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Elementary Mechanics Using Python- 2015.pdf
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Description of Motion





We find the displacements, r:





r(t ) = r(t +


t ) − r(t ) ,



and interpret these as average velocity vectors for the motion.



We find the change in displacements,





r(t ) = r(t ) −

r(t t ) ,



and interpret these as average acceleration vectors for the motion.


We have illustrated the motion diagram of the cheetah using this approach in Fig. 6.4. Notice that we can generate the average acceleration vectors by a graphical vector subtraction, as illustrated at t = 1.0 s in Fig. 6.4.

6.2.1 Example: Mars Express

This example demonstrates how we can find the velocity and acceleration from both real data and mathematical representations of the position—based on real data provided by ESA.

The Mars Express probe was launched on June 2nd 2003 and reached Mars in December 2003 (see ESA’s site for more information on Mars Express). We want to use the data provided by ESA to illustrate the motion of the Mars Express, analyze the velocity and acceleration of the module, and compare with the motion of the Earth and Mars (see Fig. 6.5).

25 December


27 August


Earth2 June


Mars Express’s trajectory



Fig. 6.5 The trajectory of the Mars Express spacecraft illustrated as a motion diagram and the Mars Express spacecraft. (Illustration by S.B. Skattum)


6 Motion in Two and Three Dimensions

Reading and converting the data: The path of the Mars Express from Earth to Mars is approximately given by the data set marsexpresslr.d,4 which has been reduced to be strictly two-dimensional. Each line in the data set contains the following information:









. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

The time is given in days, and the spatial coordinates are measured in kilometers. We read the data set into Python to examine the motion, using loadtxt:

from pylab import * t,x,y=loadtxt(’marsexpresslr.d’,usecols=[0,1,2],unpack=True) n = len(t)

dt = t[1] - t[0]

r = zeros((n,2),float) r[:,0] = x

r[:,1] = y

This generates the arrays t, x, and y, which we combine to one array to form r. This provides us with a vector r(ti ), which contains the x - and y-components

r(ti ) = x (ti ) i + y(ti ) j .


The vector representation in Python is useful and allows us to make operations on the whole vector in a very similar way to how we write the operations mathematically. We demonstrate this by converting the lengths to astronomical units. The x - and y- coordinates in the data-set are measured in kilometers, but we would like to measure lengths in Astronomical Units, where 1AU = 149,598,000 km. An astronomical unit (1 AU) roughly corresponds to the average radius of the orbit of the Earth around the Sun—it is therefore a useful unit for describing planetary motion. We can convert the data by dividing the length by 1 AU. Mathematically, we would write this as:

r(t )



r(t ) .





1 AU


Using the vector representation, the implementation in Python is almost identical:

AU = 149598000.0 r = r/AU

How does this work? The command r /a divides each element in the array by a = 1 AU—both the x and the y coordinate for all times i . This is a very intuitive and efficient way of coding, and you should learn to utilize the power of vectorization.

Plotting the trajectory—Low resolution data: The data-set provides the positions ri at times ti . We can visualize the trajectory by plotting all the positions of the module:


6.2 Description of Motion



axis(’equal’) xlabel(’x [au]’) ylabel(’y [au]’) show()

where we have used axis(’equal’) to ensure that the scaling of the x - and y- axis are the same, so that a circle will appear as a circle and not as an ellipse. Notice that r[:,0] gives the xi for all i , and similarly for the yi .

The resulting trajectory is shown by a dotted line in Fig. 6.6a. Unfortunately, this data-set only contains the position of the module every 30 days. This only gives us a coarse illustration of the motion, but we are still able to see the main features.

Motion diagram: The plot of the trajectory itself does not provide much insight into the motion of the module. We can gain more insight through a motion diagram or by calculating the velocity and acceleration of the module along the trajectory. Since the data is so coarse, we start by illustrating the velocities and the accelerations in the diagrams.

The average velocity is proportional to the displacement:


v¯i =


ri =


(r(ti +1) − r(ti )) .




We can therefore illustrate the velocities by drawing the displacement vectors from ri to ri +1. This is done by drawing an arrow from r[i,:] to r[i+1,:] using the quiver command, which draws an arrow from a point ri and in a distance ri = ri +1 ri . Notice the additional arguments provided to the quiver command to ensure that the arrows have correct length and orientation. Also remember to replot

the previous figure and to add show() at the end of the script.

for i in range(n-1): plot(r[i,0],r[i,1],’o’) dr = r[i+1,:] - r[i,:]

quiver(r[i,0],r[i,1],dr[0],dr[1],angles=’xy’, scale_units=’xy’,scale=1)


The loop stops at n −1, since we cannot find the displacement from i = n to i = n +1. The arrow illustrating the (average) velocities are shown in Fig. 6.6a.

Similarly, the acceleration is approximately given by the change in velocities:



(v(ti ) − v(ti −1)) ,



We use the velocities in ti and ti −1 because the velocity in ti is calculated from the points ti and ti +1 and the velocity in ti −1 is calculated from the points ti −1 and ti . In this way, the acceleration is properly centered. This becomes clear by reviewing the motion diagram in Fig. 6.6a. To find the acceleration in point 1, we need to use the velocities (displacements) from point 0 and 1.


y [au]



































x [au]

y [au]

6 Motion in Two and Three Dimensions










x [au]


Fig. 6.6 The trajectory of the Mars Express spacecraft illustrated as a motion diagram. The circles shows the position of the module at 30 day intervals, the arrows indicate the velocities (displacements) and the accelerations (change in displacements)

We can therefore illustrate the accelerations by:




t 2 ((ri +1 ri ) − (ri ri −1)) .


which is implemented as:

for i in range(1,n-1): plot(r[i,0],r[i,1],’o’)

dr = (r[i+1,:] - r[i,:])-(r[i,:] - r[i-1,:]) quiver(r[i,0],r[i,1],dr[0],dr[1],angles=’xy’,



The accelerations are shown in Fig. 6.6a. Already from this very simple figure we gain insight into the motion: The acceleration is toward the center of the trajectory and the acceleration is decreasing in magnitude since the length of the arrows are decreasing.

Plotting the trajectory—High resolution data: Fortunately, we have access to data with much higher time resolution in the file marsexpresshr.d.5 We read and plot the data using the same method as before:

from pylab import * t,x,y=loadtxt(’marsexpresshr.d’,usecols=[0,1,2],unpack=True) n = len(t)

r = zeros((n,2),float) r[:,0] = x

r[:,1] = y

AU = 149598000.0 r = r/AU

plot(r[:,0],r[:,1]), axis(’equal’) xlabel(’x [au]’)

ylabel(’y [au]’) show()


6.2 Description of Motion


The resulting trajectory is shown in Fig. 6.6b. In this case, the density of points is so high that it does not make sense to plot the displacements—they are all very small.

Calculating velocity and acceleration: The velocity at ti is the time derivative of r(t ) at ti , which we approximate by the numerical derivative over the time interval

t , when

t is small:










v(t )





r(ti +

t ) − r(ti )


r(ti + t ) − r(ti )







= dt
























Notice that this is exactly the same form we used to calculate the displacement in the motion diagram. We can therefore calculate the velocities numerically using the same approach:

n = len(r)

dt = t[1]-t[0]

v = zeros((n,2),float) for i in range (n-1):

v[i,:] = (r[i+1,:]-r[i,:])/dt

The magnitude of the velocity, v(t ), is shown in Fig. 6.7.

Similarly, we approximate the acceleration using the numerical derivative of the










v(ti ) − v(ti −1)







which again is analogous to what we calculated in the motion diagrams:

a = zeros((n,2),float) for i in range(2,n-1):

a[i,:] = (v[i,:] - v[i-1,:])/dt

Fig. 6.7 The magnitude of the velocity and the acceleration of the module as function of time. (Notice the noise in the accelerations)








































t [days]





4 × 10-4













a [au/days



































t [days]




6 Motion in Two and Three Dimensions

Figure 6.7 shows that the acceleration is decreasing in magnitude as the module moves from the Earth to Mars, but the data is noisier for the acceleration. The magnitudes of velocity and acceleration are calculated using the norm-function.

vv = zeros((n,1),float) aa = zeros((n,1),float) for i in range(n):

vv[i] = norm(v[i,:]) aa[i] = norm(a[i,:])

Mathematical models: Since we do not have any intuition for velocities or accelerations of space travel such as for the Mars Express, we need to compare with other relevant motions, such as the motion of the Earth and Mars around the Sun. For simplicity, we assume that both the Earth and Mars follow circular orbits with radi RE = 1 au and RM = 1.5 au, and periods (the time a complete revolution takes) of TE = 1 year = 365.25 days and TM = 2 years = 730.5 days. The trajectory for a circular orbit with radius R and period T can be described by

r(t ) = R (i cos ωt + j sin ωt ) ,


where ω = 2π /T . This describes a circle with radius R and the trajectory is at r = Ri at t = 0 and at t = T , hence the period is T . If you are not familiar with this representation of circles, you can plot the trajectory by

>>R = 1.0

>>T = 365.25

>>t = linspace(0,TE,1000)

>>r = R*array([cos(2*pi*t/T) sin(2*pi*t/T)])

>>plot(r[0,:],rE[1,:]), axis(’equal’)

We are here primarily interested in the velocity and acceleration of a planet in the trajectory, and not in when the planet is where along the trajectory. Therefore we have not taken care to ensure that the initial positions at t = 0 for Mars or the Earth are correct relative to each other. (That is, we do not care where the planets are at t = 0).

We use this representation for both the Earth and Mars. The velocity of the planet

in this circular orbit is







v =




R (i cos ωt + j sin ωt ) = Rω (−i sin ωt + j cos ωt ) .




The magnitude of the velocity is therefore a constant:





|v| = Rω |−i sin ωt + j cos ωt | = Rω = 2π R/T ,


which corresponds to the distance traveled during one complete revolution divided by the time it takes to make a revolution. We therefore now have numbers we can use to compare with the results from our calculations. For the Earth (vE ) and for Mars (vM ) we find:

vE = 2 π 1.0 au/ (365.25 days) = 0.017 au/days ,


6.2 Description of Motion


vM = 2 π 1.5 au/ (2 365.25 days) = 0.013 au/days .


These values are illustrated by a dotted and a dashed line in Fig. 6.7. Indeed, we see that the Mars Express holds approximately the same velocity as Mars when the module approaches Mars, and that the module starts with a velocity significantly larger than that of the Earth in its orbit.

We find the acceleration for these trajectories from the derivative of the velocity:





a =




Rω (−i sin ωt + j cos ωt ) = −Rω2 (i cos ωt + j sin ωt ) , (6.65)



which shows that the acceleration of the Earth (and Mars) always points in toward the center of the orbit. The magnitude of the acceleration is a constant, a = Rω2, which gives

aE =

22 π 2 1.0 au / (365.25 days)2 = 3.00 × 10−4 au/days2 ,


aM =

22 π 2 1.5 au / (2 365.25 days)2 = 1.11 × 10−4 au/days2 .


We have plotted these values as dotted (Earth) and dashed (Mars) lines in Fig. 6.7. We see that the acceleration of the module is the same as the acceleration of the Earth when it is near the Earth and Mars when it is near Mars.

We can also plot the trajectories of the Earth and Mars into the plot of the trajectory of the Mars Express. First, we calculate the trajectories and then plot them in the same plot:


RE = 1.0 TE = 365.25

tt = linspace(0,TE,1000) omegaE = 2*pi/TE

rE = RE*transpose(array([cos(omegaE*tt) sin(omegaE*tt)])) plot(rE[:,0],rE[:,1],’:’)

RM = 1.5

TM = 2*365.25

tt = linspace(0,TM,1000) omegaE = 2*pi/TE

rM = RM*transpose(array([cos(omegaM*tt) sin(omegaM*tt)])) plot(rM[:,0],rM[:,1],’--’)



Notice the compact way of calculating the trajectory. First, we generate an array tt of time from 0 days to the period T , and then we generate the x and y positions. Notice also the use of transpose (using the transpose function) to ensure that the vectors have the shape (N , 2) and not (2, N ). The resulting trajectories are shown in Fig. 6.6.

Analysis of acceleration: We can use the data-set to find out how the magnitude of the acceleration depends on the distance, r , to the Sun. The distance, r , is the magnitude of the position vector, since all the positions are measured with the Sun in