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Методическое пособие по изучению тем «Великобритания. Лондон»

и «США. Вашингтон»

Part 1.

Unit 1.


Task 1. Read the following international words and guess their meanings:

architect [′a:kûtekt] (n)

association [ə,səusû′eûÐ(ə)n] (n)

character [′kærəktə] (n)

continent [′kéntûnənt] (n)

fashionable [′fæÐ(ə)nəbl] (adj)

financial [faû′nænÐ(ə)l] (adj)

geographical [džû:əu′óræfûk(ə)l] (adj)

minister [′mûnûstə] (n)

monarchy [′ménəkû] (n)

officially [ə′fûÐ(ə)lû] (adv)

parliament [′pa:ləmənt] (n)

position [pə′zûÐ(ə)n] (n)

residence [′rezûdəns] (n)

symbol [′sûmb(ə)l] (n)

theatre [′θûətə] (n)

Task 2. Read out and memorize the following personal and geographical names:

Great Britain [′óreût′brûtn] – Великобритания, the United Kingdom [ðûju:′naûtûd′kûÅdəm] – Соединенное Королевство, England [′ûÅólənd] – Англия, Wales [weûlz] – Уэльс, Scotland [′skétlənd] – Шотландия, the British Isles [ðə′brûtûÐ′aûlz] – Британские острова, the United Nations [ðûju:′naûtûd′neûÐənz] – Организация Объединенных Наций, Northern Ireland [,né:ðən′aûələnd] – Северная Ирландия, Europe [′juərəp] – Европа, the North Sea [ðə′né:θ′si:] – Северное море, the English Channel [ðû′ûnólûÐ′tÐænl] – пролив Ла-Манш, the Thames [temz] – река Темза , the Severn [′sevə(:)n] – река Северн.

Task 3. Study the following words before reading the text and get ready for the vocabulary dictation:

although [′é:lðəu] (conj) – хотя, несмотря на то, что

ancient [′eûnÐ(ə)nt] (adj) – древний, старинный, старый

annoy [ə′néû] (v) – досаждать, раздражать

bury [′berû] (v) – хоронить, зарывать в землю

cathedral [kə′θûdrəl] (n) – собор

chamber [′tÐeûmbə] (n) – палата

descendant [dû′sendənt] (n) – отпрыск, потомок

frequently [′frûkwentlû] (adv) – часто

island [′aûlənd] (n) – остров

isle [aûl] (n) – остров

meadow [′medəu] (n) – луг

mild [maûld] (adj) – мягкий

rare [′rìə] (adj) – редкий

realm [relm] (n) – государство, королевство

spectacular [spek′tekjulə] (adj) – производящий глубокое впечатление; впечатляющий; эффектный

throughout [θru(:)′aut] (prep) – на всем протяжении (о времени)

title [′taûtl] (n) – титул, звание

triumphant [traû′šmfənt] (adj) – триумфальный, победный

vary [′vìərû] (v) – изменять(ся), менять(ся), разниться; отличаться

worth [wə:θ] (adj) – достойный, заслуживающий, стоящий


Britain, Great Britain, the United Kingdom, England, the British Isles — these different names are sometimes used to denote the same thing, and they are frequently used wrongly. The name used at the United Nations is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is the official name of the country.

Great Britain, an island country in northwestern Eu­rope, has only about 1 per cent of the world's total pop­ulation. Yet for hundreds of years, it has been one of the world's most important countries. Although Great Britain is part of Europe, it is separat­ed from mainland Europe by the North Sea on the east and by the English Channel on the south — a separation that has helped to shape the independent character of the British people. Throughout its history, Britain has pre­ferred to stay out of European affairs.

British people ought really to be called Britons, but they seldom are. Instead, they are most often called En­glishmen. This annoys the Welsh, the Scots and the Irish who dislike being called English. The English are Anglo-Saxon by origin but the Welsh, the Scots and the Irish are Celts, descendants of the ancient people who had come to the British Isles from Europe centuries before the Roman invasion.

Many invaders stamped their influence on the people and the language of the country, which can be partly explained by its geographical position. Great Britain is the largest island in Europe and it is separated from the continent by the English Channel.

The surface of the British Isles varies very much. It is mainly low-lying meadows and forests, but there are mountains in Scotland and Wales, and deep lakes in Scotland. There are many rivers in Great Britain but they are not very long. The Severn is the longest river, while the Thames is the busiest one. The climate of Great Britain is mild. The summers are cool and rainy. Snow is rare and it does not lie on the ground for long.

The United Kingdom is a monarchy but the powers of the king (now Queen Elizabeth II) are limited by the Bri­tish Parliament. In Britain they look to the Queen not only as their head of State, but also as the "symbol of their nation's unity". The present monarch's royal title in the United Kingdom is: "Elizabeth the Second, by the Gra­ce of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nort­hern Ireland and of Her other Realm and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith".

The British Parliament consists of two chambers, the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Every­thing in the country is officially done in the name of the Queen but the Prime Minister is responsible for the policy conducted by Parliament. The Prime Minister lives and works in the official residence No 10 Down­ing Street, London.

London, the capital of the United Kingdom and En­gland, is one of the oldest and largest cities in the world. It is more than two thousand years old. Its population is about 7,7 million people. London is divided into two parts by the Thames. In fact, there are several Londons. The City is the financial and business centre of England. Dur­ing the day it is full of people, about half a million peo­ple work there. But at the end of the day the City be­comes silent. The West End is famous for its fashionable houses, fine theatres, rich shops and hotels. The docks and most industrial enterprises have been concentrated in the East End. Westminster is the administrative centre of the British capital.

There are many places of interest worth seeing in Lon­don. In the past the Tower was first used as a fortress, then as a royal residence and a prison. At the beginning of the 19th century England defeated the French in a great sea battle at Trafalgar. It was a triumphant victory of the British nation over Napoleon. Admiral Nelson was killed in this battle. Trafalgar Square in London commemorates this victory. The Nelson Column was erected in 1842. St. Paul's Cathedral, the masterpiece of the well-known English architect Sir Christopher Wren is famous for its spectacular dimensions and beauty. It took thirty-five years to build the Cathedral. Westminster Abbey is famous for its architecture and historical associations. It is the church where nearly all the kings and queens have been crowned and where many of them were buried.

Great Britain as every other country has its own cus­toms and traditions which play more important role in the life of people than in other countries. Englishmen are proud of their traditions and they carefully keep them up.

Peter I was the first Russian tsar to visit England. The first visit ever to Russia by a reigning British monarch took place in 1994.

Task 4. Find in the text the Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

an island country; throughout history; descendants of the ancient people; many invaders stamped their influence on; the symbol of the nation’s unity; the policy conducted by the Parliament; the financial and business centre; triumphant victory; the column was erected; it took 35 years to build the cathedral; to keep up traditions.

Task 5. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

Британские острова; материк; независимый характер; дела; британцы; валлийцы; шотландцы; кельты; вторжение; поверхность варьируется; мягкий климат; глава государства; палата общин; палата лордов; ответственный за; премьер-министр; быть разделенным; становиться тихим; промышленные предприятия; одержать победу; морское сражение; служить напоминание; короновать.

Task 6. Find in the text synonyms to the following words:

island, often, significant (важный), rarely, aggressor, the biggest, infrequent, kingdom, to include, sight, to beat, impressive, to build, continent, grassland, a few.

Task 7. Find in the text antonyms to the following words:

seldom, informal, to connect, west, north, dependant, to hate, modern, the smallest, the shortest, dry, frequent, past, the youngest, loud, poor, to surrender (капитулировать), to ruin, at the beginning.

Task 8. Open the brackets and use the verbs in Passive.

Mind the following construction: TO BE + ADVERB + V3

e.g. British customs and traditions are carefully kept up by Englishmen.

1. Such different names as Britain, Great Britain, the United Kingdom, England, the British Isles (use) to denote the same thing and they frequently (use) wrongly.

2. The country officially (call) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

3. The country (separate) from the mainland by the North Sea and the English Channel.

4. British people seldom (call) Britons.

5. The Celts had come to the British Isles before they (invade) by the Romans.

6. The powers of Queen Elizabeth II (limit) by the British Parliament.

7. The Prime Minister is responsible for the policy, which (conduct) by the Parliament.

8. London (divide) into two parts by the Thames.

9. In the past the Tower first (use) as a fortress, then as a royal residence and a prison.

10. The French (defeat) by England in a great sea battle at Trafalgar at the beginning of the 19th century.

11. The Nelson Column (erect) in 1842.

12. A lot of British monarchs (crown) and (bury) in Westminster Abbey.

Task 9. Agree or disagree to the following sentences explaining why:

1. Great Britain is a part of the European’s continent.

2. The Thames is the longest river on the British Isles.

3. The climate of Great Britain is severe.

4. The queen is responsible for the policy conducted by the parliament.

5. The City is a residential district.

6. Life is boring and poor in the West End.

7. Like the USA Great Britain often interferes in foreign affairs.

Task 10. Choose the right variant:

1. The official name of the country is … .

a) Great Britain b) the UK c) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

2. The Englishmen are … by origin.

a) Celts b) Romans c) Anglo-Saxons

3. The largest island in Europe is … .

a) Crete b) Malta c) Great Britain

4. Everything in the country is officially done in the name of … .

a) the Prime Minister b) the Parliament c) the Queen

5. The surface of the British Isles … .

a) is the same throughout the country b) doesn’t vary c) varies very much

6. London consists of … .

a) two parts b) three parts c) four parts

7. The Tower of London was never used as … .

a) a prison b) royal residence c) a fortress d) a school

8. Westminster Abby is the place where British monarchs are … .

a) buried b) crowned c) buried and crowned

9. The victory over Napoleon is commemorated by … .

a) Westminster Abbey b) St. Paul’s cathedral c) Trafalgar Square

10. The United Kingdom is a … .

a) monarchy b) republic c) democratic state

Task 11. Answer the following questions to the text.

1. What is the geographical position of Great Britain?

2. Is it correct to call people populating the British Isles Englishmen? Explain, why.

3. What is the surface of the country?

4. Does the queen rule the country?

5. What does the British Parliament consist of?

6. Is London worth visiting? Why?

7. What happened at the beginning of the 19th century at Trafalgar?

Task 12. Act out a dialogue. Ask your groupmate

Model: what the longest river is Student A. : What is the longest river?

Student B. : The longest river is …

1. if he/she knows the official name of Britain

2. how the British shaped the independent character

3. if there are any mountains in England

4. if there are any deep lakes in Wales

5. if there are few rivers on the British isles

6. if it often snows in the country

7. what the present monarch’s royal title is

8. where the Prime Minister lives and works

9. what kind of centre the City is

10. what the West End is famous for

11. what kind of district the East End is.

Task 13. Translate into English:

1. Великобритания – это остров, который лежит к западу от Европы. Когда-то (once), в доисторические времена, Великобритания была частью континента и не была отделена от него проли­вом Ла-Манш.

2. Здания, построенные Кристофером Реном - лучший памятник знаменитому архитектору. Cреди них – величественный собор Св. Павла в лондонском Сити.

3. Тауэр — одна из военных построек в Лондо­не. Строительство старейшей части крепости, Белого Тауэра (the White Tower), было начато при Вильгельме Завоевателе. За свою многовековую историю Тауэр служил крепостью, королевской резиденцией, тюрь­мой для наиболее опасных государственных пре­ступников, а теперь стал музеем, который посещается тысячами туристов.

4. Англичане очень гордятся своими традициями и поддерживают их. Одна из популярных лондонских легенд гласит (to say), что если знаменитые вороны (ravens), за которыми в Тауэре присматривает специальный служитель, покинут крепость, то ее стены падут и Британская империя падет (to be broken up).

5. Британский парламент заседает в Вестминстерс­ком дворце, который тянется вдоль берега Темзы слева от Вестминстерского моста.

7. Для Великобритании характерен мягкий морс­кой климат. Дующие с Атлантического океана ветры приносят на остров дожди. Горы, хотя и не очень высокие, защищают восточную часть Великобри­тании от атлантических воздушных масс, но и здесь дожди — обычное явление.

8. Британцы обожают путешествовать. Во время отпуска все стремятся поехать за границу, хотя в самой Британии много прекрасных курортов.

10. Будучи островной державой, Британия на про­тяжении последних веков не вмешивалась в европейские события, подчеркивая свое незави­симое положение. Однако в минувшем столетии по­ложение изменилось, и теперь страна имеет тесные связи с другими европейскими государствами, тем более что проложенный по дну Ла-Манша транспор­тный тоннель по-настоящему связал остров с Евро­пой.

Task 14. Speak about Great Britain using a plan of the text or key words.

Unit 2. London.

Task 1. Read the following international words and guess their meanings:

architecture [′a:kûtektÐə] (n)

civilization [,sûv(ə)laûz′eûÐ(ə)n] (n)

collection [kə′lekÐ(ə)n] (n)

commercial [kə′mə:Ð(ə)l] (adj)

company [′kšmpənû] (n)

illusory [û′lu:z(ə)rû] (adj)

industry [′ûndəstrû] (n)

journalism [′džə:n(ə)lûz(ə)m] (n)

literature [′lût(ə)rətÐə] (n)

modern [′méd(ə)n] (adj)

multinational [,mšltû′næÐ(ə)n(ə)l] (adj)

museum [mju(:)′zûəm] (n)

official [ə′fûÐ(ə)l] (adj)

pseudo [′sju:dəu] (adv)

sculpture [′skšlptÐə] (n)

studio [′stju:dûəu] (n)

style [staûl] (n)

tourist [′tuərûst] (n)

Task 2. Read out and memorize the following personal and geographical names:

London [′lšndən] – Лондон, Greater London [,greûtə ′lšndən] – Большой Лондон, the Tower of London [ðə ,tauərəv′lšndən] – Тауэр, the Temple Church [ðə ′templ,tÐə:tÐ] – церковь Темпла, Gothic [′óéθûk] – готический, Westminster Abbey [,westmûnstər′æbû] – Вестминстерское аббатство, Westminster Hall [′westmûnstə,hé:l] – Вестминстер-Холл/Дворцовый холл, Lambeth Palace [′læmbəθ,pælûs] – Ламбетский дворец, the British Museum [ðə ,brûtûÐmju(:)′zûəm ] – Британский музей, the National Gallery [ðə ,næÐənl′óælərû ] – Национальная галерея, the Tate Gallery [ðə ′teût,óælərû] – Галерея Тейт, Madame Tussaud’s [,mædəmtə′sé:dz] – Музей мадам Тюссо, Buckingham Palace [′bškûÅəm,pælûs] – Букингемский дворец.

Task 3. Study the following words before reading the text and get ready for the vocabulary dictation:

adjoining [ə′džéûnûó] (adj) – прилегающий, примыкающий

appearance [əp′ûər(ə)ns] (n) – внешний вид, наружность

boast [′bəust] (v) – гордиться (of)

borough [′bšrə] (n) – небольшой город, городской район, имеющий самоуправление

effigy [′efûdžû] (n) – скульптурное изображение

enormous [in′é:məs] (adj) – громадный, гигантский, обширный, огромный

exhibition [,eksû′bûÐ(ə)n] (n) – выставка

forecourt [′fé:ké:t] (n) – площадка перед зданием, передний двор

fortunately [′fé:tÐ(ə)nətlû] (adv) – счастливо, к счастью

frequent [′frû:kwənt] (v) – часто посещать, бывать

humble [′hšmbl] (adj) – скромный, непритязательный

inevitably[û′nevûtəblû] (adv) – неизбежно, неминуемо

invasion [ûn′veûž(ə)n] (n) – вторжение, нашествие

outskirts [′autskə:ts] (n) – окраина, предместья (города)

rarely [′rìəlû] (adv) – нечасто, редко

sovereign [′sévrûn] (n) – монарх

spectacular [spek′tækjulə] (adj) – производящий глубокое впечатление; впечатляющий, эффектный

square [′skwìə] (n) – площадь


London is the capital of England and the United King­dom. It was established soon after the Roman invasion in AD 43. In the second century London was a walled city, and by the 11th century it was the main city of England.

Greater London comprises the city of London and 32 boroughs or districts. The City of London, known as the "square mile", is the financial and commercial centre of the United Kingdom. The population of Greater London is about 9 million people — this is one of the largest cap­ital cities in the world.

From early Saxon times, the importance of London was as a big port on the Thames. The prime economic importance of modern London is as a financial centre. There are various industries, mainly on the outskirts of the city, as well as recording, broadcasting, television, and film studious, publishing companies, and the works and offices of the national press. Fleet Street in London has been traditionally the center of British journalism. With adjoining streets it contains offices and printing works of many leading British newspapers.

London contains buildings in all styles of English architecture since the 11th century. The best known examples of the Norman style are the Tower of London and the Temple Church. The Tower of London is the most inter­esting work of military architecture in England. Started in 1080 by William I, it used to be a fortress, a palace, and a prison.

There are also examples of the Gothic style in London: Westminster Abbey, Westminster Hall, Lambeth Palace.

London has a lot to offer to its visitors, and you will never be tired of its streets, squares, buildings, palaces, museums, and parks. It is said that if you are tired of London, you are tired of life. Fortunately, this rarely hap­pens to those who come to this multinational city.

London can boast of its magnificent museums, such as the British Museum with its enormous collection of sculp­ture from the earliest days of civilization; the National Gallery containing one of the world's greatest collections of European painting; the Tate Gallery founded by Henry Tate, the sugar refiner, who started this collection of mod­ern British and foreign painting; and of course, the fa­mous Madame Tussaud's with its exhibition of wax effigies of famous people, which is over 200 years old.

On any day there are people crowding near Bucking­ham Palace, the residence of every British sovereign since 1837. These people are waiting for the show of the Chang­ing of the Guard in the forecourt which usually takes place at 11:30 a.m.

Another place frequented by tourists is Downing Street with the humble house No.10, which is the official resi­dence of the Prime Minister of Great Britain. Almost ev­erybody knows that the humble appearance of the house is illusory.

And of course, there are the Houses of Parliament, the spectacular building in a pseudo-Gothic style built in 1852, known to many people from pictures and photographs.

Even if you are tired of visiting London's museums, you can just walk along its streets, and you will inevitably feel a sense of history, and if you are well-read in English literature, London streets will remind you of the famous heroes of Charles Dickens, John Galsworthy, Arthur Conan Doyle and others.

Task 4. Find in the text the Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

London comprises; commercial centre; various industries; publishing company; in all styles of architecture; adjoining streets; fortunately, this rarely happens; from the earliest days of civilization; foreign painting; wax effigy; sovereign residence; Changing of the Guard; well-read; streets will remind you of.

Task 5. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

основать; Римское вторжение; обнесенный стеной; основное значение; финансовый центр; на окраине; транслировать; завод; военная архитектура; предложить посетителям; хвастаться; величественный; выставка; впечатляющий; дух истории; внешний двор; непритязательный внешний вид.

Task 6. Find in the text synonyms to the following:

to found, the biggest, present-day, significance (значение), main, different, neighbouring, to include, jail (тюрьма), traveller, guest, huge, a small town, monarch.

Task 7. Find in the text antonyms to the following:

to destroy, before, late, in the center, civil (гражданский), these, unfortunately, few, ancient, to be refreshed.

Task 8. Choose the right variant:

1. London was established by … .

a) the Germans b) the Vikings c) the Romans

2. The Tower of London and the Temple Church are the examples of … architecture.

a) military b) Gothic c) Norman

3. Greater London comprises London and … boroughs.

a) 12 b) 22 c) 32

4. The City of London, known as the “square mile ”, is the centre of … .

a) education b) industry c) finance and economics

5. Fleet Street in London is the centre of British … .

a) medicine b) administration c) journalism

6. Westminster Abbey, Westminster Hall and Lambeth Palace were built in … style .

a) Gothic b) Baroque c) modern

7. The British Museum houses … .

a) sculpture b) painting c) icons

8. There are … of famous people in Madame Tussaud’s Gallery.

a) photographs b) glass statues c) wax figures

9. Buckingham Palace is … .

a) the Prime Minister’s residence b) the seat of the British government c) the residence of the British sovereign

Task 9. Match the following descriptions of places in London with their proper names from the right:

1. It was founded by Julius Caesar and in 1066 rebuilt by William the Conqueror. It was used as a fortress, a royal palace and a prison. Now it is a museum, housing ancient armour (доспехи), weapons (оружие) and Crown jewels (королевские драгоценности).

2. A very large gothic church in Westminster. It was founded in 1050 as a monastery and has more historic associations than any other building in Britain. William the Conqueror in 1066 and nearly all English kings and queens were crowned here. Many outstanding statesmen, scientists, writers, poets and painters are buried here: Newton, Darwin, Chaucer, Dickens, Tennyson, Kipling, etc.

3. It’s the oldest London church built in 1185. It is one of the five rounded churches of the Middle Ages.

4. It was built in 1097-99. This enormous hall is one of the largest in Western Europe. It is a part of the Houses of Parliament.

5. It has been the residence of Archbishops (архиепископы) of Canterbury for 700 years. Its library houses a rich collection of manuscripts.

6. It was built in the 18th century. The Royal Standard (королевский штандарт) at the top of the building is the sign that the queen is in the residence.

7. It is situated in the centre of the West End and commemorates the sea battle at Trafalgar, in which Admiral Lord Nelson was fatally wounded (смертельно ранен).

8. The building has two towers, the Victoria Tower and the Clock Tower. The Union Jack (государственный флаг Соединённого Королевства) flying from the Victoria Tower and the light in the Clock Tower show that the Parliament is in session. The Clock Tower is called Big Ben after Sir Benjamin Hall, an architect.

9. It is the most striking building in the City today designed by Sir Christopher Wren, a famous English architect of the 17-th century. It is the finest Renaissance church in Europe.

a) the Houses of Parliament

b) Trafalgar Square

c) St. Paul’s Cathedral

d) the Tower of London

e) the Temple Church

f) Westminster Abby

g) Westminster Hall

h) Lambeth Palace

i) Buckingham Palace

Task 10. Agree or disagree to the following:

1. London is a young city.

2. London’s architecture is simple.

3. There are few industries in London.

4. London has little to offer to its visitors.

5. All London’s attractions are magnificent and spectacular.

Task 11. Say, what you have learned about:

1. Greater London.

2. Industries of London.

3. Fleet Street.

4. The British Museum.

5. The National Gallery.

6. Madame Tussaud’s Gallery.

7. House No.10 Downing Street.

Task 12. Act out a dialogue. You want to visit London, and a friend of yours has just returned from the capital of Great Britain. Ask him, what impressed him most of all and what places he can recommend to visit.

Task 13. Translate into English:

1. Лондон — один из старейших и интереснейших городов Европы. К несчастью, в XX веке огромные небоскребы из стали и стекла нарушили гармонию исторического центра британской столицы. Тем не менее, все исторические здания являются объектом особых забот британцев, бережно относящихся к сво­ей истории.

2. Прогулку по Лондону лучше всего начать с по­сещения Вестминстерского аббатства, строительство которого началось еще при короле Эдуарде Исповед­нике (Edward the Confessor) в середине XI века. Ря­дом с аббатством находится Вестминстерский дворец, в котором заседает британский парламент.

3. На улицах Лондона всегда многолюдно, но ред­ко увидишь людей, которые стоят и беседуют друг с другом. Да и прохожие идут быстро. Такое впечатле­ние, что англичанам не приходит в голову, что по улицам можно просто гулять.

4. Гайд-парк по праву называют самым главным парком Лондона. Это настоящий островок зелени, где можно отдохнуть всей семьей. Лондонцы приходят в парк на свидание с природой, словно забывая, что в нескольких минутах хода от скамеечки, на которой они отдыхают, бурлит городская жизнь.

5. Собор Св. Павла — самое крупное церковное зда­ние на Британских островах. Он был построен после Великого лондонского пожара (Great Fire of London) на месте сгоревшего старого здания собора. Перед входом в собор стоит статуя королевы Анны, в цар­ствование которой он был построен.

6. Старейшей частью Лондона является Сити, ныне – центр финансовой жизни страны. В I веке на этом месте было основано римское поселение.

7. Множество достопримечательностей, многочис­ленные театры, музеи и магазины, похожие на музеи, привлекают в Лондон толпы туристов.

8. Одним из самых известных памятников в Лон­доне является Нельсонова колонна на Трафальгарской площади, установленная в честь славного анг­лийского адмирала, в 1805 году одержавшего блис­тательную победу над французским и испанским флотами.

9. Самым фешенебельным районом Лондона традиционно считается Вест-энд, где много парков и красивых особняков знатных и состоятельных людей, Однако Вест-энд — далеко не единственный район богачей.

Task 14. Speak about London using a plan of the text or key words.

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