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для студентов бакалавров 1-го курса


Утверждено в качестве учебного пособия

Редакционно- издательским советом МГУДТ




УДК 42 (075)

С 89

Куратор РИС к.э.н. Зотов В.В.

Работа рассмотрена на заседании кафедры иностранных языков и рекомендована к печати.

Зав. кафедрой: доцент Казакова Е.В.

Автор: ст. преп. Субботина Т.Б.

Рецензент: доцент Казакова Е.В.

С 89 Субботина Т.Б. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов бакалавров 1- го курса/ Казакова Е.В.- М.: РИО МГУДТ 2012 – 56 стр.

УДК 42 (075)

С 89

Московский Государственный Университет

Дизайна и Технологии, 2012




1. Read the dialogues. Number the pictures 1-4.


A: Hi, I’m Daniel. What’s your name?

B: Rooney

A: Sorry?

B: Rooney!


A: Hi, Mom. This is Shrek.

B: Hello. Nice to meet you.

A: Nice to meet you.


A: Hello, Mary. How are you?

B: I’m fine, thank you. And you?

A: Very well, thank you.


A: Good morning! What’s your name?

B: My name’s Janet Leigh. And I’m Peter Moor

A: You’re in room 15.

2. Introduce yourself to all the other students. Try to remember their names.

Eg. Hello / Hi. I'm ____________ . Nice to meet you.

Does anybody in the class have…?

  • a very traditional name

  • an unusual name

  • а name that's difficult to spell

  • the same name as another student

  • the same name as а famous person from your country


1. Mario goes to Ireland to study English. Listen to the interview and complete the form.

First name


Country / City





E-mail address

Phone number

Mobile phone




Y es No


Via Foro _________________





2. Listen again. Complete the receptionist’s questions.

1. What’s your first name?

2. _______________ your surname?

3. _______________ do you spell it?

4. Where are you ______________ ?

5. _______________ you a student?

6. How old ________________ you?

7. _______________ your address?

8. What’s _____________ postcode?

9. ____________ your e-mail address?

10. What’s your _________ __________?


1. Look at the address on the envelope.

2. Write these addresses in the correct order:

1. SW15 6GS - South London College - UK - London - Richmond Road - 52

2. Dublin - 4 - Ireland - Mary Burke - Mrs - 109 St Stephen Sreet

3. Write the capital letters:

miss sarah ellis mr simon henderson

62 high street 12 muirfield road

amersham glasgow

hp7 6dj g12 8sj

england scotland

4. Complete the words with a, e, i, o, u. Then write them in the correct place in the form below.

1. postcode 4. _-m__l_ddr_ss 7. _ddr_ss

2. f_rstn_m_ 5. c_ty/c__ntry 8. s_rn_m_

3. _g_ 6. ph_n_ n_mb_r 9. st_d_nt

The Dublin School

application form

1 Alessandra

2 Bellucci

3 Rome / Italy

4 No

5 20

6 Via Della Minerva, 6

7 Postcode 00186

8 bellucci@hotmail.com

9 06 595 3821

5. Put the questions into the correct order.

  1. you / a student / are?

  2. you / are / twenty-one?

  3. from / are / Britain / you?

  4. what / your / e-mail address / ‘s?

  5. old / how / you / are?

  6. where / Manchester / ‘s?

  7. you / single / are?

  8. you / from / are / a big city?

  9. your father / a businessman / is?

Reading and speaking

1. Look at the pictures of Orlando Bloom. Do you know why he is famous?

2 . Make a list of five things you know about Orlando Bloom (films he has made, nationality, age, etc.)

3. Read the fact file about Orlando Bloom. Check the information you wrote.



















Orlando Bloom


Orli, O.B.

January 13th 1977, Canterbury, England

1.80 m


Mother, Sonia. One sister, Samantha – two years older than him. His father died when he was only four.

Girlfriend – Kate Bosworth

Attended St Edmund’s School in Canterbury and the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London

‘When I was a kid, I wanted to become a professional football player – but I wasn’t good enough. Today I’m a fan of Manchester United. I like sports like bungee-jumping, biking and surfing.’

‘When I phone home, the first thing I want to know is how our dog Maude is.’

‘Anything without meat – I’m a vegetarian. When I go out to eat, I mostly have pizza or pasta.’

‘I’m not up-to-date. My favourites are people like David Gray and Bob Dylan!’

‘My favourite clothes make is GAP.’

Stand By Me, Amelie

‘Johnny Depp. He’s cool!’

‘I’d like to be in different kinds of movies – not just action!’

4. Work out what questions the interviewer asked Orlando Bloom.

Eg. What’s your full name? Orlando Bloom

5. You are going to interview another student in your class for the fact file below. You can add extra topics if you want to.

6. Work in pairs with someone you don’t normally work with in class. Ask and answer the questions to complete the fact file.



















Tell the class two things you discovered about your partner.



1. Look at the photos. Do you recognize these families?

2. What is similar and what is different about these families?

3. Do you know other famous families?


Your immediate family / близкие родственники:

mother, father, brothers and sisters / мать, отец, братья и сестры

if you are married - your husband, wife and your sons and daughters

если Вы женаты/замужем – Ваш муж/жена и дети (сыновья и дочери)

relatives or relations / родственники:

grandparents (grandfather / grandmother) дедушка / бабушка

grandchildren (grandson / granddaughter) внуки (внук / внучка)


(great-grandfather / great-grandmother) прадедушка / прабабушка

uncle дядя

aunt тетя

cousin двоюродный брат или сестра

niece племянница

nephew племянник

ex-husband / wife бывший муж / жена

partner спутник/спутница жизни, партнер, супруг/супруга

boyfriend близкий друг, бойфренд

girlfriend близкая подруга, любимая девушка

stepfather отчим

stepmother мачеха

half-brother / sister сводный брат / сводная сестра

in-laws родственники со стороны мужа/жены

mother-in-law свекровь или теща

father-in-law свекр или тесть

sister-in-law невестка, золовка

brother-in-law зять, шурин, деверь

son-in-law зять

daughter-in-law невестка

to adopt усыновлять/удочерять

foster son / daughter приемный сын / дочь

orphan сирота

only child единственный ребенок

he / she is married он женат / она замужем

he / she is single он не женат / она не замужем

he / she is divorced он разведен / она разведена

he / she is retired (he / she is in retirement) он / она на пенсии

couple пара

nuclear family семья, состоящая из родителей и детей

extended family родители, дети и ближайшие родственники

single-parent family семья с одним родителем

to get on well / badly ладить, жить хорошо / плохо

to have an argument ссориться, спорить

1. Work in pairs. Under each heading note down the names of the family members you see on the photos above.



& sisters

Sons &


Uncle &




& nieces



2. Complete the sentences with a family word.

1. Your mother’s brother is your _____________.

2. Your grandmother’s mother is your ______________.

3. Your uncle’s son is your _____________.

4. A girl who has the same mother as you but a different father is your ______________.

5. Your husband’s (or wife’s) mother is your _________________.

6. Two people who are together are a _____________.

7. Your husband’s (or wife’s) brother is your ________________.

8. Your grandfather’s grandfather is your ___________________.

9. A child who doesn’t have parents is an _____________.

10. Someone that is married to one of your parents, but isn’t your parent is а _________________.

11. Someone who has the same mother, or the same father, as you, but not both parents is your _________________.

12. The chilled of someone that is married to one of your parents is your ________________.

13. Someone that you were married to in the past but are now divorced from is your _________________.

3. Read the information and complete the names on John Lennon’s family tree.

  • Julian’s step-mother is called Yoko.

  • Julian’s half-brother has a partner called Yuka.

  • One of John Lennon’s half-sisters had the same name as his mother.

  • Mimi has a niece called Jacqui.

  • Sean had a great-grandmother called Mary.

4. Look at the completed family tree below and say if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F).

a) John Lennon was Mimi’s nephew. ___

b) Alfred’s ex-wife was called Julia. ___

c) Yoko was Jack’s daughter-in-law. ___

d) Annie was Cynthia’s aunt. ___

e) Julian was Jacqui’s stepson. ___

f) Annie didn’t have any great-grandchildren. ____

g) George’s father-in-law was also called George. ____

h) John Lennon had an uncle called Jack. ____


1. Who do you live with? Do other members of your family live near you, or do you have to travel to see them?

2. Read the introduction. What does ‘traditional family’ mean? Is it the same in Russia?

3. Read the texts and find out how many people Callum, Meera, Ben and Trudi share а house with.

What is а ‘traditional’ family nowadays? With more and more couples choosing not to get married, and with the number of divorces and second marriages increasing, the idea of the ‘traditional family’ (two married parents, an average of two children, grandparents living nearby) is rapidly disappearing in some countries.

I’m Callum, and I live with my parents in Cambridge, in the east of England. We moved here when I was five because of Dad’s job, but my mum comes from the north of England, and Dad comes from Scotland. I’ve got a grandma in Edinburgh and a granddad in Yorkshire. And I’ve got two cousins who live near London, because that’s where Dad’s sister and her husband live. We see my cousins about three times a year, and we go up to Edinburgh every New Year, but I can’t remember when I last saw my granddad in Yorkshire. He

My name’s Trudi, and I’ve got a sister called Beth. Our mum and dad are divorced, so we live with just our mum in the suburbs of Melbourne, Australia. Our dad has an apartment in the centre of town, and we spend every other weekend there. After school every day we go to our grandma’s house and have a meal there, because our mum doesn’t finish work until six o’clock. She collects us at half past six, except on Wednesday evenings when we g o

I’m Ben, from Portland Oregon, and my family is a bit complicated! I’ve got a sister called Ella, but three years ago my parents got divorced and now both of them are re-married. We live with my mum, Julie, and my stepfather, Bob. Bob’s got a daughter called Daisy, but she doesn’t live with us, she lives with her mom. My father’s name is Pete. He and his second wife have just had a baby boy, Charles, so I’ve got a new half-brother!

My name’s Meera, and I live in Wolverhampton, near Birmingham, in England. I live with my parents, my brother and my sister. My grandmother lives next door. My mum was born here in Britain, but my grandmother moved here from India in the 1960s when my dad was a little boy. My dad has two sisters – Auntie Sunita and Auntie Rani. Auntie Sunita lives in the same street as us, and Auntie Rani lives in Birmingham, which is only 15 miles away. They’re both married, and I’ve got five cousins. We see them almost every week. Someone is always visiting our house, or we go to Birmingham to see them. And two years ago we all went to India to see our family there.

4. Underline the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.

1. Callum’s aunt and uncle / grandparents live near London.

2. Callum often / sometimes sees his cousins.

3. Meera’s aunts both live near / far away.

4. Meera often / rarely sees her cousins.

5. Daisy is Ben’s half-sister / stepsister.

6. Julie is Pete’s ex-wife / stepmother.

7. Trudi’s mum and dad live in different places / together.

8. Trudi never sees her dad / sees her dad regularly.


1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the four family situations in the texts? Discuss with а partner.

2. What is your family type? Compare your family with the four families from the article.

3. How close are you to the members of your family?

4. What sort of presents do you normally receive from your relatives?

5. Do most people you know get on with their in-laws?


Listen to James describing his family situation and answer the questions.

1. Who are: Rachel? Louise? Richard?

2. What is James’s opinion of Richard?

3. Who is the oldest child in the house?

4. Why doesn’t James like Louise’s behaviour?

5. What does their mum say when James and Rachel complain about Louise?


Write а paragraph describing your family celebration (wedding, birthday party, New Year, etc.)



1. Read the dictionary definitions to find out the difference

between the words ‘fashion’ and ‘fad’.

fashion n. way of dressing, behaving, or doing something that is popular at one time or place.

fad n. an interest or object that is very popular for а short period of time.

2. Look at the pictures and discuss the following questions in pairs:

  • How many fashions and feds do you recognize? Find the names of the items using the words in the box.

  • When were these items popular? Are they still popular today?

  • What do these items have in common? Which of them fit the definition of а fad above?

  • Why do fashions and fads change over time?

Hula Hoop Rubik Cube Tamagotchi Aerobics Boombox Corsets 3D Glasses Digital Watch

3. In pairs, make а list of items and styles that are popular today. Decide which of these are fads and which are fashions.


1. Scan the descriptions of the fads. For each fad, find the answers to the following questions:

  • Where did the fad begin?

  • When was the fad popular?

Hula Hoop

For many years, students in Australia used bamboo hoops in gym class. In 1958, Arthur Melin and Richard Knerr took this idea and made the Hula Hoop, which became one of the biggest fads of all time. Hula Hoops are round, thin plastic tubes that a person usually spins around his waist or arm, jumps through or uses as a jump rope. More than 100 million Hula Hoops were sold by the end of the 1950s. Today, almost 50 years later, the Hula Hoop is making a comeback and can be seen around the world again.


The Tamagotchi first became popular in Japan in 1996. It then soon spread to other parts of the world. For people who wanted a virtual pet, the Tamagotchi was perfect. It was a small toy, about the size of an egg, with a small screen and three buttons. On the screen, there was an animal that slapt, played and ate, just like a real animal. The owner used the three buttons to feed, clean and play with it. The animal stayed happy when the owner took good care of it. However, if the animal was not looked fter, it got sick and “died”.

3D movies

In the early 1950′s Hollywood was in trouble as the movie industry had to compete with the growing success of television. As a result, ticket sales were miserable and studios searched for a novelty to get people to return to the theaters. On November 26, 1952, the line of people was waiting to watch a low budget independent feature film called «Bwana Devil» – the first three-dimensional-movie. A year later, the movie House of Wax was released. «House of Wax» caused a “3D” craze throughout Hollywood, with most major studios rushing to show their attempt at the novelty. Unfortunately, those 3D movies often caused viewers to suffer from headaches. The public disappointment was such that Alfred Hitchcock’s «Dial M for Murder», originally filmed in 3D, was released only in 2D.

2. Read the descriptions again and answer the following questions:

Which fad involves taking care of something?

Which fad involves wearing something?

Which fad involves playing with something?

In what ways are 3D movies different from the other fads?

Which of the eight fads do you find the most unusual? Why?

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