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1.7 Summary





from math import *

a = sin(pi*1.5)


from math import sin, pi

a = sin(pi*1.5)

Print. To print the result of calculations in a Python program to a terminal window, we apply the print command, i.e., the word print followed by a string enclosed in quotes, or just a variable:

print "A string enclosed in double quotes"

print a

Several objects can be printed in one statement if the objects are separated by commas. A space will then appear between the output of each object:

>>>a = 5.0; b = -5.0; c = 1.9856; d = 33

>>>print ’a is’, a, ’b is’, b, ’c and d are’, c, d a is 5.0 b is -5.0 c and d are 1.9856 33

The printf syntax enables full control of the formatting of real numbers and integers:

>>> print ’a=%g, b=%12.4E, c=%.2f, d=%5d’ % (a, b, c, d)

a=5, b= -5.0000E+00, c=1.99, d= 33

Here, a, b, and c are of type float and formatted as compactly as possible (%g for a), in scientific notation with 4 decimals in a field of width 12 (%12.4E for b), and in decimal notation with two decimals in as compact field as possible (%.2f for c). The variable d is an integer (int) written in a field of width 5 characters (%5d).

Integer Division. A common error in mathematical computations is to divide two integers, because this results in integer division. Any number written without decimals is treated as an integer. To avoid integer division, ensure that every division involves at least one real number, e.g., 9/5 is written as 9.0/5, 9./5, 9/5.0, or 9/5..

Complex Numbers. Values of complex numbers are written as (X+Yj), where X is the value of the real part and Y is the value of the imaginary part. One example is (4-0.2j). If the real and imaginary parts are available as variables r and i, a complex number can be created by complex(r, i).

The cmath module must be used instead of math if the argument is a complex variable. The numpy package o ers similar mathematical functions, but with a unified treatment of real and complex variables.

1.7 Summary




The program has naturally four parts: initialization of input data, import of functions and π from math, conversion of v0 and θ to m/s and radians, respectively, and evaluation of the right-hand side expression in (1.5). We choose to write out all numerical values with one decimal. The complete program is found in the file ball_trajectory.py:

g =



# m/s**2




# km/h

theta = 60

# degrees

x =



# m




# m

print """\

v0 = %.1f km/h theta = %d degrees y0 = %.1f m

x= %.1f m\

""" % (v0, theta, y0, x)

from math import pi, tan, cos

# convert v0 to m/s and theta to radians: v0 = v0/3.6

theta = theta*pi/180

y = x*tan(theta) - 1/(2*v0**2)*g*x**2/((cos(theta))**2) + y0

print ’y

= %.1f m’ % y

The backslash in the triple-quoted multi-line string makes the string continue on the next line without a newline. This means that removing the backslash results in a blank line above the v0 line and a blank line between the x and y lines in the output on the screen. Another point to mention is the expression 1/(2*v0**2), which might seem as a candidate for unintended integer division. However, the conversion of v0 to m/s involves a division by 3.6, which results in v0 being float, and therefore 2*v0**2 being float. The rest of the program should be self-explanatory at this stage in the book.

We can execute the program in IPython or an ordinary terminal window and watch the output:


ball_trajectory.py v0 = 15.0 km/h theta = 60 degrees y0 = 1.0 m

x = 0.5 m

y= 0.7 m

1.7.3 About Typesetting Conventions in This Book

This version of the book applies di erent design elements for di erent types of “computer text”. Complete programs and parts of programs (snippets) are typeset with a light blue background. A snippet looks like this:


1 Computing with Formulas



a = sqrt(4*p + c)

print ’a =’, a

A complete program has an additional vertical line to the left:

C = 21

F = (9.0/5)*C + 32 print F

As a reader of this book, you may wonder if a code shown is a complete program you can try out or if it is just a part of a program (a snippet) so that you need to add surrounding statements (e.g., import statements) to try the code out yourself. The appearance of a vertical line to the left or not will then quickly tell you what type of code you see.

An interactive Python session is typeset as

>>>from math import *

>>>p = 1; c = -1.5

>>>a = sqrt(4*p + c)

Running a program, say ball_yc.py, in the terminal window, followed by some possible output is typeset as27



At t=0.0417064 s and 0.977662 s, the height is 0.2 m.

Sometimes just the output from a program is shown, and this output appears as plain “computer text”:

h = 0.2

order=0, error=0.221403 order=1, error=0.0214028 order=2, error=0.00140276 order=3, error=6.94248e-05 order=4, error=2.75816e-06

Files containing data are shown in a similar way in this book:





























1.8 Exercises

What Does It Mean to Solve an Exercise?

The solution to most of the exercises in this book is a Python program. To produce the solution, you first need understand the problem and

27Recall from Chapter 1.5.3 that we just write the program name. A real execution demands prefixing the program name by python in a DOS/Unix terminal window, or by run if you run the program from an interactive IPython session. We refer to Appendix E.1 for more complete information on running Python programs in di erent ways.

1.8 Exercises




what the program is supposed to do, and then you need to understand how to translate the problem description into a series of Python statements. Equally important is the verification (testing) of the program. A complete solution to a programming exercises therefore consists of two parts: the program text and a demonstration that the program works correctly. Some simple programs, like the ones in the first two exercises below, have so simple output that the verification can just be to run the program and record the output.

In cases where the correctness of the output is not obvious, it is necessary to provide information together with the output to “prove” that the result is correct. This can be a calculation done separately on a calculator, or one can apply the program to a special simple test with known results. The requirement is to provide evidence that the program works as intended.

The sample run of the program to check its correctness can be inserted at the end of the program as a triple-quoted string28. The contents of the string can be text from the run in the terminal window, cut and pasted to the program file by the aid of the mouse. Alternatively, one can run the program and direct the output to a file29:


Unix/DOS> python myprogram.py > result

Afterwards, use the editor to insert the file result inside the string. As an example, suppose we are to write a program for converting

Fahrenheit degrees to Celsius. The solution process can be divided into three steps:

1.Establish the mathematics to be implemented: solving (1.2) with respect to C gives the conversion formula

C= 59 (F − 32) .

2.Coding of the formula in Python: C = (5.0/9)*(F - 32)

3.Establish a test case: from the c2f.py program in Chapter 1.3.3 we know that C = 21 corresponds to F = 69.8. We can therefore, in our new program, set F = 69.8 and check that C = 21. The output from a run can be appended as a triple quoted string at the end of the program.

28Alternatively, the output lines can be inserted as comments, but using a multi-line string requires less typing. (Technically, a string object is created, but not assigned to any name or used for anything in the program – but for a human the text in the string contains useful information.)

29The redirection to files does not work if the program is run inside IPython. In a DOS terminal window you may also choose to redirect output to a file, because cut and paste between the DOS window and the program window does not work by default unless you right-click the top bar, choose Properties and tick o Quick Edit Mode.


1 Computing with Formulas



An appropriate complete solution to the exercise is then

# Convert from Fahrenheit degrees to Celsius degrees: F = 69.8

C = (5.0/9)*(F - 32) print C


Sample run: python f2c.py 21.0


Another way of documenting the output from your own program is to use the pyreport program, which formats the code nicely and inserts the result of all output from the program in the resulting report. Applying pyreport to the f2c.py program is very simple:


Unix/DOS> pyreport f2c.py

The result is a file f2c.pdf which you can print. Figure 1.5 displays what the printed file looks like. You can also generate a web page instead of a PDF file30:


Unix/DOS> pyreport -t html f2c.py

The result now is a file f2c.html which you can load into a web browser. The pyreport program can do much more than shown in Figure 1.5. For example, mathematical formulas and graphics can easily be inserted in the resulting document31.









F = 69




C = (5

.0/9)*(F - 32)



p r i n t











Fig. 1.5 Output from pyreport.

Exercise 1.1. Compute 1+1.

The first exercise concerns some basic mathematics: Write a Python program for printing the result of 1+1. Name of program file:


30The -t option specifies the output file type, which here is html – the common language in web pages. By default, the output from pyreport is PDF. Many other formats and options are possible, just write pyreport to see the possibilities.

31You can search for “pyreport” on google – the first hit leads you to a description of the program.

1.8 Exercises




Exercise 1.2. Write a “Hello, World!” program.

Almost all books about programming languages start with a very simple program that prints the text “Hello, World!” to the screen. Make such a program in Python. Name of program file: hello_world.py.

Exercise 1.3. Convert from meters to British length units.

Make a program where you set a length given in meters and then compute and write out the corresponding length measured in inches, in feet, in yards, and in miles. Use that one inch is 2.54 cm, one foot is 12 inches, one yard is 3 feet, and one British mile is 1760 yards. As a verification, a length of 640 meters corresponds to 25196.85 inches, 2099.74 feet, 699.91 yards, or 0.3977 miles. Name of program file: length_conversion.py.

Exercise 1.4. Compute the mass of various substances.

The density of a substance is defined as = m/V , where m is the mass of a volume V . Compute and print out the mass of one liter of each of the following substances whose densities in g/cm3 are found in the file src/files/densities.dat: iron, air, gasoline, ice, the human body, silver, and platinum: 21.4. Name of program file: 1liter.py.

Exercise 1.5. Compute the growth of money in a bank.

Let p be a bank’s interest rate in percent per year. An initial amount

A has then grown to

A 1 + 100p n

after n years. Make a program for computing how much money 1000 euros have grown to after three years with 5% interest rate. Name of program file: interest_rate.py.

Exercise 1.6. Find error(s) in a program.

Suppose somebody has written a simple one-line program for computing sin(1):

x=1; print ’sin(%g)=%g’ % (x, sin(x))

Type in this program and try to run it. What is the problem?

Exercise 1.7. Type in program text.

Type the following program in your editor and execute it. If your program does not work, check that you have copied the code correctly.

from math

import pi

h = 5.0

# height

b =


# base

r =


# radius

area_parallelogram = h*b

print ’The area of the parallelogram is %.3f’ % area_parallelogram

44 1 Computing with Formulas

area_square = b**2

print ’The area of the square is %g’ % area_square

area_circle = pi*r**2

print ’The area of the circle is %8.3f’ % area_circle

volume_cone = 1.0/3*pi*r**2*h

print ’The volume of the cone is %.3f’ % volume_cone

Name of program file: formulas_shapes.py.

Exercise 1.8. Type in programs and debug them.

Type these short programs in your editor and execute them. When they do not work, identify and correct the erroneous statements.

(a)Does sin2(x) + cos2(x) = 1?

from math import sin, cos x = pi/4

1_val = sin^2(x) + cos^2(x) print 1_VAL

Name of program file: sin2_plus_cos2.py

(b)Work with the expressions for movement with constant acceleration:

v0 = 3 m/s t = 1 s

a = 2 m/s**2

s = v0*t + 1/2 a*t**2 print s

Name of program file: acceleration.py

(c)Verify these equations:

(a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2

(a − b)2 = a2 − 2ab + b2

a = 3,3

b = 5,3


= a**2




= b**2



eq1_sum =


+ 2ab + b2

eq2_sum =


- 2ab + b2

eq1_pow =


+ b)**2

eq2_pow = (a

- b)**2

print ’First

equation: %g = %g’, % (eq1_sum, eq1_pow)

print ’Second equation: %h = %h’, % (eq2_pow, eq2_pow)





Name of program file: a_pm_b_sqr.py


Exercise 1.9. Evaluate a Gaussian function.


The bell-shaped Gaussian function,


1.8 Exercises




f (x) =








x − m













2π s









is one of the most widely used functions in science and technology32. The parameters m and s are real numbers, where s must be greater than zero. Make a program for evaluating this function when m = 0, s = 2, and x = 1. Verify the program’s result by comparing with hand calculations on a calculator. Name of program file:


Exercise 1.10. Compute the air resistance on a football.

The drag force, due to air resistance, on an object can be expressed


Fd =










where is the density of the air, V is the velocity of the object, A is the cross-sectional area (normal to the velocity direction), and CD is the drag coe cient, which depends heavily on the shape of the object and the roughness of the surface.

The gravity force on an object with mass m is Fg = mg, where g = 9.81m s−2.

Make a program that computes the drag force and the gravity force on an object. Write out the forces with one decimal in units of Newton (N = kg m/s2). Also print the ratio of the drag force and the gravity force. Define CD, , A, V , m, g, Fd, and Fg as variables, and put a comment with the corresponding unit.

As a computational example, you can initialize all variables with values relevant for a football kick. The density of air is = 1.2 kg m−3. For any ball, we have obviously that A = πa2, where a is the radius of the ball, which can be taken as 11 cm for a football. The mass of the ball is 0.43 kg. CD can be taken as 0.2.

Use the program to calculate the forces on the ball for a hard kick, V = 120 km/h and for a soft kick, V = 10 km/h (it is easy to mix

inconsistent units, so make sure you compute with V

expressed in

m/s). Name of program file: kick.py.


Exercise 1.11. Define objects in IPython.

Start ipython and give the following command, which will store the interactive session to a file mysession.log:

32The function is named after Carl Friedrich Gauss, 1777–1855, who was a German mathematician and scientist, now considered as one of the greatest scientists of all time. He contributed to many fields, including number theory, statistics, mathematical analysis, di erential geometry, geodesy, electrostatics, astronomy, and optics. Gauss introduced the function (1.6) when he analyzed probabilities related to astronomical data.