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Lecture 6

Lexical Problems of Translation Plan

  1. Units of international lexicon and ways of rendering their meaning and lingual form. Translator’s false friends.

  2. Units of nationally biased lexicon and ways of their translation.

  3. Translation of idiomatic/Phraseological and stable expressions.

  1. Units of international lexicon and ways of rendering their meaning and lingual form. Translator’s false friends.

  1. Units of International Lexicon and Ways of Rendering their Meaning.

By internationalisms are meant such language units which are borrowed from one and the same source language by at least three genealogically different languages in the same or similar lingual form and identical meaning, e.g. dollar - долар, atom - атом, director – директор. International may be not only words and phrases/word-group, but also morphemes – prefixes, suffixes and even inflections, nothing to say about root morphemes as the English or Ukrainian words fund - фонд, gas - газ, lord - лорд, park – парк.

Among the most often occurring international affixes in English and Ukrainian are the following:

    • Prefixes: anti-/анти-, ex-/екс-, inter-/інтер-, trans-/транс-; as in antibody - антитіло, export (v.) - експортувати, international – інтернаціональний, transmission – трансмісія.

    • Suffixes: -ar/-ар, -er/-ер, -ist/-іст, -ист, -ssion/-сія, -tion/-ція; as in actor - актор, volunteer - волонтер, humanist - гуманіст, constitution - конституція, aggression - агресія, humorist - гуморіст.

    • Inflections: -um/-ум, (memorandum - меморандум), -us/-ус, (radius - радіус), -a/-а (formula - формула).

The lexicon of each developed language comprises a very large layer of foreign by origin words, word-groups/phrases and even a small number of sentences. The bulk of these borrowed morphemes, lexemes and syntaxymes are found in many languages of a culturally, historically, and often geographically common area as Europe, the Middle East or the Far East. They are used to designate notions belonging to different domains of human knowledge or activity.

There is distinguished:

a) the social and political terminology comprising the most commonly used political, economic, philosophical, historical, sociolinguistic units of lexicon; bank - банк, constitution - конституція, party - партія. Here also belongs terms of international law, diplomacy, numerous literary terms: drama - драма, metaphor - метафора, epithet - епітет.

b) natural history, science terminology (physics, mathematics, chemistry) used not only in special but also in scientific and popular works and in mass media: pneumonia - пневмонія, chemical reaction – хімічна реакція.

c) numerous technical terms (names of machine and their parts: motor - мотор, starter - стартер; as well as different means of transport: metro - метро, taxi - таксі; and communication: fax - факс, telegraph - телеграф, radio - радіо.)

These and other words and phrases of the kind are referred to as internationalisms, or more precisely genuine internationalisms (identical or similar lingual form and identical meaning in several languages).

The main characteristic feature of genuine internationalisms is their semantic singularity.

There exists one more international lexis called translation loan units of lexicon. These have also a generally common structural form but rarely a similarity in their orthographic form or sounding. Loan internationalisms are mostly different terms designating scientific and technological notions: brake - гальмо, specific gravity – питома вага, non-conducting - непровідність, agreement - узгодження.

Along with these two groups, there also exist many stable international phraseological expressions in each language’s lexicon. Their fund is constituted by the so-called absolute and near equivalents having a common language of origin – Greek, Latin or modern: Heel of Achilles – Ахіллесова п’ята, sword of Damocles – Дамоклів меч.

A separate subgroup of genuine internationalisms constitute proverbs, sayings and set expressions which are used in their foreign lingual form (they are predominantly of Latin, French, English, German origin): repetitio est mater studiorum (Lat.) – повторення – мати навчання, finita la comedia (Ital.) – настав кінець.

The identification of the international of some lexemes becomes much more difficult when dealing with polysemantic language sings, which are a common feature in present-day English but less common in Ukrainian.

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- international loan word

- international loan word

- international loan word

- pseudo-internationalism

- pseudo-internationalism

Художній Громадський

Artistic Мистецький Civil Цивільний

Артистичний Ввічливий




Хвилюючий Індустрія

Dramatic Яскравий Industry Промисловість

Раптовий Старанність

Непередбачуваний Промисловість

There are also quite a few words in present-day English and Ukrainian which have an identical orthographic form but quite different lexical meaning: accurate точний, правильний, влучний but not акуратний; data - дані but not дата; decade - десятиріччя but not декада; Dutch - голландський but not данський; intelligence - розум, кмітливість but not інтелігенція; obligation - зобов’язання but not облігація; production - виробництво but not продукція; replica - точна копія but not репліка; spectre - привид but not спектр. These words are often referred to as “false friends of the translator” (удавані друзі перекладача).

Ways of Translating the Lexical Meaning of Genuine Internationalisms.

Taking into account various peculiarities of meaning and form of international lexemes, several ways of conveying their meaning can be suggested:

1. Literal translating of genuine internationalisms shouldn’t be regarded as a mechanical substitution of each letter of the source language lexeme for a corresponding letter of the target language. In many cases a letter can be dropped or added in the target language when it is not in full conformity with its sound or spelling systems. Nevertheless, there are many letter-to-letter transliterated genuine internationalisms in English and Ukrainian. Latin: dentist - дантист, microscope - мікроскоп, rector - ректор; Greek: poet - поет, stadium - стадіон, theater - театр; Italian: pizza - піцца, solo - соло; Spanish: tango - танго, armada - армада; English: club - клуб, mister - містер, shilling - шилінг; French: chef - шеф, festival - фестиваль; German: Deutsche Mark – дойч марк; Hindi: khaki - хакі, sari - сарі; Japanese: kimono - кімоно.

2. Translating via Transcribing/conveying the sound structure. Many genuine internationalisms are faithfully rendered into the target language in their sounding form. This kind of translation provides the rendition of the lexical meaning of a lot of internationalisms originating from English, French and some other languages: English: boom - бум, box - бокс, jeans - джинси, knock-out - нокаут, leader - лідер; French: boulevard - бульвар, bouquet - букет, prize - приз.

3. Translating by practical transcribing. Translating of genuine and mixed-type international compounds is performed on the basis of and in accordance with the lingual form and structure of their componential parts. As a result, English international compounds can be rendered in the following ways:

a) with the help of corresponding compounds having the same international root morphemes as in the source language: electro-biology - електробіологія, film-actor - кіноактор, radio-active - радіоактивний, six-footer - шестифутовий.

b) by word-combinations consisting of the same componential parts as in the international English compound words but of different than in the source language morphological structure and nature of a componental parts of speech: dance-music (N+N) – танцювальна музика (a), nerve-center – нервовий центр (a).

4. Descriptive translating of international lexemes. Depending on the nature of the lexemes, their translation may have two somewhat different realizations:

a) the lingual form of the source language lexemes can be retained as the main lexemes of the target language word-combination/sentences: classifiable – той, та, що піддається класифікації, energizing – викликати енергію.

b) the lingual form of the internationalism is not or can not be retained in the target language. It happens when the internationalism hasn’t been adopted yet by the target language. Thus the noun epilogue is a genuine internationalism in many European languages but the adjective epilogic derived from it is unknown in Ukrainian. Some internationalisms can be substituted in the process of translation with the aim of achieving expressiveness or for the sake of explaining their denotative meaning: twopenny – нікчемний/копійчаний (вартий двох пенні).

5. Translating by way of synonymous substitution. The substitutions are mostly performed in larger context, though sometimes they may also be carried out at language level. This kind of substitution becomes possible due to the existence in the target language of internationalisms borrowed by it at different previous historical periods: base – база, фундамент; diagram – діаграма, графік; athletics – атлетика, гімнастика.