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Lexico-phraseological stylistic means

Lexico-phraseological stylistic means and devices are grouped into the following classes:

A. Those based on interaction of different lexical meanings of the word.

B. Those which give additional characteristics of the objects described.

C. Those which are based on the use of phraseological units and allusions.

For stylistic purpose out of a variety of meanings, belonging to a word we single out the following three types of lexical meanings: 1) logical meaning, 2) nominal meaning and 3) emotive meaning.

Logical meaning is the base of the concept of the given thing or phenomenon.

Nominal meaning names beings or things.

Emotive meaning expresses the feelings and emotions.

These three lexical meanings form the semantic structure of the word. Apart from them there exists one more lexical meaning which appears only within the given context. This is the contextual meaning.

Contextual meaning of the word is closely connected with such lexicological notions as polysemy, shades of meaning and transference of meaning.

Stylistic devices based on the interaction between the logical and contextual logical meanings Metaphor

A metaphor is the interaction between the logical and contextual logical meanings of a word which is based on a likeness between objects and implies analogy and comparison between them.

Similar to all lexical stylistic devices metaphor may be genuine, that is original, invented by the writer, or trite, that is hackneyed, often used in the language.

The metaphor suggests an analogy. An implied analogy and likeness to concrete objects makes abstract ideas more concrete, complex ideas more simple and the thoughts more comprehensible.

The metaphor may be expressed through nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.

The noun metaphor may consist of one word or may have an attribute in the form of an “of-phrase”. The verb-metaphor is very emphatic as it throws the metaphorical light on the subject of the sentence too. Metaphors expressed by adjectives and adverbs are called metaphorical epithets and will be dealt with in the chapter on the epithet.

Sometimes a metaphor is not confined to one image. The writer finds it necessary to prolong the image by adding a number of other images, but all these additional images are linked with the main, central image. Such metaphors are called sustained or prolonged metaphors.

e.g. But there was no May morning in his cowardly human heart.


Personification is a stylistic device closely related to metaphor.

Personification is the presentation of a phenomenon or an idea as a human being. This device is usually achieved by ascribing actions and qualities characteristic of people to the idea or the thing described.

The weak form of personification is the so-called apostrophe. It usually has the form of an address.

The poetical tradition of writing nouns denoting feelings or abstract phenomena with the capital letter may also be regarded as a form of personification.

e.g. Oh Rome! My country! City of the soul.

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