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1 Computing with Formulas



For this reason, most arithmetic operations involve inaccurate real numbers, resulting in inaccurate calculations. Think of the following two calculations: 1/49 · 49 and 1/51 · 51. Both expressions are identical to 1, but when we perform the calculations in Python,

print ’%.16f %.16f’ % (1/49.0*49, 1/51.0*51)

the result becomes

0.9999999999999999 1.0000000000000000

The reason why we do not get exactly 1.0 as answer in the first case, is because 1/49 is not correctly represented in the computer. Also 1/51 has an inexact representation, but the error does not propagate to the final answer.

To summarize, errors21 in floating-point numbers may propagate through mathematical calculations and result in answers that are only approximations to the exact underlying mathematical values. The errors in the answers are commonly known as round-o errors. As soon as you use Python interactively as explained in the next section, you will encounter round-o errors quite often.

Python has a special module decimal which allows real numbers to be represented with adjustable accuracy so that round-o errors can be made as small as desired. However, we will hardly use this module22 because approximations implied by many mathematical methods applied throughout this book normally lead to (much) larger errors than those caused by round-o .

1.5 Interactive Computing

A particular convenient feature of Python is the ability to execute statements and evaluate expressions interactively. The environments where you work interactively with programming are commonly known as Python shells. The simplest Python shell is invoked by just typing python at the command line in a terminal window. Some messages about Python are written out together with a prompt >>>, after which you can issue commands. Let us try to use the interactive shell as a calculator. Type in 3*4.5-0.5 and then press the Return key to see Python’s response to this expression:

Unix/DOS> python

Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, May 2 2007, 16:56:35) [GCC 4.1.2 (Ubuntu 4.1.2-0ubuntu4)] on linux2

Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

>>> 3*4.5-0.5 13.0

21Exercise 2.49 on page 112 estimates the size of the errors.

22See the last paragraph of Chapter 2.2.9 for an example.

1.5 Interactive Computing




The text on a line after >>> is what we write (shell input) and the text without the >>> prompt is the result that Python calculates (shell output). It is easy, as explained below, to recover previous input and edit the text. This editing feature makes it convenient to experiment with statements and expressions.

1.5.1 Calculating with Formulas in the Interactive Shell

The program from Chapter 1.1.7 can be typed in, line by line, in the interactive shell:

>>>v0 = 5

>>>g = 9.81

>>>t = 0.6

>>>y = v0*t - 0.5*g*t**2

>>>print y


We can now easily calculate an y value corresponding to another (say) v0 value: hit the up arrow key23 to recover previous statements, repeat pressing this key until the v0 = 5 statement is displayed. You can then edit the line, say you edit the statement to

>>> v0 = 6

Press return to execute this statement. You can control the new value of v0 by either typing just v0 or print v0:



>>>print v0


The next step is to recompute y with this new v0 value. Hit the up arrow key multiple times to recover the statement where y is assigned, press the Return key, and write y or print y to see the result of the computation:

>>>y = v0*t - 0.5*g*t**2



>>> print y 1.8342

The reason why we get two slightly di erent results is that typing just y prints out all the decimals that are stored in the computer (16), while print y writes out y with fewer decimals. As mentioned on page 25, computations on a computer often su er from round-o errors. The present calculation is no exception. The correct answer is 1.8342, but

23This key works only if Python was compiled with the Readline library. In case the key does not work, try the editing capabilities in another Python shell, for example, IPython (see Chapter 1.5.3).


1 Computing with Formulas



round-o errors lead to a number that is incorrect in the 16th decimal. The error is here 4 · 10−16.

1.5.2 Type Conversion

Often you can work with variables in Python without bothering about the type of objects these variables refer to. Nevertheless, we encountered a serious problem in Chapter 1.3.1 with integer division, which forced us to be careful about the types of objects in a calculation. The interactive shell is very useful for exploring types. The following example illustrates the type function and how we can convert an object from one type to another.

First, we create an int object bound to the name C and check its type by calling type(C):

>>>C = 21

>>>type(C) <type ’int’>

We convert this int object to a corresponding float object:

>>> C = float(C) # type conversion

>>>type(C) <type ’float’>



In the statement C = float(C) we create a new object from the original object referred to by the name C and bind it to the same name C. That is, C refers to a di erent object after the statement than before. The original int with value 21 cannot be reached anymore (since we have no name for it) and will be automatically deleted by Python.

We may also do the reverse operation, i.e., convert a particular float object to a corresponding int object:

>>>C = 20.9

>>>type(C) <type ’float’>

>>> D = int(C)

# type conversion

>>> type(D)


<type ’int’>


>>> D



# decimals are truncated :-/

In general, one can convert a variable v to type MyType by writing v=MyType(v), if it makes sense to do the conversion.

In the last input we tried to convert a float to an int, and this operation implied stripping o the decimals. Correct conversion according to mathematical rounding rules can be achieved with help of the round function:

1.5 Interactive Computing








1.5.3 IPython

There exist several improvements of the standard Python shell presented in the previous section. The author advocates the IPython shell as the preferred interactive shell. You will then need to have IPython installed. Typing ipython in a terminal window starts the shell. The (default) prompt in IPython is not >>> but In [X]:, where X is the number of the present input command. The most widely used features of IPython are summarized below.

Running Programs. Python programs can be run from within the shell:

In [1]: run ball_variables.py


This command requires that you have taken a cd to the folder where the ball_variables.py program is located and started IPython from there.

On Windows you may, as an alternative to starting IPython from a DOS window, double click on the IPython desktop icon or use the Start menu. In that case, you must move to the right folder where your program is located. This is done by the os.chdir (change directory) command. Typically, you write something like

In [1]: import os

In [2]: os.chdir(r’C:\Documents and Settings\me\My Documents\div’)

In [3]: run ball_variables.py

if the ball_variables.py program is located in the folder div under My Documents of user me. Note the r before the quote in the string: it is required to let a backslash really mean the backslash character.

We recommend to run all your Python programs from the IPython shell. Especially when something goes wrong, IPython can help you to examine the state of variables so that you become quicker to locate bugs. In the rest of the book, we just write the program name and the output when we illustrate the execution of a program:


ball_variables.py 1.2342

You then need to write run before the program name if you execute the program in IPython, or if you prefer to run the program from the


1 Computing with Formulas



Unix/DOS command prompt in a terminal window, you need to write python prior to the program name. Appendix E.1 describes various other ways to run a Python program.

Quick Recovery of Previous Output. The results of the previous statements in an interactive IPython session are available in variables of the form _iX (underscore, i, and a number X), where X is 1 for the last statement, 2 for the second last statement, and so forth. Short forms are _ for _i1, __ for _i2, and ___ for _i3. The output from the In [1] input above is 1.2342. We can now refer to this number by an underscore and, e.g., multiply it by 10:

In [2]: _*10

Out[2]: 12.341999999999999

Output from Python statements or expressions in IPython are preceded by Out[X] where X is the command number corresponding to the previous In [X] prompt. When programs are executed, as with the run command, or when operating system commands are run (as shown below), the output is from the operating system and then not preceded by any Out[X] label.

TAB Completion. Pressing the TAB key will complete an incompletely typed variable name. For example, after defining my_long_variable_name = 4, write just my at the In [4]: prompt below, and then hit the TAB key. You will experience that my is immediately expanded to my_long_variable_name. This automatic expansion feature is called TAB completion and can save you from quite some typing.

In [3]: my_long_variable_name = 4

In [4]: my_long_variable_name

Out[4]: 4

Recovering Previous Commands. You can “walk” through the command history by typing Ctrl-p or the up arrow for going backward or Ctrl-n or the down arrow for going forward. Any command you hit can be edited and re-executed.

Running Unix/Windows Commands. Operating system commands can be run from IPython. Below we run the three Unix commands date, ls (list files), and mkdir (make directory):

In [5]: date

Thu Nov 18 11:06:16 CET 2010

In [6]: ls

myfile.py yourprog.py

In [7]: mkdir mytestdir

1.6 Complex Numbers




If you have defined Python variables with the same name as operating system commands, e.g., date=30, you must write !date to run the corresponding operating system command.

IPython can do much more than what is shown here, but the advanced features and the documentation of them probably do not make sense before you are more experienced with Python – and with reading manuals.

Remark. In the rest of the book we will apply the >>> prompt in interactive sessions instead of the input and output prompts as used by IPython, simply because all Python books and electronic manuals use >>> to mark input in interactive shells. However, when you sit by the computer and want to use an interactive shell, we recommend to use IPython, and then you will see the In [X] prompt instead of >>>.

1.6 Complex Numbers

Suppose x2 = 2. Then most of us are able to find out that x = 2 is

a solution to the equation. The more mathematically interested reader

will also remark that x = − 2 is another solution. But faced with the equation x2 = −2, very few are able to find a proper solution without any previous knowledge of complex numbers. Such numbers have many applications in science, and it is therefore important to be able to use such numbers in our programs.

On the following pages we extend the previous material on computing with real numbers to complex numbers. The text is optional, and readers without knowledge of complex numbers can safely drop this section and jump to Chapter 1.7.

A complex number is a pair of real numbers a and b, most often

written as a + bi, or a + ib, where i is called the imaginary unit and acts

as a label for the second term. Mathematically, i = −1. An important

feature of complex numbers is definitely the ability to compute square

√ √ √ √

roots of negative numbers. For example, −2 = 2i (i.e., 2 −1).

√ √

The solutions of x2 = −2 are thus x1 = + 2i and x2 = − 2i.

There are rules for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division between two complex numbers. There are also rules for raising a complex number to a real power, as well as rules for computing sin z, cos z, tan z, ez , ln z, sinh z, cosh z, tanh z, etc. for a complex number z = a + ib. We assume in the following that you are familiar with the mathematics of complex numbers, at least to the degree encountered in the program examples.

let u = a + bi and v = c + di


1 Computing with Formulas



u = v :

a = c, b = d

−u = −a − bi

u ≡ a − bi

(complex conjugate)

u + v = (a + c) + (b + d)i u − v = (a − c) + (b − d)i

uv = (ac − bd) + (bc + ad)i

u/v =

ac + bd


bc − ad


c2 + d2






c2 + d2













|u| =


a2 + b2


cos q + i sin q

1.6.1 Complex Arithmetics in Python

Python supports computation with complex numbers. The imaginary unit is written as j in Python, instead of i as in mathematics. A complex number 2 − 3i is therefore expressed as (2-3j) in Python. We remark that the number i is written as 1j, not just j. Below is a sample session involving definition of complex numbers and some simple arithmetics:

>>> u = 2.5 + 3j

# create a complex number

>>> v = 2

# this is an int

>>> w = u + v

# complex + int

>>> w




>>> a = -2


>>> b = 0.5


>>> s = a + b*1j

# create a complex number from two floats

>>>s = complex(a, b) # alternative creation




>>> s*w

# complex*complex



>>> s/w

# complex/complex


A complex object s has functionality for extracting the real and imaginary parts as well as computing the complex conjugate:

>>>s.real -2.0



>>>s.conjugate() (-2-0.5j)

1.6.2 Complex Functions in Python

Taking the sine of a complex number does not work:

1.6 Complex Numbers




>>>from math import sin

>>>r = sin(w)

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<input>", line 1, in ?

TypeError: can’t convert complex to float; use abs(z)

The reason is that the sin function from the math module only works with real (float) arguments, not complex. A similar module, cmath, defines functions that take a complex number as argument and return a complex number as result. As an example of using the cmath module, we can demonstrate that the relation sin(ai) = i sinh a holds:

>>>from cmath import sin, sinh

>>>r1 = sin(8j)



>>>r2 = 1j*sinh(8)



Another relation, eiq = cos q + i sin q, is exemplified next:

>>>q = 8 # some arbitrary number



>>> cos(q) + 1j*sin(q) (-0.14550003380861354+0.98935824662338179j)

1.6.3 Unified Treatment of Complex and Real Functions

The cmath functions always return complex numbers. It would be nice to have functions that return a float object if the result is a real number and a complex object if the result is a complex number. The Numerical Python package (see more about this package in Chapter 4) has such versions of the basic mathematical functions known from math and cmath. By taking a

from numpy.lib.scimath import *

one gets access to these flexible versions of mathematical functions24. A session will illustrate what we obtain.

Let us first use the sqrt function in the math module:

>>> from math import sqrt

>>> sqrt(4)

# float



>>> sqrt(-1)

# illegal

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<input>", line 1, in ?

ValueError: math domain error

24The functions also come into play by a from scipy import * statement or from scitools.std import *. The latter is used as a standard import later in the book.


1 Computing with Formulas



If we now import sqrt from cmath,

>>> from cmath import sqrt

the previous sqrt function is overwritten by the new one. More precisely, the name sqrt was previously bound to a function sqrt from the math module, but is now bound to another function sqrt from the cmath module. In this case, any square root results in a complex object:

>>> sqrt(4)

# complex



>>> sqrt(-1)

# complex





If we now take

>>> from numpy.lib.scimath import *

we import (among other things) a new sqrt function. This function is slower than the versions from math and cmath, but it has more flexibility since the returned object is float if that is mathematically possible, otherwise a complex is returned:

>>> sqrt(4)

# float



>>> sqrt(-1)

# complex





As a further illustration of the need for flexible treatment of both complex and real numbers, we may code the formulas for the roots of

aquadratic function f (x) = ax2 + bx + c:

>>>a = 1; b = 2; c = 100 # polynomial coefficients

>>>from numpy.lib.scimath import sqrt

>>>r1 = (-b + sqrt(b**2 - 4*a*c))/(2*a)

>>>r2 = (-b - sqrt(b**2 - 4*a*c))/(2*a)



>>> r2 (-1-9.94987437107j)

Using the up arrow, we may go back to the definitions of the coe cients and change them so the roots become real numbers:

>>> a = 1; b = 4; c = 1 # polynomial coefficients

Going back to the computations of r1 and r2 and performing them again, we get

>>> r1 -0.267949192431

>>> r2 -3.73205080757

That is, the two results are float objects. Had we applied sqrt from cmath, r1 and r2 would always be complex objects, while sqrt from the math module would not handle the first (complex) case.

1.7 Summary




1.7 Summary

1.7.1 Chapter Topics

Program Files. Python programs must be made by a pure text editor such as Emacs, Vim, Notepad++ or similar. The program text must be saved in a text file, with a name ending with the extension .py. The filename can be chosen freely, but stay away from names that coincide with modules or keywords in Python, in particular do not use math.py, time.py, random.py, os.py, sys.py, while.py, for.py, if.py, class.py, def.py, to mention some forbidden filenames.

Programs Must Be Accurate! A program is a collection of statements stored in a text file. Statements can also be executed interactively in a Python shell. Any error in any statement may lead to termination of the execution or wrong results. The computer does exactly what the programmer tells the computer to do!

Variables. The statement

some_variable = obj

defines a variable with the name some_variable which refers to an object obj. Here obj may also represent an expression, say a formula, whose value is a Python object. For example, 1+2.5 involves the addition of an int object and a float object, resulting in a float object. Names of variables can contain upper and lower case English letters, underscores, and the digits from 0 to 9, but the name cannot start with a digit. Nor can a variable name be a reserved word in Python.

If there exists a precise mathematical description of the problem to be solved in a program, one should choose variable names that are in accordance with the mathematical description. Quantities that do not have a defined mathematical symbol, should be referred to by descriptive variables names, i.e., names that explain the variable’s role in the program. Well-chosen variable names are essential for making a program easy to read, easy to debug, and easy to extend. Well-chosen variable names also reduce the need for comments.

Comment Lines. Everything after # on a line is ignored by Python and used to insert free running text, known as comments. The purpose of comments is to explain, in a human language, the ideas of (several) forthcoming statements so that the program becomes easier to understand for humans. Some variables whose names are not completely self-explanatory also need a comment.

Object Types. There are many di erent types of objects in Python. In this chapter we have worked with