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Unit 2


Text 1

Development of Early Law

The history of law is closely connected to the development of civilizations. Ancient Egyptian law, dating back to 3000 BC, had a civil code that probably consisted of twelve books. It was based on tradition, social equality and impartiality. Around 1760 BC King Hammurabi codified ancient Babylonian law and put it in stone for the public to see in the marketplace; this became known as the Codex Hammurabi. The code, which addresses such issues as business and family relations, labour, private property, and personal injuries, is generally humanitarian.

The influence of these earlier laws on later civilizations was small. The Torah from the Old Testament is probably the oldest body of law still relevant for modern legal systems, dating back to 1280 BC. It takes the form of moral imperatives, like the Ten Commandments, as recommendations for a good society. Ancient Athens, the small Greek city-state, was the first society based on broad inclusion of the citizenry, excluding women and the slave class. Ancient Greek has no word for "law" as an abstract concept. However, ancient Greek law contained major constitutional innovations in the development of democracy.

Roman Law and Its Influence

Greek teachings heavily influenced Roman law. It forms the bridge to the modern legal world. It was summarized in the Corpus Juris Civilis of Emperor Justinian. Roman law developed the distinction between public law (which concerns the state directly, e.g., treason and taxation) and private law (related to disputes between persons, e.g., over contracts).

The breakup of the Roman Empire under the pressure of the Germanic invasions brought the disruption of the Roman justice. Temporarily the codes of Germanic laws replaced Roman law in Western Europe. In the simpler Germanic codes the main distinctive element was the use of composition for crimes, but most of the Germanic codes showed at least some Roman influence.

Roman law, together with the Bible, was the basis of canon law, the legal system of the Roman Catholic Church, while Muslim law was derived from the Qur'an (Koran) and the traditional sayings of Muhammad, and later Hebrew law was based on the Talmud. Feudal law also showed the effects of Roman law, although in theory it was based not upon any concept of the state but on personal relations.

The revival of trade in the commercial revolution and in the Renaissance brought new developments in the maritime law (law of the sea). The study of Roman law itself was also revived. It became the basis of most Continental law, as exemplified in the French Code Napoléon, the model of codes in the countries that follow civil law.


early law – древнее право

be closely connected – быть тесно связанным

Corpus Juris Civilis – Свод цивильного права (лат. Корпус юрис цивилис)

ancient (adj)древний; античный

distinction (n) – разграничение; отличие

date back to (v) – восходить к, датировать(ся)

public law – публичное право

equality (n) – равенство, равноправие

private law – частное право

impartiality (n) – беспристрастность, справедливость

concern (v) – затрагивать, вовлекать

treason (n) – государственная измена

put smth in stone – высечь на камне

taxation (n) – налогообложение

Codex HammurabiКодекс Хаммурапи

breakup (n) – распад

address (v) – обращаться к, затрагивать

invasion (n) – вторжение, нашествие

issue (n) – вопрос, проблема

disruption (n) – разрушение; уничтожение

labor (n) – труд, работа

justice – правосудие (отправление

private property – частная собственность

правосудия); юстиция

personal injury личный вред; оскорбление личности

temporarily (adv) – временно

replace (v) – замещать; вытеснять

influence (n) – влияние

composition (n) – урегулирование;

(the) TorahТора (священная книга в иудаизме – еврейской религии)

компромиссное соглашение

show (v) – проявлять; демонстрировать

body of lawсовокупность правовых норм; свод законов

canon law – каноническое (церковное) право

Muslim law – мусульманское право

relevant (adj) – значимый; существенный

be derived from – происходить от

imperative (n) – указание, предписание

Hebrew law – иудейское право

Ten Commandments(библ.) Десять заповедей

feudal law – феодальное право

broad (adj) – широкий

effect (n) – влияние; воздействие

citizenry (n) – граждане

revival (n) – оживление; возрождение

slave (n) – раб

(the) Renaissance – эпоха Возрождения

concept (n) – понятие, концепция, принцип

maritime law – морское право

contain (v) – содержать в себе, включать

major (adj) – главный, крупный

Continental law континентально-европейское право

innovation (n) – новшество; юр. новелла

as exemplified – как показано на примере

teaching (n) – доктрина, учение

Code Napoléon – Кодекс Наполеона

civil law – гражданское право

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