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§ 1. Инфинитив

I. Виды инфинитива

Indefinite Infinitive (Active) to do выражает действие, проходящее

а) одновременно со сказуемым (для глаголов не употребляющихся в Continuous Tenses)

б) после действия, выраженного сказуемым

в) безотносительно ко времени, т.е. регулярно

Indefinite Infinitive (Passive) to be done do выражает действие, осуществляемое над объектом

а) одновременно со сказуемым (для глаголов не употребляющихся в Continuous Tenses)

б) после действия, выраженного сказуемым

в) безотносительно ко времени, т.е. регулярное

Continuous Infinitive (Active) to be doing выражает действие,

а) происходящее длительно одновременно со сказуемым,

б) которое произойдет в будущем по заранее намеченному плану, и для осуществления которого уже проведена подготовительная работа.

в) нетипичное для данного лица (часто с наречиями always, constantly, forever) чаще выражает негативные эмоции

Perfect Infinitive (Active) to have done выражает действие, предшествующее действию, выраженному сказуемым

Perfect Infinitive (Passive) to have been done выражает действие, осуществляемое над объектом и предшествующее действию, выраженному сказуемым

Perfect Continuous Infinitive (Active) to have been doing выражает действие, которое

а) совершалось длительно до действия, выраженного сказуемым какой-то промежуток времени

б) начало совершаться до действия, выраженного сказуемым и 1)закончилось к действию, выраженному сказуемым или 2)все еще происходит одновременно с действием, выраженным сказуемым.

Примеры перевода различных видов инфинитива

Indefinite Infinitive (Active)

I’m glad to do it for you. Я рад для вас это сделать (делать)

Taxation policy seems to reflect social priorities. Налоговая политика, кажется отражает социальные приоритеты.

Indefinite Infinitive (Passive)

I’m glad to be always explained to. Я рад, что мне всегда объясняют.

He wants to be informed of his income from saving and investment. Он хочет, чтобы ему сообщили о его доходах от сбережений и инвистиций.

Continuous Infinitive (Active)

I’m glad to be explaining it to you. Я рад, что сейчас вам это объясняю.

Я рад, что я непременно буду вам это объяснять.

Do you think I’m glad to be always explaining it to you?

Ты, что думаешь, я в восторге от того, что мне постоянно приходится тебе это объяснять? (раздражение, поскольку чаще, чем норма)

They claim tо be working for peace. Они заявляют, что они (якобы) трудятся во имя мира (служат делу мира).

I’m glad to be always explained to. Я рад, что мне всегда объясняют.

The tax regime in the country seems to be improving. Кажется, что налоговый режим в стране улучшается.

Perfect Infinitive (Active)

The sales director claimed to have found three new buyers.Директор отдела продаж заявил, что нашел три новых покупателя.

The old tax rate is said to have been reduced. Говорят, что прежняя налоговая ставка была снижена.

Примечание. После глаголов to hope, to mean, to expect в Past Simple (Indefinite) и модальных глаголов should, could, ought to, to be to употребление Perfect infinitive означает, что действие (намерение, обязательство) не было выполнено.

The government hoped to have fixed series of allowances. Правительство надеялось, что оно введет ряд налоговых скидок (но не ввело).

You should have paid your taxes in time. Вам следовало вовремя заплатить налоги (но вы не заплатили).

Perfect Infinitive (Passive)

I’m glad to have been informed about it. Я рад, что мне об этом сообщили

Perfect Continuous Infinitive (Active)

I’m glad to have been explaining it to you. Я рад, что объяснял (уже объясняю) это тебе.

Переведите следующие предложения

1. We have decided not to advertise this position, but to recruit internally.

2. I am pleased to inform you that you have been successful.

3. Wage increases have helped (to) push up prices.

4. After the acquisition they didn't dare (to) replace the whole management team immediately.

5. The Prime Minister had told the party meeting that as a tough Prime Minister, he refused to be dictated to by any group.

6. Mr C. W. successfully moved a resolution instructing the executive council to bring pressure on the Government to drop the plans for an Atlantic nuclear force.

7. In London the British Government's special envoy said on returning yesterday from a two-week Far East "fact- finding mission," that he was disappointed not to have been invited to take part in the talks.

8. Companies are allowed to offset the VAT payments.

9. Sales tax tend to be levied on virtually all goods.

10. Governments are free ro set their own rates.

11. It is up to individual to declare income.

12. It is not possible to give a general rule about withholding tax, and it is wise for the investor to check at the outset.

13. Savings in government schemes are designed to encourage people to lend their money to the government.

14. At first, these payments were for specific purposes, for example, to pay for basic health care.

15. Many companies are reluctant to test extreme conditions for fear of lasting damage to sales.

16. I’m pleased to see that the companies have based their growth on providing high-quality products and services.

17. These risks are difficult to record statistically.

18. The World Bank is certainly ready to deepen its cooperation.

19. Member countries are eager to seek the IMF’s advice early and voluntary.

20. These supervisors were prone to have a higher degree of absenteeism among their subordinates.

21. Middle management and professional people are the most willing to sacrifice either money or job security in order to find a commitment they deem worthy of their talents and skills.

22. Not all rural land is eligible to be sold under the new scheme.

23. Business graduates are not usually very keen to work in the production department.

II. Инфинитив в различных функциях

1. Инфинитив в функции определения

Признаком функционирования инфинитива в качестве определения является его положение после определяемого существительного, неопределенных местоимений, порядковых числительных, субстантивированных прилагательных типа the last, местоимений, выражающих определенное количество Рассмотрим алгоритмы перевода инфинитива в функции определения.:

1) инфинитив в функции определения можно перевести определительным придаточным предложением с любым оттенком модальности . Событие, описанное данным определительным придаточным предложением, имеет регулярный характер и происходит одновременно с глаголом в личной форме английского предложения.

With many graduates to choose from, employers increasing turn up their noses at anyone who does not sport a degree, no matter what the job’s requirements. Теперь, когда работодатели могут выбрать из большого числа выпускников университетов, они все больше и больше отворачиваются от тех, кто не может предоставить диплом, вне зависимости от того, какие требования предъявляется к данной работе.

The work to be done by tax officials is very complex. Работа, которую должны выполнять налоговые органы очень сложная.

2) инфинитив в функции определения можно перевести на выбор либо определительным придаточным предложением с модальным оттенком либо причастием от модального глагола:

A business to receive credit for VAT paid on its inputs must collect VAT on what it sells - Фирма, могущая (которая может) получить налоговый вычет на входящий НДС, должна собирать НДС с того, что она продает.

Because of these connections, rules to ensure the soundness of each bank are not enough to keep the banking system safe. - Из-за этих связей для того, чтобы создать безопасность банковской системы, правил, которые могут (могущих) обеспечить финансовую устойчивость каждого банка, недостаточно.

Примечание. Следует обратить внимание на тот факт, что очень часто инфинитив в функции определения переводится либо существительным, либо инфинитивом. Например, в предыдущем предложении инфинитив “to ensure”, определяющий существительное “rules” можно перевести: «правила для обеспечения», «правил обеспечить».

3) инфинитив в функции определения можно перевести определительным придаточным предложением в будущем времени:

The first woman to win a Nobel prize for economics, she studies the governance of “common resource pools” ”—to which more than one person has access.oct15

Первая женщина, которая получит Нобелевскую премию, изучает управление “общими источниками ресурсов”, к которым имеется доступ более одного человека

This question will be discussed at the conference shortly to open in Moscow. Этот вопрос будет обсуждаться на конференции, которая вскоре открывается в Москве.

4) на выбор: либо определительным придаточным предложением в будущем временем, либо существительным с предлогом:

Comparing countries’ tax takes can offer useful clues to the most efficient ways to raise funds.

а) Сравнение налоговых сборов в различных государствах может дать полезную информацию, которая поможет наиболее эффективным образом собирать средства.

б) Сравнение налоговых сборов в различных государствах может дать полезную информацию о самых эффективных способах сбора средств.

5) определительным придаточным предложением в будущем временем с оттенком модальности или с глаголом «помогать»:

That is why Bank of England officials stress that efforts to make bank failures less costly for society must be part of regulatory reform. - Поэтому чиновники Банка Англии подчеркивают, что действия, которые смогут (помогут) сделать банкротство банков менее обременительным для общества, должны быть частью реформ, регулирующих работу банков.

6) определительным придаточным предложением в сослагательном наклонении, имеющем оттенок модальности, или иногда с использованием глагола «помогать», можно так же использовать комбинацию, состоящую из модального глагола и глагола «помогать»:

One way to finesse these toxic politics would be to establish a commission to fix entitlements- Один из способов, который мог бы помочь обойти эту губительную политику, вероятно, заключается в создании двухпартийной комиссии, которая смогла бы определить социальные программы.

Voters rejected Democratic candidates to be governors in Virginia and New Jersey in part because of concerns about the economy and government spending.

Избиратели отвергли кандидатов от партии демократов, которые могли бы стать губернаторами штатов Виргиния и Нью Джерси, отчасти из-за озабоченности по поводу состояния экономики и государственных расходов.

WestLB may not be the global investment bank it once dreamed of becoming, but it is still too big to fail.

Банк WestLB, вероятно, не будет мировым инвестиционным банком, о статусе которого он мечтал, но он, однако, еще слишком велик, чтобы он мог обанкротиться.

Congress can pre-empt such corrosive uncertainty with a plan to reduce the deficit. Конгресс в состоянии предотвратить такую губительную неопределенность с помощью плана, который помог бы (смог бы) сократить дефицит.

If a pizza is cut into eight instead of four slices, there is no more food to eat.

Если пицца разрезана на 8 вместо 4 кусочков, следовательно не имеется больше пищи для еды( которую можно было бы съесть).

7) иногда можно перевести одновременно либо определительным придаточным предложением в настоящем временем либо в сослагательном наклонении

The lesson of the past year is that it is still a currency to flee to, not from. - Урок прошлого состоит в том, что он (доллар) все еще является валютой, к которой прибегают (можно было бы прибегнуть), а не наоборот.

8) а) определительным придаточным предложением в сослагательном наклонении или б) существительным с предлогом:

The administration is “considering a number of proposals” to bring the prices down. – а) Администрация сейчас «рассматривает ряд предложений», которые помогли бы /смогли бы снизить цены. б) Администрация сейчас «рассматривает ряд предложений» по снижению цен.

Теперь рассмотрим перевод инфинитива в функции определения с помощью существительного с предлогами типа “для”, “о”, “по” и т.д.

Такие большие коэффициенты говорят о том, что в Европе имеется меньше возможностей для увеличения налогов, чем где-либо еще.

These broad ratios suggest that there is less room to increase taxes in Europe than elsewhere. Такие большие коэффициенты говорят о том, что в Европе имеется меньше возможностей для увеличения налогов, чем где-либо еще.

Brown had abandoned a plan to hold a snap general election

Браун отказался от плана проведения (по проведению)внеочередного всеобщего голосования.

He backed that up with a commitment to cap increases in the public sector at 1%.

Он подкрепил это обещанием по осуществлению увеличения зарплаты на 1% в государственном секторе

He was willing to use market mechanisms to improve the efficiency of the health service.

Он очень хотел использовать рыночные механизмы для улучшения эффективности службы здравоохранения.

He made various measures to support businesses in the early stages of the upturn.

Он осуществил различные меры для поддержания (нацеленные на поддержание) предприятия на ранней стадии экономического роста.

If central banks begin to withdraw unconventional programs to support the housing market, such as the Federal Reserve’s purchases of mortgage-backed securities, the recovery may slow

Если Центробанки начнут отменять нетрадиционные программы для поддержания ( нацеленные на поддержание) рынка жилья, как, например, покупка Федеральным Резервным Банком ценных бумаг, обеспеченных закладными, восстановление может замедлиться.

That meant his thinking could be tested against decisions by companies to integrate parts of their supply chain

Это означало бы, что его концепция могла бы быть использована решений компаний по интеграции части своей цепи поставок.

Так же инфинитив в функции определения может переводиться одновременно инфинитивом или существительным

This paper has argued that there are better ways to curb large payments based on government-subsidized bank profits—namely, by charging a fee for the implicit guarantee.

Эта статья утверждает о том , что существуют лучшие способы обуздания высоких выплат (обуздать высокие выплат) из прибыли, полученной от государственного субсидирования, а именно, с помощью взимания платы за явные гарантии.

Automation is one of the ways to increase production. Автоматизация — один из способов повысить производительность ( (для) повышения производительности).

9) иногда одно и то же предложение можно перевести почти всеми вышеописанными способами одновременно, поэтому в этом случае выбор перевода зависит от контекста:

The best place to start with is in the developed world. – Лучшее место, с которого следует начинать, (с которого начнут; с которого можно будет начать; для начала; с которого можно было бы начать и т.д.)- это развитые страны.

10) если инфинитивом определяются такие слова, как plan, program, scheme, problem, proposal, aim, purpose, target и т.д., то такой инфинитив можно перевести определительным придаточным предложением, начинающимся со слов «,который заключается в том, чтобы», «заключающийся в том, чтобы», или причастием «касающийся + существительное», или «относительно + существительное», или существительным с предлогом или без него :

Mr Darling has also stuck broadly to his plan to bring the public finances back into balance. - Господин Дарлинг также твердо придерживается своего плана относительно приведения (приведения, по приведению) государственных финансов в порядок

The real problem is that the government’s desire to portray itself as protector of the poor is getting in the way of…. - Реальная проблема состоит в том, что желание правительства, заключающееся в том, чтобы позиционировать себе в качестве защитника бедных, является помехой…

11) инфинитив в функции определения можно перевести инфинитивом:

The ability to borrow money to buy assets fuelled the rise in asset prices

Способность брать взаем деньги для покупки активов подпитывает (разогревает, поднимает) рост цен активов.

But the proposed new measures say more about the government’s determination to show it has banks under control.

Но предложенные новые меры говорят больше о решимости правительства показать, что оно контролирует банки.

The question will be sharpened by the central bank’s determination to wean banks and their creditors from the idea that there is an implicit government guarantee.

Данный вопрос заострится вследствие решимости Центробанка отучить банки и их кредиторов от понятия полной государственной гарантии.

There has been a tendency in recent years to blunt the impact of the tax. В последнее время наблюдается тенденция уменьшить налоговое бремя.

12) инфинитив в функции определения можно перевести существительным (с предлогом)

Britain's application to join the Common Market will be again considered in Brussels today. Заявление Англии о вступлении в общий рынок, будет снова рассматриваться сегодня в Брюсселе.

13) Очень редко, в случае опущения определяемого слова, встречается перевод инфинитива в функции определения с помощью одновременно двух существительных: существительного выражающего модальность и существительного с предлогом:

The chancellor has sought to sweeten the pill for lower earners. - Канцлер казначейства уже ищет возможности по смягчению налогового бремени для налогоплательщиков с более низким доходом.

Примечание. В предложении The chancellor has sought to sweeten the pill for lower earners после глагола sought опущено определяемое слово, которое можно мысленно восстановить как measures, plans и т.д.

14) После прилагательных типа the last, the only и порядковых числительных (если в данном предложении они выполняют функцию предикативного члена) инфинитив в функции определения переводится личной формой глагола в том же времени, что и глагол-сказуемое главного предложения.

The secretary general was the first to raise this question. Генеральный секретарь первым поставил этот вопрос (...был первым, кто поставил...).

Britain was the last of the big G20 countries to be mired in recession.

- Британия последней из стран «большой двадцатки» впала в глубокую рецессию.

15) Пассивная форма инфинитива в функции определения сохраняет за собой предлог, с которым употребляется данный глагол, и переводится обычно на русский язык неопределенно-личным предложением.

There was nothing to be astonished at. Удивляться было нечему.

This was not a matter to be easily agreed upon. He такой это был вопрос, чтобы по нему можно было легко договориться (по этому/такому вопросу договориться


1. Иногда в случае, если известно лицо или лица, которые будут осуществлять действие, выраженное инфинитивом в функции определения, вместо пассивного инфинитива употребляется активный инфинитив.

He should be easy to deal with in money matters. Денежный вопрос сним будет нетрудно уладить.

16) Если инфинитив в функции определения указывает на назначение предмета, то оно сближается по значению с обстоятельством цели и, следовательно, может переводиться обстоятельством цели, что зависит от контекста и от сочетаемости слов в русском языке.

Automation is one of the ways to increase production. Автоматизация — один из способов повысить производительность (повышения производительности).

17) Если инфинитив в функции определения выражен словом to come, то его можно перевести прилагательными типа: грядущий, предстоящий, будущий.

The shape of things to come is shown by the data obtained by the experts. О характере предстоящих событий можно судить по данным, полученным специалистами (экспертами).

18) В зависимости от сочетаемости слов в русском языке предложение с инфинитивом в функции определения может быть переведено простым предложением, модальность при переводе передается лексически.

Не had no objections to make. У него не было возражений. (Он не мог ничего возразить).

19) Инфинитив в функции определения можно также перевести конструкцией: причастие + существительное

The items to be discussed at the next session were already agreed upon.

Вопросы, подлежащие обсуждению на следующей сессии, были уже согласованы.

20) После прилагательных типа enough, little, much и т.д. , выполняющих роль предикативного члена инфинитив в функции определения переводится а) существительным с предлогом; б) определительным придаточным предложением с модальным глаголом.

There was enough to discuss. а) Было достаточно (вопросов) для обсуждения.

в) Было достаточно вопросов, которые нужно было обсудить.

21) После прилагательных, выполняющих роль предикативного члена, инфинитив в функции определения переводится глагол в личной форме, при этом прилагательное переводится наречием

The chancellor was quick to warn us against raising false hopes on the. basis of the new international support given for the pound.

Канцлер быстро нас предупредил о растущих необоснованных надеждах, источником которых является международная поддержка фунта стерлинга

22) Перевод инфинитива в функции определения к подлежащему с предшествующим “there is”, “there are” обычно начинается со слов “следует”, “может быть”; сам инфинитив переводится русским инфинитивом в действительном залоге, а подлежащее – дополнением:

There are also some other drawbacks to be considered. Следует также рассмотреть другие недостатки.

Certainly there are a lot of problems to be solved. Конечно, следует решить много проблем.

There are certain advantages to be gained by using this technique. Определенные преимущества могут быть получены в результате использования этой методики.

Суммируем вышеизложенное. Инфинитив в функции определения может переводиться:

1) определительным придаточным предложением:

а) с модальным оттенком,

б) в будущем времени,

в) в будущем времени с модальным глаголом,

г) в сослагательном наклонении с модальным оттенком;

2) существительным ( с предлогом);

3) инфинитивом или существительным

4) двумя существительными, причем одно из них несет модальное значение; 5) причастием (обычно с модальным оттенком);

6) глаголом в личной форме.

7) неопределенно-личным предложением

8) прилагательным

9) простым предложением

10) причастием + существительное

Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на способы перевода инфинитива в функции определения.

1. The tendency to increase the amount of benefits paid to the population is becoming more obvious.

2. The type of policy to be followed will be broadly discussed in the mass media.

3. The terms to be insisted on in the upcoming talks are as follows.

4. They had so much to do in their field of studies.

5. Poland was the first post-communist country to implement what later on was called a “shock therapy” in the economic policy.

6. Depreciation decreases amounts to be consumed and invested.

7. Too high prices of resources to be used in production is the problem of many enterprises.

8. The candidate said this morning that he was fully aware of the obstacles to be faced and the charges that would be made.

9. The report to be submitted to the General Assembly this month, emphatically rejects as complacent the view that economic aid for emergent Africa is no longer necessary.

10. There's a lot to be said for holding the world conference on roads in London.

11. British Gas will this month become the hundredth foreign company to be listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

12Nizhny Novgorod is one of the few regions in Russia to have attracted direct foreign investment.

13. There are many planning factors to be considered in relation to an overseas market.

14.The manager who is the first to be blamed for a system crash but the last to be thanked when things go right has an average salary of $30,000.

15. There are other sensitive issues to be faced by companies in opening up salary information.

16. The managerial functions to be aided by management information systems are goal formulation and goal control.

17. The minimum acceptable level of previous education will vary, with the sophistication of the work to be performed.

18. The latest figures to be announced next month will show that profits rose to $10,000,000 in the last financial year.

19. China’s trade with the ASEAN countries is sharply imbalanced in favour of China to a degree to be rarely seen in present-day economic relations.

20. Youth and student unemployment is the most tragic phenomenon to have affected Europe since the war.

22. The first thing to determine is that demand is not the same thing as desire or need or want.

23. Increasingly strong environmental regulations demand that aluminum plants purchase large tracts of land around the plant to act as a pollution “buffer zone”.

24. This was the ideal method to aim at.

25. Measure to alleviate unemployment must be developed.

26. Being a chief executive is lonely and it is useful to have others to talk to.

27.At the heart of our problem is the need to improve productivity.

28. Central bank efforts to support the currency have failed to reserve the downtrend.

29. Many organizations are looking at the next year as being the year to begin making a big turnaround.

30. Attempts by the Bank of England to support the pound resulted in loss of foreign reserves.

31. There are relatively fewer people of working age to pay Social Insurance Contribution.

32.Another point to consider is education.

33. Teletext was one of the first products of the information technology revolution to have a mass market.

34. The rises, ranging from a few shillings to well over ₤1 a week, will strengthen the demand of trade unionists for higher pay to meet the rising living costs.

35. The GNP per head is an important characteristic to be considered in determining living standards.

36. They say ways and means must be found whereby developing countries can expand their exports and increase foreign exchanges earnings to pay for such internal programs as power projects, transport services, exploitation of natural resources and industrialization generally.

37. At the 19th session of the United Nations General Assembly Mr R. proposed the holding of a general European conference to discuss the security of the continent.

38. Although money is a helpful tool to measure output, there may arise certain difficulties.

39. Acting through their governments, societies can decide how much they want to take measures to change the distribution of income.

40. As taxes affect levels of prices for various groups of goods, they influence the way to allocate resources in the economy.

41. Measures to be taken by the government will not be popular.

42. Part of the income of households is taxed by the government, which reduces the income share to be allocated to consumption expenditure.

43. The American failure to make a public announcement of assurance led to the decision to reconsider the agreement.

44. An attempt to cover up the differences which came to the surface last weekend will be made by both Foreign Ministers in talks expected to take place at the end of next month.

45. More than 200 years ago, the economist Adam Smith formulated a theory to describe industrial practices that were already centuries old.

46. Man has for a long time known that complicated things are easier to understand if they are visualized in some way, not just described in books.

47. There are nation-wide schemes to encourage industrial investment.

48. Efforts to increase the productive capacity of the poorer nations will only be effective if these nations are able to increase their exports.

49. The advanced countries provide technical experts to advise and assist the developing countries in their efforts to achieve growth.

50. Once the volume of goods to be distributed reaches a certain point, the firm may be able to reduce its costs by establishing its own distribution fleet instead of hiring transport service.

51. Selling in bulk may enable savings to be made in invoicing and other costs.

52. The equipment to be installed will need more monitoring.

53. The engineers must test the system to be used.

54. The designers selected all the units to be tested in the experiment.

55.b The preceding discussion would seem to indicate that there are substantial net advantages to be obtained from increasing the size of the business unit.

56. Another fact to be borne in mind is that some of these rations only apply to domestic output.

57. One of the fundamental decisions to be taken by entrepreneurs concerns the geographical location of their enterprises.

58. How much more efficiently than the government the private sector uses resources remains a problem to be discussed.

59. To keep the economy as close as possible to full employment is an essential aim to be reached by the government.

60. Larger investments in production expansion result in smaller amounts to be saved and to be distributed as dividends.

61. Durable goods are goods to be used in production in future or to be consumed over a long period of time.

62. A person starting his own business should have some financial capital to be used for buying needed inputs.

63. The value of the total output to be produced in the public sector and the private sector will make up GNP.

64. There may be a number of ways to solve the problem of scarce information resources.

65. The candidate said this morning that he was fully aware of the obstacles to be faced and the charges that would be made.

66. The report to be submitted to the General Assembly this month, emphatically rejects as complacent the view that economic aid for emergent Africa is no longer necessary.

67. Today, the A. E. U. executive council gave official backing to the week-old strike of 145 workers who had objected to the recruitment of women without any consultation over rates of pay and the type of work to be carried out.

68. The council finds no single dominant reason to account for the whole range of rising imports.

69. The new tanker, which has an overall length of 1,060 feet and will be turbine driven, is the largest vessel to be built by Harland and Wolf, the statement said.

70. Britain's Jim Clark on Saturday became the first man to win seven races in a world motor-racing championship.

71. The Secretary-General has cancelled plans to open an 80-nation conference on science and technology in Geneva on Monday, a U. N. spokesman announced today.

72. A personal campaign to acquaint the farmers with the facts about this year's agricultural price review will be launched by the Minister of Agriculture on Monday.

73. The research and development effort should identify the areas most likely to be of help to society as a whole and out of these begin with the ones easiest to achieve technically.

74. A practical example of the benefits to be gained from yhe changeover from a manual to a computer system was given by the head of the Management Services Department.

75. This represents a most serious human problem to be overcome.

76. As you move up the ladder the positions are being filled through search firms, partially because there’s such a heavy demand that the undividuals to fill jobs are not normally looking for jobs.

77. The government’s science and technology agency has allocated $40 million for the project due to be completed in 2012.

78. This will be the largest exhibition of office equipment to have been shown in this country.

79. The appropriate rate of discount to be used raises far more difficult problems and is of crucial importance.

80. One of the first American groups to enter the London stock market is to cut its operation to the bare minimum after almost six years attempting to break through.

81. High tech is still a great place to invest.

82. An Italian architects have won a competition to design a new development for the head quarters of the Department of the Environment.

83. Portugal can be qualified to be the first country to adopt the single European currency.

84. The only other major detail to work out was how to communicate and incorporate his plan into the management process.

85. The Russian president was the first to dwell on that issue.

86. The US Treasury has been the only major institution to play a consciously expansionary macroeconomic fiscal role.

87. These are perhaps the easiest effects of technological change to predict.

88. They formulated feasible alternative courses of action to be pursued.

89. The sales manager determines the selling price to be placed on a new product.

90. The Bank of Japan is the only leading central bank not to have tightened monetary policy in recent weeks.

91. We needed people to have a sense of ownership and urgency around the business, to welcome innovation and take risks.

92. I want to be the first Chairman in the history of Chrysler not to have to lead the company from the brink of bankruptcy.

93. Some analysts even describe events as the first real slump to interrupt a sequence of booms.

94. For many years, the place to find him was not in his office.

95. Market assessments to ensure correct investment in production capacity are essential to achieve satisfactory profit levels.

96. There is a number of obvious advantages to be gained from these commercial relations.

97. There are a variety of methods to choose from and a number of factors to be considered for the proper selection.

98. This industry will be a competitive force to be reckoned with in the next decade.

99. We find there’s a demand among chief executives to be trained and to have time to learn.

100. There are other places to put your money.

101. A year later (in 1933) SWISSAIR became the first European airline to employ stewardesses to look after the well-being of its flight guests.

102. Then the students are allocated to an account manager to give them field experience.

103. Now management has a very efficient computer to do (to help do) this job.

Примеры инфинитива в функции определения из литературных источников:

There was the political situation to be considered and there was this

general party situation to be thought of. (Dreiser).

Beauty is the only master to serve. (London).

I had not the smallest indication on which to let my imagination work.


Those privileged to be present at a family festival of the Forsytes have

seen that charming and instructive sight. (Galsworthy).

I lived at the hotel de la Fleur, and Mrs. Johnson, the proprietress, had a

sad story to tell of lost opportunity. (Maugham).

I’ m the last to close up (Dreiser).

2. Инфинитив в функции подлежащего

В этой функции он переводится инфинитивом или существительным.

To encourage our employers to develop their skills is one of the prime concerns of management. Поощрить наших работодателей развить свои навыки является приоритетным направлением в управлении.

To enter this market requires a lot of hard work. Вхождение в этот рынок требует огромных усилий.

It was impossible to pay tax on income gross. Было невозможно уплатить подоходный налог без вычета расходов.

Примечание. “It pays…” может иметь значение “it is profitable/useful”; “it is a good idea”; “there is much to gain from it”; “it has many advantages” и, следовательно на русский язык переводится неопределенно-личным предложением, а стоящий за “it pays” инфинитив имеет функцию подлежащего

It pays to get your foot in the door — Никогда не мешает чем-нибудь заняться. It pays off to do things at once — Лучше все делать вовремя Переведите следующие предложения.

1. To employ workers with little human capital is one of the ways of minimizing labour costs.

2. To keep unemployment low means to effectively use labour resource of society.

3. To raise the living standards of population is the goal to be only reached under conditions of economic growth.

4. To manufacture this model of equipment is profitable for producers.

5. To run a business is to plan its activities and to determine all operations necessary at each step.

6. To control an economy is the same as to intervene in it.

7. To develop new information technologies is of prime importance for those countries that wish to lead in the world economy.

8. To meet the requirements of a variety of potential users is the purpose of economic statistics.

9. To know the contribution of every industry to the national economy is very important for the government.

10. As productive equipment is referred to as physical capital, to buy new equipment is to invest in production.

11. To value US national income fully is impossible as the increase in accumulated durables is not usually counted.

12. To keep the economy as close as possible to full employment is an important aim of the government.

13. To increase output with the fixed total cost of inputs means to reduce the cost of production per unit produced.

14. To include non-renewable goods such as raw materials and fuel as well as the funds required to pay wages in circulating capital is common practice.

15. To influence state affairs as well as getting a wage increase must be their goal.

16. To increase productivity in manufacturing usually means decreasing the man-hours, materials, energy or capital required to produce industrial goods of all kinds.

17. It is beyond the scope of this presentation to go into the detailed technology.

18. It pays a company to become involved in the apprenticeship programme.

19. To achieve a better grasp of these problems will take from 10 to 20 years of concentrated R&D.

20. To succeed means that the departments, which have been locked into win-lose conflicts, will have to learn to cooperate with each other.

21. It is better to have reached no agreement than to have reached an empty agreement.

22. To be armed with knowledge about your customer’s hometown gives you a subject customers can talk about eight days a week.

23. It has always been the intention to do more research on the effects of the lottery.

24. It always hurts to realize losses.

25. It was a great time to be an economist reporter.

26. It might be mistaken to assume that the most efficient organization is a centralized one.

27. It pays to be part of a team.

28. It isn’t too much to say that this scientist was perhaps the greatest man of the science ever. ( Не будет большим преувеличением сказать, что…)

29. To compete the US automakers must cut costs rigorously and improve quality.

30. To manufacture an equivalent amount of paper requires nearly 2 ½ times as much energy as for chemicals.

31. How to allocate R&D spending is a prime concern of Senior Managing Director.

Примечание. Стоит обратить особое внимание на тот факт, что прежде, чем переводить инфинитив в функции подлежащего следует убедиться в том, что он не имеет функцию обстоятельства цели. Поэтому прежде, чем переводить инфинитив, стоящий в начале предложения, сначала необходимо найти сказуемое в предложении, а затем – подлежащее. Сравните перевод инфинитива, стоящего в начале предложения

To unify the exchange rates would be one of the main objectives of the countries exchange policy. Унифицирование курсов обмена валют, вероятно, будет одной из важных задач валютной политики стран.

To unify the exchange rates we are to act as follows. Чтобы унифицировать курсы обмена валют нам следует поступить следующим образом.

3. Инфинитив в функции дополнения обычно переводится инфинитивом, иногда придаточным предложением, очень редко существительным.

They want to submit a new proposal. Они хотят внести новое предложение.

Переведите следующие предложения.

1. The employers agreed to accept the terms of the pay deal.

2. At the last moment they decided not to continue with the negotiations.

3. It is important to carry out these changes as quickly us possible.

4. The company needed to restructure its bank debts earlier this year, but it claims to have already paid off a substantial sum.

5. The results of the talks have led us to conclude that cash transactions would prevail over barter.

5. When people lose their jobs, they do not immediately make a decision to cut down consumption.

6. The Middle East oil kingdoms expect to use up most of their supplies of oil in about 15 years.

7.He asked not to be shown the document.

8. A Japanese electronics firm claims to have made a big advance in the world race to develop a fifth-generation computer.

9. She claimed to have known him before he became CEO.

10. The present report sets out to consider the broad aspects of continuing education.

11. Functional managers expect to be furnished the data they need in a timely and accurate fashion.

12. We’re going to be working together, so we ought to get everything straight between us.

13. I was a high school graduate and would like to have studied electrical engineering, but this was closed to women ( in Iran).

14. I feel very lucky to have worked with you.

15. It seems that the Right Wing in the Labor and trade union movement is not prepared to consider anyone who disagrees with them.

4. Инфинитив в функции обстоятельства

1). Инфинитив в функции обстоятельства следствия

Данный инфинитив , которому предшествуют слова such... (as) – такой, что; so… as (to)– так, что; с тем, чтобы; enough/sufficient - достаточный, enough/sufficiently – достаточно, so..., too..., - слишком, обычно употребляющиеся с прилагательным, часто имеет модальное значение и переводится на русский язык или инфинитивом с “чтобы” , или модальным глаголом + инфинитив с “чтобы” или словами: “и, поэтому (вследствие этого) не может + инфинитив” ; и, поэтому (вследствие этого) не +глагол в личной форме”, “и поэтому (вследствие этого) не стоит + инфинитив”.

This question is too difficult to be settled without further consultations. Этот вопрос слишком сложен, чтобы его можно было разрешить (чтобы его разрешить) без дальнейших консультаций.

This method is not accurate enough to give reliable results. Этот метод недостаточно точен, чтобы дать (чтобы он мог дать, чтобы он давал) надежные результаты. Этот метод недостаточно точен и поэтому (вследствие этого) не дает надежные результаты

The results achieved were so significant as to affect the final conclusion. Полученные результаты были настолько существенными, что повлияли (могли повлиять) на окончательные выводы.

It is such a small error as to be easily neglected. Это такая незначительная погрешность, что ею можно легко пренебречь.

VAT is convenient enough to be a ready source of income for governments. НДС достаточно удобен, чтобы служить надежным источником дохода для правительства.

The possibilities are too numerous and obvious to mention. Возможности слишком многочисленные и очевидные, и поэтому не стоит о них упоминать.

Примечание 1. Следует обратить внимание на внешнюю схожесть предложений с enough + инфинитив и разницу в переводе. В таких предложениях инфинитив может иметь три функции: обстоятельства следствия, подлежащего или определения.

This question is difficult enough to be discussed. Вопрос довольно сложен, чтобы его обсуждать. (инфинитив в функции обстоятельства следствия).

There is enough to be discussed. Обсудить нужно достаточно много вопросов. Для обсуждения имеется достаточно много вопросов. (инфинитив в функции определения определение).

It was difficult enough to persuade the citizens to save money in national saving schemes. Убедить граждан хранить деньги в государственных ценных бумагах было довольно сложно. (инфинитив в функции подлежащего).

Примечание 2. Сочетание is (was) bound с инфинитивом переводится «обязательно», «неизбежно должно было».

It was bound to happen. Это неизбежно должно было произойти (случиться).

Переведите следующие предложения:

1. The air of indecision in Britain's relations to the Common Market is bound to have an effect on the export orders won for British firms.

2. Still, Japan's economic success carries inevitable political consequences, and they are bound to be recognized sooner or later.

3. The announcements of Mr B.'s latest trip is bound to intensify suspicions about the objectives of the Government's maneuvers.

4. It was supposed that uncertainty was bound to continue unless major efforts were made to solve Western Europe's currency crisis.

Переведите следующие предложения, в которых инфинитив выступает в функции обстоятельства следствия:

1. The crops harvested were so big as to be able to store them and even export part of them.

1. The inflation rate was not high enough to start paying compensations to workers.

2. The average wage in this industry is high enough to attract workers from other industries.

3. The wage in this enterprise is too low to attract qualified workers.

4. The trade union is active enough to obtain shorter working hours with the same wage for its members.

5. The commodity is too expensive to be in large demand.

6. As a rule, resources in industrialized countries are used effectively enough to make a solid basis for economic growth.

7. The imports tariffs were not raised high enough to decrease imports.

8. Statistics depends too much on limited information resources to avoid compromises.

9. The economic growth is too slow now to expect a rapid increase in demand and supply.

10. In developing countries, labour efficiency is too low in agriculture to hope for an increase in food supply in the near future.

11. We have accumulated enough equipment to provide a computer for each of our 56 full-time staff members.

12. Even if the state’s (Alaska) mushrooming growth continues its population will be too small to provide a sufficient market.

13. On the top and office floor the workers power to influence management decisions is too well documented to need elaboration.

14. He thinks there is enough private capital to handle this kind of investment.

15. The courses offer too narrow a viewpoint to be universally useful throughout the machine tool industry.

16. The results generally have been too limited or inconclusive to be of much practical value.

17. Ukraine’s economic problems are also too vast to be helped by a sudden influx of dollars.

18. A given group is defined here as a set of people who have been together long enough to have shared significant problems.

19. Very few engineers today understood enough enough of financial techniques to bring a proper balance of thinking to major problems.

20. But Hoover (the former director of the FBI) was too popular to fire.

21. They are too busy to reply personally to each letter.

22. As in energy, costs of material and maintenance have increased so sharply as to create new design opportunities.

23. The definition is sufficiently broad in scope to be useful.

24. Such a staggering drop in income is almost too large to comprehend.

25.This is too early a stage in your studies to be able to appreciate more fully how the concepts work in practice.

26. We must make preparations to ensure that students now in college and universities are broadly enough trained to be given responsibility early.

27. The universities’ structure has been insufficiently modified to cope efficiently with present conditions.

2) Инфинитив в функции обстоятельства результата

Данный инфинитив результата, которому часто предшествуют слово “only” часто имеет модальное значение и переводится на русский язык или самостоятельным предложением, вводимым союзом “и” или глаголом в личной форме с союзом “и”. Также при переводе перед сказуемым можно поставить слова “и в результате (этого может + инфинитив)”

Не managed to obtain this concession from the management only to find that no one really needed it. Он добился этой уступки от администрации и в результате обнаружил, что она никому не нужна.

Переведите следующие предложения

1. The firm should change its production cycle to lower costs.

2. Firms and individuals spend their income to consume and to invest.

3. Last year Russia overtook the UK to become the world’s biggest importer of Indian tea.

4. A successful group is defined as a set of people who have been together to share significant problems.

5. We checked our equations only to find them OK.

6. These electronic systems freed our people to do more interesting work/

7. The Japanese have built up both their technological sophistication and their production capacity to begin to threaten the US markets.

3) Инфинитив в функции сопутствующего обстоятельства ( инфинитив последующего действия) переводится глаголом в личной форме с союзом “и”, деепричастием или существительным с предлогом “c”, сочетанием “и затем + глагол в личной форме”.

Such committees unite to form assembly. Такие комитеты объединяются и образуют (образуя) ассамблею/ с образованием ассамблеи.

In 1928 he resigned his post never to return to public life. В 1928 году он ушел в отставку и никогда уже не возвращался к общественной жизни (государственной деятельности).

The conservatives gained one seat to bring their delegation to 50. Консерваторы получили одно место и довели состав делегации до пятидесяти.

Another company recently paid $8,000,000 for two patented inventions only to find them valueless. Другая компания недавно заплатила 8 000 000 долларов за запатентованные изобретения и затем обнаружила, что они не имеют цены (бесполезны).

Примечание 1. В сочетании с глагол to fail или существительным failure инфинитив передает неудавшуюся попытку совершить действие или просто отрицание и часто переводится на русский язык личной формой глагола в отрицательной форме

The negotiators failed tо come to an agreement. Участники переговоров не пришли к соглашению (не смогли договориться).

Переведите следующие предложения.

1. The Assembly adopted a resolution asking the Ten-Nation Disarmament Committee to study the question. The committee failed to respond, and the 15th General Assembly in 1960 called upon the nuclear powers to prohibit dissemination of nuclear weapons to countries not possessing them.

2. He said it was impossible because of the failure of the Six to agree on Britain's entry.

3. The Geneva conference having failed to secure an agreement, there was no way of telling what the outcome will be.

4. Shop stewards at Vauxhall, Luton, yesterday failed to get assurances from the management that there would be no more short-time working.

5. Since Left Wing MPs have thus far failed to knuckle under and agree to the law imposing fines and imprisonment on trade unionists who continue to defend, and attempt to improve, their working conditions, a party meeting is being held on Wednesday.

Примечание 2. Инфинитив в функции сопутствующего обстоятельства представляет трудности при переводе главным образом потому, что он ошибочно может быть принят за обстоятельство цели. Только смысл всего предложения, а иногда и более широкий контекст позволяют определить, является ли инфинитив обстоятельством цели или результата.

Переведите предложения, в которых инфинитив имеет функцию сопутствующего обстоятельства.

1. Japan outstripped West Germany during the first quarter of this year to become the world's second biggest manufacturer of motor vehicles after the United States.

2. Seventy-two members of the Festival Ballet left London Airport for Bucharest yesterday to become the first Western theatre company to appear in Rumania.

3. The IMF experts arrived on a regular mission to find that their recommendations were not followed to the full extent.

4. Trading began in May, only to be suspended a couple of months later by a court order.

5. Specialty stores are often clustered together to form shopping malls.

6. Japan came from nowhere to become the world’s second biggest auto producer in a few short years.

7. He was removed from the key ideology portfolio to become agriculture supremo, which is not an enviable job in Russia.

8. We believe that steel exports will slacken to be replaced by an expanding export of technology and technical assistance.

9. Britons awoke this morning to face the prospect of more snow shoveling after an overnight blizzard had dumped another three to six inches of snow over almost the whole of the south of the country.

4). Инфинитив в функции обстоятельства цели. В этой функции он переводится инфинитивом с союзом “чтобы”, существительным с предлогом “для” или “с целью + существительное/инфинитив”.

The interest rate was raised to attract customers. Процентная ставка была увеличена для (с целью) привлечения вкладчиков (чтобы привлечь вкладчиков).

To avoid the break up of business, governments offer special relief on business assets. Чтобы избежать сбоев в работе предприятий, государство предоставляет особые послабления на обложение налогом имущества предприятий.

To obtain a Stock Exchange listing, a company must have at least 25 per cent of its shares held by public. Чтобы получить возможность котироваться на фондовой бирже у компании должно быть по крайней мере 25% акций в свободном доступе.

Примечание 1. В случае, если перед инфинитивом в функции обстоятельства стоит существительное, то данная конструкция приобретает вид инфинитива в функции определения. Следовательно, всегда нужно определять к каким словам относится данное существительное, поскольку от этого зависит перевод инфинитива. Иногда, если использовать алгоритм перевода инфинитива в любой функции, смысл предложения не меняется, как, например:

Although it will take years to establish whether banks’ accounts have painted too bleak a picture.

Хотя потребуются годы, чтобы установить тог факт (для установления того факта), действительно ли банки нарисовали слишком безрадостную картину.(функция обстоятельства)

Хотя потребуются годы, которые помогут установить тот факт, действительно ли банки нарисовали слишком безрадостную картину. (функция определения)

Примечание 2. Инфинитив в функции обстоятельства цели и сопутствующего обстоятельства имеет одинаковый вид, т.е. глагол в личной форме + инфинитив. Такую конструкцию переводим в зависимости от контекста или смысла.

The committee adjourned again until Friday, April 2, to allow consultation by both sides with their respective executive committees.

Комитет опять сделал перерыв до пятницы, чтобы дать возможность провести консультации с своими соответствующими исполнительными комитетами обоих сторон. (обстоятельство цели)

Комитет опять сделал перерыв до пятницы и дал возможность провести консультации с своими соответствующими исполнительными комитетами обоих сторон. (сопутствующее обстоятельство).

Переведите предложения, в которых инфинитив выполняет функцию обстоятельства цели.

1. In order to create a supply of loans, people with the necessary financial resources have to be persuaded to loan.

2. To ensure a steady economic growth, all the macroeconomic parameters must be involved.

3. To go back again to first-turn measures, all the circumstances are to be taken into account.

4. Governments borrow money from firms and individuals to finance their spending.

5. The government allocated additional means to create jobs for young people.

6. A number of measures are taken in order to increase profits of the enterprise.

7. To earn more profit the firm has to vary its technology.

8. In order to consume, we need income. In order to earn income, we have to work.

9. To analyze the labour market, an economist should first explain how people allocate their time to production.

10. To calculate profit-minimizing output and the corresponding quantities of the factors demanded, we have to calculate the total cost for all output levels.

11. To be efficient a price ceiling must be imposed below the free market equilibrium price.

12. To know the quantities of factors a firm will demand, we have to know the demand for the firm’s output.

13. Fixed capital, that is, such durable goods as buildings and machinery, are bought in order to used in the firm rather than to be sold to another business.

14. In the poor countries there is too little machinery relative to the size of the population to make labour efficient.

15. Competing suppliers may maintain their prices at a low level to attract customers from a higher-price firm.

16. To calculate depreciation is necessary in order to know the value of the assts of an enterprise.

17. Governments regulate the level of aggregate demand in order to maintain full employment and stimulate economic growth.

18. Closed economy is an economic abstraction used to analyze a country with no relationship with the rest of the world.

19. To maintain a decent standard of living and at the same time alow the skyrocketing of total energy use, there are three things we can and must do.

20. To remain competitive he cannot raise prices.

21. Marketing Information Systems (MIS) are designed to develop and disseminate information on a continuous basis.

22. To stimulate the economy the government may spend more money than it takes in.

23. The age of microprocessors is upon us and to remain competitive we must take advantage of better management techniques to improve production.

24. To understand the present one has to know the past.

25. To calculate the living standard of the people one has to consider education expenditure among other expenses.

26. To be of value operating information must arrive on time.

27. To become a consultant in a true sense of the profession one must have many years of experience in one’s field.

28. To help cement relationships between bosses and the bossed more and more firms are bringing them together through visits to the shop floor by top management.

29. In order to keep wage levels low and replace workers whose health begin to fail firms continually fire their older workers and hire younger, healthier and more compliant cohorts of women.

30. The company is also drawing back women who left to have children.

31. So most of these businesses certainly try to be ethical, if for no other reason, so as not to get caught.

32. In order to stay competitive in tomorrow environment-conscious market firms will have to develop high standards of environmental performance and product.

33. To qualify for benefits a person has to have worked and paid into the social security system for about seven years.

34. Rental or investment income earned abroad is no t liable to be taxed in Russia, as these levies are paid in the country of origin.

5. Инфинитив в функции предикативного члена ( именной части составного сказуемого).

Инфинитив в конструкции “be+ инфинитив” переводится в зависимости значения глагола “be”. Если “be” является модальным глаголом долженствования, то следующий за ним инфинитив переводится инфинитивом.

The supervisor is to take care of that this week. Руководитель должен позаботиться об этом на этой неделе.

Если “be” является глаголом-связкой, то следующий за ним инфинитив может переводится инфинитивом или существительным. Следует обратить внимание, что “be” в этой конструкции переводится такими словами как “заключается в том, что/чтобы”,” состоит в том, что/чтобы” или совсем не переводится. Отличительным признаком того, что “be” -это глагол –связка, является подлежащее, выраженное такими словами как, например: purpose, aim , target, object, difficulty, question, idea, fact, plan, task, intention, way, method и т.д.

The purpose of business is to offer each customer the necessary product or service.

Цель бизнеса заключается в том, чтобы предоставить каждому клиенту необходимую продукцию или услуги.

Цель бизнеса состоит в предоставлении каждому клиенту необходимой продукции или услуги.

The best way to master the language is to read much. Лучший способ овладеть иностранным языком – это много читать.

Переведите следующие предложения

1. The first step to be taken is to start negotiations.

2. Much more investment is to be attracted to make a considerable progress in exports.

3. The only way for companies to avoid double taxation was to lower their profits.

4. The purpose of the book is to show that there are limitations in the economy that no person no policy can overcome.

5. The aim is to tax the additional value which every stage of manufacture puts on particular product.

6. The first step in tackling this issue is to recognize that there is a problem.

7. One way to recapture the competitive edge is to use computer technology to streamline and channel information flow throughout factories.

8. To criticize the kind of people a company employs is to criticize that company’s whole ethos (дух, облик).

9. The underlying spirit of economy is to secure better education, wider administration of justice, more public order, all through a superior organization.

10. The basic requirement is to calculate the costs for producing a component in varying batch sizes by different production methods.

11. Our first problem with people is to find really capable people to carry out the studies.

12. The trick is to design the model so that it is a reasonable approximation of the market and still simple enough to be practical.

13. The primary responsibility of tool makers are to produce tooling at a reasonable price and in a reasonable time.

14. The only way to have a friend is to be one.

15. The primary principle of good translation of economic books is to translate ideas and not words.

16. Our policy is to fully satisfy the need for textiles by the accelerated development of the production of man-made fibres.

17. One of his first tasks will be to draw up a schedule of activities to be carried out.

18. Their prime responsibility is to assign personnel to specific jobs.

19. A common method of budgeting for product promotion is to estimate what competitors are spending on the average and the match it.

20. The usual approach is to evaluate a number of alternative proposals and to select the most profitable.

21. One solution to the urban transportation problem is to build more and better mass transit systems.

22. The goal of urban renewal policies has been to restore slum areas and make cities more attractive places in which to live.

23. Their preference is to sell goods abroad to earn hard currency.

24. The role of marketing must be to ensure that sales match production and vice versa.

25. An initial stage is to understand the ways in which information can affect management behavior.

26. The general approach to making planning decisions is to collect past and current data, determine parameters that may affect the future, analyze these often voluminous data and make decisions.

27. The thrust of the present analysis is to distinguish between the methods of production and the decision processes.

28. Our stance is to give ourselves and our customers an anticipatory advantage.

6. Инфинитив в функции вводного предложения

Инфинитив может быть в предложении вводным элементом, т.е. выступать в функции вводного предложения, если следующие словосочетания с инфинитивом стоят в начале предложения:

to tell the truth... no правде говоря...,

to be frank... если говорить откровенно...,

to put it mildly... мягко выражаясь...

to be noted … необходимо отметить…,

to anticipate… забегая вперед следует сказать, что…,

to be sure… конечно, несомненно,

to begin with… начнем с того, что…, прежде всего, для начала;

needless to say… нечего и говорить, не стоит говорить, само собой разумеется;

not to mention…; to mention only (one)… не говоря о других, мы упоминаем только…;

to put (it) in another way… другими словами…;

to put it more exactly… точнее говоря, …;

to say the least… не говоря большего, по меньшей мере…;

to say nothing of.. не говоря о…;

so to say… так сказать…;

suffice it to say… достаточно сказать, что…;

to sum up (to conclude)… суммируя ( в заключение)…;

to summarize… подводя итоги, следует сказать…;

that is to say… то есть, иначе говоря…;

to take an example… приведем пример, например…;

to be honest… если быть честным, честно говоря;

to be expected… неудивительно, что;

to make the situation even worse… а что еще хуже/ а что еще больше осложняет положение дел….

Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Suffice it to say, the unemployment rate has substantially declined in the free economic zone.

2. He was not prepared for the talks, to put it mildly.

3. To begin with, Burma is a confederation of a number of different peoples and tribes.

4. Needless to say, few voters are aware of paying VAT.

5. To say the least, the latest conflict in the Middle East was exactly what a depressed market didn’t need.

6. To be expected the equipment is generally old and unsophisticated and there are virtually no precautions taken for safety.

7. To make the situation even worse several factors work against data accuracy.

8. To sum it all up briefly the conference was a new and important milestone along the road of strengthening the traditional friendship between our countries.

9. The old controversy about whether government borrowing imposes a burden on the future has lately been given a new airing. Consider, to begin with, the recipe for making a "primary real burden" of the national debt as laid down by Professor Buchanan of the University of Virginia.

10. To begin with, the cumulative effect of so many cocktail and other parties amounts to a serious physical drain on the U.N. delegates; considerable stamina is required to stand up to some seven hundred social functions a year.

11. The controversy was essentially political involving the commitment of an international army, obviously a subject on which the great powers, not to mention the medium and small ones, were bound to have strong views.

Примечание. Инфинитив в начале предложения может выступать либо в функции подлежащего или обстоятельства цели, либо быть вводным элементом. Синтаксический анализ предложения дает возможность точно определить его функцию.

III. Инфинитивные конструкции

1. Субъектно-предикативный инфинитивный оборот (конструкция «именительный падеж с инфинитивом» или «сложное подлежащее»).

Сложное подлежащее представляет собой сочетание подлежащего с инфинитивом, который отделен от подлежащего сказуемым следующих трех типов:

а) сказуемое имеет страдательный залог для глаголов, выражающих мнение или вводящих информацию,

Single currency was considered to be a way out. Считали (считалось), что единая валюта является выходом из положения.

б) сказуемое имеет действительный залог для следующих глаголов “seem”, “appear”, “prove”, “turn out”, “chance”, “happen”,

There seems to be at least two scenarios of the government’s actions. По-видимому, существует, по крайней мере, два сценария действий правительства.

c) сказуемое представлено в виде словосочетаний: “to be likely”, “to be unlikely”, “ to be sure”, “to be certain”.

1) Предложение с оборотом “именительный падеж с инфинитивом” переводится на русский язык сложноподчиненным предложением. Сказуемое английского предложения переводится неопределенно-личным оборотом (“говорят”, “ сообщают” и т.д.), играющим роль главного предложения, за которым следует придаточное предложение с союзами “что”, “как” (редко). Подлежащим этого придаточного предложения становится подлежащее английского предложения. Инфинитив переводится глаголом в личной форме, который становится сказуемым придаточного предложения

Обратите внимание на перевод следующих слов в конструкции «именительный падеж с инфинитивом»:

(He) is reported to ... передают, сообщают (сообщается), что (он)...

is believed to ... полагают, считают, что (он) ...

is considered to ... считают (считается), что (он)...

is thought to ... считают, думают, что (он)...

is understood to ... по имеющимся сведениям (он) ..., считают (считается), что ..., по существующей договоренности (согласно договоренности)...

is expected to ... ожидается, считается, предполагается, что (он) ...

is alleged to ... говорят, считают, что (он) якобы . . .

is heard to ... имеются сведения, что (он)...

is seen to ... считается, рассматривается (рассматривают), что (он)...

is felt to ... считают, что (он)...

seems to ... кажется, что (он)... , (он) как представляется…

proves to… считается, что (он)

turns out to… считается, что (он)

is held… считается, что (он)

is found… Он, как находят, (как считают) , как оказывается

appears to ... по-видимому (он) , считается ...

is likely to ... по-видимому, похоже на то, что ..., по всей вероятности, вероятно (он)...

is unlikely to ... маловероятно, чтобы..., едва ли ... , вряд ли (он)…

happens (happened) to ... случайно (он) ..., случается /случилось так, что (он)...

chances ( chanced) … (совсем случайно) случается/ случилось так, что (он)…

is sure (certain) to ... (он) обязательно, наверняка (он) ...

This tax is believed to work regressively. Предполагают, что этот налог будет действовать (действует как регрессивный).

The country is reported to be anxious to promote investment.

Сообщают, что эта страна очень заинтересована в создании условий для инвестиций.

The delegation is reported to have left for Moscow. 1) Сообщают, что делегация выехала в Москву. 2) Как известно, делегация выехала в Москву

Every country is said to have its own particular exemptions. Говорят, что каждая страна имеет свои специфичные освобождения от налогов.

The impact of the tax is known to be minimized by balancing out gains and losses. Известно, что воздействие этого налога сводится к минимуму за счет уравнивания прибыли и убытков.

They worked out what seemed to be quite a reliable scheme. Они разработали схему, которая, как представлялось, является вполне надежной.

This approach may easily be shown to be far more productive. Можно легко показать, что этот подход гораздо продуктивнее.

The European currency was approved and found to meet the demands of the EU member nations. Европейская валюта была одобрена, и оказалось, что она удовлетворяет страны, входящие в Европейский Союз.

Tax free interest on savings is likely to encourage thrift. Свободный от налога накопительный процент, вероятно, будет способствовать накоплению денег.

Примечание 1. После слов likely (unlikely), sure, certain действие, выраженное инфинитивом, обычно относится к будущему времени.

The economic problems facing France are certain to have strong repercussions. Стоящие перед Францией экономические трудности наверняка будут иметь серьезные последствия.

Примечание 2 Примечание. Если после глаголов to seem и to appear глагол-связка to be перед существительным или прилагательным опускается, то глаголы to seem и to appear имеют значение «выглядеть», «производить впечатление».

Не seems astonished. Он выглядит удивленным.

Примечание 3. Глагол to suppose может также иметь значение «полагаться»:

Не is supposed to have it. Ему полагается иметь это.

Примечание 4. Конструкция “существительное + инфинитив с предшествующими словами “likely,” “unlikely,” “sure”, “certain” и причастиями типа “supposed,” “reported”, “known”, “appearing” и др.” переводится определительным придаточным предложением.

Here is the method likely to give the information required. Вот метод, который, вероятно, даст необходимую информацию.

The Fed seen to be too close to banks, is now too quick to bail them out. Федеральная резервная система, которая как считают тесно связана с банками, очень быстро приходит к ним на помощь.

2) Если эта конструкция употреблена в придаточном предложении (обычно в определительном придаточном) или в причастном обороте, то неопределенно-личное предложение в переводе обычно выступает в роли вводного предложения.

A move which he is expected to make is an attempt to come to a mutually-beneficial agreement. Шаги, которые, как предполагают, он собирается предпринять, являются попыткой прийти к взаимовыгодному соглашению.

The Foreign Ministers of the six Common Market countries will take part in talks expected to take place early in April. Министры иностранных дел шести стран Общего рынка примут участие в переговорах, которые, как ожидается, будут иметь место (состоятся) в начале апреля.

3) В отдельных случаях конструкция «именительный падеж с инфинитивом» может переводиться простым предложением.

Much greater economic tasks were seen to lie ahead. Предстояли значительно более важные экономические задачи.

The new tax law proved to be effective. Новое налоговое законодательство оказалось эффективным.

4) Если в английском предложении сказуемое стоит в отрицательной форме, то при переводе на русский язык отрицание часто переносится в придаточное предложение.

The preliminary talks are not expected to last more than two weeks. Ожидается, что предварительные переговоры продлятся не больше двух недель.

5) Сказуемое может быть выражено сочетанием модального глагола с инфинитивом. При переводе оно передается неопределенно-личным предложением с модальным значением «можно ожидать», «следует считать» и т. п.

The settlement may be considered to be of primary importance to the industries concerned. Можно считать, что это решение (урегулирование) имеет решающее значение для тех отраслей промышленности, которых оно касается.

Переведите следующие предложения.

1. The new manager is said to work 12 hours a day.

2. The free market economy is said to be more flexible.

3. Three people are reported to have been injured in the explosion.

4. The strike is expected to end soon.

5. Increase in the quantity of one product sold leads to an increase in the demand of another product.

6. The budget deficit is known to be the excess of government expenditure over government revenue.

7. Markets are said to bring together buyers and sellers of goods and services.

8. An increase in the wage rate is expected to reduce the quantity of labour demanded.

9. A subsidy is known to be money or other resources provided by the government to support a business activity or a person.

10. Demand for imports is expected to rise when domestic income and output rise.

6. Consumers are assumed to wish to maximize their utility of satisfaction.

7. Firms are assumed to maximize their short-run profits.

8. When an increase in the scale of production yields a more than proportionate increase in output, the enterprise is said to be experiencing economies of scale.

9. The train was supposed to arrive at 7 o'clock but it was half an hour late.

10. Many people are reported to be homeless after the floods.

11. The building is reported to have been damaged by fire.

12. The company is said to be losing a lot of money.

11. Goods which are close substitutes for one another are said to be in competitive demand.

14. A good is said to be in composite demand when it is demanded for several different uses.

15. The capitalist system is said to be based upon the principle of competition.

16. Consumers are assumed to maximize the satisfaction derived from the goods and services that they buy.

17. Firms are assumed to know what quantity of each product they would sell.

18. Consumers are assumed to be aware of all the goods and services they could buy.

19. The total value of international movements of capital is thought to be at least ten times the value of world trade in goods and services.

Bribes are thought to have been paid to civil servants on a regular basis.

21. The financial crisis appeared to have affected different regions of the world.

22. The new method is believed to have given good results.

23. A new social protection policy is expected to be put into practice already this year.

24. At the end of the year the statistical data will be found to be in line with the projections

25. They established what is believed to be a solid system of relationships with trade partners.

26. Their attitude to the process of reforms has never been thought to change so radically.

27. There seems to be a misunderstanding as to the approaches used.

28. Their efforts have not been reported to have resulted in substantial changes

29. The exchange rate policy was developed earlier this year and found to be far from being perfect.

30. High unemployment rate in Europe is assumed to result from high unemployment benefits.

31. The private sector is normally considered to use resources more productively than the government.

32. Social security payments and unemployment benefits are known as transfer payments.

33. Taxes raised at the national level, such as income tax or VAT, are known to be supplemented by local taxes.

34. More people have been found to choose to stay unemployed in countries with very high tax rates.

35. The UK government is known to take nearly 40 percent of national income in taxes.

36. The IMF is considered to be one of the most influential multinational institutions stimulating international trade and maintaining balance- of- payment equilibrium.

37. The arts contribution to Britain’s GDP was reported to be nearly 6,000 million pounds in 1990.

38. Prices are expected to change as either demand for or supply of the goods varies.

39. The UK is known to rely on indirect taxes rather than direct ones.

40. Imports are assumed to increase as much as domestic income does.

41. Taxes of the firm to central government plus taxes to local government were expected to come to 25,000 pounds that year.

42. Less efficient resource allocation is believed to result from raising the additional taxation revenue necessary to fund government programmes.

43. In a mixed economy, the government is known to control a considerable share of output through taxation, transfer payments, and such services as defence and the police.

44. Both those who provide capital for a new business and those who run the business are known to bear the risk whereas workers of such business are not expected to bear any risk.

23. All product prices are expected to be raised due to the new tax.

24. In many less developed countries, most food has been found to be produced within the family.

25. Macroeconomics is said to have offered a thorough analysis of individual decisions about particular commodities.

26. Every firm is known to have tried to reduce the use of oil-based products in the 1970s when the price of oil increased six times.

27. Nationalized industries are said to have become the most important source of national income.

28. Advertising is assumed to have been made the most important tool of selling commodities.

29. Economic conditions are assumed to be changing all the time.

30. The population has been found to be decreasing at a rapid rate.

31. The GDP was reported to be constantly falling.

32. Taxable income is not expected to be calculated in the same way in every country.

33. Income is supposed to be taxed in the country only when it is transferred there.

34. The taxpayer was said to have been taxed on the total.

35. PAYE is said to have originated in the UK.

40. The taxpayer is supposed to be employed by someone else for PAYE to operate.

36. Lower-paid workers are heard to have found difficulty in finding a lump sum once a year.

37. Local services are expected to be funded by central government from the total tax it raises.

38. Every tax system is said to be complicated.


1. A small firm is likely to be specializing in one product.

2. The larger firm is likely to have a diversified market structure.

3. An increase in the output of capital goods is likely to mean that the current consumption of goods and services is less than it might have been.

4. 'Ownership' of labour is likely to be highly unpopular politically.

5. The limit to output is most likely to be determined by the quantity of capital inputs.

6. The balance is most likely to swing towards installing additional capacity under the following circumstances.

7. The larger firm is more likely to be able to employ buyers who are experienced in buying particular products.

8. Horizontal growth is unlikely to give rise to those risk-bearing economies which depend upon a diversified range of activities.

9. Diversified growth is more likely to give rise to risk bearing economies.

10. In fact demand is likely to be highly elastic when the market is depressed.

11. Even if market demand is inelastic, the demand for the product of a firm which increases its price is likely to be highly elastic.

12. The reasons for this is that rival suppliers are likely to maintain their prices in the hope of attracting customers from the higher-price firm.

13. Price reductions are most likely to occur if they can be concealed from competitors.

14. Price is likely to be held stable during the pricing season over quite a wide range of output, both greater and less than expected.

15. If the original profit margin was not considered to be adequate and demand is less than expected, the response is likely to be as before.

16. But when demand turns out to be greater than expected suppliers are likely to take the opportunity to improve their profit margins.

17. As we noted above, firms are likely to be most confident about rivals' responses, i.e. to be able to exercise control over price, in highly concentrated industries.

18. Initially price is unlikely to fall in response to a fall in demand.

19. The effect on an increase in output is likely to be most pronounced when the economy as a whole is operating near full capacity.

20. Each of these different machines is likely to have a different capacity.

21. It is to be remembered that seasonal factors are unlikely to radically change the situation.

22. The arrival of the technical experts is not likely to change the general picture of the reforms under way.

22. An increase in the wage rate is sure to reduce the quantity of labour demanded.

23. Western economies are sure to have rapidly recovered from the 1980-82 crisis, the worst in post-war years.

24. Any tax eventually paid on that income is likely to be at the marginal rate.

25. Tax system in that country is likely to develop very fast.

С .

1. The aim of convertibility proved difficult to achieve.

2. The management seem to be moving in the right direction.

3. The two sides appear to have solved the problem.

4. Since that time the market share of these larger companies does not seem to have increased.

5. These studies seem to indicate that the size structure of plants in British industry is such that they are able to take advantage of such scale economies as are available.

6. Many mergers appear to have been motivated by a desire to increase market power rather than by a desire to increase efficiency.

7. Individual labour supply seems to be inelastic.

8. If a firm’s assets turn out to be considerable, it is more likely to get a loan from a bank.

9. More and more countries seem to have regarded VAT as a ready source of income.

10. The tax burden on the individual appears to have fallen in the past decade.

11. The territorial system of taxation seems to leave the individual with much more scope for financial planning than a global system.. The cosmonauts had been expected to land in the Kazakhstan area (from which the spaceship was launched) as in the case of all other spaceships.

12. One of Britain's lowest paid sections — the agricultural workers — are expected to receive a reply to their claim for higher pay, made last August, from the Agricultural Wages Board next Wednesday.

13. The Home Secretary is expected to make a statement next Week on the validity of the practice of allowing outside observers, photographers, and television cameramen to be present at the counting of the votes at a parliamentary election.

14. About 70 million Americans are expected to vote in tomorrow's U. S. elections at 180,000 polling stations scattered from the rocky coast of Maine to the tropical island of Hawaii.

15. The factory is producing light passenger cars, which are expected to form the largest part of the country's drive to boost automobile production from 200,000 to 800,000 by 1970.

16. The working population of Britain is likely to reach 27 million by 1981 — and over half of this number will be under 40 years of age, says an article in the Ministry of Labor Gazette published today.

17. Mr P. is likely to emphasize the long-term objectives underlying the new Labor Government's first annual agricultural price review.

18. The executive of the Electrical Trades Union last night declared that a statement by the A.E.U.’s general secretary that the Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions had no future was likely to cause harm and disturb the unity of the unions.

19. The report says that it appears that the building industry is unlikely to be reformed from within and that some form of compulsion will be necessary if reasonable standards of construction and finish are to be secured and jerry-building discouraged.

20. No one will refuse to pay less tax, but if they think that by this means they will bribe the electors to vote for them in large numbers, they are likely to be disappointed.

21. So, said an official, much of the discussion is likely to be about a suitable form of words, and the fact that Mr H. will negotiate on the basis of the latest proposals of the Six means that he has already gone more than halfway to surrender.

22. The present fine spell is likely to be brief, predicted the meteorological office last night in its long-range weather forecast.

23. The Prime Minister claims that if Britain joins the Market this will make it easier to improve East-West relations. But Britain won't stand up to Bonn and Washington now. The Government would be even less likely to do so once in the grip of the Common Market stranglehold.

24. The immediate danger comes not so much from those countries that are likely to start on a course of nuclear independence, but from critics of non-proliferation treaties in the existing nuclear countries.

25. Another intricate problem likely to be reintroduced with the help of a subtle change of name is the problem of medium range ballistic missile.

26. The three parties likely to take part in a coalition are the Republican People's Party, the Justice Party, and the New Turkey Party.

27. The Minister is reported to be worried by the rise in ; the cost of living index, because of the effect it may have on : his wage restraint policy.

28. As they met, indirect negotiations were going on between the Union and Miss C., who is reported to have described the strikers as being like vipers in her bosom.

29. The Ivory Coast and other African members of the /U. N. were reported last night to be working on a draft resolution.

30. About 60 people were yesterday reported to have been arrested on subversion charges.

31. The Foreign Secretary's debut at the United Nations appears to have been a success.

32. Where an increase in profits or dividends of an individual firm appeared to be based on excessive market power, he would refer it to the board as a candidate for price reductions.

33. Thus the increase in exports appears to have flattened out, though over the first 10 months of this year they were 5V2 per cent up on the 1964 average. Shipments to both North America and Europe appear to have slowed down.

34. Disenchantment with the President appears to be growing. The political scene has been transformed in the past two months to the point where people are openly talking of the possibility: (1) that the President will not seek re-election in 1968; and (2) that he might be beaten if he runs.

34. In foreign affairs this delay would not appear to be 'having a seriously disabling effect.

36. Recently these plans seemed to have assumed a new reality and to Have become more aggressive. "I leave you to guess against whom," said the Minister.

37. Moreover, the Republicans in Congress seem to have set out deliberately to show how widely their prejudices diverge from the president's middle way and how eagerly they kick over the traces when his mild leadership is withdrawn.

38. One of the stipulations was that the conference would not be held under U.N. auspices, which seemed an odd decision to be taken by the U.N. General Assembly.

39. While a few MPs are believed to favor this revolutionary proposal certain party leaders and older MPs are opposed to it.

40. Spanish authorities have confiscated copies of last month's edition of "Working Youth". No reason for the action was given, but it was believed to have resulted from an article discussing sackings in a Madrid motor factory.

41. France had what was believed to be its coldest Christmas for 83 years, and in the Jura Mountains the temperature dropped to minus 28 degrees Centigrade.

42. In Zurich there was a scramble to buy marks and the Federal Bank in Bonn was believed to have bought up to 500 million dollars to prevent the mark going through its official "dollar ceiling."

43. The meeting was understood to have taken place at the ambassadors’ request.

44. The meeting, which lasted just over half an hour, is understood to have taken place at the Prime Minister's request.

45. Moves are understood to be afoot in the West of Scotland company bus garages for a mass meeting on the issue.

46. So far the Prime Minister is said to have achieved half a success only. He has shown that he wants to save the pound, but the international financial community is not sure that he can.

47. Sir B.'s experience fit him for the Lords, and he is said to have recovered sufficiently to play a full role there. The strain of life in the Commons is an entirely different matter.

48. U.S. officials were said to consider that uncertainty was bound to continue unless some drastic measures were taken.

49. Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan, may be said to have been the birthplace of the first properly organized attempt at a general system of academic instruction in Japan.

50. The police arrested a man who is stated to have been trying to sell the miniature and is said to have confessed to having stolen it. He is stated to have kept it for more than two years in the hope that the theft would be forgotten.

51. His detention without trial is claimed to have been a violation of the European Convention of Human Rights.

52. They were supposed to come under the command of the Governor — but it has already been shown how ready they were to defy the Governor and the British Government when it suits them.

53. The experts were felt to have little hope of reducing the differences even if an attempt were made to bring the two parties together.

54. Mexico's worst mine disaster, which is feared to have killed 177 men, claimed another victim today when a distraught relative of a trapped miner ran into the gas-filled pit.

55. The warnings are now shown to have been fully justified: thousands of workers will get the sack.

2. Объектно-предикативный инфинитивный оборот (конструкция «винительный падеж с инфинитивом» или «сложное дополнение».)

Объектно-предикативный инфинитивный оборот стоит за сказуемым английского предложения и состоит из существительного/местоимения в объектном падеже и инфинитива.

Предложение с этим оборотом переводится сложноподчиненным предложением с придаточным дополнительным предложением, вводимым союзами “что”, “чтобы”, “как” или существительным с предлогом. Подлежащим в придаточном дополнительном предложении становится существительное/местоимение в объектном падеже английского предложения, а стоящий за ним инфинитив переводится глаголом в личной форме (т.е. становится сказуемым).

He wants you to claim a refund. Он хочет, чтобы ты потребовал вернуть деньги.

Many people wish their countries to have no direct taxes on income and very few indirect taxes. Многие люди хотят, чтобы в их стране не было прямых подоходных налогов и очень мало косвенных налогов.

We expect sales tax not to be applicable on essential items. Мы ожидаем, что налог с продаж не затронет товары первой необходимости.

We know them not to be aware of paying VAT. Мы знаем, что они даже не подозревают о том, что платят НДС.

We saw him enter the head office of the company. Мы видели, как он вошел в головной офис компании.

Critics argue that central banks, by focusing on consumer- rather than asset-price inflation, have encouraged bubbles to grow by keeping interest rates too low. Критики утверждают, что Центробанки, фокусируясь на потребительской инфляции, а не на инфляции цен на активы, подталкивают пузыри к росту, удерживая процентные ставки на слишком низком уровне.

If the Government expected the tenants to take the increase lying down, they were very much mistaken. Если правительство рассчитывало, что квартиросъемщики спокойно отнесутся к повышению квартирной платы, оно сильно ошибалось.

Примечание 1. После глаголов to declare, to consider и to find глагол-связка to be в объектном инфинитивном обороте иногда опускается.

Примечание 2. Глаголы to hear, to see в сочетании с этим оборотом выражают физическое восприятие: «слышать, как», «видеть, как» (а не переносное значение: «слышать, что»=«узнавать», «(у)видеть, что»=«понимать», «замечать»). Частица “to” после этих глаголов опускается.

They heard him deny it. Они слышали, как он отрицал это.

Примечание 3. После глаголов, выражающих физическое восприятие: to watch, to notice, to see и т. д., этот оборот обычно переводится придаточным предложением, вводимым союзом “как”, если это не противоречит нормам русского языка в отношении данных слов. Так, глагол “заметить” обычно требует после себя союза “что”, а не “как” (Он заметил, что ...). Частица “to” после этих глаголов опускается

Примечание 4. Глаголы, требующие после себя предложное дополнение: to wait for, to rely on и др., сохраняют этот предлог перед объектным инфинитивным оборотом. При переводе на русский язык придаточное предложение вводится словами чтобы; то, что в соответствующем падеже.

The major Powers are waiting for that country to make a decision. Великие державы ждут, чтобы эта страна приняла решение (пока эта страна примет решение).

Примечание 5. Глагол to get to/ to make _ /have_с объектным инфинитивным оборотом имеет значение «заставлять».

This story was told to get him to go/make him go to the station. Эту историю рассказали, чтобы заставить его отправиться в участок.

Переведите следующие предложения.

1. We expect him to solve this problem.

2. I don't consider him to be a good manager.

3. I know her to have graduated from the university three years ago.

4. The manager considers the results to be unsatisfactory.

5. I want him to leave.

6. We expect John to be elected.

7. We want them to introduce the changes as soon as possible.

8. We expect interest rates to rise next week.

9. The scientists expect this effect to be relatively small.

10. We expect the government to provide assistance to the needy population.

11. They are known to have been working on this issue for a year.

12. The employees expected the management of the company to reconsider the terms of the contract.

13. According to recent research, one might expect the purchasing power of the population to be gradually rising.

14. Economists consider land to be the factor of production supplied by nature.

15. As prices of fuel rise, we expect the production to expand.

16. A rise in the practice of a unit of labour will make the firm start using a more capital-intensive technology.

17. The command economy does not let an individual make free economic decisions.

18. Allocation of additional capital lets a high level of production be maintained with fewer workers.

19. High oil prices make consumers purchase substitute commodities.

20. When market conditions change, economists expect the price for land to vary.

21. Economists believe the availability of labour to be the most essential requirement for economic activity.

22. Private-sector producers consider profitability to be the most essential condition for their business.

23. Economists consider demand for non-essential goods to be particularly inelastic.

24. Every economist knows an increase in price of a factor to reduce demand for it.

25. We know the quantity of capital inputs to affect the total output.

26. Some economists do not believe exports to depend on domestic income.

27. The 19th-century economists said income from capital to be profit.

28. Economists consider higher tax rates to be able initially to bring in greater amounts of taxes raised but to result eventually in a fall in output level.

29. We believe it to reduce the quantity of that good produced.

30. Economists consider the power to tax to be the power to affect the allocation of the economy’s resources.

31. Economists know the state to affect for whom goods are produced mainly through its taxes and transfers.

32. They believe the firm to have leased all its capital equipment.

32. Economists believe the US grain market to have been strongly affected by government agricultural policies.

33. We know the government to be considering the necessity of cutting taxes in industry.

34. People want the tax to be related to their income.

35. In times of need taxpayers with allowances to be given.

36. The government would like the public to lend their money to the state.

37. People consider National insurance Contribution (NIC) to be a payment for specific purposes.

38. We suppose NIC to be effectively compulsory insurance lesied by governments against possible future deprivation.

39. A number of the world’s poorest countries found this social security system impossible to operate.

40. We expect the people in paid employment to generate the necessary funds for NIC.

41. They expect the new approach to be taken by newly emerging industrialized countries.

42. Soon after the Soviet Minister for Foreign Trade arrived in London, he heard a representative of 650 British firms say 1966 was a record year for Anglo-Soviet commerce.

43. It was unbearable to hear this man speak of friendship with Britain as if nothing of importance had happened.

44. Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile and Trinidad and Tobago are co-sponsors of the draft resolution. Mr. V. said he expected other delegations to support it before it was debated and voted upon in the General Assembly.

45. The United Nations General Assembly, defeating all Western opposition, yesterday declared the use of nuclear weapons to be a direct violation of the U. N. Charter.

46. He told them that the fact that the union wanted the six men to be dealt with by the industry's disputes panel was evidence that they had union support.

47. Britain's housing managers want council housing to be taken over from the 1,400 local councils which deal with it today and put into the hands of large authorities covering populations of one million to three million.

48. Time and again he has assured them that the Government doesn't want to hinder the making of profits. He has done his damnedest to get the trade unions to agree to wage restraint, which would put still more profits into the pockets of the employers.

49. The Prime Minister has decided to get the Cabinet to make an earlier than expected decision about joining the Common Market.

50. Public opinion compelled the Government to get the West German leaders to arrive at a settlement.

51. In a document released today a Harvard University Professor discloses that studies he made in one medium-sized U. S. city showed mayors, police chiefs and other officials to have been on a gambling syndicate's payroll for many years.

52. An association of lawyers says that many owners prefer their own property rather than nearby land to be swallowed by a motorway.

53. The world speed skating championships open in Moscow at the weekend. The event was last held in Moscow seven years ago. Officials expect the attendance record of 100,000 to be broken this time.

54. A crowd of 25,000 spectators saw N. S.C right-back Tarek put the ball in his own net to give Arsenal its first goal 4 minutes before half-time.

3.Предложный инфинитивный оборот (Инфинитивный комплекс “for + имя существительное в общем падеже/местоимение в объектном падеже + инфинитив”).

Инфинитивный комплекс может выполнять в предложении различные функции и соответственно в зависимости от выполняемой им функции переводится по-разному. Рассмотрим перевод этого оборота в различных функциях.

а) В функции сложного обстоятельства цели этот оборот, как правило, переводится на русский язык придаточным предложением, вводимым союзом “чтобы”. Иногда данное предложение имеет модальный оттенок.

A lot of data is needed for the conclusions to be drawn. Необходимо много данных для того, чтобы (можно было) сделать выводы.

б) В функции подлежащего “for” Complex переводится существительным/местоимением в дательном падеже + инфинитив

For him to realize this difference is rather hard. Ему довольно трудно понять это различие.

в) В функции сложного определения данный комплекс переводится существительным в винительном падеже + инфинитив или придаточным предложением с модальным оттенком.

The tendency for the phenomenon to repeat was examined. Была изучена тенденция данного явления повторяться.

The first thing for us to do ... Первое, что мы должны сделать ...

г) В функции сложной части составного сказуемого (именной части сказуемого) “for” комплекс переводится придаточным предложением, вводимым союзами “что,” “чтобы”

Present plans are for the Prime Minister to make a statement in the first part of next week. В настоящий момент планы состоят в том, чтобы премьер-министр выступил с заявлением до следующей среды (не позже чем в следующую среду).

Иногда инфинитивный комплекс в данной функции может переводиться инфинитивом или существительным в дательном падеже с инфинитивом.

This is no place for us to attempt to throw a strong light on the darkest page of British history. Неуместно пытаться здесь (на этих страницах) пролить яркий свет на одну из самых мрачных страниц истории Англии.

It is not for us to decide. He нам это решать.

Переведите предложения и определите функцию, которую выполняет предложный инфинитивный оборот.

1. It is impossible for us to accept these terms.

2. For money to be able to work it must be either invested or deposited in a bank.

3. Their proposal was reasonable enough for the board to consider it in a meeting.

4. The tendency was for the inflation rate to gradually decline.

5. The decision was for her to be made.

6. It is quite possible for them to accept your proposal.

7. The best decision for us to make at the moment is to wait.

8. For the economic growth to continue a whole set of macroeconomic measures needs to be taken.

9. The production costs in the enterprise are too high for it to work profitably.

10. It is necessary for society to allocate resources sparingly.

11. For advanced technology to be introduced, the owner invested his profit in new equipment.

12. It is important to keep unemployment rate as low as possible for society to use its resources effectively.

13. It is important for everybody to see the difference between revenue and profit.

14. The free market is one way for society to solve the economic problems as to what, how, and for whom to produce.

15. Economically advanced countries’ aid to the Third World is not generally strong enough for the latter to achieve economic independence.

16. For research and development to be carried out, the governments in less developed countries have to invest enough resources in their own research institutes.

17. For higher profits to be obtained, firms have to increase efficiency of labour.

18. Unemployment is growing too rapidly for labour markets to be in equilibrium.

19. Simplified models of economic units are used in macroeconomics analysis for an economist to be able to study various relationships within the economy.

20. For the business to be efficient, all production costs have to be minimized.

21. It is important for every manager to know labour efficiency in his enterprise.

22. For statistical systems to meet the requirements of dynamic policies, they have to be constantly updated.

23. Agricultural production in poorer developing countries is so inefficient that almost everyone has to work on the land for enough food to be produced.

24. For the workers to spend less time in unemployment, high efficiency of labour market is required.. One of the subjects which the Soviet Premier discussed with the French President was a Soviet proposal for a conference of European countries to discuss collective security measures to ensure peace in Europe.

25. The British Ambassador to Mexico said last night that changes made in the draft during the present commission session would not make it, in his opinion, any easier for Britain to sign the protocols.

26. The resolution allows for an emergency session of the General Assembly to be called ort 24-hour notice by a vote of seven members of the Security Council, or by a majority of the entire memberships.

27. The N. U. R. general secretary said yesterday his colleagues were very keen for common policy to be thrashed out.

28. It is expected that at tomorrow's General Council "meeting of the T. U. C. a proposition will be discussed for a deputation to see the Prime Minister before the March 2 |conference of executives.

29. This emphasizes the desperate need for the Government to fulfil its pledge to meet the problem with a lower rate of Interest for housing.

30. Although the Minister of Health yesterday did not accept the conditions described as typical, the revelations made it hard for reassuring phrases like "best in the world" and “tremendous step forward" to avoid having a slightly hollow ring.

31. In these circumstances the party leaders had no plan for the Prime Minister to make a unity appeal when he attends today's party meeting.

32. An Atomic Energy Authority spokesman said it was Sot unusual for one or two reactors to be shut down at weekends tinder normal conditions. But in view of possible staff shortages it had been decided to close down three.

33. And having made this guess, he thought it completely in order for an МР to announce it, as if it were a hard fact provided by a government official.

34. There is too much slackness in many key industries. Too many employers complain of short order books and too many firms give notice of redundancy for there to be any complacency among trade unionists.

5. Абсолютный (самостоятельный или независимый) инфинитивный оборот

В английском языке очень редко встречается конструкция, состоящая из существительного в общем падеже и инфинитива. Такая независимая номинативная конструкция (существительное/местоимение + инфинитив) стоит в конце предложения и отделяется запятой. Она передает сопутствующее обстоятельство с модальным значением долженствования. На русский язык данный оборот переводится предложением с модальным оттенком, вводимым союзом “при этом” или “причем”, в котором подлежащим становится существительное/местоимение, стоящее пред инфинитивом, а следующий за ним инфинитив становится сказуемым.

The sellers offered the buyers 5,000 tons of oil, delivery to be made in October. Поставщики предложили покупателям 5.000 тонн нефти, причем поставка должна быть произведена в октябре.

The Seller undertakes to replace defective goods free of charge within the minimum possible time, the Agent to pay the cost of transportation and insurance. Продавец обязуется заменить поврежденные изделия бесплатно в минимальный срок, при этом транспортные расходы и оплату страховки берет на себя Агент.

The claims should be forwarded by a registered letter, the text to be written in English. Претензии высылаются заказным письмом, причем текст должен быть на английском языке.

The buyers requested the sellers to keep them informed of the position of the vessel, the communications to be addressed to their agents. Покупатели просят продавцов держать их в курсе местонахождения судна, причем сообщения должны были направляться их агентам.

Переведите предложения c абсолютным инфинитивным оборотом.

1. A cargo of 5,000 tons of wheat has been sold to a foreign company, payment to be made in cash in exchange for the bill landing and insurance policy.

2. The sellers charted a steamer for the transportation of the goods, the lay days at the port of loading not to commence before October 20.

3. By a contract dated August 15, 2010, A sold B a quantity of timber, the goods to be shipped in two parcels.

4. The seller must provide documents entitling the buyer to obtain delivery of the grain and a payment must be made in exchange for such documents, such payment to be made without prejudice to the buyer’s rights under the contract.

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