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English for Customs.doc
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Кафедра иностранных языков

Вдовенко Т. В.,

Зотова Т. И.,

Маликова И. А.,

Серышева И. Л.

Учебное пособие

English for Customs”

Издательство СЗАГС



Part one……………………………………………………………………5

UNIT 1……………………………………………………………………6

UNIT 2……………………………………………………………………

UNIT 3……………………………………………………………………

UNIT 4……………………………………………………………………

UNIT 5……………………………………………………………………

UNIT 6……………………………………………………………………

Additional texts for Rendering and Translation………………………..

Part two……………………………………………………………………

UNIT 1……………………………………………………………………

UNIT 2……………………………………………………………………

UNIT 3……………………………………………………………………

Additional reading………………………………………………………..

Part three………………………………………………………………….

Chapter 1………………………………………………………………….

Chapter 2………………………………………………………………….


Part one

Unit 1

Russian Customs Service

Questions for discussion:

1. Do you know anything from the history of the FCS of Russia?

2. What happened to CS after disintegration of the Soviet Union?

3. What are the ways of further development of CS?

4. Is the work of CS profitable for the state budget?

List of terms and word combinations.

To celebrate отмечать, праздновать

Thus таким образом

To mark отмечать, характеризовать, показывать

Social социальный

Development развитие

Security безопасность

Throughout на всем протяжении, все время

Recent недавний, последний, новейший

To sign a decree подписать декрет

To set up учреждать, основывать

Committee комитет

Rightfulness правомерность

Border граница

Severely очень, сильно, весьма

Multifunctional многофункциональный

Specialized специализированный

Qualified квалифицированный

Personnel персонал

To compose составлять

Customs Administration таможенное управление

To include включать в себя

Checkpoint контрольно-пропускной пункт

A higher education establishment высшее учебное заведение

To recognize признавать, осознавать

Regional областной, районный

Trading centre центр профессиональной подготовки,

образовательный центр

To pass идти, проходить, пролетать

To process обрабатывать, оформлять, рассматривать

To transfer переносить, перемещать

Budget бюджет

Approximately приблизительно

Amount количество, величина, сумма

Primary первоначальный, исходный

Customs office таможенный пункт контроля

Input вклад

Provisions положения, условия, меры предосторожности


Significance важность, значение

Assessment оценка, определение ценности

destructive effects разрушительные последствия

disintegration распад

issue cспорный вопрос, разногласие,проблема

to issue выходить, появляться, иметь результатом, происходить ,издавать

to inherit унаследовать

to smuggle провозить контрабандой

solvent платежеспособный, кредитоспособный

representative office представительство

cargo груз

lack недостаток, нехватка

revenue доход, выручка

to confirm подтверждать

trade turnover товарооборот

share доля, часть, роль

establishment учреждение

to equip оборудовать

severe cильный, трудный, жестокий

to overcome преодолеть, подавить, превозмочь

to consider рассматривать, обсуждать, обдумывать

to comply with подчиняться, выполнять требования

to service обслуживать

to increase увеличить

efficacy эффективность, действенность

to utilize использовать

Read and translate the text:

Text 1

Each year Russian customs officers celebrate October 25th as their professional holiday. The state, by making this day a holiday, thus marked the significance of the profession and input of customs service in social and economic development of Russia, provisions for its security and sovereignty.

Throughout all recent history, which is usually recognized as started from October 25th 1991 – the day when the President of Russia signed the Decree “On setting up of the State Service Committee of the Russian Soviet Socialist Federative Republic”, the service has confirmed rightfulness of high assessment of the state.

 Having overcome destructive effects of disintegration of the USSR, having inherited 14 thousand kilometers of not developed borders, severely lacking professional force, the service has passed a long way of growth and development.

Customs service of Russia today is one of the largest customs services in the world. It is a multifunctional, technically equipped, dynamic structure, with more than 60 thousand qualified personnel working in it.

The FCS of Russia is composed of 7 regional Customs Administrations, 144 customs offices, including 4 specialized, 688 customs terminals, and 317 checkpoints at the state border. In its structure there is a higher education establishment – Russian Customs Academy, recognized by the World Customs Organization as one of its regional training centers.

Federal Customs Service has 7 representative offices abroad – in Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzia, Finland, Germany and Belgium. Opening of representative offices in China and Poland are being considered now.

In the territory with 11 time zones it controls successfully foreign trade turnover of Russia.

Customs officers process each year about three million cargo customs declarations and every day transfer to the budget approximately eleven billion rubles.

Answer the following questions.

1. Why is the profession of customs officers significant?

2. Why was October 25th made a holiday?

3. What did CS inherit after disintegration of the USSR?

4. What is the structure of the FCS?

5. Where can representative offices be found?

6. Explain the reasons of growing the share of customs payments since 1991.

7. What does FCS control?

Match the words with their Russian equivalents:



a) приблизительно


to amount

b) выполнять, осуществлять


to aim at

c) поддающийся, допускающий



d) исполнение, действие



e) пошлины



f) суверенитет, независимость



g) достигать, равняться, составлять


to implement

h) цель



i) денежный, валютный


capable of

j) сравнение, сопоставление


foreign trade turnover

k) внешнеторговый оборот



l) cтремиться

Fill in the gaps with the English equivalents of the words in brackets:

The Russian customs has exhausted conservative methods of borders infrastructure (развитие) and is actively implementing new technologies aimed at controlling export operations, (грузовые перевозки).

Northwest Customs Administration (SZTU) was founded in 1990 and was the first out of seven (региональный) customs branches in the newly re-established Russia. Nowadays CZTU consists of 23 customs branches with 144 (таможенный пункт) covering the territory of over 1600 square kilometers. The following 71 stations currently (обслуживает) the borders of the Northwest: automobile, railway, air, river and sea customs stations. The three primary objectives of the country's customs system are (способствовать, содействовать) foreign trade development, to increase (эффективность) of customs control and to encourage monetary flow of customs dues into the (федеральный бюджет).

The Customs are implementing new advanced (технологии) in order for the new infrastructure to be capable of meeting high quality performance standards and promoting our country's economic interests in (внешняя торговля).

CZTU is actively utilizing IT-technologies, electronic avowal and preliminary information in order to expedite the process of customs clearing and increase quality control, thus promoting further integration of the Russian customs system into the information space of the EU.

Translate into English.

1.Практическое значение таможенного права определяется тем, что по мере развития международных отноше­ний, увеличение объема товарооборота между нашей страной и стра­нами мирового сообщества все большее число граждан зависят от состояния таможенной системы и законности таможенной деятельности.

2. В современном представлении термин «таможенное дело» охва­тывает сложный комплекс отношений, непосредственно связанных с внешней и внутренней политикой и деятельностью государства. В рамках государственной политики таможенное дело служит удовлетворению разнообразных интере­сов и потребностей.

3.Основной целью таможенной политики любого государства является обеспечение его экономических интересов.

4.Таможенная система России имеет богатейший опыт защиты экономического суверенитета и безопасности государства, внутреннего рынка, отечественной торговли и промышленности.

Match the phrases with their definitions;

On arrival in most countries as a foreigner you have to show your passport, a landing card (1) and often a customs declaration form (2). You may need a visa and a vaccination certificate (3), depending on the entry restrictions (4). Customs carry out spot checks / random checks (5) on peopled luggage. They use sniffer dogs (6) to search for drugs and explosives. In most cases, you have to clear customs (7) at the port of entry (8). Genuine refugees may try to seek political asylum (9). Customs officers also look out for illegal immigrants, some of whom may be economic migrants (10).

a) form showing how much money and what goods you are carrying

b) permission to stay in another country to avoid political persecution back home

c) people who try to enter from poorer countries just to get work

d) take your bags through customs

e) form with your personal details and date of arrival

f) rules about who can enter a country and for how long

g) paper proving you have had the necessary health injections

h) checks done without warning

i) the port or airport where you first enter a country

j) specially trained dogs who can smell drugs and bombs

Rewrite these sentences using phrases and collocations from the above exercise instead of the underlined words.

1. You'll have to show a paper proving that you have had injections for tropical diseases when you enter the country.

2. People entering from war-torn countries often ask for permission to stay to avoid political oppression in their own country.

3. You have to take your baggage through customs if you arrive on an international flight at San Francisco airport, even if you are flying on within the USA.

4. You have to fill in a paper saying how much money you're bringing into the country before going through customs control.

5. Some of the people were people who were poor and travelling hoping to find jobs, rather than genuine political refugees.

6. Passenger to airline cabin attendant: Could you give me one of those papers for filling in my passport number and personal details before we arrive, please?

7. At the airport the security guards had those special dogs that can smell drugs.

8. You'll need a visa; the rules about who can enter the country are very strict.

9. You have to fill in the city where you first entered the country in this box here.

Additional Reading. Read the text and render it.

Regulations for the Federal Customs Service of Russia

The Federal Customs Service (FCS) of Russia is a Federal executive authority, performing in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation the functions of control and supervision in the field of customs and the functions of a currency control agent and special functions of contraband control, abatement of other crimes and administrative violations.

The Federal Customs Service (FCS) is under the jurisdiction the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation.

The FCS in its activity is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, decrees and regulations of the President of the Russian Federation, international agreements of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and also by present Regulations.

The FCS operates directly, through customs houses and representative offices of the Service abroad, in cooperation with other federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, municipal authorities, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, public associations and other organizations.

The structure of the Federal Customs Service (FCS) of Russia

  • Main Inspectorial Organizational Directorate (staff of the Head of the FCS of Russia)

  • Human Resources Directorate

  • Main Directorate for Organization of Customs Control

  • Main Directorate for Contraband Control

  • Main Directorate for Commodity Items and Trade Limitations

  • Main Directorate of Logistics

  • Main Directorate of Federal Customs Revenues

  • Main Financial-Economic Directorate

  • Currency Control Directorate

  • Customs Cooperation Directorate

  • Directorate and General Services

  • Auditing Directorate

  • Main Directorate for Information Technologies (IT)

  • Legal Directorate

  • Internal Security Directorate

  • Customs Inspection Directorate

  • Customs Statistics and Analysis Directorate

  • Customs Investigations Directorate

  • Law Enforcement Directorate

Fill the gaps in these sentences with a suitable preposition from the list:

In of at of to throughout against with for of

1. ____ the history CS confirmed rightfulness ___ high assessment of the state.

2. CS is a multifunctional structure ___ more than 60 thousand qualified personnel working ___ it.

3. The FCS of Russia is composed ___ regional Customs Administrations, customs offices, customs terminals, checkpoints ___ the state border.

4.Due ___ development of infrastructure the US Customs revenues had reduced the national debt ___ zero.

5. CS collects and protects the revenue, guards ___ smuggling and is responsible ___ law enforcement.

Complete the sentences using your words

1.The main primary objectives of the country's customs system are …..

2. Customs service ensures that all imports and exports….

3. Protecting consumer safety means…

4. Customs stations control….

5. Contraband, including narcotics and illegal drugs…

Taking Your Treasures Home

When it comes to exporting some antique items, the word from experts is: Don’t even try.

"If a valuable antique is more than 100 years old, it is almost im­possible to take it out of Russia," said Oleg Stetsyura, director of Gelos auction house. “If it’s between 50 and 100, your chances are better."

However, even those items can be a problem: Officials said that a U.S. diplomat was being in­vestigated on suspicion of trying to smuggle 75 rare Soviet posters out of the country — a crime punishable by up to seven years and a 1 million ruble fine (about $38,660). The diplomat was allowed to fly out of Russia but the posters, said to in­clude national treasures of museum value, were confiscated.

If in doubt, take a photo of the antique before you buy it and show it to the Federal Service for Media Law Compliance and Cultural Heritage, said Denis Lukashin, director of Art Consulting, which provides historical and chemical expertise services. The agency is known in Russian as Rosokhrankultura.

"Sometimes people face a crimi­nal charge at the border because they were in a rush or didn’t think about the necessary documenta­tion," Lukashin said . "In one case, a person had a recently painted icon but on a very old piece of wood. Little things like that can cause you a lot of wasted time and energy.”

To avoid unnecessary border conflicts, you need to obtain a document from the Culture and Press Ministry that describes your antique as having no cultural value that would prevent it from leaving the country. There are two different procedures, for older and more recently made objects.

If your artwork or object is not more than 50 years old, you need to go to the culture ministry branch on Ulitsa Atbat. Take three photos of your item, a photocopy of your pass­port and the proof of purchase. On site you will have to fill out a form de­scribing your item and give all of the papers to ministry staff. A small fee is charged for the appraisal service, which you have to pay at a branch of Sberbank. Return with a receipt and instructions on where to pick up your documents when they are ready — usually within several days.

For items more than 50 years old, you have to follow a different proce­dure. First, call the Department of Preservation of Cultural Treasures to make an appointment. When you go to the appointment, take three colour photos of the item, a copy of your passport, and the proof of purchase or ownership of the item. Usu­ally it takes two to three weeks to get the necessary papers ready, and even longer if additional chemical or art history evaluation is required.

If your item is proven to have cultural value but doesn't fall under a category of unexportable items, you will need to pay a State Duty fee. The fee for items more than 50 years old is 10 percent of market value, and 5 percent for items 50 years old or less.

A list of documents and rules is posted on the cultural heritage ser­vice's web site:


Topics for discussion

1.What are the duties of CS? What other duties can be introduced?

2.What can be done to increase customs revenue?

3. The role of the customs in collecting customs duties and taxes.

Unit 2

The EU's Customs Policy

List of key terms and word combinations:

To facilitate облегчать; содействовать; способствовать; продвигать

Essential основной, существенный

Single market единый рынок

Properly должным образом; как следует; правильно

Application заявление; прошение;

preferential tariff- преференциальный таможенный тариф, расценка

instruments документ, акт, механизм

Measure мера; единица измерения

To ensure обеспечивать, гарантировать

smooth однородный; гладкий, ровный

To achieve достигать, добиваться

Demand требование; спрос; потребность, запрос

to compete конкурировать (with — с кем-л.; for — из-за чего-л., ради чего-л.)

global мировой, всемирный, глобальный

to reinforce усиливать; подкреплять; укреплять

to invest помещать, вкладывать деньги, капитал

lack недостаток, нехватка

Interface область контакта, взаимодействия

To highlight выдвигать на первый план; придавать большое значение

Contribution содействие, вклад, пожертвование; взнос

Interoperability функциональная совместимость,

совместное функционирование сетей;

Environment окружение, окружающая обстановка, окружающая среда

Therefore поэтому, следовательно

Protection защита, охрана; прикрытие, покровительство

Fraud обман; мошенничество; подделка

procedure процедура

treatment обращение, трактовка, толкование;

obligation обязательность; обязанность; долг; обязательство;

budgetary бюджетный

resources ресурсы, средства, запасы;

aim цель

to assist помогать, содействовать

Proposal предложение; план

To set out а) отправиться, выехать, б) намереваться; в) выставлять напоказ;

г) выставлять на продажу; д) излагать;

To give full account of – давать полный отчет

Involvement вовлеченность, участие, необходимое условие

To highlight выдвигать на первый план; придавать большое значение

Stable прочный, крепкий; стойкий; устойчивый

Damage вред; повреждение; убыток; ущерб

objective цель

Uniformity единообразие

Legislation законодательство, законодательная деятельность законы;

relations взаимоотношения

Simplification упрощение

Approach приближение, подход

Ongoing происходящий в настоящее время, непрерывный,постоянный

Integrated management интегрированная система управления

To streamline упрощать, модернизировать, рационализировать

Compatible совместимый

Accessible доступный (to); достижимый

Integrity прямота, честность, чистота; неприкосновенность; целостность

Numerous многочисленный

to alter изменять(ся); менять(ся); вносить изменения, переделывать

administration министерство, правительство

preferential льготный

fishery рыболовство, право рыбной ловли

fraudulent обманный; мошеннический;

collaboration сотрудничество; совместная работа

to Improve улучшать(ся); совершенствовать

to promote выдвигать; продвигать

level уровень

unfair несправедливый; пристрастный; неправильный

duty долг, обязанность

responsible ответственный, несущий ответственность

to recognize узнавать, признавать

threat угроза

enforcement давление, принуждение

agency агентство, орган (учреждение, организация)

equipment оборудование; оснащение

to claim претендовать, предъявлять претензию, заявлять права

to behave поступать, вести себя

addition прибавление, увеличение, дополнение

publicly публично; открыто

intention намерение, стремление, замысел

opinion мнение, взгляд

to be in charge of быть ответственным

particular особенный; особый

Read and translate the text;

The EU's Customs Policy. Facilitating trade

The Customs Union is a foundation of the European Union and an essential element in the functioning of the single market. The single market can only function properly when there is a common application of common rules at its external borders. This implies that the twenty seven Customs administrations of the EU must act as though they were one.

These common rules go beyond the Customs Union as such - with its common tariff -and extend to all aspects of trade policy, such as preferential trade, health and environmental controls, the common agricultural and fisheries policies, the protection of our economic interests by non-tariff instruments and external relations policy measures.

Today, customs are facing new challenges: they must ensure the smooth flow of trade whilst applying necessary controls on the one hand, whilst protecting the health and safety of the Community's citizens. To achieve the correct balance between these demands, control methods must be modernized and co-operation between the different services must be reinforced.

In order that the EU's economy can continue to compete in a global context, it is essential that customs IT systems are able to exchange electronic information and are provided with a range of interfaces with the trade, based on commonly used technology. Although Member States have already invested significantly in the development of automated customs systems, the lack of interoperability between these systems is a barrier to an effective paperless customs environment.

What is the aim of the strategy?

The strategy for the Customs Union highlights the important contribution that Customs makes in trade facilitation, the protection of the financial interests of the EU, especially in the fight against fraud, the protection of society and the harmonisation and uniformity in customs procedures and treatments.

The strategy aims to ensure that Customs authorities are in a position to meet their obligations in a changing world. Customs must have the necessary budgetary resources to be able to assist in the development of international trade, applying clear and stable rules whilst protecting society from unfair practices in international trade and from the damage which results.

To achieve the objectives of the strategy, actions are focused on:

  • Continuing the simplification and rationalisation of customs legislation, taking full account of developments in information technology;

  • Improving the application of legislation and increasing co-operation between the twenty seven national Customs authorities;

  • Improving the service to traders through closer relations between Customs and companies;

  • Improving training for customs officers and for traders;

  • Promoting international Customs co-operation, so as to promote the simplification of trade and customs procedures at world level.

Comprehension questions:

1. What are the functions of the Customs Union?

2. What is considered to be a barrier to an effective customs environment?

3. What is the role of customs in the protection of society?

4. The role of Customs consists in collecting Customs duties and indirect taxes at import, doesn't it?

5. What events/facts have altered the environment of Customs?

6. What are activities of Customs focused on?

7. Why is it important to modernize control methods?

Fill the gaps in these sentences with a suitable preposition from the list:

from of in at for of with out

1. Automated customs systems are aimed ___ protecting unfair and illegal trade.

2. Customs must cooperate internationally to carry___ the duties.

3. Customs is responsible___ protecting society, facilitating international trade.

4. Having recognized the threat ___ terrorist attacks and the role __ organized crime, customs has to develop control methods.

5. The EU's Customs administrations will work___ collaboration___ law enforcement agencies.

Match the terms with their definitions:

1. co-operation a) to start using more modern methods and equipment

2. a statement b) someone or something that is not

what it is claimed to be

3. a declaration c) to make an organization more effective

4. the authorities d) a set of rules, laws, or principles that

tell people how to behave

5. to modernize e) a situation in which people or organizations

work together to achieve a result

that will benefit all of them

6. a fraud f) a statement in which you officially give

information about yourself

7. a code g) a small change, improvement, or addition

that is made to a law or document

8. to rationalize h) something you say or write, especially

publicly or officially, to let people know

your intentions or opinions

9. an amendment i) the people or organizations that are

in charge of a particular country or area

Translate into English:

1.Таможенное право ЕС – особая правовая система интеграционного объединения 27 государств, которая находится в стадии формирования и постоянно меняется.

2. Российская таможня активно переходит на новые технологии контроля над внешнеторговыми операциями.

3. Внедрение автоматизированной системы таможенного оформления позволяет поднять скорость и качество обработки информации.

4. Перед таможней стоят задачи: содействие развитию внешней торговли, повышение эффективности таможенного контроля и наполнение бюджета.

5. Таможенный Кодекс предусматривает направленность таможенной политики РФ на гармонизацию и унификацию таможенного законодательства РФ с нормами международного права и общепринятой международной практикой.

6. Дальнейшая работа таможни РФ предполагает создание единой системы сбора, хранения и обработки информации всех органов государственного контроля.

7. Получение предварительной информации в рамках сотрудничества таможенных служб необходимо для минимизации угроз экономике, национальной безопасности и обеспечения всемерного развития торговли.

Match the words with their Russian equivalents:

1. indirect taxes a) правоохранительная деятельность

таможенной службы

2. to implement policies b) бороться с мошенничеством

3. to amend (the Code) c)быть в состоянии, иметь

возможность сделать что-л.

4. tight security d) приводить в исполнение


5. to be in a position to do smth e) платить по обязательствам

6. the Customs enforcement mission f) бюджетные средства

7. tariff treatment g) косвенные налоги

8. to combat fraud h) строгая изоляция, строгий режим

9. to meet obligations i) вносить изменения, поправки

10. budgetary resources j) скидки таможенных пошлин

Fill in the gaps with the English equivalents of the words in brackets:

Customs in the European Union - A Joint Mission Statement

In July 2005, the EU's Customs (министерство, управление) adopted the following Mission Statement:

Customs is (ответственна) both for protecting (общество) and facilitating international trade through the management of (внутренние границы) and by ensuring overall supply chain (безопасность). We are committed to

  • Ensuring the safety and security of (граждане)

  • Protecting the (финансовые интересы) of the Community and its Member States

  • Protecting the Community from unfair and (незаконная торговля) while supporting (законный) business (деятельность)

  • Increasing the (конкуренция) of European business through modern working methods supported by an easily (доступный) electronic customs environment.

To carry out these (обязанности), we shall co-operate nationally and internationally to combat (мошенничество), organised crime and terrorism in (сотрудничество) with other (органы власти), notably with other law enforcement agencies. Our (цель) is to operate with integrity and provide the highest possible (уровень) of service.

Use each of these collocations in sentences of your own:

External borders, to protect society from, budgetary resources, to assist, a global context,

to increase co-operation, electronic information, to fight against fraud, Customs authorities, control methods, automated customs systems, financial interests.

Topics for discussion

1. The role of the Customs in importing and exporting goods.

2. Development of automated customs systems in Russia.

3. The increase of import rates.

4. The problem of export duties.

Additional Reading

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