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2.2 Functions




2.2.4 Multiple Return Values

Python functions may return more than one value. Suppose we are interested in evaluating both y(t) defined in (1.1) and its derivative


dt = v0 − gt .

In the current application, y (t) has the physical interpretation as the velocity of the ball. To return y and y we simply separate their corresponding variables by a comma in the return statement:

def yfunc(t, v0): g = 9.81

y = v0*t - 0.5*g*t**2 dydt = v0 - g*t return y, dydt

When we call this latter yfunc function, we need two values on the left-hand side of the assignment operator because the function returns two values:

position, velocity = yfunc(0.6, 3)

Here is an application of the yfunc function for producing a nicely formatted table of positions and velocities of a ball thrown up in the air:

t_values = [0.05*i for i in range(10)] for t in t_values:

pos, vel = yfunc(t, v0=5)

print ’t=%-10g position=%-10g velocity=%-10g’ % (t, pos, vel)

The format %-10g prints a real number as compactly as possible (decimal or scientific notation) in a field of width 10 characters. The minus (“-”) sign after the percentage sign implies that the number is leftadjusted in this field, a feature that is important for creating nicelooking columns in the output:































When a function returns multiple values, separated by a comma in the return statement, a tuple (Chapter 2.1.11) is actually returned. We can demonstrate that fact by the following session:

>>> def f(x):

... return x, x**2, x**4



2 Basic Constructions



>>>s = f(2)


(2, 4, 16)

>>>type(s) <type ’tuple’>

>>>x, x2, x4 = f(2)

Note that storing multiple return values into separate variables, as we do in the last line, is actually the same functionality as we use for storing list elements in separate variables, see on page 58.

Our next example concerns a function aimed at calculating the sum








L(x; n) = i=1


1 + x








It can be shown that L(x; n) is an approximation to ln(1 + x) for a finite n and x ≥ 1. The approximation becomes exact in the limit:

ln(1 + x) = lim L(x; n) .


To compute a sum in a Python program, we use a loop and add terms to a “summing variable” inside the loop. This variable must be initialized to zero outside the loop. For example, we can sketch the implementa-

tion of n c(i), where c(i) is some formula depending on i, as


s = 0

for i in range(1, n+1): s += c(i)

For the specific sum (2.1) we just replace c(i) by the right term (1/i)(x/(1 + x))i inside the for loop10:

s = 0

for i in range(1, n+1):

s += (1.0/i)*(x/(1.0+x))**i

It is natural to embed the computation of the sum in a function which takes x and n as arguments and returns the sum:

def L(x, n): s = 0

for i in range(1, n+1):

s += (1.0/i)*(x/(1.0+x))**i return s

Instead of just returning the value of the sum, we could return additional information on the error involved in the approximation of ln(1 + x) by L(x; n). The first neglected term in the sum provides

10 Observe the 1.0 numbers: These avoid integer division (i is int and x may be int).

2.2 Functions




an indication of the error11. We could also return the exact error. The new version of the L(x, n) function then looks as this:

def L(x, n): s = 0

for i in range(1, n+1):

s += (1.0/i)*(x/(1.0+x))**i value_of_sum = s

first_neglected_term = (1.0/(n+1))*(x/(1.0+x))**(n+1)

from math import log

exact_error = log(1+x) - value_of_sum

return value_of_sum, first_neglected_term, exact_error

# typical call:

value, approximate_error, exact_error = L2(x, 100)

The next section demonstrates the usage of the L function to judge the quality of the approximation L(x; n) to ln(1 + x).

2.2.5 Functions with No Return Values

Sometimes a function just performs a set of statements, and it is not natural to return any values to the calling code. In such situations one can simply skip the return statement. Some programming languages use the terms procedure or subroutine for functions that do not return anything.

Let us exemplify a function without return values by making a table of the accuracy of the L(x; n) approximation to ln(1 + x) from the previous section:

def table(x):

print ’\nx=%g, ln(1+x)=%g’ % (x, log(1+x)) for n in [1, 2, 10, 100, 500]:

value, next, error = L(x, n)

print ’n=%-4d %-10g (next term: %8.2e ’\ ’error: %8.2e)’ % (n, value, next, error)

This function just performs a set of statements that we may want to run several times. Calling



gives the output :

x=10, ln(1+x)=2.3979




(next term: 4.13e-01

error: 1.49e+00)



(next term: 2.50e-01

error: 1.08e+00)



(next term: 3.19e-02

error: 2.19e-01)



(next term: 6.53e-07

error: 6.59e-06)



(next term: 3.65e-24

error: 6.22e-15)

11The size of the terms decreases with increasing n, and the first neglected term is then bigger than all the remaining terms, but not necessarily bigger than their sum. The first neglected term is therefore only an indication of the size of the total error we make.




2 Basic Constructions



x=1000, ln(1+x)=6.90875




(next term: 4.99e-01

error: 5.91e+00)



(next term: 3.32e-01

error: 5.41e+00)



(next term: 8.99e-02

error: 3.99e+00)



(next term: 8.95e-03

error: 1.82e+00)



(next term: 1.21e-03

error: 5.59e-01)

From this output we see that the sum converges much more slowly when x is large than when x is small. We also see that the error is an order of magnitude or more larger than the first neglected term in the sum. The functions L and table are found in the file lnsum.py.

When there is no explicit return statement in a function, Python actually inserts an invisible return None statement. None is a special object in Python that represents something we might think of as “empty data” or “nothing”. Other computer languages, such as C, C++, and Java, use the word “void” for a similar thing. Normally, one will call the table function without assigning the return value to any variable, but if we assign the return value to a variable, result = table(500), result will refer to a None object.

The None value is often used for variables that should exist in a program, but where it is natural to think of the value as conceptually undefined. The standard way to test if an object obj is set to None or not reads

if obj is None:


if obj is not None:


One can also use obj == None. The is operator tests if two names refer to the same object, while == tests if the contents of two objects are the same:

>>>a = 1

>>>b = a

>>>a is b # a and b refer to the same object True

>>>c = 1.0

>>>a is c


>>> a == c # a and c are mathematically equal True

2.2.6 Keyword Arguments

Some function arguments can be given a default value so that we may leave out these arguments in the call, if desired. A typical function may look as

>>>def somefunc(arg1, arg2, kwarg1=True, kwarg2=0):

>>>print arg1, arg2, kwarg1, kwarg2

2.2 Functions




The first two arguments, arg1 and arg2, are ordinary or positional arguments, while the latter two are keyword arguments or named arguments. Each keyword argument has a name (in this example kwarg1 and kwarg2) and an associated default value. The keyword arguments must always be listed after the positional arguments in the function definition.

When calling somefunc, we may leave out some or all of the keyword arguments. Keyword arguments that do not appear in the call get their values from the specified default values. We can demonstrate the e ect through some calls:

>>>somefunc(’Hello’, [1,2]) Hello [1, 2] True 0

>>>somefunc(’Hello’, [1,2], kwarg1=’Hi’) Hello [1, 2] Hi 0

>>>somefunc(’Hello’, [1,2], kwarg2=’Hi’) Hello [1, 2] True Hi

>>>somefunc(’Hello’, [1,2], kwarg2=’Hi’, kwarg1=6) Hello [1, 2] 6 Hi

The sequence of the keyword arguments does not matter in the call. We may also mix the positional and keyword arguments if we explicitly write name=value for all arguments in the call:

>>> somefunc(kwarg2=’Hello’, arg1=’Hi’, kwarg1=6, arg2=[1,2],)

Hi [1, 2] 6 Hello

Example: Function with Default Parameters. which also contains some parameters, here A,

Consider a function of t a, and ω:

f (t; A, a, ω) = Ae−at sin(ωt) .


We can implement f as a Python function where the independent variable t is an ordinary positional argument, and the parameters A, a, and ω are keyword arguments with suitable default values:

from math import pi, exp, sin

def f(t, A=1, a=1, omega=2*pi): return A*exp(-a*t)*sin(omega*t)

Calling f with just the t argument specified is possible:

v1 = f(0.2)

In this case we evaluate the expression e−0.2 sin(2π ·0.2). Other possible calls include

v2 = f(0.2, omega=1)

v3 = f(1, A=5, omega=pi, a=pi**2)

v4 = f(A=5, a=2, t=0.01, omega=0.1)

v5 = f(0.2, 0.5, 1, 1)


2 Basic Constructions



You should write down the mathematical expressions that arise from these four calls. Also observe in the third line above that a positional argument, t in that case, can appear in between the keyword arguments if we write the positional argument on the keyword argument form name=value. In the last line we demonstrate that keyword arguments can be used as positional argument, i.e., the name part can be skipped, but then the sequence of the keyword arguments in the call must match the sequence in the function definition exactly.

Example: Computing a Sum with Default Tolerance. Consider the

L(x; n) sum and the Python implementation L(x, n) from Chapter 2.2.4. Instead of specifying the number of terms in the sum, n, it is better to specify a tolerence ε of the accuracy. We can use the first neglected term as an estimate of the accuracy. This means that we sum up terms as long as the absolute value of the next term is greater than. It is natural to provide a default value for :

def L2(x, epsilon=1.0E-6): x = float(x)

i = 1

term = (1.0/i)*(x/(1+x))**i s = term

while abs(term) > epsilon: # abs(x) is |x| i += 1

term = (1.0/i)*(x/(1+x))**i s += term

return s, i

Here is an example involving this function to make a table of the approximation error as decreases:

from math import log x = 10

for k in range(4, 14, 2): epsilon = 10**(-k)

approx, n = L2(x, epsilon=epsilon) exact = log(1+x)

exact_error = exact - approx

print ’epsilon: %5.0e, exact error: %8.2e, n=%d’ % \ (epsilon, exact_error, n)

The output becomes

epsilon: 1e-04, exact error: 8.18e-04, n=55 epsilon: 1e-06, exact error: 9.02e-06, n=97 epsilon: 1e-08, exact error: 8.70e-08, n=142 epsilon: 1e-10, exact error: 9.20e-10, n=187 epsilon: 1e-12, exact error: 9.31e-12, n=233

We see that the epsilon estimate is almost 10 times smaller than the exact error, regardless of the size of epsilon. Since epsilon follows the exact error quite well over many orders of magnitude, we may view epsilon as a useful indication of the size of the error.

2.2 Functions




2.2.7 Doc Strings

There is a convention in Python to insert a documentation string right after the def line of the function definition. The documentation string, known as a doc string, should contain a short description of the purpose of the function and explain what the di erent arguments and return values are. Interactive sessions from a Python shell are also common to illustrate how the code is used. Doc strings are usually enclosed in triple double quotes """, which allow the string to span several lines.

Here are two examples on short and long doc strings:

def C2F(C):

"""Convert Celsius degrees (C) to Fahrenheit.""" return (9.0/5)*C + 32

def line(x0, y0, x1, y1):


Compute the coefficients a and b in the mathematical expression for a straight line y = a*x + b that goes through two points (x0, y0) and (x1, y1).

x0, y0: a point on the line (floats).

x1, y1: another point on the line (floats).

return: coefficients a, b (floats) for the line (y=a*x+b).


a = (y1 - y0)/float(x1 - x0) b = y0 - a*x0

return a, b

Note that the doc string must appear before any statement in the function body.

There are several Python tools that can automatically extract doc strings from the source code and produce various types of documentation, see [5, App. B.2]. The doc string can be accessed in a code as funcname.__doc__, where funcname is the name of the function, e.g.,

print line.__doc__

which prints out the documentation of the line function above:

Compute the coefficients a and b in the mathematical expression for a straight line y = a*x + b that goes

through two points (x0, y0) and (x1, y1).

x0, y0: a point on the line (float objects).

x1, y1: another point on the line (float objects). return: coefficients a, b for the line (y=a*x+b).

Doc strings often contain interactive sessions, copied from a Python shell, to illustrate how the function is used. We can add such a session to the doc string in the line function:

def line(x0, y0, x1, y1):


Compute the coefficients a and b in the mathematical expression for a straight line y = a*x + b that goes through two points (x0,y0) and (x1,y1).

84 2 Basic Constructions

x0, y0: a point on the line (float).

x1, y1: another point on the line (float).

return: coefficients a, b (floats) for the line (y=a*x+b).


>>>a, b = line(1, -1, 4, 3)



>>> b -2.333333333333333


a = (y1 - y0)/float(x1 - x0) b = y0 - a*x0

return a, b

A particularly nice feature is that all such interactive sessions in doc strings can be automatically run, and new results are compared to the results found in the doc strings. This makes it possible to use interactive sessions in doc strings both for exemplifying how the code is used and for testing that the code works.

2.2.8 Function Input and Output

It is a convention in Python that function arguments represent the input data to the function, while the returned objects represent the output data. We can sketch a general Python function as

def somefunc(i1, i2, i3, io4, io5, i6=value1, io7=value2):

# modify io4, io5, io6; compute o1, o2, o3 return o1, o2, o3, io4, io5, io7

Here i1, i2, i3 are positional arguments representing input data; io4 and io5 are positional arguments representing input and output data; i6 and io7 are keyword arguments representing input and input/output data, respectively; and o1, o2, and o3 are computed objects in the function, representing output data together with io4, io5, and io7. All examples later in the book will make use of this convention.

2.2.9 Functions as Arguments to Functions

Programs doing calculus frequently need to have functions as arguments in other functions. For example, for a mathematical function f (x) we can have Python functions for

1.numerical root finding: solve f (x) = 0 approximately (Chapters 3.6.2 and 5.1.9)

2.numerical di erentiation: compute f (x) approximately (Appendix A and Chapters 7.3.2 and 9.2)

3.numerical integration: compute ab f (x)dx approximately (Appendix A and Chapters 7.3.3 and 9.3)

2.2 Functions




4.numerical solution of di erential equations: dxdt = f (x) (Appendix B and Chapters 7.4 and 9.4)

In such Python functions we need to have the f (x) function as an argument f. This is straightforward in Python and hardly needs any explanation, but in most other languages special constructions must be used for transferring a function to another function as argument.

As an example, consider a function for computing the second-order derivative of a function f (x) numerically:

f (x)

f (x − h) − 2f (x) + f (x + h)







where h is a small number. The approximation (2.3) becomes exact in the limit h → 0. A Python function for computing (2.3) can be implemented as follows:

def diff2(f, x, h=1E-6):

r = (f(x-h) - 2*f(x) + f(x+h))/float(h*h) return r

The f argument is like any other argument, i.e., a name for an object, here a function object that we can call as we normally call function objects. An application of diff2 can read

def g(t):

return t**(-6)

t = 1.2

d2g = diff2(g, t)

print "g’’(%f)=%f" % (t, d2g)

The Behaviour of the Numerical Derivative as h → 0. From mathematics we know that the approximation formula (2.3) becomes more accurate as h decreases. Let us try to demonstrate this expected feature by making a table of the second-order derivative of g(t) = t−6 at t = 1 as h → 0:

for k in range(1,15): h = 10**(-k)

d2g = diff2(g, 1, h)

print ’h=%.0e: %.5f’ % (h, d2g)

The output becomes

h=1e-01: 44.61504 h=1e-02: 42.02521 h=1e-03: 42.00025 h=1e-04: 42.00000 h=1e-05: 41.99999 h=1e-06: 42.00074 h=1e-07: 41.94423 h=1e-08: 47.73959 h=1e-09: -666.13381 h=1e-10: 0.00000 h=1e-11: 0.00000

h=1e-12: -666133814.77509


2 Basic Constructions



h=1e-13: 66613381477.50939 h=1e-14: 0.00000

With g(t) = t−6, the exact answer is g (1) = 42, but for h < 10−8 the computations give totally wrong answers! The problem is that for small h on a computer, round-o errors in the formula (2.3) blow up and destroy the accuracy. The mathematical result that (2.3) becomes an increasingly better approximation as h gets smaller and smaller does not hold on a computer! Or more precisely, the result holds until h in the present case reaches 10−4.

The reason for the inaccuracy is that the numerator in (2.3) for g(t) = t−6 and t = 1 contains subtraction of quantities that are almost equal. The result is a very small and inaccurate number. The inaccuracy is magnified by h−2, a number that becomes very large for small h. Swithing from the standard floating-point numbers (float) to numbers with arbitrary high precision resolves the problem. Python has a module decimal that can be used for this purpose. The file highprecision.py solves the current problem using arithmetics based on the decimal module. With 25 digits in x and h inside the diff2 function, we get accurate results for h ≤ 10−13. However, for most practical applications of (2.3), a moderately small h, say 10−3 ≤ h ≤ 10−4, gives su cient accuracy and then round-o errors from float calculations do not pose problems. Real-world science or engineering applications usually have many parameters with uncertainty, making the end result also uncertain, and formulas like (2.3) can then be computed with moderate accuracy without a ecting the overall computational error.

2.2.10 The Main Program

In programs containing functions we often refer to a part of the program that is called the main program. This is the collection of all the statements outside the functions, plus the definition of all functions. Let us look at a complete program:

from math import *

# in main

def f(x):

# in main

e = exp(-0.1*x)


s = sin(6*pi*x)


return e*s


x = 2

# in main

y = f(x)

# in main

print ’f(%g)=%g’ % (x, y)

# in main



The main program here consists of the lines with a comment in main. The execution always starts with the first line in the main program. When a function is encountered, its statements are just used to define the function – nothing gets computed inside the function before