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3.3 Handling Errors




Example. In the program c2f_cml_v4.py from page 135 we show how we can test for di erent exceptions and abort the program. Sometimes we see that an exception may happen, but if it happens, we want a more precise error message to help the user. This can be done by raising a new exception in an except block and provide the desired exception type and message.

Another application of raising exceptions with tailored error messages arises when input data are invalid. The code below illustrates how to raise exceptions in various cases.

We collect the reading of C and handling of errors a separate function:

def read_C(): try:

C = float(sys.argv[1]) except IndexError:

raise IndexError\

(’Celsius degrees must be supplied on the command line’) except ValueError:

raise ValueError\

(’Celsius degrees must be a pure number, ’\ ’not "%s"’ % sys.argv[1])

# C is read correctly as a number, but can have wrong value: if C < -273.15:

raise ValueError(’C=%g is a non-physical value!’ % C) return C

There are two ways of using the read_C function. The simplest is to call the function,

C = read_C()

Wrong input will now lead to a raw dump of exceptions, e.g.,



Traceback (most recent call last): File "c2f_cml4.py", line 5, in ?

raise IndexError\

IndexError: Celsius degrees must be supplied on the command line

New users of this program may become uncertain when getting raw output from exceptions, because words like Traceback, raise, and IndexError do not make much sense unless you have some experience with Python. A more user-friendly output can be obtained by calling the read_C function inside a try-except block, check for any exception (or better: check for IndexError or ValueError), and write out the exception message in a more nicely formatted form. In this way, the programmer takes complete control of how the program behaves when errors are encountered:



3 Input Data and Error Handling











C = read_C()



except Exception, e:



print e

# exception message



# terminate execution




Exception is the parent name of all exceptions, and e is an exception object. Nice printout of the exception message follows from a straight print e. Instead of Exception we can write (ValueError, IndexError) to test more specifically for two exception types we can expect from the read_C function:


C = read_C()

except (ValueError, IndexError), e:

print e








After the try-except block above, we can continue with computing F = 9*C/5 + 32 and print out F. The complete program is found in the file c2f_cml.py. We may now test the program’s behavior when the input is wrong and right:



Celsius degrees must be supplied on the command line

c2f_cml.py 21C

Celsius degrees must be a pure number, not "21C"

c2f_cml.py -500

C=-500 is a non-physical value!

c2f_cml.py 21 21C is 69.8F

This program deals with wrong input, writes an informative message, and terminates the execution without annoying behavior.

Scattered if tests with sys.exit calls are considered a bad programming style compared to the use of nested exception handling as illustrated above. You should abort execution in the main program only, not inside functions. The reason is that the functions can be re-used in other occasions where the error can be dealt with di erently. For instance, one may avoid abortion by using some suitable default data.

The programming style illustrated above is considered the best way of dealing with errors, so we suggest that you hereafter apply exceptions for handling potential errors in the programs you make, simply because this is what experienced programmers expect from your codes.

3.4 A Glimpse of Graphical User Interfaces




3.4 A Glimpse of Graphical User Interfaces

Maybe you find it somewhat strange that the usage of the programs we have made so far in this book – and the programs we will make in the rest of the book – are less graphical and intuitive than the computer programs you are used to from school or entertainment. Those programs are operated through some self-explaning graphics, and most of the things you want to do involve pointing with the mouse, clicking on graphical elements on the screen, and maybe filling in some text fields. The programs in this book, on the other hand, are run from the command line in a terminal window or inside IPython, and input is also given here in form of plain text.

The reason why we do not equip the programs in this book with graphical interfaces for providing input, is that such graphics is both complicated and tedious to write. If the aim is to solve problems from mathematics and science, we think it is better to focus on this part rather than large amounts of code that merely o ers some “expected” graphical cosmetics for putting data into the program. Textual input from the command line is also quicker to provide. Also remember that the computational functionality of a program is obviously independent from the type of user interface, textual or graphic.

As an illustration, we shall now show a Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion program with a graphical user interface (often called a GUI). The GUI is shown in Figure 3.1. We encourage you to try out the graphical interface – the name of the program is c2f_gui.py. The complete program text is listed below.

Fig. 3.1 Screen dump of the graphical interface for a Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion program. The user can type in the temperature in Celsius degrees, and when clicking on the “is” button, the corresponding Fahrenheit value is displayed.

from Tkinter import * root = Tk()

C_entry = Entry(root, width=4) C_entry.pack(side=’left’)

Cunit_label = Label(root, text=’Celsius’) Cunit_label.pack(side=’left’)

def compute():

C = float(C_entry.get())

F = (9./5)*C + 32

F_label.configure(text=’%g’ % F)

compute = Button(root, text=’ is ’, command=compute) compute.pack(side=’left’, padx=4)

F_label = Label(root, width=4)


Funit_label = Label(root, text=’Fahrenheit’)


3 Input Data and Error Handling





The goal of the forthcoming dissection of this program is to give a taste of how graphical user interfaces are coded. The aim is not to equip you with knowledge on how you can make such programs on your own.

A GUI is built of many small graphical elements, called widgets. The graphical window generated by the program above and shown in Figure 3.1 has five such widgets. To the left there is an entry widget where the user can write in text. To the right of this entry widget is a label widget, which just displays some text, here “Celsius”. Then we have a button widget, which when being clicked leads to computations in the program. The result of these computations is displayed as text in a label widget to the right of the button widget. Finally, to the right of this result text we have another label widget displaying the text “Fahrenheit”. The program must construct each widget and pack it correctly into the complete window. In the present case, all widgets are packed from left to right.

The first statement in the program imports functionality from the GUI toolkit Tkinter to construct widgets. First, we need to make a root widget that holds the complete window with all the other widgets. This root widget is of type Tk. The first entry widget is then made and referred to by a variable C_entry. This widget is an object of type Entry, provided by the Tkinter module. Widgets constructions follow the syntax

variable_name = Widget_type(parent_widget, option1, option2, ...)


When creating a widget, we must bind it to a parent widget, which is the graphical element in which this new widget is to be packed. Our widgets in the present program have the root widget as parent widget. Various widgets have di erent types of options that we can set. For example, the Entry widget has a possibility for setting the width of the text field, here width=4 means that the text field is 4 characters wide. The pack statement is important to remember – without it, the widget remains invisible.

The other widgets are constructed in similar ways. The next fundamental feature of our program is how computations are tied to the event of clicking the button “is”. The Button widget has naturally a text, but more important, it binds the button to a function compute through the command=compute option. This means that when the user clicks the button “is”, the function compute is called. Inside the compute function we first fetch the Celsius value from the C_entry widget, using this widget’s get function, then we transform this string (everything

3.5 Making Modules




typed in by the user is interpreted as text and stored in strings) to a float before we compute the corresponding Fahrenheit value. Finally, we can update (“configure”) the text in the Label widget F_label with a new text, namely the computed degrees in Fahrenheit.

A program with a GUI behaves di erently from the programs we construct in this book. First, all the statements are executed from top to bottom, as in all our other programs, but these statements just construct the GUI and define functions. No computations are performed. Then the program enters a so-called event loop: root.mainloop(). This is an infinite loop that “listens” to user events, such as moving the mouse, clicking the mouse, typing characters on the keyboard, etc. When an event is recorded, the program starts performing associated actions. In the present case, the program waits for only one event: clicking the button “is”. As soon as we click on the button, the compute function is called and the program starts doing mathematical work. The GUI will appear on the screen until we destroy the window by click on the X up in the corner of the window decoration. More complicated GUIs will normally have a special “Quit” button to terminate the event loop.

In all GUI programs, we must first create a hierarchy of widgets to build up all elements of the user interface. Then the program enters an event loop and waits for user events. Lots of such events are registered as actions in the program when creating the widgets, so when the user clicks on buttons, move the mouse into certain areas, etc., functions in the program are called and “things happen”.

Many books explain how to make GUIs in Python programs, see for instance [2, 3, 5, 7].

3.5 Making Modules

Sometimes you want to reuse a function from an old program in a new program. The simplest way to do this is to copy and paste the old source code into the new program. However, this is not good programming practice, because you then over time end up with multiple identical versions of the same function. When you want to improve the function or correct a bug, you need to remember to do the same update in all files with a copy of the function, and in real life most programmers fail to do so. You easily end up with a mess of di erent versions with di erent quality of basically the same code. Therefore, a golden rule of programming is to have one and only one version of a piece of code. All programs that want to use this piece of code must access one and only one place where the source code is kept. This principle is easy to implement if we create a module containing the code we want to reuse later in di erent programs.


3 Input Data and Error Handling



You learned already in Chapter 1 how to import functions from Python modules. Now you will learn how to make your own modules. There is hardly anything to learn, because you just collect all the functions that constitute the module in one file, say with name mymodule.py. This file is automatically a module, with name mymodule, and you can import functions from this module in the standard way. Let us make everything clear in detail by looking at an example.

3.5.1 Example: Compund Interest Formulas

The classical formula for the growth of money in a bank reads6

A = A0

1 +


n ,


360 · 100

where A0 is the initial amount of money, and A is the present amount after n days with p percent annual interest rate. Equation (3.2) involves four parameters: A, A0, p, and n. We may solve for any of these, given the other three:































A0 = A

1 +

















n =






















1 +











− 1


p = 360 · 100















Suppose we have implemented (3.2)–(3.5) in four functions:

from math import log as ln

def present_amount(A0, p, n):

return A0*(1 + p/(360.0*100))**n

def initial_amount(A, p, n):

return A*(1 + p/(360.0*100))**(-n)

def days(A0, A, p):

return ln(A/A0)/ln(1 + p/(360.0*100))

def annual_rate(A0, A, n):

return 360*100*((A/A0)**(1.0/n) - 1)

We want to make these functions available in a module, say with name interest, so that we can import functions and compute with them in a program. For example,

6 The formula applies the so-called Actual/360 convention where the rate per day is computed as p/360, while n counts the actual number of days the money is in the bank. See “Day count convention” in Wikipedia for detailed information and page 238 for a Python module for computing the number of days between two dates.

3.5 Making Modules









from interest import days



A0 = 1; A = 2; p = 5



n = days(A0, 2, p)



years = n/365.0



print ’Money has doubled after %.1f years’ % years





How to make the interest module is described next.

3.5.2 Collecting Functions in a Module File

To make a module of the four functions present_amount, initial_amount, days, and annual_rate, we simply open an empty file in a text editor and copy the program code for all the four functions over to this file. This file is then automatically a Python module provided we save the file under any valid filename. The extension must be .py, but the module name is only the base part of the filename. In our case, the filename interest.py implies a module name interest. To use the annual_rate function in another program we simply write, in that program file,

from interest import annual_rate

or we can write

from interest import *

to import all four functions, or we can write

import interest

and access individual functions as interest.annual_rate and so forth.

Test Block. It is recommended to only have functions and not any statements outside functions in a module7. However, Python allows a special construction to let the file act both as a module with function definitions only and as an ordinary program that we can run, i.e., with statements that apply the functions and possibly write output. This two-fold “magic” consists of putting the application part after an if test of the form

if __name__ == ’__main__’:

<block of statements>

The __name__ variable is automatically defined in any module and equals the module name if the module file is imported in another program, or __name__ equals the string ’__main__’ if the module file is

7The module file is executed from top to bottom during the import. With function definitions only in the module file, there will be no calculations or output from the import, just definitions of functions. This is the desirable behavior.


3 Input Data and Error Handling



run as a program. This implies that the <block of statements> part is executed if and only if we run the module file as a program. We shall refer to <block of statements> as the test block of a module.

Often, when modules are created from an ordinary program, the original main program is used as test block. The new module file then works as the old program, but with the new possibility of being imported in other programs. Let us write a little main program for testing the interest module. The idea is that we assign compatible values to the four parameters and check that given three of them, the functions calculate the remaining parameter in the correct way:

if __name__ == ’__main__’: A = 2.2133983053266699 A0 = 2.0

p = 5

n = 730

print ’A=%g (%g)\nA0=%g (%.1f)\nn=%d (%d)\np=%g (%.1f)’ % \ (present_amount(A0, p, n), A,

initial_amount(A, p, n), A0, days(A0, A, p), n, annual_rate(A0, A, n), p)

Running the module file as a program is now possible:


interest.py A=2.2134 (2.2134) A0=2 (2.0)

n=730 (730) p=5 (5.0)

The computed values appear after the equal sign, with correct values in parenthesis. We see that the program works well.

To test that the interest.py also works as a module, invoke a Python shell and try to import a function and compute with it:

>>>from interest import present_amount

>>>present_amount(2, 5, 730) 2.2133983053266699

We have therefore demonstrated that the file interest.py works both as a program and as a module.

Flexible Test Blocks. It is a good programming practice to let the test block do one or more of three things: (i) provide information on how the module or program is used, (ii) test if the module functions work properly, and (iii) o er interaction with users such that the module file can be applied as a useful program.

Instead of having a lot of statements in the test block, it might be better to collect the statements in separate functions, which then are called from the test block. A convention is to let these test or documentation functions have names starting with an underscore, because such

3.5 Making Modules




names are not imported in other programs when doing a from module import * (normally we do not want to import test or documentation functions). In our example we may collect the verification statements above in a separate function and name this function _verify (observe the leading underscore). We also write the code a bit more explicit to better demonstrate how the module functions can be used:

def _verify():

# compatible values:

A = 2.2133983053266699; A0 = 2.0; p = 5; n = 730

#given three of these, compute the remaining one

#and compare with the correct value (in parenthesis): A_computed = present_amount(A0, p, n)

A0_computed = initial_amount(A, p, n) n_computed = days(A0, A, p) p_computed = annual_rate(A0, A, n)

print ’A=%g (%g)\nA0=%g (%.1f)\nn=%d (%d)\np=%g (%.1f)’ % \ (A_computed, A, A0_computed, A0,

n_computed, n, p_computed, p)

We may require a single command-line argument verify to run the verification. The test block can then be expressed as

if __name__ == ’__main__’:

if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == ’verify’: _verify()

To make a useful program, we may allow setting three parameters on the command line and let the program compute the remaining parameter. For example, running the program as


interest.py A0=2 A=1 n=1095

should lead to a computation of p, in this case for seeing the size of the annual interest rate if the amount is to be doubled after three years.

How can we achieve the desired functionality? Since variables are already introduced and “initialized” on the command line, we could grab this text and execute it as Python code, either as three di erent lines or with semicolon between each assignment. This is easy8:

init_code = ’’

for statement in sys.argv[1:]:

init_code += statement + ’\n’ exec(init_code)

For the sample run above with A0=2 A=1 n=1095 on the command line, init_code becomes the string




8The join function on page 295 in Chapter 6.3.1, see also page 129, is more elegant and avoids the loop.

146 3 Input Data and Error Handling

Note that one cannot have spaces around the equal signs on the command line as this will break an assignment like A0 = 2 into three command-line arguments, which will give rise to a SyntaxError in exec(init_code). To tell the user about such errors, we execute init_code inside a try-except block:

try: exec(init_code)

except SyntaxError, e:

print e

print init_code sys.exit(1)

At this stage, our program has hopefully initialized three parameters in a successful way, and it remains to detect the remaining parameter to be computed. The following code does the work:

if ’A=’ not in init_code:

print ’A =’, present_amount(A0, p, n) elif ’A0=’ not in init_code:

print ’A0 =’, initial_amount(A, p, n)

elif ’n=’ not in init_code: print ’n =’, days(A0, A , p)

elif ’p=’ not in init_code:

print ’p =’, annual_rate(A0, A, n)

It may happen that the user of the program assign value to a parameter with wrong name or forget a parameter. In those cases we call one of our four functions with uninitialized arguments. Therefore, we should embed the code above in a try-except block. An unitialized variable will lead to a NameError, while another frequent error is illegal values in the computations, leading to a ValueError exception. It is also a good habit to collect all the code related to computing the remaining, fourth parameter in a function for separating this piece of code from other parts of the module file:

def _compute_missing_parameter(init_code): try:

exec(init_code) except SyntaxError, e:

print e

print init_code sys.exit(1)

# find missing parameter: try:

if ’A=’ not in init_code:

print ’A =’, present_amount(A0, p, n) elif ’A0=’ not in init_code:

print ’A0 =’, initial_amount(A, p, n) elif ’n=’ not in init_code:

print ’n =’, days(A0, A , p) elif ’p=’ not in init_code:

print ’p =’, annual_rate(A0, A, n) except NameError, e:

print e sys.exit(1)

except ValueError: