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Business Communication.doc
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Учебно-методическое пособие по предмету

«Иностранный язык делового общения»



Разработала Еникова А.А.



Ex.1. Read the dialogue.

-- I’d like you to meet Mr. Pospelov, our Director General.

-- Glad to meet you Mr. Pospelov.

-- Glad to meet you too. Have you ever been to Minsk before, Mr. Cartwright?

-- No, it’s my first visit to Minsk.

-- What are your first impressions of Minsk?

-- I like Minsk. It’s a very beautiful city and quite different from London.

-- I hope you’ll enjoy your visit, Mr. Cartwright.

* * *

-- Let me introduce my staff to you. This is my secretary, Miss Krivenko.

-- Nice to meet you, Miss Krivenko.

-- Nice to meet you too. Call me Ann.

-- I also want you to meet Victor Volgin, our Sales Manager.

* * *

-- Let me introduce Mr. Ivanov to you.

-- How do you do, Mr. Ivanov?

-- How do you do, Mr. Cartwright?

* * *

-- What does Mr. Ivanov do?

-- He is our Export-Import Manager… Do take a seat. Would you like a cigarette?

-- Yes, thank you.

-- Would you like something to drink?

-- Er… Yes, I’d like a cup of coffee.

-- Ann, could you make coffee for us, please?

-- Certainly, sir. How would you like your coffee, Mr. Cartwright, black or white?

-- Black, please.

-- With sugar?

-- No, thanks.

-- By the way, Mr. Cartwright, what’s your profession?

-- I’m an engineer, but at Continental Equipment I work as a Sales Manager.

Ex.2. Learn the following expressions:

  1. Forms of Address обращение

Mister (Mr.) Johnson к мужчине

Mistress (Mrs.) Green к замужней женщине

Miss Lee к незамужней девушке

Ms White [miz] к женщине независимо от ее статуса

Sir к клиенту в ресторане и т.д. -- мужчине

Madam (ma’am) женщине

Ladies and gentlemen к аудитории на собрании, конференции.

  1. Questions about profession, position, names.

Вопросы об имени человека, степени родства и т.д.

Who is she? -- She is Mrs. Baker.

Who is he? – He is my brother.

I am sorry. Do I know you?

Простите. Мы знакомы?

What does he do? – He is the Chief Executive Officer of a large corporation.

Чем он занимается? – Oн исполнительный директор большой корпорации.

What’s your occupation? – I’m a businessman.

Чем Вы занимаетесь? – Я бизнесмен.

What is Miss Jane’s profession? – She’s a secretary.

Кто мисс Джейн по профессии? – Она секретарь.

What’s your name (first name, surname)?

Как Вас зовут?

  1. Questions about places.

Where are you from? – I’m from Belarus.

Where is he from? – He’s from TST Systems.

What company are you from? – I’m from Continental Equipment.

What country (town, state) are you from? – I’m from the USA.

What company do you work for? – I’m with TST Systems.

Ex.3. Imagine that a representative of a foreign company came to your company.

а) представьтесь сами и представьте ему сотрудников Вашей компании с использованием следующих выражений:

Let me introduce myself. I am…

Let me introduce my staff to you. This is … He is …

I’d like you to meet … she is…

May I introduce … to you. He is …

б) спросите у него, какую компанию он представляет, какая у него должность, из какого города он приехал;

в) спросите у него, не хотел бы он чего-либо выпить; предложите ему чашку чая, кофе, сока.

Ex.4. Respond to the following phrases:

How do you do?

Glad to meet you.

Good afternoon.

Good morning.



How are you getting on?

How are you?

Would you like a cup of coffee?

Thank you very much.

Ex.5. Compare and discuss two situations.

  1. Helen Stewart is a Personnel Director. Tim Carey is looking for a job.

H.S.: Good morning, Mr. Carey. How are you today?

T.C.: Not so great.

H.S.: What’s wrong?

T.C.: Oh, lots of little problems.

b) Richard Ginns is a Personnel Director. Jane Chapman is looking for a job.

R. G.: Hello, Ms. Chapman. How are you this morning?

J. Ch.: Never been better, thank you. How are you, Mr. Ginns?

R. G.: Very well, thank you.

Answer the questions:

  1. Who is more positive – Mr. Carey or Ms. Chapman?

  2. Who would you like to work with?

  3. Rewrite situation a so that Mr. Carey would make a good impression.

Ex.6. Compare and discuss two situations.

  1. Bill Smith is a salesperson for ABC Motors. Mary Kent is a potential customer. She wants to buy a new car.

B.S.: Hi! My name is Bill Smith.

M.K.: Yes, I know. I was here yesterday.

B.S.: I’m sorry. I’m very bad with names.

M.K.: And with faces.

b) Jack Barnes sells computers. Bob Wright needs a computer. He was in Mr. Barnes’ store last week. Mr. Barnes sees Mr. Wright in the street.

J.B.: Mr. Wright! Nice to see you again. My name is jack Barnes. We met last week at my store.

B.W.: Of course, Mr. Barnes. How are you?

J. B.: Fine, Mr. Wright. Really fine. And you?

B.W.: I feel great, thanks.

Answer the questions:

  1. Who is a better salesman? Why?

  2. Which customer is more pleased? Why?

  3. Are you good with names?

  4. Are you good with faces?

  5. Why is it important to remember names (faces)?

Ex.7. To remember a name, it helps to see it written. You can ask for a business card. Memorize the dialogue.

-- Do you have a card?

-- No, I’m sorry. I’m out of cards. / Yes, here you are.

-- Let me write down your name and number. Could you spell your name? / Thank you. Here is mine.

Learn to spell your name. Look at the following examples of spelling clarification. Add more examples.

A as in Alpha, ________, _________

B as in Bravo, ________, _________

C as in Bravo, ________, _________

D as in David, ________, _________

E as in Echo, ________, _________

F as in Fox, ________, _________

G as in Golf, ________, _________

H as in Hotel, ________, _________

I as in India, ________, _________

J as in Julia, ________, _________

K as in Kilo, ________, _________

L as in Lemon, ________, _________

M as in Mike, ________, _________

N as in November, ________, _________

O as in Oscar, ________, _________

P as in Paper, ________, _________

Q as in Question, ________, _________

R as in Ronald, ________, _________

S as in Sam, ________, _________

T as in Tom, ________, _________

U as in Uniform, ________, _________

V as in Viktor, ________, _________

W as in Whiskey, ________, _________

X as in X-ray, ________, _________

Y as in Yes, ________, _________

Z as in Zulu, ________, _________

Ex.8. Look at the cards and answer the questions:


John Smith

Financial Director

9 North Road, Brighton, BNI 5JF,England

Ph.: (0273) 543359

E-mail: coneq@aol.com

Whose card is this?

What is he?

What company is he from?

What city is he from?

What is his telephone number?

What is the address of his company?

Ex.9. Make a card for you.

Ex.10. After you meet someone, write him or her a letter. This letter is called a follow-up letter.

Ken Woods sells photocopiers. Charles Watts is a potential customer. Ken writes Charles a follow-up letter.

“Central Photocopiers”

345 West Broadway

New York, NY 10007


January 18, 2008

Mr. Charles Watts

Acme Machine Works

1230 Central Street

Newtown, Connecticut 20007

Dear Mr. Watts:

Thank you for coming to our store yesterday and looking at our new photocopiers. If you have any questions, please call me.

Sincerely yours,

Ken Woods

Ex.11. You sell fax-machines. Your group-mate called you about your fax machines. Write him a follow-up letter.

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