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12.3 Impulse and Change in Momentum


The change in momentum is therefore


p = mv1 mv0 = m(−v0) − mv0 = −2mv0 = −2 p0 .


If we know the duration, t , of the collision, we can find the average net force on the ball during the collision from

F net













12.3.2 Example: Hitting a Tennis Ball

Problem: A tennis ball of mass 57 g is approaching you with a horizontal velocity v0 = 20 m/s. You hit the ball, returning it with a horizontal velocity v1 = 20 m/s, now in the opposite direction. (a) What is the impulse J on the ball while it is in contact with the racket during the collision? (b) The ball and racket are in contact for 2.0 ms. What is the average net force on the racket during the collision? (c) You want to return the ball as a high lob and give the ball a velocity v1 = 15 m/s at angle of 45upward. What is now the impulse on the ball and the net force from the racket on the ball?

Approach: We may solve this problem by determining the motion of the ball from Newton’s laws of motion, but this would require a detailed force model for the force from the tennis racket on the ball. In this case, we do not have such a model. Instead, we want to use the measured change in velocity to determine the average force on the ball.

Identify: In this problem we address the motion of the tennis ball, described by the position r(t ). The ball starts with the velocity v0 = −v0 i at the time t0 (before the collision), and gets the velocity v1 after the collision.

Model: The ball is affected by a force, F(t ), from the racket on the ball, and by gravity. However, we assume that gravity is small compared with the typical force from the racket, and ignore the effects of gravity.

Solve: The impulse is defined as the integral of the net force on the ball, and it is equal to the change in momentum of the ball:

J = p = p1 p0 = mv1 mv0 ,


Solution part a: In part (a) of the problem, the final velocity is v1 = v1 i. The key idea is that momentum is a vector quantity. The ball therefore experiences a change in momentum, even though the magnitude of the momentum does not change, because the direction of the momentum changes.


12 Momentum, Impulse, and Collisions

The impulse on the ball in the collision is:



J = m (v1 i − (−v0 i)) = m(v1 + v0) i



= 0.057 kg (20.0 m/s + 20.0 m/s) i = 2.28 kg m/s i .


The impulse is positive, since the force acting on the ball is in the positive x - direction—this is also the direction of the acceleration of the ball.

Solution of part b: In part (b) of the problem, we find the average force from the change in momentum during the collision:

Favg =



Fdt =


= 2

2 10−3 s

= 1140N ,









.28 kg m/s



This is the average net force on the ball. We recall from Fig. 12.3 that the net force is smaller than the maximum force, although they are typically of comparable magnitude.

Dicussion: What about gravity? We neglected gravity because we assumed it to be small compared with the force from the racket. We could check this assumption in two ways. First, we could check that the impulse of gravity is much smaller than the total impulse on the ball—we can do this without calculating the average force. The magnitude of gravity is:

W = mg = 0.057 kg 9.8 m/s2 = 0.56 N .


The impulse of gravity is therefore:

Jg = mg t = 0.56 M 2 10−3 s = 1.1 10−2 kg m/s ,


which is much smaller than the impulse of the net force.

From this calculation we also found the force from gravity, which is much smaller than the average net force on the ball. We were therefore right in neglecting the effect of gravity.

Solution to part c: Finally, we address question (c), where the collision is not head on, and the ball leaves the racket at an angle α, as illustrated in Fig. 12.6. In this case, we need to treat the collision as two-dimensional. First, we introduce the velocity of the ball after the collision as:

v1 = v1 (cos α i + sin α j) ,


where v1 = 15 m/s and α = 45= π/4. The impulse on the ball is still given as the change in momentum:

J = p1 p0 = m (v1 v0) .
