite big.

  5. There is no clue/glue.

  6. I could see her back/bag in the crowded train.

  7. He cut through the lock/log.

1. cards /kRdz/ - открытки

guards /gRdz/ - караульный

2. curl /kE:l/ - локон, завиток

girl /gE:l/ - девушка

3. cold /kqVld/ - простуда

gold /gqVld/ - золото

4. class /klRs/ - класс

glass /glRs/ - стакан

5. clue /klH/ - улика

glue /glH/ - клей

6. back /bxk/ - спина

bag /bxg/ - сумка

7. lock /lPk/ - замок

log /lPg/ - бревно, полено

Task 6. Listen to the sentences on the cassette; for each one write the word you hear.


  1. Stop sinning/singing.

  2. He ran/rang home.

  3. I think they will ban/bang it.

  4. She is a terrible sinner/singer.

1. sinning /'sInIN/ - грешить

singing /'sININ/ - петь

2. ran /rxn/ - побежал

rang /rxN/ - позвонил

3. will ban /bxn/ - запретят

will bang /bxN/ - ударят

4. sinner /'sInq/ - грешник(ца)

singer /'sINq/ - певец(ица)


  1. My heart/art is the most important thing for me.

  2. The hair/air is very thin.

  3. It’s near the hedge/edge.

  4. We must heat/eat up the potatoes.

1. heart /hRt/ - сердце

art /Rt/ - искусство

2. hair /heq/ - волосы

air /eq/ - воздух

3. hedge /heG/ - живая изгородь

edge /eG/ - край

4. to heat up /"hJt'Ap/ - разогреть

to eat up /"Jt'Ap/ - съесть

Task 7. Listen to the sentences on the cassette; for each one write the word you hear.


  1. We are hoping for peace/peas.

  2. The price/prize was wonderful.

  3. It was full of lice/lies.

  4. Be careful, don’t sip/zip it too fast.

  5. She heard a bus/buzz.

  6. He only has a few pence/pens left.

1. peace /pJs/ - мир, покой

peas /pJz/ - горох, горошины

2. price /praIs/ - цена

prize /praIz/ - приз

3. lice /laIs/ - вши

lies /laIz/ - ложь (мн. ч.)

4. to sip /sIp/ - пить, прихлёбывать

to zip /zIp/ - застёгивать молнию

5. bus /bAs/ - автобус

buzz /bAz/ - жужжание

6. pence /pens/ - пенсы

pens /penz/ - ручки


  1. She is always giving me socks/shocks.

  2. The sack/shack is full of rubbish.

  3. That seat/sheet is dirty.

  4. They are sifting/shifting the flour.

  5. We took a sip/ship.

  6. Could you sign/shine this, please.

1. socks /sPks/ - носки

shocks /SPks/ - потрясения

2. sack /sxk/ - мешок

shack /Sxk/ - лачуга

3. seat /sJt/ - сиденье

sheet /SJt/ - простыня

4. are sifting /'sIftIN/ - просеивают

are shifting /'SIftIN/ - перекладывать

5. sip /sIp/ - маленький глоток

ship /SIp/ - корабль

6. sign /saIn/ - подписать

shine /SaIn/ - отполировать

Task 8. Listen to the sentences on the cassette; for each one write the word you hear.


  1. I never knew what she thought/taught.

  2. The theme/team was very popular.

  3. We kept it in a thin/tin box.

  4. Which path/part are you going to take?

  5. I don’t like the heath/heat.

1. thought /TLt/ - думала

taught /tLt/ - преподавала

2. theme /TJm/ - тема

team /tJm/ - спортивная команда

3. thin /TIn/ - тонкий

tin /tIn/ - оловянный

4. path /pRT/ - тропинка

part /pRt/ - роль

5. heath /hJT/ - степь

heat /hJt/ - жара


  1. Be careful! He is thinking/sinking.

  2. What’s the matter? Your thumb/sum doesn’t look right.

  3. There’s a path/pass high up in the mountains.

  4. Every mouth/mouse is different.

  5. That moth/moss was shown in a television programme.

1. is thinking /'TINkIN/ - думает;

is sinking /'sINkIN/ - тонет;

2. thumb /TAm/ - большой палец руки;

sum /sAm/ - сумма, итог;

3. path /pRT/ - тропинка ;

pass /pRs/ - ущелье;

4. mouth /maVT/ - рот;

mouse /maVs/ - мышь;

5. moth /mPT/ - мотылек;

moss /mPs/ - мох;

Task 9. Listen to the sentences on the cassette; for each one write the word you hear.


  1. Small shops/chops are often expensive.

  2. The dishes/ditches need cleaning.

  3. I couldn’t mash/match these things up.

  4. She enjoys washing/watching the children.

1. shops /SPps/ - магазины

chops /CPps/ - отбивные

2. dishes /'dISIz/ - тарелки

ditches /'dICIz/ - канавы

3. to mash /mxS/ - перемешивать

to match /mxC/ - подбирать пару

4. to wash /wPS/ - мыть

to watch /wPC/ - наблюдать


  1. He is cooking something odd, with yam/jam in it.

  2. All the yolks/jokes were bad.

  3. The years/jeers have gone by.

  4. She says she saw a yeti/jetty when she was on holiday.

1. yam /jxm/ - батат;

jam /Gxm/ - варенье;

2. yolks /jqVks/ - желтки;

jokes /GqVks/ - шутки;

3. years /jIqz/ - годы;

jeers /GIqz/ - насмешки;

4. yeti /'jeti/ - снежный человек;

jetty /'Geti/ - пристань;

Task 10. Listen to the sentences on the cassette; read the sentences you hear.


  1. a) She’s from Spain.

b) He’s from Spain.

  1. a) I am sixteen.

b) I am sixty.

  1. a) His name’s Pat.

b) Her name’s Pat.

  1. a) They are from Britain.

b) They are from Brazil.

  1. a) Where’s she from?

b) Where’s he from?

  1. a) He’s a teacher in France.

b) His teacher is in France.


1. a) He likes his job.

b) She likes her job.

2. a) She loves walking.

b) She loves working.

3. a) She is married.

b) She isn’t married.

4. a) Does she have three children?

b) Does he have three children?

5. a) What does he do?

b) Where does he go?

6. a) She watches the television.

b) She washes the television.

Task 11. Listen to the cassette; write the numbers and phone numbers you hear.

Numbers: 1._______; 2.________; 3_________; 4. _________; 5. ________; 6.________;

Phone numbers: 1._______________________;




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