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1 Computing with Formulas



computer program and notation in mathematics. When you see the equality sign “=” in mathematics, it has a certain interpretation as an equation (x + 2 = 5) or a definition (f (x) = x2 + 1). In a computer program, however, the equality sign has a quite di erent meaning, and it is called an assignment. The right-hand side of an assignment contains an expression, which is a combination of values, variables, and operators. When the expression is evaluated, it results in a value that the variable on the left-hand side will refer to. We often say that the right-hand side value is assigned to the variable on the left-hand side. In the current context it means that we in the first line assign the number 3 to the variable v0, 9.81 to g, and 0.6 to t. In the next line, the right-hand side expression v0*t - 0.5*g*t**2 is first evaluated, and the result is then assigned to the y variable.

Consider the assignment statement

y = y + 3

This statement is mathematically false, but in a program it just means that we evaluate the right-hand side expression and assign its value to the variable y. That is, we first take the current value of y and add 3. The value of this operation is assigned to y. The old value of y is then lost.

You may think of the = as an arrow, y <- y+3, rather than an equality sign, to illustrate that the value to the right of the arrow is stored in the variable to the left of the arrow14. An example will illustrate the principle of assignment to a variable:

y = 3 print y y = y + 4

print y y = y*y print y

Running this program results in three numbers: 3, 7, 49. Go through the program and convince yourself that you understand what the result of each statement becomes.

A computer program must have correct syntax , meaning that the text in the program must follow the strict rules of the computer language for constructing statements. For example, the syntax of the print statement is the word print, followed by one or more spaces, followed by an expression of what we want to print (a Python variable, text enclosed in quotes, a number, for instance). Computers are very picky about syntax! For instance, a human having read all the previous pages may easily understand what this program does,

14The R (or S or S-PLUS) programming languages for statistical computing actually use an arrow, while other languages such as Algol, Simula, and Pascal use := to explicitly state that we are not dealing with a mathematical equality.

1.2 Computer Science Glossary




myvar = 5.2

prinnt Myvar

but the computer will find two errors in the last line: prinnt is an unknown instruction and Myvar is an undefined variable. Only the first error is reported (a syntax error), because Python stops the program once an error is found. All errors that Python finds are easy to remove. The di culty with programming is to remove the rest of the errors, such as errors in formulas or the sequence of operations.

Blanks may or may not be important in Python programs. In Chapter 2.1.2 you will see that blanks are in some occasions essential for a correct program. Around = or arithmetic operators, however, blanks do not matter. We could hence write our program from Chapter 1.1.7 as

v0=3;g=9.81;t=0.6;y=v0*t-0.5*g*t**2;print y

This is not a good idea because blanks are essential for easy reading of a program code, and easy reading is essential for finding errors, and finding errors is the di cult part of programming. The recommended layout in Python programs specifies one blank around =, +, and -, and no blanks around *, /, and **. Note that the blank after print is essential: print is a command in Python and printy is not recognized as any valid command. (Python would look at printy as an undefined variable.) Computer scientists often use the term whitespace when referring to a blank15.

When we interact with computer programs, we usually provide some information to the program and get some information out. It is common to use the term input data, or just input, for the information that must be known on beforehand. The result from a program is similarly referred to as output data, or just output. In our example, v0, g, and t constitute input, while y is output. All input data must be assigned values in the program before the output can be computed. Input data can be explicitly initialized in the program, as we do in the present example, or the data can be provided by user through keyboard typing while the program is running, as we explain in Chapter 3. Output data can be printed in the terminal window, as in the current example, displayed as graphics on the screen, as done in Chapter 4, or stored in a file for later access, as explained in Chapter 6.

The word user usually has a special meaning in computer science: It means a human interacting with a program. You are a user of a text editor for writing Python programs, and you are a user of your

15More precisely, blank is the character produced by the space bar on the keyboard, while whitespace denotes any character(s) that, if printed, do not print ink on the paper: a blank, a tabulator character (produced by backslash followed by t), or a newline character (produced by backslash followed by n). The newline character is explained on page 13.


1 Computing with Formulas



own programs. When you write programs, it is di cult to imagine how other users will interact with the program. Maybe they provide wrong input or misinterpret the output. Making user-friendly programs is very challenging and depends heavily on the target audience of users. The author had the average reader of the book in mind as a typical user when developing programs for this book.

A central part of a computer is the operating system. This is actually a collection of programs that manages the hardware and software resources on the computer. There are three major operating systems today: Windows, Macintosh (called Mac for short), and Unix. Several versions of Windows have appeared since the 1990s: Windows 95, 98, 2000, ME, XP, and Vista. Unix was invented already in 1970 and comes in many di erent versions. Nowadays, two open source implementations of Unix, Linux and Free BSD Unix, are most common. The latter forms the core of the Mac OS X operating system on Macintosh machines, while Linux exists in slightly di erent flavors: Red Hat, Debian, Ubuntu, and Suse to mention the most important distributions. We will use the term Unix in this book as a synonym for all the operating systems that inherit from classical Unix, such as Solaris, Free BSD, Mac OS X, and any Linux variant. Note that this use of Unix also includes Macintosh machines, but only newer machines as the older ones run an Apple-specific Mac operating system. As a computer user and reader of this book, you should know exactly which operating system you have. In particular, Mac users must know if their operating system is Unix-based or not.

The user’s interaction with the operation system is through a set of programs. The most widely used of these enable viewing the contents of folders or starting other programs. To interact with the operating system, as a user, you can either issue commands in a terminal window or use graphical programs. For example, for viewing the file contents of a folder you can run the command ls in a Unix terminal window or dir in a DOS (Windows) terminal window. The graphical alternatives are many, some of the most common are Windows Explorer on Windows, Nautilus and Konqueror on Unix, and Finder on Mac. To start a program, it is common to double-click on a file icon or write the program’s name in a terminal window.

1.3 Another Formula: Celsius-Fahrenheit Conversion

Our next example involves the formula for converting temperature measured in Celsius degrees to the corresponding value in Fahrenheit degrees:

F =


C + 32






1.3 Another Formula: Celsius-Fahrenheit Conversion




In this formula, C is the amount of degrees in Celsius, and F is the corresponding temperature measured in Fahrenheit. Our goal now is to write a computer program which can compute F from (1.2) when C is known.

1.3.1 Potential Error: Integer Division

Straightforward Coding of the Formula. A straightforward attempt at coding the formula (1.2) goes as follows16:

C = 21

F = (9/5)*C + 32 print F

When run, this program prints the value 53. You can find the program in the file c2f_v1.py17 in the src/formulas folder – as all other programs from this chapter.

Verifying the Results. Testing the correctness is easy in this case since we can evaluate the formula on a calculator: 95 · 21 + 32 is 69.8, not 53. What is wrong? The formula in the program looks correct!

Float and Integer Division. The error in our program above is one of the most common errors in mathematical software and is not at all obvious for a newcomer to programming. In many computer languages, there are two types of divisions: float division and integer division. Float division is what you know from mathematics: 9/5 becomes 1.8 in decimal notation.

Integer division a/b with integers (whole numbers) a and b results in an integer that is truncated (or mathematically, “rounded down”). More precisely, the result is the largest integer c such that bc ≤ a. This implies that 9/5 becomes 1 since 1 · 5 = 5 ≤ 9 while 2 · 5 = 10 > 9. Another example is 1/5, which becomes 0 since 0 ·5 ≤ 1 (and 1 ·5 > 1). Yet another example is 16/6, which results in 2 (try 2 · 6 and 3 · 6 to convince yourself). Many computer languages, including Fortran, C, C++, Java, and Python, interpret a division operation a/b as integer division if both operands a and b are integers. If either a or b is a real (floating-point) number, a/b implies the standard mathematical float division.

The problem with our program is the coding of the formula (9/5)*C + 32. This formula is evaluated as follows. First, 9/5 is calculated. Since

16The parentheses around 9/5 are not strictly needed, i.e., (9/5)*C is computationally identical to 9/5*C, but parentheses remove any doubt that 9/5*C could mean 9/(5*C). Chapter 1.3.4 has more information on this topic.

17The v1 part of the name stands for “version 1”. Throughout this book, we will often develop several trial versions of a program, but remove the version number in the final version of the program.


1 Computing with Formulas



9 and 5 are interpreted by Python as integers (whole numbers), 9/5 is a division between two integers, and Python chooses by default integer division, which results in 1. Then 1 is multiplied by C, which equals 21, resulting in 21. Finally, 21 and 32 are added with 53 as result.

We shall very soon present a correct version of the temperature conversion program, but first it may be advantageous to introduce a frequently used word in Python programming: object.

1.3.2 Objects in Python

When we write

C = 21

Python interprets the number 21 on the right-hand side of the assignment as an integer and creates an int (for integer) object holding the value 21. The variable C acts as a name for this int object. Similarly, if we write C = 21.0, Python recognizes 21.0 as a real number and therefore creates a float (for floating-point) object holding the value 21.0 and lets C be a name for this object. In fact, any assignment statement has the form of a variable name on the left-hand side and an object on the right-hand side. One may say that Python programming is about solving a problem by defining and changing objects.

At this stage, you do not need to know what an object really is, just think of an int object as a collection, say a storage box, with some information about an integer number. This information is stored somewhere in the computer’s memory, and with the name C the program gets access to this information. The fundamental issue right now is that 21 and 21.0 are identical numbers in mathematics, while in a Python program 21 gives rise to an int object and 21.0 to a float object.

There are lots of di erent object types in Python, and you will later learn how to create your own customized objects. Some objects contain a lot of data, not just an integer or a real number. For example, when we write

print ’A text with an integer %d and a float %f’ % (2, 2.0)

a str (string) object, without a name, is first made of the text between the quotes and then this str object is printed. We can alternatively do this in two steps:

s = ’A text with an integer %d and a float %f’ % (2, 2.0)

print s

1.3 Another Formula: Celsius-Fahrenheit Conversion




1.3.3 Avoiding Integer Division

As a quite general rule of thumb, one should avoid integer division in mathematical formulas18. There are several ways to do this, as we describe in Appendix E.2. The simplest remedy in Python is to insert a statement that simply turns o integer division. A more widely applicable method, also in other programming languages than Python, is to enforce one of the operands to be a float object. In the current example, there are several ways to do this:

F = (9.0/5)*C + 32

F = (9/5.0)*C + 32

F = float(C)*9/5 + 32

In the first two lines, one of the operands is written as a decimal number, implying a float object and hence float division. In the last line, float(C)*9 means float times int, which results in a float object, and float division is guaranteed.

A related construction,

F = float(C)*(9/5) + 32

does not work correctly, because 9/5 is evaluated by integer division, yielding 1, before being multiplied by a float representation of C (see next section for how compound arithmetic operations are calculated). In other words, the formula reads F=C+32, which is wrong.

We now understand why the first version of the program does not work and what the remedy is. A correct program is

C = 21

F = (9.0/5)*C + 32 print F

Instead of 9.0 we may just write 9. (the dot implies a float interpretation of the number). The program is available in the file c2f.py. Try to run it – and observe that the output becomes 69.8, which is correct.

Comment. We could easily have run into problems in our very first programs if we instead of writing the formula 12 gt2 as 0.5*g*t**2 wrote (1/2)*g*t**2. Explain the problem!

1.3.4 Arithmetic Operators and Precedence

Formulas in Python programs are usually evaluated in the same way as we would evaluate them mathematically. Python proceeds from left to right, term by term in an expression (terms are separated by plus

18Some mathematical algorithms do make use of integer division, but in those cases you should use a double forward slash, //, as division operator, because this is Python’s way of explicitly indicating integer division.

1.4 Evaluating Standard Mathematical Functions




We recognize that this equation is a quadratic equation which we must solve with respect to t. Rearranging,

12 gt2 − v0t + yc = 0,

and using the well-known formula for the two solutions of a quadratic equation, we find

t1 = v0 − v02 − 2gyc /g, t2 = v0 + v02 − 2gyc /g . (1.3)

There are two solutions because the ball reaches the height yc on its way up (t = t1) and on its way down (t = t2 > t1).

The Program. To evaluate the expressions for t1 and t2 from (1.3) in a computer program, we need access to the square root function. In Python, the square root function and lots of other mathematical functions, such as sin, cos, sinh, exp, and log, are available in a module called math. We must first import the module before we can use it, that is, we must write import math. Thereafter, to take the square root of a variable a, we can write math.sqrt(a). This is demonstrated in a program for computing t1 and t2:

v0 = 5

g = 9.81 yc = 0.2 import math

t1 = (v0 - math.sqrt(v0**2 - 2*g*yc))/g

t2 = (v0 + math.sqrt(v0**2 - 2*g*yc))/g

print ’At t=%g s and %g s, the height is %g m.’ % (t1, t2, yc)

The output from this program becomes

At t=0.0417064 s and 0.977662 s, the height is 0.2 m.

You can find the program as the file ball_yc.py in the src/formulas folder.

Two Ways of Importing a Module. The standard way to import a module, say math, is to write

import math

and then access individual functions in the module with the module name as prefix as in

x = math.sqrt(y)

People working with mathematical functions often find math.sqrt(y) less pleasing than just sqrt(y). Fortunately, there is an alternative import syntax that allows us to skip the module name prefix. This alternative syntax has the form “from module import function”. A specific example is


1 Computing with Formulas



from math import sqrt

Now we can work with sqrt directly, without the math. prefix. More than one function can be imported:

from math import sqrt, exp, log, sin

Sometimes one just writes

from math import *

to import all functions in the math module. This includes sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh, exp, log (base e), log10 (base 10), sqrt, as well as the famous numbers e and pi. Importing all functions from a module, using the asterisk (*) syntax, is convenient, but this may result in a lot of extra names in the program that are not used. It is in general recommended not to import more functions than those that are really used in the program19.

With a from math import sqrt statement we can write the formulas for the roots in a more pleasing way:

t1 = (v0 - sqrt(v0**2 - 2*g*yc))/g

t2 = (v0 + sqrt(v0**2 - 2*g*yc))/g

Import with New Names. Imported modules and functions can be given new names in the import statement, e.g.,

import math as m

# m is now the name of the math module v = m.sin(m.pi)

from math import log as ln v = ln(5)

from math import sin as s, cos as c, log as ln v = s(x)*c(x) + ln(x)

In Python, everything is an object, and variables refer to objects, so new variables may refer to modules and functions as well as numbers and strings. The examples above on new names can also be coded by introducing new variables explicitly:

m = math ln = m.log

s = m.sin c = m.cos

19Nevertheless, of convenience we often use the from module import * syntax in this book.

1.4 Evaluating Standard Mathematical Functions




1.4.2 Example: Using More Mathematical Functions

Our next examples involves calling some more mathematical functions from the math module. We look at the definition of the sinh(x) function:

sinh(x) =


ex − e−x .



We can evaluate sinh(x) in three ways: i) by calling math.sinh, ii) by computing the right-hand side of (1.4), using math.exp, or iii) by computing the right-hand side of (1.4) with the aid of the power expressions math.e**x and math.e**(-x). A program doing these three alternative calculations is found in the file 3sinh.py. The core of the program looks like this:

from math import sinh, exp, e, pi x = 2*pi

r1 = sinh(x)

r2 = 0.5*(exp(x) - exp(-x))

r3 = 0.5*(e**x - e**(-x)) print r1, r2, r3

The output from the program shows that all three computations give identical results:

267.744894041 267.744894041 267.744894041

1.4.3 A First Glimpse of Round-O Errors

The previous example computes a function in three di erent yet mathematically equivalent ways, and the output from the print statement shows that the three resulting numbers are equal. Nevertheless, this is not the whole story. Let us try to print out r1, r2, r3 with 16 decimals:

print ’%.16f %.16f %.16f’ % (r1,r2,r3)

This statement leads to the output

267.7448940410164369 267.7448940410164369 267.7448940410163232

Now r1 and r2 are equal, but r3 is di erent! Why is this so?

Our program computes with real numbers, and real numbers need in general an infinite number of decimals to be represented exactly. The computer truncates the sequence of decimals because the storage is finite. In fact, it is quite standard to keep only 16 digits in a real number on a computer. Exactly how this truncation is done is not explained in this book20. For now the purpose is to notify the reader that real numbers on a computer often have a small error. Only a few real numbers can be represented exactly with 16 digits, the rest of the real numbers are only approximations.

20 Instead, you can search for “floating point number” on wikipedia.org.