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Итог_№ 2_2022 ТГиП

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Theory of State and Law

9.If the reviewer makes the decision specified in sub. 8.3.3 Procedure, revised (revised) by the author, the manuscript is re-sent for review. If the reviewer makes a similar decision during re-reviewing, the manuscript is considered rejected and is no longer subject to review by the editors of the Journal.

10.In cases where the reviewer makes the decisions specified in sub. 8.3.2–8.3.4 Order, the text of the review is sent to the author of the manuscript.

11.The final decision on the acceptance of the manuscript for publication in the Journal is made by the Editorial Board based on the review.

12.The originals of the reviews are kept in the editorial office of the Journal for five years from the moment they are signed by the reviewer.

13.Within the period established by clause 12 of the Procedure, a copy of the review is submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in case of a corresponding request received by the editorial office of the Journal.


Теория государства и права

Редактор, переводчик М.В.Старцева

Верстка И.И.Каширина

Адрес редакции: 119415, г. Москва, ул. Удальцова, д.19, корп. 1, офис 12 E-mail: matgip2017@yandex.ru; komarova_tl@mail.ru

Сайт: http://matgip.ru/magazine Телефон: (499) 431-5806

Издатель: МОО «Межрегиональная ассоциация теоретиков государства и права»

Адрес издателя: 119415, Москва, Удальцова 19-1-12 E-mail: matgip2017@yandex.ru

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