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задания по грамматике 1-2 курс.doc
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Вариант 1.

  1. Выберите правильную форму местоимений.

1.I go to school with (he, him) every day. 2.I see (she, her, herself) at the library every Friday. 3.Isn’t (she, her) a nice person? 4.(She, her) and John gave the money to the boy. 5.I hurt (my, mine) leg. 6.John bought (himself, herself, hisself) a new coat. 7.(We, us, our) girls are going camping over the weekend. 8.John (he, himself) went to the meeting. 9.Mary and (I, me) would rather go to the movies. 10.(Her, hers) car doesn’t go as fast as (our, ours).

  1. Выберите правильные слова.

1.I would like (a few, a little) salt on my vegetables. 2. There is (too much, too many) bad news on TV tonight. 3. I want to wash my hair. Is there (any, some) shampoo? 4. There isn’t (something, anything) in the bag. 5. I don’t want (these, this) water. 6. A (few, little) people left early. 7. (Much, many) is spoken about it, but (few, little) believe it. 8. There isn’t (anything, nothing) I like on the menu.

  1. Вы на экскурсии в Национальном музее. Вы рассматриваете картины. Вставьте there is, there are, there was, there were, there will be и переведите историю на русский язык.

Welcome to the National Museum, ladies and gentlemen. We’ve only got one hour and … a lot to see, so let’s start.

On your left, you can see a painting by Rembrandt. …seven works by Rembrandt here now. Last year … eight but sadly …a robbery at the museum some months ago and the painting was stolen.

For those of you who are interested, … a major exhibition of Rembrandt’s work in London at the moment and one next year in Amsterdam. I’m sure … a lot of visitors to both exhibitions.

Now in this room … a very famous painting by Picasso. And this painting on the right is very interesting. It’s by an Italian artist but we don’t know which one. Oh no! It’s disappeared! … another robbery only some minutes ago! Quick! Phone the police!

  1. В следующих предложениях дана неверная информация. Исправьте их, написав в каждом случае по два предложения.

Образец: The sun goes round the earth.

The sun doesn’t go round the earth.

The earth goes round the sun.

1.The sun rises in the west. 2. Mice catch cats. 3. Carpenters make things from metal. 4. The River Amazon flows into the Pacific Ocean. 5. They speak English in Germany.

  1. Используйте предложения, чтобы составить вопросы. Начинайте вопросы со слов(а) в скобках.

Образец: Tom plays tennis. (How often?)

How often does Tom play tennis?

1.Ann watches television. (How often?) 2. I write to my parents. (How often?) 3. I have dinner in the evening. (What time, usually?) 4. Tom works. (Where?) 5. I go to the cinema. (How often?) 6. People do stupid things. (Why?) 7. My parents live in Moscow. (Where?) 8. The train arrives at 10. (When?)

  1. Закончите предложения. Вставьте глаголы в правильной форме, утвердительной или отрицательной.

1.It was warm, so I…off my coat (take). 2. The film wasn’t very good. I…it very much (enjoy). 3. I knew Sarah was very busy, so I … her (disturb). 4. I was very tired, so I … to bed early (go). 5. We went to Kate’s house but she … at home (be). 6. The window was open and a bird…into the room (fly). 7. I was in a hurry, so I…time to phone you (have).

  1. Составьте краткие диалоги. Используйте слова, данные в скобках.

Образец: Pete is out (to be back, soon)

Will he be back soon? – I think he will.

1.I’m busy now (to speak to me, in an hour). 2. We won’t have a dictation tomorrow. (the day after tomorrow). 3. I didn’t go to the country last summer (to stay in town, next summer, too). 4. Nick is still in bed (to be up, in a quarter of an hour). 5. We have no lecture on history this week (next week). 6. They still live in Kiev (to move to Moscow, soon).